I've got 8 grown up children 9 grandchildren myself and my wife and my children's partners and all their friends and their families And only one of our children's partners got the jab and they have had nothing but skin trouble and other. Complaints since having it They always say they are sorry they had it And his job was at risk if he didn't have it I would say that is a form of blackmail The thing is we were conned by a Corrupt government who looked after themselves and their equally Corrupt mates who were given PPE contracts worth millions of pounds because they were mates of the government I wonder how many brown envelopes were exchanged WE were subject to the biggest con a government have ever been involved in and which came after the lies we.were told about brexit Which cost the livelihoods of the fishermen in Scotland who had to sell their boats to feed their families on with many people who put their life savings into a business they lost because they could not afford the extra tarrifs and the waiting time for their goods to arrive

We were sold down the river by those Corrupt bastards

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Unless the people responsible for creating the knowingly deadly jabs, as well as those who've forced people to take the jabs, are faced with capital punishment for their crimes they will try it again and again. They are evil and we need to rid the planet of this evil.

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Pay to play. Move on. Nothing to see here.

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Given how corrupt (& profit-driven) medical institutions are now, & how potentially unethical an MD or medical services practitioner could be, it's foolish to take any preventive measures that now have a high probability of being worse than the disease being prevented. Such corruption is one problem. Another is that the human body is not a machine that medical science can trouble-shoot, & protect or correct. It's a dynamic system in which a 'cure' is sometimes possible. Health care will likely decline for much of this century until the spiritual, moral, & emotional dimensions of 'health' are better understood.

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so much damage has already been done. nobody new is taking the shots...only the completely cultish morons are taking boosters now... the damage is done. we should be marching and causing problems rather than asking for them to stop the shots. THE DAMAGE IS DONE.

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So true about the cultish morons although I hate using these words about my sister! Out of the three sisters remaining in my family two of us abstained from these vaccines because we knew about the dangers of mRNA. The third one, the middle sister, has gotten every one of them as far as We Know plus the shingles and pneumonia vaccine some of which were given at the same time! In the beginning I spoke with her and asked her to please reconsider. My plea fell on deaf ears. She told my other sister later that as far as she was concerned they could "stick that sucker in there" and so they have. Why has she done this? Anger against God! I had told her that it was probably a preparation for the mark of the beast and this propelled her forward. I suspect many are just like her. Angry with God. Sounds weird I know but it is so.

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Dr.. Yeadon is a great doctor and man of integrity whose been stripped of his medical licence from Alberta College of Physicians! Even his children have been targeted ..he lost everything ;they wouldn't let.him go to.his own office. They locked him out. They being government, College of Physicians , police and bad guys they hire to do the dirty work Against the People!

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Although I had already made up my mind concerning the MRNA vaccines and their Danger, it was if I was fighting a battle almost alone as I dealt with my doctors and other people around me. Dr Yeadon's extraordinary achievements and qualifications combined with his clear speaking understandable by even the least educated Layman gave me all of the backup that I needed. He and Dr Peter McCullough along with Dr Vernon Coleman reassured me that my thinking was correct when everyone was telling me sometimes in face-to-face discussions that got heated from their side and not from mine. May God richly bless and protect these three great and good men and all of those that have stood up and spoken at Great cost to themselves!

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We know the truth now

So who will.Stop.these tyrannical governments and evil kabbal??


Im getting very angry.

Suspend the Shots For Good!!!!

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In OZtopia (Australia), The Effects [1] of the CONVID Jabs was ALREADY in Black & white (2020/21 Product SDS [2]), in the Pfizer COMIRNITY Product - Including 'Attachment A' for 'Health Providers' By Pfizer, NEGATING it's 'SAFETY', For - 'Already Ill patients, Historical Illness, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders, Pregnant or Breast feeding Mothers? - OH! and a Header on Attachment A, This product can lead to Serious Illness or DEATH! The Moderna Product, under 'Vaccine' Heading, stated in Plain English ; There are NO approved COVID-19 'Vaccine s' that will prevent Acquisition, nor transference to others!' ( So WHAT'S the Point of the 'Jabs'?)

Both SDS had serious Holes in Test Data provided - Not Normal protocol!

This WOULD HAVE been obvious to OZtopian TGA!

[1] Effects. WHY do Folks refer to ANY Adverse reactions of these as 'Side'? Death, Pain & Incapacitation, DON'T appear to be Whimsy, to Me!

[2] SDS or MSDS Safety Data Sheet or Material Safety Data Sheet - Moderna's 'In Box' SDS was Purposefully left 'Blank'!

Last; "Being attacked BY OUR side". There is NO 'OUR' side, in the System! There SHOULD be, but Public representation OF the People, FOR the People, has long since been HiJacked - Even with Govt, BEING an 'Employee', & ONLY 'Managerial Role' @ that, OF The UNITED PEOPLES of the Land!


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Dr. Yeadon is a light a continuous light beaming into the dark places. These criminals he continues to expose these criminals and prosecute then to the full extent of the law!

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Problem is the Court system is corrupt!

The judges being appointed by Trudeau.

These monsters need to be tried in Common law, lawful courts not legal courts.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

1181 not recovered or sequelae

a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. Not to mention 1223 fatalities in the first 120 days after rollout. The DOD, FDA and Pfizer must have been elated. Their evil depopulation plan was working as planed. These evil satanic bastards must be removed permanently from this dimension. We need public uprising with hangings or the guillotine.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you for this post , it’s so vital that it be shared continuously!

I knew this was the case from the beginning and warned so many NOT to take these shots while pregnant or nursing or EVER!

But seeing the PROOF in plain Black & White has a Gut wrenching impact!

There are No words to describe this PURE EVIL !!

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The problem is not to wake up but mostly to stop complying with all the respect doctor Yeadon

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Lots arent woke up yet so still complying. Our job is to inform neighbours, friends and all those people who still trust the government.

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But ..."The data do not reveal any novel safety concerns"....

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Yes the data does indeed state potential dangers

I looked it up on government website myself. When I saw risks and side effects and Adverse side affects listed on government web site I refused the vaccinations.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Yes. The written text is between quotation marks. I quote what they said. it is not my statement. Used here is sarcasm to the authorities and farmafizer. I rejected the lies about everything from the beginning, second one and I was right. Good that you refused too 👍

I see that not being american or british, I am less understood in some of my comments. Different way of thinking and formulating or the rush people are reading with maybe, I don't know. :)

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The pfizer documents were made public, there are 1200 deadly side effects to the vax, these were hidden, Faucie wanted them hidden for 75 years, the judge in the Supreme court said no, all of Pfizers documents must be published for all to see.......if people had been told if the deadly side effects, not one person would have taken the injection.....they knew what it would do to people, maim and kill them.....

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Feb 7Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

My Granddaughter is in kindergarten in Canada. There are a lot of kids out sick. There is a strep throat going around. Suddenly we get a letter that all children have to have the measles and mumps vaccine or they can’t go to school. You are not supposed to get a vaccine when you have any illness. There are minor sore throats and dry coughs. Not a good time to insist on measles vaccine which we don’t believe in. Are they not all mRNA now? I don’t know what to do. My husband and daughter won’t wake up to the actual depopulation agenda. I’m going to try to find some data on the measles vax. Print out and give to them. If anyone has any data please link it here.

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Yes but we were told all vaccines were going to have the new mRNA delivery system.

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Yes I know. Basically ALL vaccines are poison

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Thank you for this post.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you for posting this.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry



From www.covid19exposed.net, email us for our newest VAX-CON 2022 REPORT just released. This is the most comprehensive report in the United States that uses data, documents and reports from the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, Johns Hopkins and vaccine companies to expose them, the manufactured pandemic, the made-in-America virus and the unsafe/ineffective/unnecessary vaccines.

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I couldn’t download the data. It gave a could not connect to server message

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