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Sep 6, 2023
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As many others have been as well.

It is truly exhausting.

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Humans are social creatures. Most people cannot even process the meaning of information until it has been socially sanctioned.

The up side is that when a threshold of social acceptability is reached the bulk of the brainwashed 'sheeple' will do a U-Turn almost in unison. What was once fringe nonsense will become self evident truth almost overnight.

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I wonder which pieces will be that final push. Weaponized weather.

The cutting down of huge swaths of trees.....

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I have been appalled at that one as well… Bill Gates cutting down all the trees and burying them for climate change… 🤦🏽‍♀️ What happened to plant a tree for the environment???! 😡

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Of all the pieces this one could destroy me.

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Lies, lies and more lies! Disgusting!

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Thank you!

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Thank you Mrs. S.!

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Excellent! Thank you!

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What is so interesting about the study (first file) is that the extensive symptoms of this type of pneumonia are almost identical to my early 2022 case of fairly severe Cov.

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Yes....in March 2020 I bought a kilo bag of sodium ascorbate.

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Where did you get your kilo bag of sodium ascorbate?

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No mention of polio in the paper.

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When I click on the first paper, all it comes up as blank… The second paper comes right up. This has been happening a lot…

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Try using a different browser.

Brave works quite well.

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Dr. Pierre Kory, along with his mentor whose name escapes me, developed an IV vitamin C protocol for sepsis which is a widespread killer but very few hospitals have adopted it despite its proven success. His book, "The War on Ivermectin" might be subtitled "and Vitamin C." From what he indicates, most medicos are such sheep that once he was gone from their departments they stopped using it even though they had seen it work. It is not worth fighting pharmacists and hospitalists to save patients. We have gone from "first do no harm" to "first do as you're told".

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Dr. Paul Marik is the brilliant ICU doctor who mentored Dr. Kory. He is widely known for his IV Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) treatment for sepsis along with other acute ailments. However, this protocol is very cheap and is rarely utilized for obvious reasons we all know so well.

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Thank you! I could've looked it up but was in a hurry to get out the door to be a productive member of society. My apologies to Dr. Marik!

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And another one (narrative, given, assumption) bites the dust. Let's hope it doesn't take too long for normies to get it. It's so tiring.

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This is truly the dark ages with the appearance of enlightenment. Next someone with cred will say the apollo moon landing never happened. What a horrible and fantastic time to be alive.

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RE: "What a horrible and fantastic time to be alive." Yes, they truly go together.

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Yes, now I question everything.

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You mean all 5 alleged moon landings...

I’m not convinced either way.

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searched on freespoke. no abstract with link.


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send to Mike Yeadon... http://whale.to/v/c/klenner2.html

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I highly recommend Forrest Maready's "The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio" for those who wish to delve deeper into this fraudulent rebranding.

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Thank you Margaret Anna Alice.

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I was born at the dnd of '57. When I was a kid these big trucks would come around the neighborhood spraying. My mother would hear them coming and yell firmly, 'Get inside and close all the windows!'

I had pneumonia twice when I was a kid.

Curious and curiouser..,,,,


Thank you Mike and Lioness ❤️

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Dr. Suzanne Humphries did an excellent talk on polio and DDT- it's probably up on bitchute. Anyway, I recall seeing photos of all the kids being sprayed.

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Sep 15, 2023
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I think everyone was just trusting and brainwashed.

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Yeah I've come across her work over the past few years.

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Her book Dissolving Illusions is a must read https://dissolvingillusions.com/

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I'll bookmark this.

There is do much more to life.

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Totally agree!!!

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Another informative read is Dr. Mary's Monkey; How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics, by Edward T. Haslam. In the book it showed Elvis promoting the polico vaccine, same as they use celebrities now.

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Indeed I read that last week. IIRC the SV40 virus was ‘accidentally' put in the polio vaccines and she went on to study more about it. Kinda like how it’s also in the jabs for the Rona. Also weird how the same players keep popping up in nefarious deeds.

Here’s the link for it.


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This article I read in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients by Jim West in 2000, completely blew me away from the vaccine bubble. . . .

"Originally titled, "A Critique Of Scientific Literature: Pesticides and Polio," this article by Jim West was first published in The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2000, then republished as a 2nd edition in 2002 by The Weston A. Price Foundation, with additional material and the editorship of Sally Fallon. The article summarizes his book, "DDT/Polio", which he had attempted to publish in 1998. This is a 3rd edition, August 14, 2015."

Here it is reprinted by Green Medicine in 2019:


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“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” Napoleon Bonaparte (maybe).

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"Magnesium increases the phagocytic capacity of the scavenging white blood cells in combatting infections, and vitamin C can attack pathogens directly via up regulation of the Fenton reaction inside the cells, increasing their internal oxidative stress to the point of pathogen rupture (Vilchèze et al., 2013; Levy, 2013). These anti-pathogen mechanisms can be very synergistic in treating infectious diseases. Furthermore, vitamin C enhances the capacity of all of the scavenger immune cells by concentrating inside them and allowing them to supply a greater immediate antioxidant delivery when the natural immune response summons them to areas of focal infection and inflammation that are always acutely and severely depleted of antioxidant capacity. However, a review of some older literature reveals, somewhat surprisingly, that magnesium chloride alone, given orally several times daily, has cured acute polio, even when significant paralysis had already developed (Neveu, 1961; Rodale, 1968). Dr. Frederick Klenner had also reported that high doses of vitamin C completely cured all of the 60 cases of polio that he saw in his practice. This result is likely achieved because both magnesium and vitamin C, as independent agents, can promptly normalize the pathology of increased intracellular oxidative stress seen in toxin exposures of any origin."

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I fully believe Dr. Yeadon is correct. All vaccines are a waste of time and there is absolutely NO proof anywhere that they help you live healthier or longer or live longer in a healthier state. The same can be said of ALL big pharma drugs...none which are natural to the body.

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I'm with you!

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There never were any need and never will be for any type so called vaccines.

They are poison to your body.

The pharmaceutical industry and allopathic ‘medicine’ is fraudulent. The critical thinkers have always been censored. Just to make eugenic followers/practitioners happy and make loads of money while lying their teeth off.

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I've got the link. Who wants it; you or him?

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Great post, and no need to apologize for length. I would call it a medium-length Substack essay. Videos are not especially reader-friendly, although they may be valuable for people that can't read well. I speed-read posts like this one, searching for parts with which I am not already familiar. Not so easy with a video.

But people do need to know about this, and for many a video might be the better way to reach them. So essay, video, video with transcript, it's all good.

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Might this link help? https://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/hemila/CP/Klenner_1948_ch.pdf No abstract but appears to be the full paper

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