Thank you Dr. Yeadon for being so caring and honest. You definitely have shone us Gods love and concern. You have done your best. God has the same heart as you have and God and our military are carrying out the punishment due to these very evil people. In 2027 you will see a very prosperous America and the annihilation of the evil will continue on as it already has begun. To God be the Glory!

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We are all being exposed to increasing radiation.

What happens if this pulse emitted radiation is switched to always on?

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Who's betting on a complete banking collapse by end of month? May as well complete the set for everyone doom scrolling.

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Bitcoin may be the answer

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That or some other crypto-instrument of the planners choosing. They will no doubt fold bitcoin into their CBDC scheme. Honestly don’t see a way out to this

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fellow covid crime survivors; time to stop talking about the covid crimes and move on to the prosecutions . . . possible crimes include: unjustified violations of civil rights, political abuse of power, medical malpractice, pharmaceutical malfeasance, and unnecessary deaths ranging from involuntary manslaughter to premeditated murder . . . these crimes are now four years old and congress has done nothing; we won’t get justice until we demand it, so let your voices be loud, clear, and constant in demanding justice . . . contact your senators and representatives daily, nonstop, contact your state attorney general daily, nonstop, contact your favorite podcasters and bloggers daily, nonstop, tell them all the same thing . . . the time for talking is over . . . we demand justice and we won’t STFU until we have it.

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What form does this justice take?

What measure are you taking personally to ensure you are not led down a dark path…our tendency to judge must always be curbed, for we are prone to smiting in a deluded state of self-righteousness, particularly when conjoined with the mob: joining an ostensibly righteous cause.

Men with guns always demand to speak too soon; men with guns appropriate the suffering of others as their own justification; and men with guns believe the only answer to other men with guns, is more men with more guns. It’s a path that goes all the way back, and only gets redder and darker the longer it goes on.

C’mon, Buddha. Help us get past this one.

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justice, as prescribed by law of course

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Justice and law are quite distinct. Public Health rules, or guidelines? Varies from place to place and time to time. A lot of folk wilfully flouted both, just as many hewed to them; in both cases often claiming their action was taken on behalf of others.

The social contract is expressed in both law and convention.

I have no doubt you want to be fair; but this is one expression of great schisms we feel all about us these days. Ultimately, we need to find ways to work together. Punishment makes that harder than meaningful reconciliation.

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all good and valid points, Jeremy . . . the tyrants twist the intent of the law to suit their evil purposes . . . the social contract was broken many decades ago but on full flagrant display during the covid hoax era.

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The social contract is popularly described in the west as Rules Based Order.

“No matter who you vote for, the government always gets in” - Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band

“We are a society of altruists, but we are governed by psychopaths” - George Monbiot

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well, when i was young, things were orderly, safe and prosperous . . . didn't last long, maybe 15 years, but i know what that tasted like and it's worth fighting and dying for

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I don't agree, I think the average person is spineless, and that is an evil of compliance.

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I'll post this link again for what it's worth to those sentient beings, but to the others, please keep your prejudices intact, as I certainly don't want to upset you


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It read as a description of Dark personalities invested in the subjugation of others. We are vulnerable to the extent we don't see through their deceptions and manipulations.

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Last week.a friends husband suddenly just died. This week, another. Shortness of breath and they couldn't "recover". I have seen so many deaths. I once had rose colored glasses. Now, they are ashen. My heart breaks.

We can't understand how, because we aren't psychopathic. As Elon Musk recently said in.an interview "if you have an anthill in front of you and you have to move forward w your plans, you don't find a better place for them or relocate them- you run over them." Isn't that poignant?

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Yes, does it remind you of anything? (Gaza?) In Buddhist folklore, there was a retreating General who came upon an anthill that would be destroyed should he order retreat. His compassion for the ants, forced him to turn his army around and achieve victory.

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So this is where we are? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OO2PuGz-H8 listen.. it means the spirit, wins, the rest lose.

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Their goal is total depopulation of the earth! The nano particles they spray daily for 30 years is part of everyone that breathes! You can’t escape the poison only the jab! They are going to put this poison in everything you eat or drink! Let’s face it they want you dead! I will not comply how about you? We don’t need money to fight these demons! They can’t stand the Truth about anything exposes their crimes and use the sheriff’s office to file charges against them for Crimes Against Humanity!!

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Their goal is total depopulation of the earth! The nano particles they spray daily for 30 years is part of everyone that breathes! You can’t escape the poison only the jab! They are going to put this poison in everything you eat or drink! Let’s face it they want you dead! I will not comply how about you! We don’t need money to fight these demons! They can’t stand the Truth about anything exposes their crimes and use the sheriff’s office to file charges against them for Crimes Against Humanity!

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Can everyone do anything more? Could anyone locate, capture and torture just one mass murderous psychopath to death, so that that one will experience what they did to so many innocent children? Dexter, the TV-series, might be an inspiration?

Or should we let them get away with it ... again?


Or should we let Yehovah the wise take care of it? I mean, if people trust these evil bastards, and their media, then maybe they are meant to suffer hell on this earth, for being zuckers? They might actually have deserved to see their loved ones suffer and/or suffer themselves?

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The people who trust them are victims; they have been terrorized and their health has been stolen from them. They are already suffering. What they need is not more suffering but liberation and healing. I know just the person for that....

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Some are victims, some are just stupid.

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Stupid people are not capable of perceiving deception and avoiding it. They are victims.

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I would contend that the wars you sited are mans creation. Every single one of them. All a part of the freewill mankind has in order to find itself. Creation cannot write mankind’s story. That is up to each of us.

Perhaps it is man astray from the creator that has also contributed to the worst of the worst psychophants you speak of. It is up to us to ask for help and to ask for the intervention on our behalf. Consciousness is a very powerful tool and the greatest weapon we possess. We truly have no idea wat we are capable of. This has purposefully been hidden from us. Soon we shall relearn prepare to be amazed.

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Yep, came to the same conclusion several years ago. Geert assisted in this realization along with my Priest and doctor (told me this isn't the same world we were born into and take the shots or else). Terrifying and yet, now is the time to find courage!

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"They are coming for you and your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning. I’m so sorry."

What is patient planning.

Is it just planning to have more patients. Or to kill them or some combination of the two maybe.

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I read it as meaning that the elite/oligarchs have been planning patiently (long-term)

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They are for those experiments to help the "elite" live long lives. I work in medical records for a large & growing hospital. I see horrid things every day. I also have my own health problems, made worse by these "medicine" they use.

And it's a fight to get your records. All in the verbiage and address/fax number you use. Might want to have an attorney help.

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Dr. Yeadon, we are being governed by a bunch of leaders who have defected against humanity and the preservation of life. We must challenge all wrong doing and acts of terrorism as are against our right to exist.

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