It seems that there were some misinterpreted tests. According to Seftel however, "12.5% of all those who refused fluvoxamine ended up hospitalized and one died. In the group that did take fluvoxamine, none of them were hospitalized." A real miracle cure.. So I'm not sure what happened here. Opinions welcome.
What treatment, if any, did those who died receive? .. Did they take remdesivir or other medication known to cause multiple organ failure (and when the kidneys fail, the lungs fill, presenting as Covid). Were they put on respirators, known to be contraindicative to Covid. …
Btw there’s NY Supreme Court case that I read some of the court transcripts and it was upheld viruses don’t make us sick. It was from the case where the FDA took Dr Sebi (Alfred Bowman) to court, for using the word “cure”, in relation to nine different diseases he was claiming to cure, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anaemia.
Curiously the inventor died 2 months before they implemented the PCR tests as sacred truth at the onset of the Covid scam. There is no mention of the possibility that it's a good genetic info gathering tool, and the swabs could perhaps contain graphene oxyde or some other poopoo. They could have easily taken saliva samples instead of the "dangerous" procedure of the swab insertion also.
Thank you Dr Yeadon! What Did dr Mullis make the pcr test for specifically? Seems like he knew that they were going to misuse it before he even died. These people are pure evil. I do believe they somehow got rid of him right before they unleashed the bio weapon they call Covid 19. I wonder if he knew his life was in danger when he made that video. When I see people still wearing masks I just want to scream! How to wake up people so this can’t happen again!
one theory from Dr Ardis is the fact of the effect of venoms - seizes the diagphragm of snakes prey bitten and they can't breathe, used of course to weaken it's prey to make consumption easier.
it has been very widely proven now across many studies done on findings of samples taken from deceased c19 victims (vaxxed)..that of synthetic toxin venoms exactly same as found in a whole range of some of the deadliest toxins/venoms of countless snakes, spiders, starfish, cobras and sea snail conotoxins, etc.
also absolutely too from the blood clotting and clumping of red blood cells - again, where that is a direct effect of snake venom action, and is also caused by emf effect, 4G 5G, which we are all drowning in especially in cities and built-up areas
"Fear and anxiety of contracting Covid is taking a toll on otherwise healthy people. According to the Ahmedabad Medical Association, anxiety can have a serious impact on oxygen levels in the body. Several cases have been reported where healthy people rush to doctors after finding their oxygen levels low only to find that they have not been infected by the coronavirus.
According to Dr Prashant Bhimani, senior consultant psychologist, “Any person who constantly thinks, watches or discusses about Covid-19 and its symptoms feels a sense of insecurity. They experience tremendous mental stress. This is a type of anxiety disorder. In such cases, the oxygen level falls drastically. That’s why pre-Covid and post-Covid people should stay positive. Negative people and pseudo information should be avoided.”
See Dr Ardis' finds. It's worth looking into his theory of venom peptides, as snake and other venoms actually cover all of the sympoms of Cov and the shots.
If the tests for covid were bringing about false-positives left and right, it makes you wonder what other medical tests out there are doing the same thing.
I’ve been reading a book about statins. Lipitor by Pfizer is another drug that will slowly kill you! My eyes have been opened. They even have lowered the cholesterol count they want people to have now so they can give it to just about everyone. Sad thing is cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerosis. You need cholesterol! Inflammation in your body is what causes arteriosclerosis and it just so happens statins can bring down inflammation. I was strong armed into going on Lipitor and then I started having muscle problems. Even though I stopped the statins I still have muscle problems. Of course the bad side effects of statins has been quietly hidden so the drug lords can make more money while the people that are on it slowly get sicker and sicker! We all need to get off the drug merry go round. Take control of our own bodies. Supplement because they have destroyed our foods too and our bodies have been depleted of all the vitamins and minerals that keep the body functioning smoothly. Sadly the doctors today never read any of the literature that comes out about these vaccines and drugs. If u have a doctor that does you are very fortunate.
PCR tests are useful to detect dinosaur DNA fragments in fossils. That's it. Not real, live dinosaurs. Never a diagnostic tool as used, one and done.
That said, I will concede that PCR tests when applied as multiple testing regimen *could* be useful in a diagnostic capacity, as several Nordic nations did. Two or more tests, 6-8 hours apart. Testing for evidence of increased presence of the matter being tested for. PCR cycles are magnification levels. Lower magnification means more of it present to detect, higher magnification means less of it present to detect. If the first positive test result is found at a lower or higher magnification level one could infer that matter is present in higher or lower amounts. So if the first test becomes positive at 36 cycles but the subsequent tests become positive at 32 or 28 cycles one could infer that infection is present, more of that matter is in the body. Or if the first test becomes positive at 28 cycles but the subsequent tests become positive at 36 cycles that means less of that matter is in the body, infection or noninfectious debris, fragments are being successfully cleared, resolved.
Under that type of testing regimen PCR tests could be a useful medical tool, satisfying the one of the multiple-part requirements needed to be met under the traditional definition of infection, both presence and replication of the pathogen. One part alone, presence, is insufficient to diagnose infection. That last breathe of air you took in probably had some black plague fossilized fragments in it, detectable under high enough magnification doesn't mean you're infected with black plague. Presence alone is meaningless - unless you're searching for dinosaur DNA in a fossil.
I heard of that!!??? wow.... they were out on a rampage weren't they? made sure about all of us would be contaminated and ultimately trackable... (hackable animals?).
Mullis said that by using certain protocols for the PCR test, scientists can come up with results they want, stating "…with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody" and “PCR is a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it like it’s important.” See here for full story on Nobel Prize winner Mullis on this. Basically, the test is non-quantitative – it cannot tell you how much of Covid is in you. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains the PCR test is very, very detailed and scientific manner here, starting at the 19 min. mark. The PCR test used as a diagnostic tool is problematic, as shown in the Corman-Drosten review, headed by former Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Eaton. The test was developed before a viral isolate was available, by the way. On top of that, health agencies instructed labs to use excessive amplification cycles, known to result in massive numbers of false positives. The Poog has a good summary, with a video of Kary Mullis himself, at, stating “with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick… and the measurement for it is not exact.” Unfortunately, they still haven’t been able to find all those fake votes for Biden. Another site discussing the uselessness of the PCR test, which cannot differentiate between coronaviruses, is here.
The late Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the invention of the PCR test, had this to say about its use and Fauci: “The PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. Those guys have got an agenda which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They have a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go; they change them when they want to. And they (are smug)—like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.” ZeroHedge told us “His (Mullis’) test was misused by Fauci and his financially motivated cohorts to create a global casedemic, by measuring at greater than 35/40 cycles, creating the illusion of a pandemic by producing a huge number of false positives. As CNN and the rest of the propaganda spewing media outlets provided second by second case counts to frighten the masses into lockdown and mask compliance, only a tiny fraction of these cases were actual sicknesses. There were critical thinking, rational medical professionals, journalists, and bloggers who argued the test was not accurately measuring the level of sickness in the world. The corporate media gave them no platform to speak, and the social media Big Brother entities censored and banned any discussion about the worthlessness of the PCR test and the level of false positives. If the test had been conducted at 28 cycles, it would have ruined their agenda of removing Trump, destroying the economy, frightening the sheep into mass compliance, and furthering their Build Back Better New World Order. The moment Biden was installed as president, the guidance from the CDC on the PCR test was reduced from 35/40 to 28 cycles. They needed the case counts to drop to make it look like the vaccine was working. There was a narrative to peddle to the plebs.” Of course, in July, the PCR was determined to be…. um… shall we say “invalid,” and pulled. Ooops. Of course, Fauci and his band of merry medical incompetents didn’t even blink an eye or admit their devastatingly disastrous mistake of using a faulty test to shut down the entire planet. As ZeroHedge concludes, “if the PCR test is entirely useless, according to the FDA, the surge in “cases” proclaimed by the politicians and compliant media mouthpieces, is a worthless data point and means nothing. What we do know is the entire U.S. is experiencing about 250 deaths per day “with” covid and the vast majority are over 80 with five co-morbidities. This is 93% below the January peak, 60% below the level in May, and 20% below the level in June. For some perspective, 400 people die each day from strokes and 1,650 die each day from cancer in the U.S. This fading faux pandemic is a nothing burger, with a side of fear mongering, and a dessert of permanent lockdowns.” Of course, this is the same Fauci, whom Jim Rickards says “He’s heavily conflicted because he owns patents on inputs to the vaccines” (see Aug. 3, 2021 article Stop the Lies.
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler did a review of the whole idiocy behind the PCR test in his October, 2022 article, Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Fatal Flaw in PCR Testing: 42% False Positive Rate for SARS-CoV-2 nonQ-RT-PCR Test. This means COVID-19 Vaccine Outcomes Rate Data are Unreliable and Invalid
Great re-post, very important - thank you!
I'm researching a Fluvoxamine study in California. At the Golden Gate Fields horse tracks, Dr. David Seftel four cases of COVID were initially reported.
So they tested 500 people. 200 of them came back "positive." 95% of those who tested positive had no symptoms.
It seems that there were some misinterpreted tests. According to Seftel however, "12.5% of all those who refused fluvoxamine ended up hospitalized and one died. In the group that did take fluvoxamine, none of them were hospitalized." A real miracle cure.. So I'm not sure what happened here. Opinions welcome.
What treatment, if any, did those who died receive? .. Did they take remdesivir or other medication known to cause multiple organ failure (and when the kidneys fail, the lungs fill, presenting as Covid). Were they put on respirators, known to be contraindicative to Covid. …
Btw there’s NY Supreme Court case that I read some of the court transcripts and it was upheld viruses don’t make us sick. It was from the case where the FDA took Dr Sebi (Alfred Bowman) to court, for using the word “cure”, in relation to nine different diseases he was claiming to cure, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anaemia.
BTW, there is no SARS-COV-2 'virus'..
There never was one.
Watch 'The end of COVID' series, it's a life-changer:
Curiously the inventor died 2 months before they implemented the PCR tests as sacred truth at the onset of the Covid scam. There is no mention of the possibility that it's a good genetic info gathering tool, and the swabs could perhaps contain graphene oxyde or some other poopoo. They could have easily taken saliva samples instead of the "dangerous" procedure of the swab insertion also.
PCR looking for made up sequences, for a non-existent 'virus'
That sums it well
So many layers to the fear porn ...we need to stand up , resist . Thank you Dr. Yeadon and Lioness ...true warriors. 🌞🤗🙏
🙏 ❤️
2021? I think they kept Yeadon totally censored in Canada till spring 2022. Never heard of the guy till then.
Thank you Dr Yeadon! What Did dr Mullis make the pcr test for specifically? Seems like he knew that they were going to misuse it before he even died. These people are pure evil. I do believe they somehow got rid of him right before they unleashed the bio weapon they call Covid 19. I wonder if he knew his life was in danger when he made that video. When I see people still wearing masks I just want to scream! How to wake up people so this can’t happen again!
What then causes blood oxygen levels to fall to fatal levels?
one theory from Dr Ardis is the fact of the effect of venoms - seizes the diagphragm of snakes prey bitten and they can't breathe, used of course to weaken it's prey to make consumption easier.
it has been very widely proven now across many studies done on findings of samples taken from deceased c19 victims (vaxxed)..that of synthetic toxin venoms exactly same as found in a whole range of some of the deadliest toxins/venoms of countless snakes, spiders, starfish, cobras and sea snail conotoxins, etc.
also absolutely too from the blood clotting and clumping of red blood cells - again, where that is a direct effect of snake venom action, and is also caused by emf effect, 4G 5G, which we are all drowning in especially in cities and built-up areas
"Fear and anxiety of contracting Covid is taking a toll on otherwise healthy people. According to the Ahmedabad Medical Association, anxiety can have a serious impact on oxygen levels in the body. Several cases have been reported where healthy people rush to doctors after finding their oxygen levels low only to find that they have not been infected by the coronavirus.
According to Dr Prashant Bhimani, senior consultant psychologist, “Any person who constantly thinks, watches or discusses about Covid-19 and its symptoms feels a sense of insecurity. They experience tremendous mental stress. This is a type of anxiety disorder. In such cases, the oxygen level falls drastically. That’s why pre-Covid and post-Covid people should stay positive. Negative people and pseudo information should be avoided.”
platelet clumping (rouleaux resulting from the c19/ toxin) may cause inaccurate low oxygen reading in extremities (fingers) due to micro clots…
…many have been speculating on the toxin initially distributed to mimic a pandemic ranging from deployment of 5G to airborne toxins, etc.
See Dr Ardis' finds. It's worth looking into his theory of venom peptides, as snake and other venoms actually cover all of the sympoms of Cov and the shots.
If the tests for covid were bringing about false-positives left and right, it makes you wonder what other medical tests out there are doing the same thing.
"You have a problem, here's our solution"
I’ve been reading a book about statins. Lipitor by Pfizer is another drug that will slowly kill you! My eyes have been opened. They even have lowered the cholesterol count they want people to have now so they can give it to just about everyone. Sad thing is cholesterol has nothing to do with arteriosclerosis. You need cholesterol! Inflammation in your body is what causes arteriosclerosis and it just so happens statins can bring down inflammation. I was strong armed into going on Lipitor and then I started having muscle problems. Even though I stopped the statins I still have muscle problems. Of course the bad side effects of statins has been quietly hidden so the drug lords can make more money while the people that are on it slowly get sicker and sicker! We all need to get off the drug merry go round. Take control of our own bodies. Supplement because they have destroyed our foods too and our bodies have been depleted of all the vitamins and minerals that keep the body functioning smoothly. Sadly the doctors today never read any of the literature that comes out about these vaccines and drugs. If u have a doctor that does you are very fortunate.
My active senior dad had one of his leg muscles atrophy after taking statins so he stopped taking them.
Agreed. I hear about muscle issues alot from those that took statins.
PCR tests are useful to detect dinosaur DNA fragments in fossils. That's it. Not real, live dinosaurs. Never a diagnostic tool as used, one and done.
That said, I will concede that PCR tests when applied as multiple testing regimen *could* be useful in a diagnostic capacity, as several Nordic nations did. Two or more tests, 6-8 hours apart. Testing for evidence of increased presence of the matter being tested for. PCR cycles are magnification levels. Lower magnification means more of it present to detect, higher magnification means less of it present to detect. If the first positive test result is found at a lower or higher magnification level one could infer that matter is present in higher or lower amounts. So if the first test becomes positive at 36 cycles but the subsequent tests become positive at 32 or 28 cycles one could infer that infection is present, more of that matter is in the body. Or if the first test becomes positive at 28 cycles but the subsequent tests become positive at 36 cycles that means less of that matter is in the body, infection or noninfectious debris, fragments are being successfully cleared, resolved.
Under that type of testing regimen PCR tests could be a useful medical tool, satisfying the one of the multiple-part requirements needed to be met under the traditional definition of infection, both presence and replication of the pathogen. One part alone, presence, is insufficient to diagnose infection. That last breathe of air you took in probably had some black plague fossilized fragments in it, detectable under high enough magnification doesn't mean you're infected with black plague. Presence alone is meaningless - unless you're searching for dinosaur DNA in a fossil.
I heard from Dr Ardis PCR test were used to detect venoms also.... Hummmm....
they also have found the NANO HYDROGEL in them, the rapid tests and the masks too
I heard of that!!??? wow.... they were out on a rampage weren't they? made sure about all of us would be contaminated and ultimately trackable... (hackable animals?).
not me i am willing all the nano junk that may be inside me to blow up.
They can detect pretty much anything they are set to look for.
"They can detect pretty much anything they are set to look for."
The "test" is especially good at finding a particular imaginary virus, I've heard.
Even good at finding one of the dozens of imaginary viruses they call the common cold.
Great to meet you, Freedom Fox.
Mullis said that by using certain protocols for the PCR test, scientists can come up with results they want, stating "…with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody" and “PCR is a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it like it’s important.” See here for full story on Nobel Prize winner Mullis on this. Basically, the test is non-quantitative – it cannot tell you how much of Covid is in you. Dr. Judy Mikovits explains the PCR test is very, very detailed and scientific manner here, starting at the 19 min. mark. The PCR test used as a diagnostic tool is problematic, as shown in the Corman-Drosten review, headed by former Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Eaton. The test was developed before a viral isolate was available, by the way. On top of that, health agencies instructed labs to use excessive amplification cycles, known to result in massive numbers of false positives. The Poog has a good summary, with a video of Kary Mullis himself, at, stating “with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick… and the measurement for it is not exact.” Unfortunately, they still haven’t been able to find all those fake votes for Biden. Another site discussing the uselessness of the PCR test, which cannot differentiate between coronaviruses, is here.
The late Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the invention of the PCR test, had this to say about its use and Fauci: “The PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. Those guys have got an agenda which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They have a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go; they change them when they want to. And they (are smug)—like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.” ZeroHedge told us “His (Mullis’) test was misused by Fauci and his financially motivated cohorts to create a global casedemic, by measuring at greater than 35/40 cycles, creating the illusion of a pandemic by producing a huge number of false positives. As CNN and the rest of the propaganda spewing media outlets provided second by second case counts to frighten the masses into lockdown and mask compliance, only a tiny fraction of these cases were actual sicknesses. There were critical thinking, rational medical professionals, journalists, and bloggers who argued the test was not accurately measuring the level of sickness in the world. The corporate media gave them no platform to speak, and the social media Big Brother entities censored and banned any discussion about the worthlessness of the PCR test and the level of false positives. If the test had been conducted at 28 cycles, it would have ruined their agenda of removing Trump, destroying the economy, frightening the sheep into mass compliance, and furthering their Build Back Better New World Order. The moment Biden was installed as president, the guidance from the CDC on the PCR test was reduced from 35/40 to 28 cycles. They needed the case counts to drop to make it look like the vaccine was working. There was a narrative to peddle to the plebs.” Of course, in July, the PCR was determined to be…. um… shall we say “invalid,” and pulled. Ooops. Of course, Fauci and his band of merry medical incompetents didn’t even blink an eye or admit their devastatingly disastrous mistake of using a faulty test to shut down the entire planet. As ZeroHedge concludes, “if the PCR test is entirely useless, according to the FDA, the surge in “cases” proclaimed by the politicians and compliant media mouthpieces, is a worthless data point and means nothing. What we do know is the entire U.S. is experiencing about 250 deaths per day “with” covid and the vast majority are over 80 with five co-morbidities. This is 93% below the January peak, 60% below the level in May, and 20% below the level in June. For some perspective, 400 people die each day from strokes and 1,650 die each day from cancer in the U.S. This fading faux pandemic is a nothing burger, with a side of fear mongering, and a dessert of permanent lockdowns.” Of course, this is the same Fauci, whom Jim Rickards says “He’s heavily conflicted because he owns patents on inputs to the vaccines” (see Aug. 3, 2021 article Stop the Lies.
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler did a review of the whole idiocy behind the PCR test in his October, 2022 article, Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Fatal Flaw in PCR Testing: 42% False Positive Rate for SARS-CoV-2 nonQ-RT-PCR Test. This means COVID-19 Vaccine Outcomes Rate Data are Unreliable and Invalid
Yep! Why do you think Mullins conveniently died right before the Plandemic was put in motion in Sept 2019?
I thought it was later than that. Thank you for the precision. Strange isn'it?
You’re welcome. And Strange is one way of putting it. There are no coincidences though. Only providence. I read that in a book somewhere.😉
And ‘that book’ is the ONLY one that matters. Especially in the times in which we now find ourselves.
This Book has been quite the comfort to me lately and I have ruled out all other sources which claim to have truth.