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Sep 11, 2023
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it also rather handily depleted armaments to the point there are probably not enough left to wage a defense of CONUS

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Oh the 'covid stuff' was just the initiation. The reason to get people jabbed. In the jab hidden away are certain toxins which can be triggered and will kill its victim in a shocking way. It will kill children in this way therefore children needed to be jabbed. The perpetrators want MAXIMUM SHOCK AND AWE. blood coming out of eyes, convulsions ( tests have been run already) and helpless doctors. I am sure we will see the depth of this evil soon they waited a long long time for their show. Secretely hating us for 100s of years.

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And maximum loss of life. Remember the Georgia guide stones? Suspiciously destroyed recently as the deaths from the jab were adding up. These psychopaths need the population reduced because they can no longer control all of us. Plus there is a large group starting to really wake up and ask the tough questions. Instead of taking any chances that their plan fail, they launched "Operation Warp Speed" which I personally believe was a declaration of ramping up the culling of the herd. Us being the herd. Next it's going to be worldwide food shortages and lack of fossil fuels so people will respectively die from starvation and diseases related to exposure to the elements. Look up the Kalergi plan. It's all about domination of one group over the rest of us. I'll let you figure out who that "one group" is. Here's a hint: "If you want to know who controls you, just look to the people you're not allowed to criticize." ?author tho I've read it was by Voltaire?

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Yes indeed !

Their plans always have multiple benefits for maximum $ results- what fun would it be for the killing if not for the massive profits from the the investments in future disease relying on the complicit AMA dancing all the way to the bank.

Killing their opponents slowly with their own money “ taxpayers money”as fodder.

Evil genius genocide!

Saw the Voltaire article and will definitely check out the kalergie plan - but isn’t that what we do read learn and talk and do nothing to stop the evil ones.

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You're right smh

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Masterminds? More like retrarded psychos.

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Don't insult retarded people. They're better than any of the psychopaths and their minions trying to rule the world.

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The "Great Reset" is basically about the enclosure of what's left of the commons, which is our bodies and that of all other living things including genetic material.

The perpetrators of this crime are Malthusians that believe the universe only tends toward lifelessness, and their model is capitalism without debt forgiveness. They believe enclosure is necessary to save capitalism without forgiving debt. The history of debt jubilees goes back centuries, but they will have none of that.

If you planned to replace all the workers with robots, what would you do with the workers? Give them some UBI and a metaverse screen to strap to their faces? Wouldn't you be afraid that some of them would take off the metaverse mask and kill you? Of course you would. So you convince them that submitting to a bioweapon is not submitting to a bioweapon at all but is necessary to save them from a bioweapon, and keep the media quiet while the workers disappear. What could go wrong? Lots, I think.

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our bodies are not the commons, it belongs to you as an individual. You may have legal duties to your community, but they have no rights over your body. All the rest of non-sentient creation we have stewardship over.

If you listen to Harari he foresees drug use (Soma?) along with the video games in the basement to occupy what mind they have, to prevent the murderous impulses for their enslavement.

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"our bodies are not the commons, it belongs to you as an individual"

Definitely, but unfortunately they think our bodies are their commons. We have to set them straight about that, among other things.

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I think it leans more towards communism than capitalism. They don't want people to use creativity or ingenuity which is what drives capitalism. They want a population of people who are "smart enough the run the machines yet dumb enough to comply." Humanoids if you will.

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crony capitalism == "socialism"

In ancient societies debt forgiveness via debt jubilees or war would reset the table. That doesn't happen in the modern version of capitalism and it becomes more and more centralized, undemocratic and cancerous. Run by banksters, not yeoman farmers and artisans.

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Textbook fascism which is the Jesuit Order’s most preferred form of government. Government partnering with industry for the ‘common good’ of community. Operation Warp speed fits that description perfectly with that little Jesuit worm we have all come to know and...

Make no mistake about it, all roads lead to the smallest nation state within the city walls of ROME.

They are the straw that is stirring this toxic drink of a global nightmare, yet, they WILL be destroyed by the brightness of His coming.

They primary mandate of the Jesuit Order is to reestablish their unholy Roman Empire and fire up the engines of their beloved inquisition and whack out another 30 million or more innocent men, women and children for the grave sin of not agreeing with their teachings.

Pity that our once beloved nation will gladly help them to be the enforcement arm in the carrying out of their will by setting up the ‘image of the beast’.

Revelation 13: 1-18.

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Alternative hypothesis: a one-two punch where the first attack, the so-called vaccine shots (plus time elapsed), set the stage for a mortal vulnerability to be exploited in the second attack. The observation is unavoidable that there is a significant increase in morbidity now in the general population.

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I also think that. If someone really wanted to do it, they will put something into vaccines which can be activated in another variant and will make it really deadly for them.

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True, and considering the cdc "had" a bulletin about how to respond during a zombie apocalypse, I think it's a real possibilty. They said it was a joke. Since when is the cdc in the business of jokes? They are a joke, but not in the business of jokes. All i know is the jabbed up are super sick. And all of them were so afraid, taking experimental bio jabs, and wanting everyone to stay home or shove a swab up their nose suddenly dont care and are going into work, public sick. Their minds are being controlled. There is a detonate built into the "messaging"rna.

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He may well be quite mistaken. We do not know outcomes from mass vaccination with biological weapons. Winter is not upon us. Injured people do make mistakes driving trains, pumping fuel, flying planes, crashing cars, dropping dead at the wrong time, fighting wars. Further none knows why some with all injections appear to be fine high functioning personalities and others are instantly injured. On the other hand obviously Covid is not one and done. To clear cut humanity takes time. Quite enough to destroy the West and let Nature take it's course.

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There are more lethal pathogens anticipated for future pandemics, likely Marburg. There is proof via testing that half the people that got injections are still making spike, probably forever. A 'perfect' bioweapon will cause more disability and illness than immediate death, thus using time, effort and resources on the wounded.

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Now i read how the injury via spike gets worse slowly over time. The spike depletes ACE2 receptors ( i believe by binding to them constantly). Well ACe2 is a cardiovascular protectant. It needs to be in balance not too little or too much. Now if ACE2 gets steadily depleted by constant spike production and many covid infections on top of it eventually a treshold is reached and the heart gets troubled especially when under strain emotionally or physically. Arrythmia, blood clots, heart attacks are the result.

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Now imagine spike production gets coded in 5%-10% of our dna and this gets inherited by our kids. These kids will have shortened lifespans and will be exervise/ stress intolerant as this tolerance is needed in time of war and as a soldier.

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They don't want fighters; they want compliance. There's a great 30 min video which states all the ways (to date) for the destruction of humanity. It's starts with fluoride in our water and ends with a so called alien invasion. If I can find the link, I'll try and post it here.

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Found it!!

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👍 and thanks!

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That's the end goal. Sick enough to pump more drugs into them, before they die.

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My understanding is that there were three different vials distributed; 1 was a clot shot, 1 was the mRNA and 1 was saline. That being said, the more boosters one seeks the greater the chance for damage.

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So far no evidence of mRNA from Pfizer documents. Nor insofar as I am able to determine in any vials. https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/mrna-and-why-it-matters

Understand that, at core, mRNA, modRNA, saRNA, etc. - these are all gene therapies and all about genetic manipulation. To suggest that this is high risk is an understatement. We have no idea what we are doing and yet we continue forward trying to control these genes.

I want to apologize but I do not want there to be any doubt that modRNA is all about gene editing so I have to point to some ugly “sciency” stuff. Let me start with this abstract from an article titled “Genome Engineering for Stem Cell Transplantation” you can find at https://doi.org/10.6002/ect.mesot2018.l34 (link to the full article is there as well). Here it is:

To avoid the ethical issues of embryonic stem cells, genome engineering has focused on inducible pluripotent stem cells, which can develop into all 3 germ layers. The ability to detect methylation patterns in these cells allows research into pluripotency markers. The recently developed CRISPR system has allowed widespread application of genome engineering techniques. The CRISPR-Cas9 system, a potent system for genome editing, can be used for gene knockout or knock-in genome manipulations through substitution of a target genetic sequence with a desired donor sequence. Two types of genome engineering can be initiated: homologous or nonhomologous DNA repair by the Cas9 nuclease. Delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 and target donor vectors in human pluripotent stem cells can be accomplished via viral and nonviral delivery methods. Nonviral delivery includes lipid-mediated transfection and electroporation. It has become the most common and efficient in vitro delivery method for human pluripotent stem cells. The CRISPR-Cas9 system can be combined with inducible pluripotent stem cells to generate single or multiple gene knockouts, correct mutations, or insert reporter transgenes. Knockouts can also be utilized to investigate epigenetic roles and targets, such as investigation of DNA methylation. CRISPR could be combined with human pluripotent stem cells to explore genetic determinants of lineage choice, differentiation, and stem cell fate, allowing investigators to study how various genes or noncoding elements contribute to specific processes and pathways. The CRISPR-Cas9 system can also be used to create null or nucleasedead Cas9, which has no enzymatic activity but has been utilized through fusion with other functional protein domains. In conclusion, RNA-guided genome targeting will have broad implications for synthetic biology, direct perturbation of gene networks, and targeted ex vivo and in vivo gene therapy.

For those of you that are human and think this looks like hieroglyphics let me explain why it matters. This is all about using genetic modification of stem cells with various types of gene therapy. The discussion about delivery methods, what they want to do with DNA, and the use of RNA are all related to modifying human genetics. At some point this may become safe and effective but at present it is not even close. Further, note that the way this article talks about “RNA-guided genome targeting” and gene therapy meaning there is acknowledgement that all that we are seeing stems from the goal of controlling the human genome.

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"why some with all injections appear to be fine " (a) no bio agent will have a uniform effect (b) lethal effects can be highly variable (it has been called the perfect poison) - 30 minutes anaphylactic shock - to 30 months - aggressive cancers - etc (c) some areas may have received mostly saline/inactive doses - e.g. NY City & DC bedroom communities.

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Thanks Dr. Yeadon , the squeeze is upon us , do not comply , resist . Find like minded people and communities .

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Learn to say no or shut up. You dribble

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Well they wouldn't do this without a plan, and I submit it is all on schedule, we think we know what is coming, but we did not anticipate Big Pharma becoming murder incorporated. What is next, it will soon become apparent.

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Moderna existed as a corporation with well paid executives for 10 years while it had zero products. Probably belongs to a gov't entity.

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Master masons designed pyramids that first degree masons assembled. Building and destroying is what the Satan people do. Controlling the living is Satan’s method. God’s method is to allow Satan to plan bigger and bigger projects, grandiose, that defy laws of God and Nature. Utter failure is the only outcome of the delusional masterminds, and stubborn obsessions will be defeated. God wins.

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Want to live? Live healthy? Live without fear? Turn mainstream media off for good, you won’t miss a thing, I haven’t in over 5 years. Next, don’t believe one thing a government agency tells you including the American medical association. Go back to natural health. You know, the pills they tell you don’t work, the ones they want to outlaw!!! Stock up. Trust that when the spider webs flow, rain is coming. Trust nature. Trust God who said He gave us everything for a healthy fulfilled life.

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Every time I read you, Dr. Yeadon, I pray for you.

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The options for depopulation are endless:



Eventually, with food and water shortages, the well-armed population might just do the favor for the globalists...

Not sure how far non-compliance can work once the CBDC is introduced and access to necessities will be linked to compliance...

Certain forms of resistance have been proven not to work:


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For those moral cowards who think they can "sit thsi one out," you can't; you won't... and they NEVER INTENDED FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO

Freedom and cowardice are polar opposites, and the former cannot exist in the presence of the latter .Half the people I know are cowards, "don't want to get involved," etc. Rather, it is as Trotsky said, "you may not be interested in war, but war in interested in YOU.

There were "good Germans" who sat aside too as Hitler came to power. IF they survived the war, this one picture shows what cowardice and moral laziness always results in https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/apocalypse-dresden-february-1945

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NaturalNews.com has a report on best water filters to filter out Cesium 137. One that is available at many stores is ZeroWater, but there are others.

And if you don't have $10 worth of potassium iodide if they do do a nuke exchange, then why even buy car, or home insurance?

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Damn. I was hoping I was wrong about it too. But mike yeadon has the best pattern recognition and intuition...so brace for impact

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They trying to goat Putin into a global war. I think Putin is aware of that.

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They gonna release some toxin creating a huge global wave probably very soon.

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I hope NWO assholes are paying u good $$ to deliver these black drops

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We are trying to figure out why deagle did a report like this. Thats the black drop not me.

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