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That's a good start after 3 or four years.

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This is from 2022

Dr. Michael Yeadon Concludes: “There Are No Respiratory Viruses”


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I also posted about "viruses" in 2022; here is the updated link:


The actual problem is not viruses, but the amount of power-grab by "authorities":


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The killer was the jab Bioweapon, not the contagion. It was all fear porn to beg for the jab . Thanks Dr. Yeadon.

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Those people will be the first in line to believe in the fake Christ, too late to realise they have picked the wrong one.

People are crowding en masse (worse than a crowd of football fanatics trying to get into the stadium) and the rear is moving forward and pushing those in front. Those behind can't see what is coming as they surge forward expecting to see something good, only the ones in front see the precipice a split second before they go over. Too late can't warn anyone else that is behind.

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I agree except I don't think the jab is a bioweapon. It's a chemical poison injection. Bioweapon is commononly thoight of as a weaponized natural or manmade contagion. As I believe Dr Yeadon pointed out contagion was not a factor in the culling because there's no such thing as contagious particles. They don't occur in nature and they can't be created in a lab. In the Art of War one of the tactics is to make your enemy think you are more powerful than you actually are.

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But what about the people that did not take the jab and did get very sick? My husband almost died..

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I took a quick look at your Substack Reads and see that you don't have any Terrain Theory/Therapy oriented sources. If you subscribe to Dr Sam Bailey's newsletter and website and actually study her and her husband's books, research papers and videos, you will learn what you need to figure out what happened to your husband and have the tools to determine the cause of and possible remedies for any dis-esae you may experience in the future. The theory of germs being the cause of dis-ease of any sort has been thoroughly refuted in the scientific literature.

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Hmm, I’ll take a look. Thank you.

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I looked and all the info is pretty much only offered for a fee sadly.

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You can subscribe to her Substack for free.

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Yes, but from what I saw, you can’t read it, unless you’re a paid subscriber. I think I’ll get a weekly newsletter though.

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Hola, jf.

A rich resource about this and more is virus truth at


They have significant Dr. Baily and much more. All free.

we are living the bhagavad-gita wedded to the great apocalypse! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Thank you

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Here are four videos by Sam at her website that I recommend to friends new to this subject. I'm able to access them without logging in so I believe you should be able to as well. Also, Jim Fetzer on Bitchute uploaded a two part recent interview with Dr Mark Bailey by Carrie Bigford of "Texans for Vaccine Choice." Those two links are also included here.







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A good source for this kind of information is Dr. Sam Bailey at https://www.youtube.com/@DrSamBailey. She and her husband are on other channels, too, but this should get you started.

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How about we start with NOT believing the people that want us dead…🤔

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I understand your logic. but I suspect TPTB will manufacture what they will call a “pandemic” based on phony statistics.

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Dr mike, I wrote to you on a substack you wrote last week. Hope you saw it. God bless you ❤️

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Indeed!!! Some of us have known the truth for decades and we were not early.

Your voice has been heard and disseminated. Thank you for the corroboration and service.

At this point the clueless shall and must remain clueless...

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Dr. Yeadon,

Please explain in brief WHAT it was. It was NOT the flu that a few if us had. Quite different. And it was similar to people in California, Arizona and Georgia. So what's the explanation. I don't believe it was " Covid". But it was something, other than flu. Different.

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No one got any damn thing initially, and they faked someone getting this C-19. I read and somewhere have a video of nurses stating the hospital corridors and wards were empty, no contagion here. So fear factor steps in - an loud cry goes out to the people - there's a contagion and if not halted it will be a pandemic. So many jumped headlong into it and got the first jab of the many that was to come.

Now when you get in to the info of what was contained in the initial jab, you are very likely to find certain items that are unnatural to the human body. Monkey virus (Simion virus.

[These were added over each vaccine Snake venom, spider venom, puffer fish venom, cobra venom and many others] Some people will react violently so you will become very ill and may even die. Others get flu like symptoms. Success the murderers decry, the 1st jab is not working so you will need another. In 2 weeks we should have this under control. All were suckers and went along with what these strangers were spouting as truth.

Now multiple jabs later - masses of people are dead, deformed, debilitated, all because they did not do the research but most of all they did NOT heed God who quietly said, NO!

When you first heard, did you have a slight flutter in the stomach that felt like I shouldn't do it? You should have taken note - that's Gods quiet way of talking.

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I never had any vax, but I was near death when I finally got to the hospital. I had pneumonia and clots in both lungs. It was something.

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Yes. I had it too, in spite of no vax. But it was right after the holidays with a house full of recently vax'd relatives, and most had recently had "Cov". My current thesis is that it was a toxin spread either thru water or geo-engineering. The toxin is/was venom-based. Venoms cause the weird symptoms that are not part of Flu. I had massive tachycardia, double pneumonia, loss of taste/smell, vertigo, and more.

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Think about when.. Many believe illness was from shedding from the recently jabbed or released. I know I was ill after being near recently jabbed. 2015 FDA Guidance on Shedding Studies was not done… on purpose. Even pfaker had warnings that jabbed men should not soon sleep with their pregnant wives for unknown risks.

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Unfortunately it shedding that has done this. Flesh touch, kissing, hugging, all are to pass on, and this is what they want - no contact with family and friends, isolation, eventually a mental dyfunction and death.

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These last 5 years have caused me to rethink much, and in 2022 I was fortunate to hear the loud cry of Revelation 14:6-7, and receive from the Holy Spirit insight and wisdom regarding what that loud cry meant. That was the beginning.

Praise be to God for allowing me to trust the Bible to be able to interpret itself through the promised help of the Holy Spirit.

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We all were victims of “shedding” is what your describing…what we all had that seemed different than just the regular flu was exactly that, a result of the vaccine one way or another…

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My relative is a nurse, she saw many in hospital with sickness 2020-2021.

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Have family in USA, UK NZ and Tasmania and many are in the medical profession. I have a photo of a hospital with the nurses standing around doing nothing. In it is a family member who said "what do we do now?" A video followed with showing the empty wards with only a few people in who had appendicitis, broken femur and leg pulled and stretched to align it using some frame and wires/ropes. Another was an hysterectomy, and a couple of children with broken bones and one with a nose bandage. ALL photos were adjusted so you didn't know too much or any facial features. ALL were also asked if it would be okay to take a photo of them but would show final video to be sent to all patients to see if okay.

So believe the hospitals were full if you wish, but I am listening to God when I read things and He subtly tells me if true or false. Like the 2019 BS on Convid, I got a very loud False.

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Think about when.. Many believe illness was from shedding from the recently jabbed or released. I know I was ill after being near recently jabbed. 2015 FDA Guidance on Shedding Studies was not done… on purpose. Even pfaker had warnings that jabbed men should not soon sleep with their pregnant wives for unknown risks.

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Yes, we were very sick, my husband almost died.

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I am totally done with people with cotton wool ball brains. No amount of proof sinks in, the damage to one's body, stating the Government/media are lying their heads off, the whole plan is is fear factor coupled with an idiot human who refuses to do the damn research.

I have heaps of proof over the last 5 years I've collected from all sources.

Take this one for example - person #1 is so ill and keeps falling over and can't get up without assistance. States no other vaccines will they have but I will keep up with Cvd19 though.

Sadly though, that person #1 is my overseas sister in law.

Her sibling (my beloved), told her straight, its the darn Cvd19 that has done this to you. She would not believe that was the case.

She stupidly asked my beloved "How are you going?" Silly woman - my beloved said "Great and I am really fit." (considering being older than the sister). Then added "I never got any of the poison jabbed in me that's why I am so fit."

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I got sick, and my family got sick. So many people got sick of COVID, and I thought that was the definition of a pandemic when we all got sick somehow, regardless of what type of virus or poison. What does the contagion mean, then? If it didn't happen, was it my imagination? I don't think so. Can someone please explain the definition of the pandemic and how it didn't happen? Thank you!

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The environment had not changed from my point of view. Those fish would have died and not healed themselves. I don't think this example explains the pandemic we have all suffered. I don't know if I missed something. Is this a no-spoon thing? Please, someone explain.

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Revelation 18:23. Also see my comment above ☝️. Many different types of vaxes shed and this increases spreading. Also we cannot discount fear, and heavy metals, and emfs exponentially increased with all those towers that were put up in 2020 which most ppl don’t even notice. Look up the danger and toxicity of each of those.

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For more information on this see virus truth


As to the 'plandenic'. As described in another comment it was a combination of or one of several toxins added to air/ food/ water to salt the mine.

It may be a jump to imagine that the planners who are killing us killed some to seed the fear and get people testing false positives. Nocebo and jabs and paid hospital protocols did the rest. In a early post yeadon describes this in some detail with evidence that the sick followed government administrative lines not air.

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Think about when.. Many believe illness was from shedding from the recently jabbed or released. I know I was ill after being near recently jabbed. 2015 FDA Guidance on Shedding Studies was not done… on purpose. Even pfaker had warnings that jabbed men should not soon sleep with their pregnant wives for unknown risks.

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Yes agree. My husband and I were very sick, no jabs taken. My husband almost died..

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These do not explain the sequencing of COVID-19 strains I have witnessed myself, including the antibodies produced from these pathogens. If all these are just smoke and mirrors, how can antibodies be made as a self-defence-proof mechanism designed by God? I’m not talking about the vaccines or shedding. This was even before those jabs in early 2021.

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Sorry to say but contagion does occur. I understand all about the covid psyops too but people do catch colds from others and I also believe that covid was not just a statistical thing but a manufactured pathogen that was itself troublesome, followed by the unnecessary and dangerous Jab.

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I notice that you are a doctor, but other doctors would disagree.

I used to believe that. I believed in viri, and that they caused disease that could be transmitted. I worked around medical people for 19 years and took an interest in health for a lot longer.

But now I ask what all the other terrain-leaners ask: when has even one virus been truly isolated? I don't mean "isolated" as in mixed with cells from several species, and with a dozen more chemicals thrown in, and then fuzzy black blobs shown on microscope slides. I mean isolated in the way the general population understands it, and then identified as definitely the cause of a specific disease.

I've heard this asked numerous times, and those people are treated with contempt. No real answer is ever provided. Yet I can't help thinking that the people who are telling us about the viri would fall over themselves to persuade us and put this to rest once and for all - if they had the evidence. So please, what is the evidence?

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I agree: time for all of us to be done with debating what has been settled. I know I moved on from debating the up-your-nose tests, the dangers of the shots, etc. I was done. A waste of y energy - like of yours - being on repeat. So what else, i have gone. Right now I've been writing about the loneliness we may feel - I have often felt - when among the like-minded. So and so much else. Because I'm not on repeat. Good for you.

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We’re like the traumatized victims of a pervasive earthquake, except in this instance the extrication involves rubble brought down upon our heads by the purveyors of what I’d call illegitimately-obtained taxonomic authority, or better, taxonomic tyranny. Don’t think of an elephant! Woops, too late!

This consigns us to engage the C19 debate forever clad in the armour of the enemy, obliged to rebut in a language, a taxos –virus, contagion, vaccine—devised for the very purpose of misdirection, thought control and bio-fascism.

On a lighter note, I have a renewed appreciation for Prince and his insistence, way back in da day, on being called The Artist Formally Known as Prince. What a mouthful it seemed at the time. The oppressed are not afforded easy handles.

As the People Formerly Known as the Contentedly Vaccinated, we must tirelessly resist the taxonomy. Don’t say virus! Don’t say vaccine! Yes, it’s exhausting. But We Fight the Power first by resisting the devised cul de sacs of their Language. Be like Mike. Be officially done.

So I think of Mike Yeadon as having found himself on an even lower floor of the collapsed building, profoundly steeped, both professionally and cognitively, in the virus mythos. The personal evolution bound up in his self-extrication has been a revelation to behold, not to mention a godsend for the rest of us. I applaud his tireless efforts to break to the surface and share his journey.

Only by way of contrast, Geert Vanden Bossche strikes me as a seemingly earnest scientist who remains trapped in the virology labyrinth. His predictions become ever more dire (and convoluted) as his Victorian bleeding techniques never seem to produce the desired outcomes. He’s forever digging deeper. Dig Lazarus, Dig. Too bad the light is forever at his back. Until a light goes on. If it ever goes on.

Apologies for length.

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Mike is the proverbial one-eyed King in the Kingdom of the Blind!!!

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I read a paper a few years ago about how the ‘Spanish Flu’ particularly its unusual symptoms was caused by Aspirin Poisoning. The author had some excerpts from how the Aspirin was being dosed (Particularly in the US adult population and particularly in the US Army), it was being dosed until signs of liver poisoning were evident in the color of the lips or the whites of the eyes. 👁️!!!

The children of the US were mostly saved because the author of the primary book used in pediatrics hated the (I think he called them) Coal Tar medicines, and recommended bringing down children’s temperatures with water baths.

I’ve also read theories that it was the chemical gas ‘practice’ the US army had its men go through (Put the men in a chamber with their gas masks, fill the chamber with chlorine gas, then have them put their gas masks on…)

As well as a Typhoid vaccine that was particularly side effect prone.

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