If all these viruses they claim have been around for decades, then 95% of the world now has natural immunity from all of them. No vaccines are required. But none of these viruses are real as they cannot explain transmission or how people get infected. It's all a game based on creating fear and it has been gaining momentum since the AMA took over the medical community some 110 years ago.

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SARS-COV-ID-2019, it's in the name, where do people think the id in covid-19 came from? How is the name Covid-19 on Rothschild's 2015 covid-19 test kit patent application? It was granted and published in March of 2019, nearly a full year before we officially gave sarscov2 the name Covid-19. The name Covid-19 did not officially exist until mid-2020.

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I'd like to steal the Rothschilds' crystal ball:).

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Our Natural Immunity

Against Bullshit


Well, It’s Glorious.

How Many More People Are Going To

Have To Die

For Robert Malone’s Personal Growth?


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It is clear there is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of pathogens known as viruses. However, there was a disease event in 2019/2020 that was significant enough to turn heads in the medical community. Unfortunately, they operate under false paradigms.

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What do you think about the disease event of 2019/2020 being directly caused by the anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning of 5G, or the fifth generation of wireless cellular technology?

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I'm pretty certain there was radiation poisoning and 5G millimeter wave technology likely played a role.

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The were stealthily installing it EVERYWHERE around the world in 2020/21. O you're all locked down and wont notice. Im almost 100% sure thats what almost killed me. I ended up on a ventilator not even a month after Verizon turned on 5G in my town. All new towers as hurricane Michael took down all our infrastructure. I just woke up one morning in complete hypoxia. I didnt even have the breath to call 911. I had to text my ex to call and told him to tell them to break down the door. I woke up 4 days later when they were pulling the tube from my throat.

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Horrible. I believe you and agree!

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I was at a conference in 2022. The amount of tech they used was astounding. As well as importing 800 ppl globally to attend. I'm assuming many had boosters before they attended to be safe 🙄. We attended a baseball game that also uses a lot of tech for no good reason other than entertain everyone who have zero attention spans. Long story short, I got the sickest I've ever been in the weeks following. Took me a year to recover. I was poisoned I'm sure on multiple levels. Yet it was deemed a super spreader event b/c 1/2 the attendees got "covid". That was no respiratory sickness.

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People also get sick when they travel by plane and cruise ship. Major 5G antennas and lots of bad air.

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I wonder how much of what’s attributed to viruses is actually caused by poisons/toxins. How much of virology is actually toxicology? The chemical industry (and other super polluters) has a lot of power, especially with and over the EPA and the FDA.

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And shedding? Have "vaccines" always been self spreading? I highly doubt this is a new phenomenon. They just let us in on it.

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Maybe shedding is unique to gene therapy utilizing messenger RNA? I’m seriously out of the loop and cannot discern knowledge from pseudo- knowledge.

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Please don’t use the words “therapy” or “medicine”. The meanings of both of them are related to healing. Would you call a falling bomb a “gift” or a “blessing”? We need to use truthful terms, even if they don’t sound as technical or learned.

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This tech has been around along time. This is how they vaxx caribou herds. Two pairs of males and females are vaccinated and the shedding through their breath.. vaxxes the rest of the herd. So yes we were all shed on.

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Surely we all know a few no-nonsense people who go nowhere and spend lot of time on their own who got very sick with resp/gastric/headache episodes? I first heard these stories in Europe/UK starting in 2019 then more of them in 2020/21/22. I really respect Mike Yeadon. But when he states

‘You cannot “catch” these alleged disease-causing, submicroscopic organisms termed viruses’ then dismisses ALL the evidence of pre-jab anecdotes/cases, out of hand, I can no longer take his arguments seriously.

As you infer there are EMF/implications in the super-spreader events. We may have gravely underestimated the leaps in GOF technology. It’s also possible that weaponised bacteria (exposed to radiation) were aerosolised and deployed. If we hang ourselves ourselves up on the ‘Virus no virus’ hook it closes us off to new areas of investigation.

Please watch this testimony from jab injured John Watt. He starts by describing the symptoms he suffered in 2020 following a flight from South Africa, culminating in an op for heart stents.

If NOTHING was orchestrated to bring in the jabs, then what was it that caused episodes of this type of sickness to be reported well before the jab rollout?


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I've listened to John Watt. He's incredibly brave.

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Yes Mike is hard science, if there's no proof, as far as he's concerned it doesn't exist. He doesn't listen to anecdotes, even if there's a lot of them. It seems quite cold hearted of him at times. I thought there was no new illness, then got very sick, twice in 6 months. I still wouldn't touch the injections for all the money in the world, but something was happening. Whether it was the injections themselves as I didn't get sick until after the rollout. I don't know is the honest answer. Mike saying 100% there was no novel illness is jumping the gun I think. It's merely his belief based on lack of proof, yet a lack of proof doesn't mean an untruth.

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I'll quote Shawn Loomis:

"In each pandemic, 1889, 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2020 the electrical envelope of the earth to which we are all attached by invisible strings, was suddenly and profoundly disturbed. Humans are bioelectric beings, and we have no mechanism in our bodies that protects us from radiation. When cells are contaminated by these profound qualitative changes, they cleanse themselves by excreting debris containing pieces of RNA plus a few other proteins. These so-called viruses are the excretions of a toxic cell. They are not the cause of anything."

Could be 5G, a sudden change in the earth's magnetic field or another EMF source.

Virologists have been looking at exosomes all their lives thinking that they are viruses.

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Good quote. I think that the existence of viruses-as-respiratory-infectious-agents will be debated for as long as the existence of the devil.

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I was just talking about this!! Read my comment on here, it explains my experience. I almost died after they turned on 5G in my town. Whatever "it" was, hit us, Panama City, Fl a full six months before the official "pandemic" announcement. Writing that just gave me an epiphany, maybe we were a guinee pig town. We got 5G as a "prize"🙄 after hurricane Michael wiped out our infrastructure.

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Germs exist, viruses do not

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Bacteria exist

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They sure do.

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I didn't get sick until 2021 or 2022, but caught a bad flu like illness twice within 6 months. I'm not sure if it was a lab leak, or the injections or people mixing after isolation but I've never had such a bad flu twice in such a short space of time. I think people see inflated deaths and then assume there was no novel illness, I certainly did at first.

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Thank You for shouting out the truth. Some of us knew 25years ago that the virus story was the

greatest lie ever told. Further a lie that can keep on rewarding the perps for eternity.

Now that the awake and aware Docs (there are alot more of us than one would think)

are exposing the fraud we enter into no mans land. The Fall of Big P and the Medical Cartel

as we know it?? Light dispels dark Truth dispels Lies.

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We can definitely hope for their fall indeed!!! Soooooo much money and fraud…

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Smells strongly of toppling event. Some of us have waited for decades.

Chaos in the short term, out of the ashes emerges light and truth.

Those of us remaining will have a level of health unprecendented.

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Right, viruses have been around forever, and so if they are contagious, we should be constantly sick, w/o a break, or even extinct by now!!! They are not contagious as they are made by your very own cells to dissolve toxin buildup, especially now in this toxic world in which we are immersed…

It should not be hard to comprehend that we have been wonderfully and amazingly made/created and do you think God would leave us w/o backup mechanisms to cleanse our bodies such as viruses?!?! Viruses are non-living, non-contagious agents produced by our (site-specific) cells in order to cleanse in the face of modern industrial toxicity. Most all viral replication is a mode of cleansing by cells in the body in order to dissolve inorganic toxicity that living agents (bacteria, parasites) cannot, lest they be poisoned to death. Viruses are wholly created by cells from beginning to end and are minutely different between each person (RNA/DNA). Thus, there exists endless amounts of variants. A few hundred thousand variants have been discovered, yet in actuality, researchers could spend an eternity and find an endless array of variants in each person on earth. Amazing creation we are! ❤️

Viral breakouts, for lack of a better word, are cover for what the gov’ts/corporations/whoever has done to pollute a certain area of the globe…blame it on virus! When indeed those viruses are simply helping detoxify and clean up the mess they created (but they continue to lie and cover)…. 😔

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Germs have been around forever, viruses do not exist

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Oh but they do, the non-living to back up the living methods of ridding our bodies of the various toxins (meds/antibiotics/drugs/pollution/crap food/vaccinations/etc.) 😊 it’s just that we have been lied to for a very long time that they are contagious when they are not for the simple reason that they are not compatible with others’ viruses (in creation by the cell YOUR RNA/DNA that they are imbedded with is not compatible with others’ RNA/DNA). FEAR not!

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They made a pandemic happen, it was forced into all of our lives by using media as their main weapon. All of the covid measures ensured we were trapped in the overload of lies and not one person in most of the world could escape from it. People are ill and die every year from unidentified respiratory infections they added fear, panic, restrictions in medical care, shutting down of society, imprisoned people in nursing and care homes, there was misdiagnosis, mistreatment, neglect and isolation of ill people and this pushed many onto a pathway of severe illness and death. It was a pandemic of lies and deceit.

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The vast majority of people die from cardiovascular disease and cancer and iatrogenic drugs. Lung disease is also a major killer. (So-called) “infections” of the lungs? I suspect that air pollution is the main culprit. I think that the entirety of virology is pseudoscience and pseudo-knowledge.

The medical industrial complex supposedly is the third largest contributor to death, following cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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I suspect the flu/pneumonia vaxs are the culprit in lung disease. As well as what they're spraying on us 😡.

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I agree. And I’m quite angry “😡” about it too.

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Virology is a real science, the problem is how it (like so much else these days) is used for the fraud of making vaccines that poison us and add to our level of toxicity (for which our cells then make viruses to dissolve, sound like a broken record, ha ha)…

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You might be correct and I might be wrong. I don’t have the expertise to determine the factual case for background segments of genetic material enclosed in a protein coat that is too small to be seen by light microscopy as infectious agents causing (so-called) “respiratory diseases”. I suppose that I simply accept the opinions of the Substackers Sam (and Mark) Bailey — https://open.substack.com/pub/drsambailey?r=2o118d&utm_medium=ios — and Mike Stone — https://open.substack.com/pub/mikestone?r=2o118d&utm_medium=ios — and others who try to make the case that virology is pseudoscience. With all of the horrendous problems the world faces, the existence versus the nonexistence of respiratory viruses is quite low on the list.

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Yes... absolutely! It's such a ridiculous argument in the grand scheme of everything. People are sick b/c they're being poisoned. If we could stop them from willingly being poisoned then we can move forward. Get off of it!

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“We are being poisoned” demands accountability. “There are ubiquitous sub-microscopic particles that you can breathe in and that can make you sick” is actually quite passive.

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Perhaps you should have a discussion then with Geert Vanden Bossche.

Let's see you take your simplistic analysis and engage a likewise mental comparison with GVB. Each of you bringing your best scientific receipts.

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I think that a symposium featuring scientists who are fundamentally opposed to the statement that vaccines are beneficial but who disagree about the existence of infectious respiratory viruses would be quite informative. I would like listening, but I lack the expertise to participate. Until the facts become clear, I’m going to opt for the opinion that infectious viruses are a form of fear porn. Then, of course, there’s the profit motive.

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Simplistic. When you make an extraordinary statement, the burden of evidence is on you. The public have the right to be skeptical until they receive robust evidence.

I swallowed the virus stuff forever, but then I heard people begging, I mean BEGGING, for one instance of true isolation and identification of just one virus. And the only responses were scoffing, mocking, dismissal, and nonsense.

For example, someone honestly asked how a virus was isolated. It's a reasonable question. The answer, delivered with a straight face I tell you, was that cells from an animal believed to have a particular viral infection were put in a glass container, cells from the kidneys of an unrelated species were added, a substance taken from yet another unrelated species was added to the mix, and then chemicals or fluids or both were added to that. These were somehow whizzed up together. This unholy cocktail was delicately, shall I say expertly, spread thinly on a microscope slide. Round blobs were in it.

Voila! Isolated virus. We must, we MUST believe it. It's a virus, and it's the exact virus they said it would be.

If I forgot a step, it wasn't one where a virus, or anything else, was isolated.

Or identified.

Adding lots of different stuff to something is not isolation. Do these people even know the English language?

So I'm waiting. And so are all the other thinking people who're done with being lied to.

Show us.

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Yes, and I take that further:

I view cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as other metabolic diseases and autoimmune disease (regardless of manifestation), as iatrogenic in most cases at least.

This is because the public is instructed to do all sorts of things that are bad for them, and avoid all sorts of things that are good for them, by the medical profession. People follow their doctors' advice, resulting in the onset or worsening of serious conditions.

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“This task cannot be left to a small number of us with the information, because we are so effectively gagged in relation to reaching large numbers of people that the perpetrators are no longer concerned about us speaking out.” — Mike Yeadon

Don’t the vast majority of these “large numbers of people” believe the authorities who are pushing the Covid pandemic narrative and the vaccines-are-necessary-and-effective-and-safe narrative and the bird flu narrative and the science-is-on-our-side narrative and antivaxxers-are-evil narrative?

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Albert Bourla Loves DISINFORMATION when it helps Pfizer rake in over $400,000,000,000.00 in profits . And he can be a hupocrite because the United States Government [DoD and CIA ]will back him up.

Pfizer President Janine Small testified UNDER OATH before the EU Commission and told them that the CONvid19 Jab HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED TO DETERMINE IF IT PREVENTS COVID INFECTIONS:


Nevertheless , They signed a Contract with the US Army PROMISING TO DELIVER A VACCINE WHICH »»»»»»»PREVENTED INFECTIONS«««««

But since Pfizer’s cooperation was instrumental in destrorying the Trump Administration and helping the Socialist Demon Rats steal the election the weaponized DOJ will NOT take any action against Pfizer.

Ain’t that some Shih-Tsu?

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Nope. Covid is definitely a virus. It was gain of functioned and definitely does things to people. I hate it when people say Covid isn’t real.

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GOF is simply the study of and creation of vaccines…

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No it’s creating a deadlier virus

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…and the way to get manmade viruses into us is via INJECTION 😣

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Were they creating more deadly viruses though, at what rates were the new versions with the cleavage sites differences killing in the labs, this is all confidential right? What was more deadly?

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No one is saying that it isn’t real. They are saying that it’s not a virus, but rather something else.

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It's either strategy or pride what keeps those people still believing in covid,

The case of pride is easy: it's rare for humans to humble themselves for the sake of justice.

The case of strategy is more complicated. On the one hand, some may be working for the enemy: Chaos agents who keep the dissidents in check.

On the other hand, other strategies are possible. For example, some lawyers may be pretending there was a covid disease because their goal is to achieve something different than having everyone agreeing on the truth.

Either way, we are still utterly screwed by censorship.

The push to explain that there are no viruses and no such thing as respiratory infections caused by one person with illness to a healthy person, has been damaged by the lack of proper debate manners by anonymous commenters on the internet. These are now called "aggressive trolls" and almost everyone avoids them. Obviously the correct option.

In contrast, the learned people who explain there are no viruses are respectful of the persons they speak to, even when those people do not behave properly.

It would be better for the trolls to tone it down a few notches, as they were already asked to do in the past.

Reason: when the few remnants of people who still promote the virus story realize they have no more excuses, then they will have to change the tone. Who knows what they would say. Maybe they confess?

But these days we are arguing about the spike protein. Forget the virus. The supposed spike protein created in people by the vaccine. Is it real or not? Is that thing what causes terrible illness in people or not? If we've been lied to even on this, then the victims are not receiving the treatment they need. Who could be orchestrating this deception, this continuation of the mass experiment on humans?

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Please see and share the downloadable clips on my WORLD exclusive substack on Scottish COVID inquiry that confirms what Mike is saying-

“pandemic death pulses” were in accord with the proposition that they were wholly iatrogenic, ie murder by medical protocols, whether or not those who enacted them knew it. ''


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Jun 21Edited

"There is no SARS-CoV-2 “virus”. This group of illnesses are not infectious or contagious. "


"Acute respiratory illnesses are so common an occurrence that it has proven before to be easily weaponised..."

So what has been successfully weaponised, bacterial pathogens?

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Well in this case, I think they took advantage of the fact that most people are not aware of the fact that we humans do have coronaviruses, so they could play on that and strike fear.

At other times/occurrences/accidents, etc., Viral breakouts, for lack of a better word, are cover for what the gov’ts/corporations/whoever has done to pollute a certain area of the globe…blame it on virus! When indeed those viruses are simply helping detoxify and clean up the mess they created (but they continue to lie and cover)…. 😔

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Jun 21Edited

Metaphorically weaponised then , if 'weaponised' means actual direct ( and fairly immediate, like a laser or antrax ) damage to bodies, of course, thanks got it, should have been obvious given the forum !

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Thank you, Lioness.

Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.

Thank you, Mr. Homburg.

Knowledge is power.

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I was in the hospital after a severe car accident when all of this kicked off. I was told that I had to take a swab test in order to change from the regular hospital to a rehabilitation center. I got what they call covid-19 two weeks after receiving the swab test. I was bedridden in my house, by myself and I got "covid-19"??

Here's how I think everything happened,

1st) graphene oxide found in what they called the 2019 Chinese influenza injections!

2nd) these injections caused mass deaths in China, then video footage of these deaths were broadcast all over the world without the usual CCP censorship?

3rd) 2019 Chinese deaths were used to fear porn everyone into taking swab tests laced with more graphene, just enough to cause weird flu-like symptoms and loss of senses. These are both known adverse effects associated with reduced graphene oxide.

4th) the swabs caused everyone that took the test to have these weird flu-like illnesses and loss of senses!

5th) the unseen powers that be called these weird flu-like illnesses sarscov2 and uses the illnesses to dupe half the world into taking "new vaxxines" for this now newly named covid-19. These injections were actually what started everything in 2019 China!

Since when did the CCP allow any video footage that could possibly make them look bad to escape their internet? How did I catch covid-19 when I was bedridden in my home by myself? Another issue, Richard Rothschild filed his covid-19 test kit patent application in late 2015, it was granted and published in March of 2019, nearly a full year before we officially gave sarscov2 the name Covid-19! The name Covid-19 did not officially exist until mid-2020, so how then is the name Covid-19 on his patent application? How was the US and UK govts exporting covid-19 test kits as early as February 2017?

Last but not least, where do people think the id in the name Covid-19 came from? The cov portion of the name comes from the original name sarscov2. The msm presstitutes tried to say the i comes from the second letter of the word virus and the d came from the first letter of the word disease. We do not use single interior letters of a word for abbreviation and sarscov2 is not a disease!

The id in covid-19 stands for what it's always stood for, identification, SARS-COV-ID-2019! Every person who took one of these injections is now emitting a Bluetooth traceable biometric ID number! I've tested this out with a vax injured coworker, he was putting off a Mac address number that refreshed every 60 seconds or so. The 2015 Rothschild patent is there for everyone to see, there's no way the name Covid-19 should appear anywhere in that patent, the name did not exist yet!

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Good points, many of them.

It all fucking stinks. (Pardon my French).

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It very well could be ‘cover’ for their nefarious jabs, of which all vaccines are a part of, to poison your body slowly but surely and unfortunately too quickly for some…. Your case of a coronavirus could be due to the built up ‘disease state’ of your body, meds/drugs from being in the hospital (not to mention their awful food), stress of all you went thru, maybe even add in that swab! The swabs are treated with ethylene oxide. I had to do the swab test twice a week as part of my religious exemption from getting the jab to work in the lab… 😩 good ole coronaviruses have been around and likely the real culprit in all the years they tried to convince us of Influenza cases (actual lab verified Flu A/B are very low) and thus they have tried to patent something natural so they could make money off of the whole package deal, test kit manufacturers/tests/instrumentation/vaccines, etc. $$$$$ and tell us they could save us from the common cold… oh just get a shot every year k’ching!

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'Corona Virus' is also an anagram for 'Carnivorous'.

Very creepy.

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Mike Yeadon is not only a thoroughly bloody decent bloke, but he’s emotionally honest enough to put his career, his ego and his reputation to one side and explore a new train of thought.

That…is the epitome of ‘science’ as it was once defined. New learning, understanding, and evidence based knowledge.

He is a diamond in a coal mine of corrupted, self-serving and arrogant bastards, who know he is correct but are too greedy, shallow, and corrupt to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mike.

Almost a carbon copy of the weasels in parliament turning their backs on (and threatening) Andrew Bridgen.

I was once a massive defender of this country (Great Britain), our ‘democratic process’, the NHS, and our government. All of these notions and values now leave me cold. I simply don’t recognise any of what I so loved. Not one miserable iota.

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I will like to see Geert Vanden Bossche & Mr Yeadon debate the issue of virus origin in person bringing their best scientific receipts.

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Jun 22Edited

He can ask GVB if there are any updates on mass die offs that are to happen......well.......about anytime soon again

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Very concerning!

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"Based on a century of failure to demonstrate transmission of clinical symptoms from a person sick with any acute respiratory illness to a healthy recipient,..."

Is there a source for this info?

I've seen the archives for 1918 "influenza" failed transmission experiments...but where are the others pls.

Id like to add this to the timeline

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