Fear porn-Communist masquerading as freedom using PRS formula for agenda 2030 goals, depopulate world by 90%-Read the dstroyed Georgia Guidestones (Turner/Rockefeller) , the new 10 commandments-Number 1 earth to have no more than 500 million humans! Wake up
This video was recorded 10 years ago. It's WELL worth watching it today, as well as the rest of the series! It will truly open your eyes as to the attacks on the Constitution that we're facing.
First of all.. it looks as if the globalists attempt to depopulate this planet has what is called a multi vector strategy.
Historically starvation has played a huge part in depopulation.
The horrors by the bolsheviks against the Russian people is a horrifying example!
I mention this because disease is one tool in the demon tool box.
The co2 scam is another and the war against farmers disguised as concern over climate change is another.
The so called covid 19 plague has caused a vast amount of people to suffer many forms of maiming and deaths and destruction!
From an outside point of view it looks as if medical academia is in total disarray!
This must be an important part of the weaponisation strategy.
The so called virus is a sequence of dna that is labelled a virus.
And the signature sequence was ( I read also ) downloaded from a lab in China and that was labelled the covid 19 virus.
That sequence was then manufactured on a large scale and it is still called the covid 19 virus.
To me, the interesting and often overlooked part of the story is the part that the PCR (so called test) that Kary Mullis got a Nobel prize for, played in this story of plague.
All medical people should go and look at the many videos that Kary Mullis made where he describes the criminal use of his Nobel Prize winning PCR process as a diagnostic tool!
The PCR process was hijacked by the medical and governmental institutions !It has been used as diagnostic tool and the PCR process as stated by its Nobel Prize winning physicist MUST NOT BE USED AS A DIAGNOTIC TOOL because it will not tell you anything about someone’s condition of health.
Here will have to gain the actual concept of how the pcr process functions!
Kary Mullis made many videos!
Kary Mullis also went on to say that he tried to find someone that had isolated the actual “ virus” of the covid 19 “plague”.
He approached the global academic crew and asked where is the isolated virus because he wanted to take it into a lab to find out what the problems were.
You will find that he could not find anyone at the highest or any level that had the isolated sequence for the virus”.
He tells what happened next when he asked luc montagnier the very same question.
At some point luc montagnier stated that the “ virus” had not been isolated!
So .. you have a hijacked process to “determine “ if someone has the covid 19 bug that will not tell you if someone has the Covid 19 illness! ( on a good day)!
But if it gives you a positive reading then it’s suddenly possible to have an asymptomatic covid 19 plague !!
And you also have a covid 19 plague that has not been isolated!
So .. what do you have??
And why don’t you know what you do or do not have?
And the the most recent addition to this tsunami of insanity is the answer to question ;
What is the spike protein if it is not a virus???
This part of the story will rattle your cage!
The protein sequence downloaded from a sequence generated in s Chinese lab that everyone was calling the viral DNA sequence for the plague called covid 19,
is identical to the venom peptides found in two snakes venoms and here you will have to go look into the works of dr Bryan Ardis and further into this plague of deceptions!
Look up Dr David Martins work showing this trail of ??
that goes back at least to 1999 and even further!
Can you hear in the distance the sound of people shouting and crying ,
Like the blankets, given to the Indians, infested with the pox ... There is really nothing we can do. The planes, the drones .. they could spray the plague .. put it in our water, food or other meds...
Or a virus that will only work on those that did not get vaxxed..
The first vaxxes killed a certain type and the second round will kill the unvaxxes, so only a certain group will be left... the inoculated and drugged up zombies .. easy to manage.
I believe human kind is waking up and hope that those responsible will be de- throned and de- owned before we really end up in an apocalyptic scenario..
Keep spreading the news..! I have been urging friends and family not to touch Any Vaccine for 3+ years.. Especially the Covid Death Vax.. All Vaccines and many pharmaceutical injections currently produced have a variety of contaminates[Nano particles are just one] that are Injurious to the Human body..
The DOD ordered the very specific formulation[ developed in 'GOF lab or labs'] of the Covid Slow Kill Bio Weapon from Pfizer several months before the Wuhan Lab 'leak' was announced. According to [Deagle- a CIA subsidiary] Global depopulation plan right on target to exterminate at least 60% of current human population..
The good news is ivermectin and Fenbendazole are proving to be able to cure the turbo cancers generated by the Death Vax.. even in a variety of Stage 4's.. mounting antidotal evidence..
If you've yet to do so, I suggest following the Second Smartest Man in the World's substack..
He's been all over the Crime of the Century about 5 years
The Blob has lined up more plandemics, Bird Flu bio weapon already in production...
I have done my best to lead the charge against people getting Covid vaxxed. However as we all see the people dying at rates we have never seen before and for reasons we havent seen before in great numbers, I am 100 percent convinced that the light bulb will go on the day its announced that world population has dropped for the first time in modern history. I just think many dont want to see what is in front of them but when the world population drops those simple minded people will say that there is a problem. Soccer players dropping dead in matches and kids dropping dead wont do that for them as their brains work differently than ours otherwise they wouldnt have gotten vaxxed in the first place. They justify individual death but massive death they see differently as it was the appearance of massive death that got them scared in the first place.
I believe it's a great exaggeration to say that 95% of the world population will be wiped out by 2030. The globalist are dreaming the imposibil dream, just like in the song. Don't believe everything they say. Instead, think of their predictions this way: what is the probability of such extraordinary event to happen in five years? You know the answer.
"Viruses, Vaccines, Vaids and WW3."
It all seems too simple. We are missing something here, and that something is "Nuclear Winter" to combat "Global Warming."
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Fear porn-Communist masquerading as freedom using PRS formula for agenda 2030 goals, depopulate world by 90%-Read the dstroyed Georgia Guidestones (Turner/Rockefeller) , the new 10 commandments-Number 1 earth to have no more than 500 million humans! Wake up
Finally an explanation 9f why they vaxxed their military in every country the WEF has infiltrated
This is part of the UN charter... https://youtu.be/YoEuHlCqgu8?t=2894
This video was recorded 10 years ago. It's WELL worth watching it today, as well as the rest of the series! It will truly open your eyes as to the attacks on the Constitution that we're facing.
Myron Fagan a true patriot and hero exposes the Illuminati CFR full speech https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=auE5GEC-F-M
Just saw this video,
As to
“Fate of global militaries”
In this article….
Less than 60 second video…
‘U.S. Troops severely damaged from COVID Vaccine’
“USA navy medical officer dropping undeniable WAX truth bombs”
Said from
Fixed Wing pilots
Helicopter pilots
“Myocarditis up 151%
Ischemic heart disease up 69%
Pulmonary heart disease up 62%
Heart failure a staggering 973%”
Thanks for posting this. I might use it in a subsequent commentary. Will attribute with H/T.
I tried using my magnifying glass to be able to read the paper he was holding up.
I could not read it.
I hope you are able to read it
And then share!
Thank you for your reply
Hi ...
First of all.. it looks as if the globalists attempt to depopulate this planet has what is called a multi vector strategy.
Historically starvation has played a huge part in depopulation.
The horrors by the bolsheviks against the Russian people is a horrifying example!
I mention this because disease is one tool in the demon tool box.
The co2 scam is another and the war against farmers disguised as concern over climate change is another.
The so called covid 19 plague has caused a vast amount of people to suffer many forms of maiming and deaths and destruction!
From an outside point of view it looks as if medical academia is in total disarray!
This must be an important part of the weaponisation strategy.
The so called virus is a sequence of dna that is labelled a virus.
And the signature sequence was ( I read also ) downloaded from a lab in China and that was labelled the covid 19 virus.
That sequence was then manufactured on a large scale and it is still called the covid 19 virus.
To me, the interesting and often overlooked part of the story is the part that the PCR (so called test) that Kary Mullis got a Nobel prize for, played in this story of plague.
All medical people should go and look at the many videos that Kary Mullis made where he describes the criminal use of his Nobel Prize winning PCR process as a diagnostic tool!
The PCR process was hijacked by the medical and governmental institutions !It has been used as diagnostic tool and the PCR process as stated by its Nobel Prize winning physicist MUST NOT BE USED AS A DIAGNOTIC TOOL because it will not tell you anything about someone’s condition of health.
Here will have to gain the actual concept of how the pcr process functions!
Kary Mullis made many videos!
Kary Mullis also went on to say that he tried to find someone that had isolated the actual “ virus” of the covid 19 “plague”.
He approached the global academic crew and asked where is the isolated virus because he wanted to take it into a lab to find out what the problems were.
You will find that he could not find anyone at the highest or any level that had the isolated sequence for the virus”.
He tells what happened next when he asked luc montagnier the very same question.
At some point luc montagnier stated that the “ virus” had not been isolated!
So .. you have a hijacked process to “determine “ if someone has the covid 19 bug that will not tell you if someone has the Covid 19 illness! ( on a good day)!
But if it gives you a positive reading then it’s suddenly possible to have an asymptomatic covid 19 plague !!
And you also have a covid 19 plague that has not been isolated!
So .. what do you have??
And why don’t you know what you do or do not have?
And the the most recent addition to this tsunami of insanity is the answer to question ;
What is the spike protein if it is not a virus???
This part of the story will rattle your cage!
The protein sequence downloaded from a sequence generated in s Chinese lab that everyone was calling the viral DNA sequence for the plague called covid 19,
is identical to the venom peptides found in two snakes venoms and here you will have to go look into the works of dr Bryan Ardis and further into this plague of deceptions!
Look up Dr David Martins work showing this trail of ??
that goes back at least to 1999 and even further!
Can you hear in the distance the sound of people shouting and crying ,
“ I didn’t know “ I didn’t know !
Now you have a chance !
Like the blankets, given to the Indians, infested with the pox ... There is really nothing we can do. The planes, the drones .. they could spray the plague .. put it in our water, food or other meds...
Or a virus that will only work on those that did not get vaxxed..
The first vaxxes killed a certain type and the second round will kill the unvaxxes, so only a certain group will be left... the inoculated and drugged up zombies .. easy to manage.
I believe human kind is waking up and hope that those responsible will be de- throned and de- owned before we really end up in an apocalyptic scenario..
Keep spreading the news..! I have been urging friends and family not to touch Any Vaccine for 3+ years.. Especially the Covid Death Vax.. All Vaccines and many pharmaceutical injections currently produced have a variety of contaminates[Nano particles are just one] that are Injurious to the Human body..
The DOD ordered the very specific formulation[ developed in 'GOF lab or labs'] of the Covid Slow Kill Bio Weapon from Pfizer several months before the Wuhan Lab 'leak' was announced. According to [Deagle- a CIA subsidiary] Global depopulation plan right on target to exterminate at least 60% of current human population..
The good news is ivermectin and Fenbendazole are proving to be able to cure the turbo cancers generated by the Death Vax.. even in a variety of Stage 4's.. mounting antidotal evidence..
If you've yet to do so, I suggest following the Second Smartest Man in the World's substack..
He's been all over the Crime of the Century about 5 years
The Blob has lined up more plandemics, Bird Flu bio weapon already in production...
A out time the pinheads stopped blocking our posts
Meta Ends Fact-Checking Program in US, Introduces X-style Community Notes
Depopulation was the goal from the beginning, but Satan thrives on our suffering, so slow kill it is, for most.
"Viruses, Vaccines, Vaids and WW3." Yes, I think that just about covers it.
(See Edwin's further comment.)
Thanks for featuring my article. Much appreciated.
I have done my best to lead the charge against people getting Covid vaxxed. However as we all see the people dying at rates we have never seen before and for reasons we havent seen before in great numbers, I am 100 percent convinced that the light bulb will go on the day its announced that world population has dropped for the first time in modern history. I just think many dont want to see what is in front of them but when the world population drops those simple minded people will say that there is a problem. Soccer players dropping dead in matches and kids dropping dead wont do that for them as their brains work differently than ours otherwise they wouldnt have gotten vaxxed in the first place. They justify individual death but massive death they see differently as it was the appearance of massive death that got them scared in the first place.
It was not isolated when the “outbreak” began in Nov/Dec 2020
Should this not be 2019?
It not only WAS but still IS the basis for all that began in '19
They keep pushing it harder and harder
Every store I go into which has a pharmacy has a loud intercom
announcing: "Protect yourself and your loved ones,
get a COVID 19 vaccination"
if that is not bad enough, tv ads "IF you become infected with COVID,
somebody will be left alone"
It always features an elderly person
It is EVIL entirely
I believe it's a great exaggeration to say that 95% of the world population will be wiped out by 2030. The globalist are dreaming the imposibil dream, just like in the song. Don't believe everything they say. Instead, think of their predictions this way: what is the probability of such extraordinary event to happen in five years? You know the answer.