Question is: Will the sheeple fall for it this time? I wasn't impressed by their reaction to the last one.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Not only is that fake, but the BIRD FLU is being tested using that faulty PCR testing. Ponder on that!

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Question - er, why don't these arseholes like Gates, Fauci and crew just fuck off and die and leave us alone?

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A song for the Holidaze ....


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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Excellent post. Spot on with revealing the evil culprits too. The world is DOOMED with the Secret Society in control.

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Thanks for everything Mike ! Like any psychopath they won't stop until stopped !!

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Sadism is a demanding master constantly joyfully manipulating TERROR, PANIC, PARANOIA, MISERY, SUFFERING for the inferior 'worthless eaters'. Such anticipation to again gulp at the challis of power as the date for predicted infection approaches sparks goosebumps while lightening fires the vessels and explodes in glory in the sacral chakras. The CRAVING for psychological molestation grows with every element of the nuanced plan to even announce the next PANDEMIC. The interval between every glorious prediction and release of infection is 'The WAITING' and it is the delicious dish of TORTURE AND TORMENT feeding the EVIL hardly contained as it grows and grows; bursting forth as it glaringly watches as so many expire in hard and terrible death.

Need some wooden buckets of water to throw onto these 'Witchy Hounds of Hell' to see if maybe they will melt into a puff of smoke just as the 'Wicked Witch of the West'. Or maybe, send their Chimeric 'Flying Monkeys' out of China to go pick them up and drop them over a volcano. The ANSWER IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE.

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They will do it again and again, they need it to distract the attention, to channel the anger of the population in other directions.

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

What’s the real diseases in the chemicals being sprayed by jets.

Polio was caused by poison pesticides and fertilizers, thanks to Rockefeller.

Who also funded the vax!!!!!!

Can’t sue a virus can ya

I pray people are waking up.

Government lied about Chemical Trail Weapons, manipulating weather, dropping toxic chemicals on us.

Chem trails are real.

Jet engines have advanced so much that even a real contrail is rare.

Look up people.

Real clouds are 3 D. Fluffy.

Real clouds aren’t hanging out in the upper atmosphere.

Real clouds aren’t flat, long, straight .

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Dear Jesus, we need your divine intervention now please.

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Look into what's in the air we breathe. There's many studies on the microbiology of air, as surely as we can scoop up a jar of seawater and observe its microbiology, alive and skeletal remains, under an ordinary microscope, we can scoop up a jar of air and observe its microbiology, alive and skeletal remains, under very powerful microscopes. PCR tests function as microscopes, exponentially amplifying a sample until they detect whatever they're set to find. Even finding dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not live, active dinosaurs, just skeletal remains.

Here's a fascinating study of microbiology in the air, specifically what's found in dust clouds. That travel in the atmosphere, even across vast oceans.

Atmospheric Movement of Microorganisms in Clouds of Desert Dust and Implications for Human Health

Clinical Microbiology Reviews, July 2007


Bacteria, phage, virus, fungi, you name it. Some even remains live and active and is deposited on distant lands. Skeletal remains of all types of microbiology dating back to the beginning of life on the planet are still found in the air we breathe - if you crank up PCR tests high enough. You probably just inhaled remains of the black plague while you've read this. And PCR tests can pick it up, health officials could declare an outbreak under their current protocols. Fake, of course.

Another fascinating study of the microbiology we live and breath in. Mind you, this PCR analysis is just of microbiology they tested for, not all that was present in the samples. They even detected vaccine shedding for two-and-a-half months after innoculation. They knew vaccines shed decades ago, have the research. Yet told us early in 2021 that vaccines don't shed - until forced by evidence to admit they do.

Nearly Constant Shedding of Diverse Enteric Viruses by Two Healthy Infants

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, November, 2012


"In order to determine the extent of viral infections occurring in early childhood, longitudinally collected stool samples from two siblings who grew up in the mid-1980s in the United Kingdom were tested using an extensive panel of PCR primers against 15 groups of viruses to measure the overall frequency and duration of viral shedding."

Microbiology. The natural science discipline that was discarded in 2020. Replaced by social and behavioral science. The Science (TM). The science of manipulation, coercion, deception. And totalitarianism.


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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Our problem is a shameless public. It's up to us to not panic, and to convince our neighbors.

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Infowars posted article about a tabletop simulation that just occurred in October 2022 in Belgium.


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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I have a slightly different take. The pandemic was an enormous success from a certain point of view. Fear brought about compliance at scale. The same tricks can be tried again. This time surprise is not on their side. I’m of the belief that the prime movers exaggerated the risk of the disease for political objectives. These were only partially accomplished. The field is different now, not the least because of writers such as yourself.

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