13 million dead already from the mRNA jab is a large number but it’s not over yet by a long shot. Turbo cancer will take out many many millions more and the decrease in fertility will lead to a substantial decrease in population worldwide. This nanotechnology bioweapon will definitely cull the herd. The sick satanic bastards that orchestrated this genocide will pay dearly. If not in this life then in the next.

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Chapeau to Dr. Rancourt and his team!!! Such meticulous, thorough, smart and professional ( not chasing excitement!) analysis and completely convincing date!! There is only one questionmark I have The A (or covid) peak : They argue that it might have been co - caused by an excessive use of Hydroxychloroquine in lethal dosis. We know that there was a scam "study" in Mexico using a 20 times to high Hydroxychloroquin protocol on frail people there and had produce a very high mortality rate. I am sure though, e.g. from early messages from Dr. Didier Raoul, France, that Hydroxychloroquin was used in normal doses and proved very helpful and I don't think doctors would be so callous to give sick patients a lethal dose of such an old, well known drug. So I am sure there will be found the correct cause of this first - A - peak.

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The end of life protocols in each nation took care of the first - for the psyops, most important - wave of deaths. They aligned everything for that, ordered extra drug stocks, put bounties on kills, used toxic treatments, prevented proper treatments.

That wave of fear from early 2020 still grips many. Makes them ignore all the evidence even now.


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Probably within 2 years, 90% of the population will be wiped out. Not just by the clot shot, but from wearing masks. Masks deteriorate the immune system, thereby, creating disease. This is why the Almighty has to intercede, otherwise, all of humanity will be wiped out. Welcome to the Beast System.. Wait until you can't buy nor sell, that too will be at everyone's doorstep before we know it. Just don't be like those 5 virgins who were not prepared and had no oil.. YHWH told them he knew them not, and the door was shut.

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These are the mechanisms by which 13 million people were killed by the COVID injections.


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I believe the number of people who have been murdered by these shots is way higher than what is stated here. VAERS is underreported by almost 100%. Autopsies have been denied and sabotaged. Their original plan was to depopulate by 95%. If we start in 2021 when the shots came out they would need to kill about 1.25 billion people per year to reach their goal by 2025. Deagel originally predicted just that by 2025. I always wondered how it would be accomplished. Now we know. And if that doesn’t work fast enough they are destroying all life on earth with geoengineered weather warfare and poisonous frequencies. Now cue the fake “alien invasion” and nuclear war. These criminals are

Evil beyond belief. May God help us all.

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EXACTLY LUCY, and I think the Dearh Rate instead of 100% is actually 99.9% or maybe 66 6%...? As you say, they want to reduce the population, the AntiChrist told us he only wants 500million people back in 1980. His Georgia Guidestones tells us so, in the very 1st of his Evil 10 Commandments.

Why Guidestones built on (3/22/)1980,

Why Yale Skull and Bones use the Number (322) in the logo? Because they Mock the True God/Yahweh and his Word.

Genesis (3:22)... Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—

EVIL hides in plain Sight. The Plan then carry out their "Ordo Ab Chao" years later to Lie about his actual power. It's not prophesied like God but planned then the chaos is carried out. Evil wants to be God...

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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I know ...we’re literally watching the aftermath now of their carefully , deviously, and meticulously orchestrated genocide as they sit back and silently watch it unfold as planned. Sickening.

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While denying proven facts and using the bought and paid for courts and attorneys and police to drag any lawsuits out for eternity. Until everyone who got jabbed is dead.

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I agree, because we are seeing sudden unexpected deaths in young and middle aged adults even two years after peak COVID vaccine uptake. So there will be no reliable final tally, at least for a long time. A catastrophic genocide.

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Are you saying that these recent deaths are from the jab two years ago, or from more recent boosters? Thanks for clarification.

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Jun 28, 2023
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Suicides up too.

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