There's still a lot of denial regarding the Hepatitis B experimental vaccine in the United States in 1978-79 as the cause of "AIDS" in gay men.
99% of all discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
Within months, the EXACT same demographic (promiscuous gay men in U.S. cities) began dropping dead like flies in 1980.
The behavior of gay men did NOT suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.
Note that AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is not caused by "HIV" but can be caused by ingesting toxic doses of drugs like AZT, poppers, or by living a druggy lifestyle.
By fixating on the false binary, namely that "AIDS" is either caused by "HIV" or by AZT overdosage, BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 have missed the main point (the elephant in the room) in that neither takes into consideration *WHAT WAS TRULY NEW* at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the EXACT demographic that starting dropping dead like flies within months of the experimental shots!!!
P.S. And just to be perfectly clear, the recipients of the *commercial* Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (approved *later* by FDA for health care workers) did NOT start dropping dead. I suppose the Merck product was missing the special, secret deadly Fauci ingredient.
P.P.S. Even if you choose NOT to inject yourself with the experimental "covid" shots, or any other experimental or approved shots, you may still be exposed to the harm by having contact with people who were foolish enough (or were coerced) to take the shot.
Agree. ''AIDS - The Crime Beyond Belief by William L.C.Scott and Donald W.Scott. There are so many books to read...but somehow nobody wants to talk about weaponised mycoplasma...
Only these few who are looking for mycoplasma, find it...Only mycoplasma explain all the crazy things about Covid tests, explain-why fruits, goats and whatever else tests positive for covid...mycoplasma is everywhere. What they have been testing for?
Weaponized mycoplasma may only be in some places and times, i.e. IMHO where and when the government chooses to deploy it for various nefarious purposes.
You think "Covid" was a type of weaponised mycoplasma? You may be right. That perhaps would explain why the antibiotic doxycycline was used with much success, e.g. in Uttar Pradesh province in India, where doxy was included in inexpensive kits along with IIRC ivermectin and zinc ... and then deaths in Uttar Pradesh dropped to almost ZERO ... and would also tend to explain why doxy was NOT permitted in the U.S. to be used against "Covid," i.e. because it would have worked/helped ...
The first time I found out about Doxycycline was when reading the ''Project Day Lily'' by Garth & Nicolson Nancy Nicolson. The real pandemic started long ago and still ongoing.
Co-factors are IMO worthy of consideration where "HIV" alone or mycoplasma alone might not cause disease, but both together possibly might cause disease. In other words, one co-factor might be *necessary but not sufficient to cause disease by itself* without the other one present/active. Like a binary weapon.
And what I think about Covid...After my mycoplasma info hunting and following info about Covid....I think that ''Harvard to The Big House - Straight to Your House'' are right.
"... timing of poppers and prophylactic antibiotics ..."
A segment of gay men in America (possibly/probably in Europe as well) used more than just one chemical formulation of "poppers" for a substantial number of years in the dance clubs and during sex without any sudden mass die-off occurring.
A promiscuous segment of gay men in America (probably in Europe as well) used antibiotics *as therapy* for a substantial number of years in the 1970s or would have their doctor give a shot of penicillin if they contracted a venereal disease ... again without a sudden mass die-off occurring.
The *experimental* Hep B vaccine program sponsored by N.I.H. (not Merck's) was confined to just 2 years from 1978-79 in America's big cities, and used ONLY promiscuous gay men in New York, San Fran, Chicago, Los Angeles, and a few other cities. This experiment was followed in a matter of months by the mass die-off of gays from what we refer to as "AIDS"/"HIV."
To be very clear, the recipients of the *commercial* Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (formally approved *later* by FDA for health care workers and *much later* for other people and (sadly) for young children) did NOT start dropping dead like flies. It was a different product.
And unlike the experimental NIH program, Merck's injection was NOT made from the pooled sera of chronic hepatitis B sufferers. NIH's experimental shot WAS. Plus, as an "experiment," who knows what other special, secret, deadly DOD/Gallo?/Fauci ingredient(s) was in the experimental shots?
I have no knowledge of the scope of *prophylactic* use of antibiotics.
Frequent use of antibiotics -- either therapeutic or prophylactic -- or "poppers" would be unhealthful, but the mass die-off occurred very shortly after the experimental Hep B shots program.
The media at the time in 1981 NEVER raised the possibility that the experimental Hep B might be involved though the media covered "AIDS" extensively and scared everyone half-to-death.
In hindsight, there likely was a "national security" media blackout on the role of the experimental Hep B shots. Else why was it never brought up by the media? Similar to now when the legacy media is silent on the harms of the rushed "Covid" experimental shots.
“History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.”
You make a good case. Of course the other aspects of "fast living" in the bathhouse culture of that time would only add to the vulnerability, but a coverup for an experimental shot gone wrong sounds like classic Big Pharma. Much like they covered up the damage of the smallpox vax by saying they "eradicated smallpox" and discontinuing the vax, while they changed diagnostic guidelines so that all cases would be diagnosed as chicken pox or measles instead.
In 1986, a new law freed Pharma from vaccine liability, as u likely already know::
"The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on November 14, 1986. NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims[1] ..."
Exacto-lutely. HIV-AIDS was a scam from the get go. Invent a scary sounding acronym for a bogus disease. Blame it on a fake virus. Make billions in phoney tests and iatrogenic treatments.
No, I don't think we're in agreement. So what was causing the deaths from 1981-1985?
The deaths of gay men from 1980-85 starting right after the shots in 1978-79 were real deaths, not fake. The gay demographic in the U.S. was dropping dead like flies. Other demographics were not dying.
*Something* suddenly started killing only he gays in the U.S.
Whatever the something was ... it was not AZT since that wasn't available until 1985.
But the deaths were real.
And the fact that there was even back then a media blackout on discussion of the experimental Hep B shots program, to me, makes the shots in 1978-79 more suspicious by the fact that the media flat out refused to discuss the possible relationship, i.e. the media was under orders "don't go there." Whatever was spreading between gay men was not nothing.
You wrote: "The lifestyle. The drugs. And there's your answer. No pathogen restricts itself to "gays"."
The flaw in your answer is what happened with the gays in Europe.
The way i look at this: True, there is no bio or chemical contagious agent that is so intelligent to know to infect only 1 specific demographic, namely gay men in America. What was unique to American gays was the Hep B experimental shots, which WERE RESTRICTED TO GAYS in the U.S., but which were NOT administered to gays in Europe.
European gays did eventually also get sick but not at first because they did NOT get the shots. The shots were only in the USA. Whatever it was took some time to reach Europe.
European gays got sick LATER --- only after they had contact with the American gays.
OK ... Go ahead. 🕵️ Point out the 'holes' ... or at least one or two holes ... so I can shoot them down (again) ... C'mon, hurry up! I haven't got all day here! 🙃
In Africa - sub-Sahara region HIV is found among 15–45-year-olds, with prevalence higher in women. 80% of cases are a result of heterosexual activity; perinatal and blood transfusions each account for about 10% of cases. Sexual networks especially determine the extent of spread.
People will ask: "How is it that "HIV"/"AIDS" was initially a homosexual disease in Western countries and a heterosexual disease in Africa?
Answer: Quite possibly because "HIV/AIDS," whatever it really is, was spread under the cover of 2 separate vaccine campaigns in the 1970s using 2 very different populations as the lab rats:
(1) - The World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign" injected smallpox vaccine into *heterosexual Africans* in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s, from approx 1966 to its end in 1977.
(2)- The NIH-sponsored "Hepatitis B Experimental Vaccine Program" used *only promiscuous homosexual volunteers* in U.S. cities in 1978-79. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were not allowed in the experiment.
"AIDS" in Africa is an entirely different animal. The case definition is wildly different. And in Africa most "HIV" testing is done in pre-natal clinics, which is hilarious when you understand that pregnancy cross-reacts with the tests. See the Charles Geshekter lectures for more details.
Not surprising when they are prescribed extremely toxic drugs from the moment they test positive, even when they have no symptoms of any "AIDS-defining disease."
Dr. Donald MacArthur's quote from the Dept. of Defense Appropriations hearings for 1970, H.B. 15090:
"2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."
"3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. "
[from June 9, 1969 transcript of Senate testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator discussing, what some folks believe to be, the lab creation of the AIDS virus]
For more on this, see for example links like this one below, as a starting point for some readers younger than i am:
Newsome, fyi, just yesterday, of course, has to mess with our consciousness and declare a "state of emergency", because of bird flu. One dairy cow has been affected as well as a few people, who I guess, were in that industry.
I went to Sprouts in Escondido, Ca yesterday and was shocked to see less than ten packages of chicken on the shelves. So now chicken, beef, eggs, cheese and milk may be included? Curious to see where this goes. He has to mess with this holiday season and install "fear" into this time of year. We seem to be the practice run for these evil asshats! I refuse to live in fear. Newsome SUCKS!
The Pelosis, the Newsoms, the Browns, and the Gettys run the state of California, provided they don't step out of line. If they do, even they will be taken out by the military cult who runs the sad show we're all watching, but their deaths will not be deemed homicides, rather mislabeled as 'suicides' or an 'unfortunate overdose.' But never murder.
Here are just 2 examples from the Getty family:
(1) "Andrew Getty dead: Grandson of oil tycoon J Paul suffers 'blunt-force trauma' at LA home" [at age 47, in 2015]
Outstanding point regarding "health care workers" needing to stop being cattle for Pharma. What a grotesque set of machinations: expand "health care" and those working within it, then capture them forever as forced consumers of Pharma products. (With the penalty for saying "no thanks" being loss of job/career/licensure etc.)
I was thinking about AIDS the other day in this context. Remember the Ryan White blood transfusion story? They used the media to hype AIDS, just like covid. You don't really hear about anyone with AIDS today. Oh and then there is Magic Johnson........40 years later, still alive.
Sounds about right. ?AIDS == contaminated haccines?
There's still a lot of denial regarding the Hepatitis B experimental vaccine in the United States in 1978-79 as the cause of "AIDS" in gay men.
99% of all discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
Within months, the EXACT same demographic (promiscuous gay men in U.S. cities) began dropping dead like flies in 1980.
The behavior of gay men did NOT suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.
Note that AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is not caused by "HIV" but can be caused by ingesting toxic doses of drugs like AZT, poppers, or by living a druggy lifestyle.
By fixating on the false binary, namely that "AIDS" is either caused by "HIV" or by AZT overdosage, BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 have missed the main point (the elephant in the room) in that neither takes into consideration *WHAT WAS TRULY NEW* at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the EXACT demographic that starting dropping dead like flies within months of the experimental shots!!!
P.S. And just to be perfectly clear, the recipients of the *commercial* Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (approved *later* by FDA for health care workers) did NOT start dropping dead. I suppose the Merck product was missing the special, secret deadly Fauci ingredient.
P.P.S. Even if you choose NOT to inject yourself with the experimental "covid" shots, or any other experimental or approved shots, you may still be exposed to the harm by having contact with people who were foolish enough (or were coerced) to take the shot.
Agree. ''AIDS - The Crime Beyond Belief by William L.C.Scott and Donald W.Scott. There are so many books to read...but somehow nobody wants to talk about weaponised mycoplasma...
"... weaponised mycoplasma ..."
I agree that weaponised mycoplasma is quite important to consider. Excellent observation.
Only these few who are looking for mycoplasma, find it...Only mycoplasma explain all the crazy things about Covid tests, explain-why fruits, goats and whatever else tests positive for covid...mycoplasma is everywhere. What they have been testing for?
"... mycoplasma is everywhere ..."
I do believe u are correct.
Weaponized mycoplasma may only be in some places and times, i.e. IMHO where and when the government chooses to deploy it for various nefarious purposes.
You think "Covid" was a type of weaponised mycoplasma? You may be right. That perhaps would explain why the antibiotic doxycycline was used with much success, e.g. in Uttar Pradesh province in India, where doxy was included in inexpensive kits along with IIRC ivermectin and zinc ... and then deaths in Uttar Pradesh dropped to almost ZERO ... and would also tend to explain why doxy was NOT permitted in the U.S. to be used against "Covid," i.e. because it would have worked/helped ...
The first time I found out about Doxycycline was when reading the ''Project Day Lily'' by Garth & Nicolson Nancy Nicolson. The real pandemic started long ago and still ongoing.
"... The real pandemic ..."
The military experimenting on the soldiers?
And yeh, mycoplasma was also vaccine contaminant too...until PCR was invented. Before that it wasn't possible to test for it.
''You think "Covid" was a type of weaponised mycoplasma?''
What I have learned that the code word is 'co-infection'. HIV is one of many co-factors.
Co-factors are IMO worthy of consideration where "HIV" alone or mycoplasma alone might not cause disease, but both together possibly might cause disease. In other words, one co-factor might be *necessary but not sufficient to cause disease by itself* without the other one present/active. Like a binary weapon.
And what I think about Covid...After my mycoplasma info hunting and following info about Covid....I think that ''Harvard to The Big House - Straight to Your House'' are right.
How about the timing of poppers and prophylactic antibiotics? Also, what about after the Hep B vaccine program stopped (did it?).
Good observation, just filling in the blanks.
"... timing of poppers and prophylactic antibiotics ..."
A segment of gay men in America (possibly/probably in Europe as well) used more than just one chemical formulation of "poppers" for a substantial number of years in the dance clubs and during sex without any sudden mass die-off occurring.
A promiscuous segment of gay men in America (probably in Europe as well) used antibiotics *as therapy* for a substantial number of years in the 1970s or would have their doctor give a shot of penicillin if they contracted a venereal disease ... again without a sudden mass die-off occurring.
The *experimental* Hep B vaccine program sponsored by N.I.H. (not Merck's) was confined to just 2 years from 1978-79 in America's big cities, and used ONLY promiscuous gay men in New York, San Fran, Chicago, Los Angeles, and a few other cities. This experiment was followed in a matter of months by the mass die-off of gays from what we refer to as "AIDS"/"HIV."
To be very clear, the recipients of the *commercial* Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (formally approved *later* by FDA for health care workers and *much later* for other people and (sadly) for young children) did NOT start dropping dead like flies. It was a different product.
And unlike the experimental NIH program, Merck's injection was NOT made from the pooled sera of chronic hepatitis B sufferers. NIH's experimental shot WAS. Plus, as an "experiment," who knows what other special, secret, deadly DOD/Gallo?/Fauci ingredient(s) was in the experimental shots?
I have no knowledge of the scope of *prophylactic* use of antibiotics.
Frequent use of antibiotics -- either therapeutic or prophylactic -- or "poppers" would be unhealthful, but the mass die-off occurred very shortly after the experimental Hep B shots program.
The media at the time in 1981 NEVER raised the possibility that the experimental Hep B might be involved though the media covered "AIDS" extensively and scared everyone half-to-death.
In hindsight, there likely was a "national security" media blackout on the role of the experimental Hep B shots. Else why was it never brought up by the media? Similar to now when the legacy media is silent on the harms of the rushed "Covid" experimental shots.
“History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.”
~Mark Twain (attributed)
You make a good case. Of course the other aspects of "fast living" in the bathhouse culture of that time would only add to the vulnerability, but a coverup for an experimental shot gone wrong sounds like classic Big Pharma. Much like they covered up the damage of the smallpox vax by saying they "eradicated smallpox" and discontinuing the vax, while they changed diagnostic guidelines so that all cases would be diagnosed as chicken pox or measles instead.
In 1986, a new law freed Pharma from vaccine liability, as u likely already know::
"The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on November 14, 1986. NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims[1] ..."
^Pharma was big-scared.^
Exacto-lutely. HIV-AIDS was a scam from the get go. Invent a scary sounding acronym for a bogus disease. Blame it on a fake virus. Make billions in phoney tests and iatrogenic treatments.
No, I don't think we're in agreement. So what was causing the deaths from 1981-1985?
The deaths of gay men from 1980-85 starting right after the shots in 1978-79 were real deaths, not fake. The gay demographic in the U.S. was dropping dead like flies. Other demographics were not dying.
*Something* suddenly started killing only he gays in the U.S.
Whatever the something was ... it was not AZT since that wasn't available until 1985.
But the deaths were real.
And the fact that there was even back then a media blackout on discussion of the experimental Hep B shots program, to me, makes the shots in 1978-79 more suspicious by the fact that the media flat out refused to discuss the possible relationship, i.e. the media was under orders "don't go there." Whatever was spreading between gay men was not nothing.
So what was causing the deaths from 1981-1985?
The lifestyle. The drugs. And there's your answer. No pathogen restricts itself to "gays".
You wrote: "The lifestyle. The drugs. And there's your answer. No pathogen restricts itself to "gays"."
The flaw in your answer is what happened with the gays in Europe.
The way i look at this: True, there is no bio or chemical contagious agent that is so intelligent to know to infect only 1 specific demographic, namely gay men in America. What was unique to American gays was the Hep B experimental shots, which WERE RESTRICTED TO GAYS in the U.S., but which were NOT administered to gays in Europe.
European gays did eventually also get sick but not at first because they did NOT get the shots. The shots were only in the USA. Whatever it was took some time to reach Europe.
European gays got sick LATER --- only after they had contact with the American gays.
Your thesis has more holes than a colander.
"Your thesis has more holes than a colander."
OK ... Go ahead. 🕵️ Point out the 'holes' ... or at least one or two holes ... so I can shoot them down (again) ... C'mon, hurry up! I haven't got all day here! 🙃
Neither have I. It sounds like you have never read Duesberg’s Inventing the AIDS Virus or heard of the Perth Group. Your loss.
In Africa - sub-Sahara region HIV is found among 15–45-year-olds, with prevalence higher in women. 80% of cases are a result of heterosexual activity; perinatal and blood transfusions each account for about 10% of cases. Sexual networks especially determine the extent of spread.
People will ask: "How is it that "HIV"/"AIDS" was initially a homosexual disease in Western countries and a heterosexual disease in Africa?
Answer: Quite possibly because "HIV/AIDS," whatever it really is, was spread under the cover of 2 separate vaccine campaigns in the 1970s using 2 very different populations as the lab rats:
(1) - The World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign" injected smallpox vaccine into *heterosexual Africans* in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s, from approx 1966 to its end in 1977.
(2)- The NIH-sponsored "Hepatitis B Experimental Vaccine Program" used *only promiscuous homosexual volunteers* in U.S. cities in 1978-79. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were not allowed in the experiment.
I don't think babies and adults who received blood transfusions would fit that bill though.
"AIDS" in Africa is an entirely different animal. The case definition is wildly different. And in Africa most "HIV" testing is done in pre-natal clinics, which is hilarious when you understand that pregnancy cross-reacts with the tests. See the Charles Geshekter lectures for more details.
The pathogen is not gender biased, but there is a bias in terms of route of infection.
There was no pathogen.
Ralph Baric created a pathogen at his lab, and Vincent Munster aerosolized it. They are the facts.
I wouldn't buy a used Ford Taurus from Ralph Baric.
Yet, many young people died within years of testing positive.
Not surprising when they are prescribed extremely toxic drugs from the moment they test positive, even when they have no symptoms of any "AIDS-defining disease."
It takes years before symptoms appear. I have witnessed the trajectory many times, ending in death until HAART.
Test “positive” for what?
Dr. Donald MacArthur's quote from the Dept. of Defense Appropriations hearings for 1970, H.B. 15090:
"2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."
"3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million. "
[from June 9, 1969 transcript of Senate testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator discussing, what some folks believe to be, the lab creation of the AIDS virus]
For more on this, see for example links like this one below, as a starting point for some readers younger than i am:
Newsome, fyi, just yesterday, of course, has to mess with our consciousness and declare a "state of emergency", because of bird flu. One dairy cow has been affected as well as a few people, who I guess, were in that industry.
I went to Sprouts in Escondido, Ca yesterday and was shocked to see less than ten packages of chicken on the shelves. So now chicken, beef, eggs, cheese and milk may be included? Curious to see where this goes. He has to mess with this holiday season and install "fear" into this time of year. We seem to be the practice run for these evil asshats! I refuse to live in fear. Newsome SUCKS!
The Pelosis, the Newsoms, the Browns, and the Gettys. Inter-generational familial crime.
"Pelosi - Mangione Crime Cover Up Continues: New Evidence Of Long Term Plan To Kill Brian Thompson Since Palo Alto Networks Insider Trading"
The Pelosis, the Newsoms, the Browns, and the Gettys run the state of California, provided they don't step out of line. If they do, even they will be taken out by the military cult who runs the sad show we're all watching, but their deaths will not be deemed homicides, rather mislabeled as 'suicides' or an 'unfortunate overdose.' But never murder.
Here are just 2 examples from the Getty family:
(1) "Andrew Getty dead: Grandson of oil tycoon J Paul suffers 'blunt-force trauma' at LA home" [at age 47, in 2015]
(2) "J Paul Getty's grandson [John Gilbert Getty] found dead in Texas hotel room" [at age 52, in 2023]
Need I say more?
Outstanding point regarding "health care workers" needing to stop being cattle for Pharma. What a grotesque set of machinations: expand "health care" and those working within it, then capture them forever as forced consumers of Pharma products. (With the penalty for saying "no thanks" being loss of job/career/licensure etc.)
I was thinking about AIDS the other day in this context. Remember the Ryan White blood transfusion story? They used the media to hype AIDS, just like covid. You don't really hear about anyone with AIDS today. Oh and then there is Magic Johnson........40 years later, still alive.
HAART has lowered mortality by 80% for those with HIV.
Why HIV positiv people they didn't take the so called medicine,why they die???