The only truth is maiming and depopulation

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Richard Rothschild filed the covid-19 test kit patent application in late 2015. We did not officially give Sarscov2 that name until mid-2020! How does the name Covid-19 appear on a patent application filed in 2015 & published in 2019 if the name Covid-19 did not exist until mid-2020! This was all part of a plan that was put into motion in late 2015. Now what happened around that time that could have possibly caused the unseen powers that be to implement their plan. I think they saw what the American people were about to do and they felt they needed to do something. Just my opinion.

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It would be great if we could get enough like-minded people together led by like-minded legal professionals and launch a class action lawsuit against our respective local authorities 🤔

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No you're still immersing yourself into their system, filling your head with their concepts and agendas. We need to go a totally new way. But we do have to get together to do that and we all decide together after proposals are put on the table which everyone can see.

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I agree that the system in general is screwed such as the political, economic and the centralisation of this system. It should be decentralised. And we certainly need a new economic system and we could all do without the current 2 cheeks of the same arse sell out political system!!

But the foundation of the legal system, constitutions and oaths is solid and sound because they're rooted in moral absolutism ie Laws of God. It's the evil people within the system who no longer adhere to the Laws of God who have turned the system into a cesspool. I believe that we can still beat the evil Eugenicists and Satanists because they're acting in violation of their own system! All we need to do is find the good honourable legal professionals such as Philipp Kruse, and use their own system against them. Another, simpler and quicker, way to win is mass non compliance !! If enough people can find the courage to not comply with their laws and policies that are based on fraud and deceptions and have no justification and violate the Laws of God and religious beliefs, then we, the people, can win anytime 🙏 But the problem is that most people fear evil man more than they fear God!! What a great shame

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And the Governors who are going along with the fake bird flu BS are part of the tyranny. The CO Gov. has just killed another huge number of chickens, for NO reason. There is NO threat of "bird flu" to chickens or people.

It's all about controlling and destroying our food supply, and instilling fear into an ignorant population to push more vaccines.

Global tyranny.

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Why do the constituents still pay taxes?

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It's not even about vaccines- they are just a counter(control)measure.😉

It's pure power solidification, ready for the final programming as outlined in per the preprogrammed Brave new World.😉

With some minor character adjustments.😉🤐🤦‍♀️

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Dr Yeadon I so appreciate you and your honesty and I think you want the kind of world I want to live in. I'd like to ask for an hour of your time to present to you an architecutre for alternatives we can start moving on right now as we step out of this vile, hiddeous world int othe new world of empathy and ethics. I await your response. I know you are a busy man but I really think you will see the essence of this architecture.

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Dr Yeadon 😉💯👍👏👏👏 Top of the class. Katherine would be proud.

People will need to fight like they've never caught before. Going to make civil rights, apartheid, every bloody major revolution of our history look like a garden party.😐

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Evil Versus Team Humanity! May God Bless You & Your Efforts during these Dark Times 🙏

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

1) reduced graphene oxide found in 2019 Chinese flu jab

2) the "flu jabs" caused massive amounts of injuries and death in late 2019 & early 2020 in China

3) these deaths were then broadcast all over the world to dupe people into thinking there was some crazy new "virus" on the loose.

4) Chinese deaths used to fear monger people into taking Rothschild patented swab tests laced with more rGO.

5) these swab tests had just enough graphene oxide on them to cause weird flu-like symptoms and loss of senses.

6) illnesses from the swab tests were used to dupe half the world into taking multiple injections of toxic gene therapy chemicals and reduced graphene oxide. One big viscous circle, I believe those 2019 Chinese flu jabs were actually the Covid-19 jabs.

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I keep forgetting the swab testing another way to poison people by innocently telling them you’re helping and why up the nose soo far? Not a cheek swab?

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When was the last time the CCP allowed any videos out on their internet that had the chance of making them look bad? Richard Rothschild filed the covid-19 test kit patent application in late 2015. It was granted & published in March of 2019, nearly a full year before we officially gave sarscov2 the name Covid-19. The name Covid-19 did not officially exist in 2015 or 2019, so how then is the name Covid-19 all over the patent application? Covid-19 the name, did not exist until mid-2020!

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Dear Humanity, if anyone claims you need a Bird Flu Vaccine on the mRNA platform, it's dangerous and they are lying.

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What is the motive for all this theater?

How come every government is on the same page as whatever the US and the UK do first? This is unprecedented...

It took months, if not years, to convince most of world superpowers to go against Hitler and nazi Germany during WW2. Covid-19 was different. 99.9% of world leaders read from the same notes almost on the same day and followed the 2 leaders, as if blindly...

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Nobody knows the motive…yet… it is becoming clear everyday….

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It seems as if the greatest political life lesson has NOT been learned by the vast majority of the people. That lesson is: The greatest enemy of the people is the people’s very own governments.

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''It’s time to call out their criminal behaviour and tell them to do one.''

PLEASE ALL see my exclusive substack on Scottish COVID inquiry and use this to wake up others.

The ''medical freedom'' movement are ignoring all of this. After some dogged emails i got John Campbell to cover it.



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“People who do this aren’t going to stop doing it.”

And the one’s helping directly or indirectly aren’t either. The money, power and influence is like a drug which they are all addicted to.

That’s my simplistic takeaway of it all.

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It's too bad Watt continually dances around the issue of there being no "covid" health threat to begin with, and hence no basis for any emergency framework. She continues making unsubstantiated claims about how supposed pathogens and "immune systems" behave, and refuses to look at the problems with virology or the hundreds of legal confessions from 40 countries showing that health/science institutions have no valid evidence of "the virus".

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Thank you Dr Yeadon.

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