I don't get sick.

I have not had any vaccines in over 50 years.

I don't do QR codes.

Transhummies will be like zombies and worthless.

Sorry teddy-pox, you lose again.

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A vax is not the only means to administer their deadly toxins. Chemtrails administer overhead (affecting the food and water supply). They even have “special” bugs in case you don’t breath or eat.

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Trust your immune system if you are not injected! F##k them! There's always a way passing through! I've never been so healthy since the scamdemic and I 'm 64! Stop being at fear for everything!

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water in fact its coming back much sooner than you think.....go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty....its a worldwide petition it can besigned and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said keep it well away from you tube/twitter/gestapo book/ who you can be sure will censor/suppress it.....however there are many other outlets that can be used and a good place to start will be substack..it currently has over 257000 signatures

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I went to citizengo.org to sign the petition, entered my name, email address, etc.

They would not accept my signing - said the email was not valid!!!!

My email is valid. I have had and have been using the same email address for over 20 years.

Don't know why or understand what that was all about. Perhaps they don't want people to sign the petition "Stop the WHO's accelerated push to finalize the Pandemic Treaty".



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If l may say something is just not to comply! F###k them!

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Think about the tactic of fear porn for millions to get injected.

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They are masters of mind manipulation.

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Anybody using basic science and critical thinking skills escaped the fear porn, and avoided being injected.

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Thank you! Commen sense is your defense against these parasites!

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John Legend, I hate you!

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And P!nk 😠

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VIDEO COMPILATION summary [8videos] 2025 will be The Great Purge of Misinformation, Disinformation, Free Thinking and Rational Conversation


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The dumbos will beg to be transhumanised because they are scared of another deadly Mexican beer virus.

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Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and do the fast and simple action steps for getting us out of the United Nations Beast.

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There's really only one goal: complete world tyranny. Covid-19, aka The Great Cough & Cold Swindle, was Stage 1 in the war on freedom. It was a win for Team Totalitarian. Humanity nil, Baddies 1.

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Thank you for all you share. One by one, people are waking up, and they have you to thank in small part. Thank you! I pass along your stuff, and I hope the recipients do as well.

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These scam merchants will try anything!

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That seems to be the big issue with these people. They really want to transform themselves our children and our lives into something they deem better than the way it was meant to be.

Seems to me they want to play god because they think they are god.

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