Well, the Nobel Prize was awarded to scrub the crime scene of the blood that will not be washed away so easily.... and to sell boosters..... https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1708831582864236555?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Dr. Yeadon, you are an indispensable, brilliant and courageous hero. A vocal, unstoppable, truth-speaking hero.

You are more valuable to us than even you may understand.

But we know this.

Thank you.

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Great interview !! The jabs are a Bioweapon to depopulate. Watching people suffer or dropping dead is horrific. Keep talking to one other , stand up, say something, you may save someone’s life !

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First article noted positive correlation between vaginal bleeding and the jab ! https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg1391

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Does anyone here know how I can get a message to Dr. Mike?

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