Thanks Mike & Lioness.

“Correlation does not equal causation”

That expression is in the same class as "Safe & Effective".

It isn't just lazy. It is a deliberate misdirect into a dead end. Much like 'Conspiracy Theorist'. A thought-terminating expression installed in minds through messaging and repetition over many years.

2 truths that lead to a conclusion: Those BH criteria were met ages ago. And authorities are still pushing the bioweapon.

One needs only ask themselves 'what is the nature of a system that will continue to kill and maim when the evidence of harm is incontrovertible?'

I think we know the answer to that question, uncomfortable as it is.

Question is, what do we do about it? Since the criteria for taking action have also been met.

We are in a war. And we are suffering losses daily. And we are told 'don't fight back'. Another element of the psyops, since every piece of messaging is overriding the instinct to self-preservation. That alone can break minds.


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Thank you for getting this article out there… The correlation/causation argument and Bradford Hill criteria are very vital! I knew this information was out there but I never had it right in front of me.


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All 10 Bradford Hill criteria for COVID vaccine causation of morbidity & mortality were fulfilled as of a year ago:


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The fact governments worldwide are still trying to hide data is the giveaway. If they were at all serious about proving the effectiveness of the vaccines* that's the first place they would go.

But they haven't -- because they know that the data will prove the opposite of what was sold to the public.

The fact that they are hiding anything, is all the info anyone should need.

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The Heavily Vaccinated

‘Still Wearing Masks

Have Gone Full Muppet.

They Are Plastic Muppets.

Act Accordingly.


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Thank you. God bless

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C.vaccines caused 15% increased mortality of vaccinated part of population on this globe https://www.primescholars.com/articles/forgotten-primum-non-nocere-and-increased-mortality-after--covid19-vaccination.pdf

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In a September 18, 2021, interview with Jean Pierre Kiekens on Rumble, in the Covexit podcast, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., who holds degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry (her specific bio is: BSc in Applied Mathematics and completed her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She completed her PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University and then did her first Post Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Molecular Biology) discussed what the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data tell us about the safety of the COVID shots. Rose covers issues such as the magnitude of the side effects compared to other vaccination programs, the problem of under-reporting, and how causality can be assessed using the Bradford Hill Criteria. You can find a PDF of the slide show that Rose presents here. https://covexit.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/slides_Dr_Rose_talk.pdfHere’s a summary of some of the key points made in this interview:

Between 2011 and 2020, the number of VAERS reports ranged between 25,408 and 49,412 for all vaccines. In 2021, with the rollout of the COVID shots, the number of VAERS reports have shot up to 521,667, as of September 3, 2021, for the COVID shots alone.

Between 2011 and 2020, the total number of deaths reported to VAERS ranged between 120 and 183. In 2021, as of September 3, the reported death toll had shot up to 7,662.

Cardiovascular, neurological and immunological adverse events are all being reported at rates never before seen.

The estimated under-reporting factor (URF) is 31. Using this URF, the death toll from COVID shots is calculated to be 205,809 as of August 27, 2021; Bell’s palsy 81,747; herpes zoster infection 149,017; paresthesia 305,660; breakthrough COVID 365,955; myalgia 528,457; life threatening events 230,113; permanent disabilities 212,691; birth defects 7,998.

If there’s no causal relationship between the shots and adverse events, we would expect side effects to occur at any given point between the vaccination date and symptom onset. This is not what we’re seeing. Death, for example, dramatically spikes within the first few days post-injection, and rapidly falls off after day 10. The Bradford Hill Criteria for causation are all satisfied. This includes but is not limited to strength of effect size, reproducibility, specificity, temporality, dose-response relationship, plausibility, coherence and reversibility.

Rose says her analysis of VAERS that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021. Another video of Rose comparing Covid data to previous vaccines here: Dr. Jessica Rose Compares VAERS Covid-19 Vaccine Data to Previous Vaccines - Original Rebel https://originalrebel.net/2021/09/23/dr-jessica-rose-compares-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-data-to-previous-vaccines/

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Peter McCullough points out that in any given year, ~ 150 deaths following vaccination are reported to VAERS, out of ~278 million vaccine doses. Early on in the Covid shot regime, there had been 182 deaths at a when only 27 million doses had been administered. Right there, that should have given pause. At end of December, 2021, even VAERS, which notoriously under reports, there was research stating 86% of cases had no other explanation for the death other than the COVID shot. It is true that association does not mean causality, but there’s this little thing called Bradford Hill criteria for causality. McCullough notes those criteria are indeed met. "We've fulfilled what's called the Bradford Hill criteria for causality," McCullough says. In other words, we have evidence that the injuries and deaths are not accidental. Of course, for his truth telling, the Marxist medical boards stripped McCullough of his medical credentials in late 2022!

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Thank you.

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