Your correct. It was David Spangler that announced to the world on a radio station in the Bible Belt cities here in America. He said, “ You must accept a luciferian Initiation in order to enter the New Age”. That was a wake up call to many and Constance Cumby a Michigan lawyer warned us all with her two books-“ Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” and “A planned Deception”. I suggest every person that reads this get at least her first book so you can understand who they players are and what they plan to do with the rest of us. Very important is knowledge and understanding of who these players are. Time to get busy doing our part now to stop the plans of the New Agers.
They are anything but elite. I prefer the term parasite class. Many of them are gone already and good riddance. I don't doubt the globalist plan. If the next plandemic and the poison fog are any indication they are in a big rush. They want us all dead and they don't care how. They get away with this shit because nobody has been hanged yet.
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER
“One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier
“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.” United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline would be ideal.” Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major United Nations contributor
"Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation" Prince Philip
"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries" Henry Kissinger
so, why instead of working on the core issue, wich is our fallen nature, do all deflect from that main problem and always point to the other? Just like Adam said: it was she..
I believe the earth can sustain billions and billions more.. but we are egoistic, destructive and self centered. And we are a stubborn kind and our demise has been foretold. Non the less, we are encouraged to be a light in this world.
Maybe if they stop burning down our chicken farms, killing cattle, Spraying the sky’s with chemicals, all would be fine. They are intentionally destroying our food supply’s. They should be the first to be taken out. All the very wealthy first! All the Pedos on down! Would make a wonderful world without all this trash!
The depopulation angle is just junk used to get people believing that the crimes they're committing are some kind of altruistic endeavor making the 'hard decision' for the greater good; soppy, soppy.
Total lie, it's all a script that has been honed and reused since Sumeria. The previous 'resets' weren't about population size, and this one isn't either.
The size of the population is always in relation to how much they can control while keeping the same crooked systems in place.
The truth is that a population is 'too large', when the middle class attains enough wealth to exert power and influence of their own. We see this in their symbolism. To explain, we'll use the Matrix:
Neo's enemies are the agents.
The agents names are Brown, Jones, Thompson, Johnson and Smith: the most 'common' names in the west.
An agent is someone who has power or influence.
So, commoners with power and influence are the enemies. We also see it at the end of the movie when Neo wipes out the old matrix and creates a new world order (we lived in the old one).
Or, we could use the Biblical 'eat the rich' theme, same thing, but the fake religions are a bit tired at this point, and are being used to justify murder and genocide.
People going along with the agenda and believing they are doing something altruistic are just idiots getting used.
Symbolism is important to know. For example, let's take the Trump assassination. Prior to that, senior Rabbis gave him the 'Silver Crown'. This is the crown at the feet of sagittarius. He was 'hit' on the ear, didn't die, and the 'man of fire' was sacrificed. Hit on the ear and not dying=antichrist.
Silver crown= antichrist.
Sagittarius=antichrist, Perseus=Red Horse, Summer Triangle=Pale Horse and Scorpio=Black Horse.
Man of fire=Jesus= the Sun=27 day rotation=Number on fireman uniform.
Name of fireman, corey whatever, translates as 'God's sacrifice'.
'Shooting' took place at Bethel park, and a 'park' is a 'hem', so it happened at Bethelhem.
Symbolically speaking, Trump will act in the role of the antichrist.
The symbolism is banking and business practices personified with math, the sun and nature. For example, Satanism is the art of 'influence' and comes from 'tan'gent, which is a line that touches the circle but does not enter, so influence only/propaganda/hollywood and the Institutions.
overall I think you're correct a lot of these people are very nefarious but there are a few on the list that my seems you've taken out of context like Attenborough or Jacques Cousteau as a 66 yr old I remember & respect these men who's lives were dedicated to making us aware of how fucked up we were treating the planet pollution was rampant they were just trying to make it better with awareness in my humble opinion but the rest(as far as i know) yeeks a bunch of elite genocidal trash
Thanks again. I've been repeating this phrase lately to myself, from Dr. John Coleman, "Hiding in plain sight." That's what he wrote in "Conspirators Hierarchy." The controllers don't hide their sinister operations against humanity because they're aware of their successful mind control. Take care.
People over complicate things. What about this. "The love of money is the root of all evil." You name it...drug dealing, pimping, child trafficking, porn, abortion, etc ALL exist because people love money and will commit grave crimes to possess it. The problem originates in man...greed, selfishness, etc.
Why do we tend to want more and more. Example. Cars. It started with Ford inventing mass produced cars. Then was added luxurious options. I am not a hypocrite. I drive among other things a 1979 Chevy van short wheelbase. We have a 1976 Chevy Blazer. A 2006 Ford Crown Victoria. A 2008 Dodge 2500. New cars have more and more bells and whistles. The point is my van costs less than 20% for a tune up compared to the Dodge truck. The Dodge truck 16 years old costs $800. for a tune up. Two spark plugs plus a resistor for every cylinder. Older cars? One spark plug per cylinder. A set of points, and a coil. Newer models? Computer systems. Worth the extra? NOPE.
Older vehicles still work. Get me from place to place but at a much reduced cost. My 2008 cost me $42000. new. A new one comparable costs $100,000. Why? New gadgetry. But who needs it? Safer? Nope. Steel is replaced by plastic to make newer vehicles lighter but offers less protection.
So the improvements are not necessary at the extra cost. This is the same with everything. I am simplifying this purposely without getting into the globealoney nonsense. We need to earn more and more money for the same things plus higher taxes plus useless regulatory agencies inventing new laws costing a fortune to enforce. It is a huge merry go round, a long rocky road that has no turning, a yellow brick pathway leading to a dead end of despair, misery, unhappiness and here in Canuckistan, MAID that exists to get rid of people for the most vapid reasons. Humans are treated like outdated vehicles, and the recycling aspect already sees human body parts recycling....and for money of course.
We are addicted to money and are slaves of it and here is why…it’s very simple…create a financial system based on paper money…install the federal reserve which is not federal or a reserve but insures that no large transaction takes place without going through it…then get everyone addicted to this system and make sure you can’t operate without it…then control the money…bingo !…you control the world, and when you decide there is too many people you use the money that you stole from them to get rid of them.
And don't forget! The Luciferian Globalist Cabal started off by creating most of the world's Central Banks (starting with 'Great' (?) Britain's. They now control the US, UK, and most of Europe.
Don’t forget Freemasonry. Read the book,”The Killing of Uncle Sam.” Then get the book,” Lab 257.” Read about their Nazi experimental controlled lab at Plum Island, NY that leaked their experiment on the island then over to the US mainland. (Lyme disease) Then read the book of Dr Peter Breggin and his wife having to do with truth on COVID and injections. It is a thick blue book. Important info to clear up as to what has been happening for a long time and what is coming. America needs to realize that the good people of this country need to unite, be the voice of truth and knock down this evil. Knowledge and being attentive is key.
Yup but I link the spiritual aspect of things into the temporal application of events that humans create but which were and are ordained to be. The evil is nauseating. But the spiritual? "And God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." Then came the flood. And another start and as time passes the same old same old. Man cannot cease from sinning which is why He said the above and also why it says "If you say you have no sin then the Truth is not in you.'
And "There are none righteous, no not one."
But He gives and gave each one of us a chance. He had to in His Mercy but we know Rome in the time of Jesus was as filthy and perhaps more than big cities are today. Yet the spiritual aspect of our existences is the prime indicator of the times. And so it has always been.
Yes. The NWO are referenced and identified in scriptures as "workers of iniquity and "rich men" who "oppress" us. Population reductions are part of their evil plan.
This subject is extremly complex ! From my perspective yes we have a massive population problem, not the total number of human beings on our planet, I think the people who argument that have very low understanding of the earth ecosystems.
BUT we have an overpopulation in criticale areas to the ecological systems, for example in my home city Mohammedia-Morocco I am witnessing an overpopulation of the area causing massive damage and probably a total collaps of ecosystem services in the sooner future. The problem is not too many human beings, the problem is over consentration in the deltas of rivers consuming fresh water and mixing it with toxic waste than throwing it in the ocean and killing plancton and fish with it....
In the last several months the stupid developers have ruined so many highly fertile land and they have cut the trees only to build housing unites (Boxes), I don't have problem with construction I spent most of my adult life studying to earn my degree as civil engineer, but where to construct is the question. I still can't understand why people leave all the free land and they come exactly to places where they will impact negatively the ecosystem to the maximum and start a construction site, wasting concreat, steel and asphalt .... This is why I decided to not just take a job in Construction to help in Destruction ! I am currently at an advanced point of understanding of these issues, relation between populations consentration, totalitarianism, ecological systems, urbanization, construction and holistic management.
The main term one should focus on is "Radical Urbanization" especially in critical areas to the ecological systems, for example deltas of rivers, in my opinion is the mother of most problems of todays world.
The idea of just reducing the numbers is so Banaly Evil (Eichman In Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt), because reducing the numbers will not solve the issues. We need to reach the potential of most living people to be able to solve our problems, at the moment most people are alienated and resigned. And we have a massively destructed environment that we should start kleening up, with less people we will be overwehlmed and we will have a lesser chance of survivale as species, plus we will suffer from massive psychosis if we committed a mass killing, I lived in Germany for 7years and I felt the effects in the population even generations after the events that took place, a global one will be orders of magnitude worse.
The simple solution that I came to, and if I find support I can get it implimented with negligable cost in a matter of months, is "legal limitation to growth to Radical Urbanization especially in critical areas to the ecological systems" and "building new settlments in the forms of villages & small cities everywhere we can on the land".
You seem to miss the point - the 'Elite' Luciferian Globalist Cabal only NEED a tiny fraction of the workers, so they conspire to kill off the others by Bioweapons disguised as 'vaccines', energy price gouging through idiotic CO2 scares, wars and artificially induced famines (as well as pesticides, herbicides, GMO's and wars on farmers). Also, they want the rump survivors to be transhuman mind-controlled slaves, which they intend to impliment by injecting nanotechnology with their 'Bioweapon' jabs..
Incidentally, I notice you are from Morocco. I spent two years there as a USAF 'Dependent' in '57/'58. First Sidi Slimaine, then Casablanca.
"Stupid incompetant and mediocre thinkers" I call them, they are not Elite, to be elite you have to perform very good things and be admired by many people, but they have produced a so of a mess and caused so much unnecessary harm to billions of people. These are elitists, cowards and banally Evil individuals, some of them are probably radically Evil causing many problems to our human family and nature.
CO² is a no problem, it is a fertiliser, that what airplaines are spraying is probably causing great damage as well as human waste especially waterwaste on the coasts ... all those things are derived from the human condition and our terminally upset state (see the book freedom-the end of the human condition) ... and because humans have difficulty to really think, we have externalized the processes of decision making to SAI systems (Semi Artificial Intelligent), such XYZ agencies, governments, ngos, norms, bureacracies, codes, etc. and now we are in a state that we are starting to give these decision to artificial intelligence systems, it the seem that the end game could be a world gov. managed mainly by AI and guided by a few highly destructive vampires, this is the direction, I am not sure but it seem to be on auto-pilot at this point in time ...
We really need an enlightment moment soon otherwise we will lose our civilization and we may cause irreversible damage to our DNA and ecological systems.
Yes, I am from the area of Casablanca, but I am leaving out of here very soon, it is becomming hostile to life-loving human beings, it is now a radically urbanized (over-populated) area, an urban desert and the people are becomming more and more egoistic and corrupt, almost no gardens. And more importantly it is transforming to a smart city, too much pollution & EMFs, a zombies-vampires society.
My friend, for so long time have l not be impressed by such a wonderfull post! I am really happy that it still exists such great thinkers! Thank you for your perspective! Much appreciated! Bless you!
Your correct. It was David Spangler that announced to the world on a radio station in the Bible Belt cities here in America. He said, “ You must accept a luciferian Initiation in order to enter the New Age”. That was a wake up call to many and Constance Cumby a Michigan lawyer warned us all with her two books-“ Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” and “A planned Deception”. I suggest every person that reads this get at least her first book so you can understand who they players are and what they plan to do with the rest of us. Very important is knowledge and understanding of who these players are. Time to get busy doing our part now to stop the plans of the New Agers.
They are anything but elite. I prefer the term parasite class. Many of them are gone already and good riddance. I don't doubt the globalist plan. If the next plandemic and the poison fog are any indication they are in a big rush. They want us all dead and they don't care how. They get away with this shit because nobody has been hanged yet.
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER
“One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier
“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.” United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline would be ideal.” Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major United Nations contributor
"Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation" Prince Philip
"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries" Henry Kissinger
so, why instead of working on the core issue, wich is our fallen nature, do all deflect from that main problem and always point to the other? Just like Adam said: it was she..
I believe the earth can sustain billions and billions more.. but we are egoistic, destructive and self centered. And we are a stubborn kind and our demise has been foretold. Non the less, we are encouraged to be a light in this world.
STRANGE THAT NOBODY arguing for reducing world population …..
Maybe if they stop burning down our chicken farms, killing cattle, Spraying the sky’s with chemicals, all would be fine. They are intentionally destroying our food supply’s. They should be the first to be taken out. All the very wealthy first! All the Pedos on down! Would make a wonderful world without all this trash!
Brilliant stuff.Gain of Function is PsyOp. No evidence for the possibility of a natural or man-made transmission of disease.
It’s all psychology. Virology is ridiculous pseudoscience
The depopulation angle is just junk used to get people believing that the crimes they're committing are some kind of altruistic endeavor making the 'hard decision' for the greater good; soppy, soppy.
Total lie, it's all a script that has been honed and reused since Sumeria. The previous 'resets' weren't about population size, and this one isn't either.
The size of the population is always in relation to how much they can control while keeping the same crooked systems in place.
The truth is that a population is 'too large', when the middle class attains enough wealth to exert power and influence of their own. We see this in their symbolism. To explain, we'll use the Matrix:
Neo's enemies are the agents.
The agents names are Brown, Jones, Thompson, Johnson and Smith: the most 'common' names in the west.
An agent is someone who has power or influence.
So, commoners with power and influence are the enemies. We also see it at the end of the movie when Neo wipes out the old matrix and creates a new world order (we lived in the old one).
Or, we could use the Biblical 'eat the rich' theme, same thing, but the fake religions are a bit tired at this point, and are being used to justify murder and genocide.
People going along with the agenda and believing they are doing something altruistic are just idiots getting used.
Symbolism is important to know. For example, let's take the Trump assassination. Prior to that, senior Rabbis gave him the 'Silver Crown'. This is the crown at the feet of sagittarius. He was 'hit' on the ear, didn't die, and the 'man of fire' was sacrificed. Hit on the ear and not dying=antichrist.
Silver crown= antichrist.
Sagittarius=antichrist, Perseus=Red Horse, Summer Triangle=Pale Horse and Scorpio=Black Horse.
Man of fire=Jesus= the Sun=27 day rotation=Number on fireman uniform.
Name of fireman, corey whatever, translates as 'God's sacrifice'.
'Shooting' took place at Bethel park, and a 'park' is a 'hem', so it happened at Bethelhem.
Symbolically speaking, Trump will act in the role of the antichrist.
The symbolism is banking and business practices personified with math, the sun and nature. For example, Satanism is the art of 'influence' and comes from 'tan'gent, which is a line that touches the circle but does not enter, so influence only/propaganda/hollywood and the Institutions.
overall I think you're correct a lot of these people are very nefarious but there are a few on the list that my seems you've taken out of context like Attenborough or Jacques Cousteau as a 66 yr old I remember & respect these men who's lives were dedicated to making us aware of how fucked up we were treating the planet pollution was rampant they were just trying to make it better with awareness in my humble opinion but the rest(as far as i know) yeeks a bunch of elite genocidal trash
Where is the link to the documents?
Hell is sufficient for the 30 mentioned in this article!
Just staying alive is defiance!
Thanks again. I've been repeating this phrase lately to myself, from Dr. John Coleman, "Hiding in plain sight." That's what he wrote in "Conspirators Hierarchy." The controllers don't hide their sinister operations against humanity because they're aware of their successful mind control. Take care.
People over complicate things. What about this. "The love of money is the root of all evil." You name it...drug dealing, pimping, child trafficking, porn, abortion, etc ALL exist because people love money and will commit grave crimes to possess it. The problem originates in man...greed, selfishness, etc.
Why do we tend to want more and more. Example. Cars. It started with Ford inventing mass produced cars. Then was added luxurious options. I am not a hypocrite. I drive among other things a 1979 Chevy van short wheelbase. We have a 1976 Chevy Blazer. A 2006 Ford Crown Victoria. A 2008 Dodge 2500. New cars have more and more bells and whistles. The point is my van costs less than 20% for a tune up compared to the Dodge truck. The Dodge truck 16 years old costs $800. for a tune up. Two spark plugs plus a resistor for every cylinder. Older cars? One spark plug per cylinder. A set of points, and a coil. Newer models? Computer systems. Worth the extra? NOPE.
Older vehicles still work. Get me from place to place but at a much reduced cost. My 2008 cost me $42000. new. A new one comparable costs $100,000. Why? New gadgetry. But who needs it? Safer? Nope. Steel is replaced by plastic to make newer vehicles lighter but offers less protection.
So the improvements are not necessary at the extra cost. This is the same with everything. I am simplifying this purposely without getting into the globealoney nonsense. We need to earn more and more money for the same things plus higher taxes plus useless regulatory agencies inventing new laws costing a fortune to enforce. It is a huge merry go round, a long rocky road that has no turning, a yellow brick pathway leading to a dead end of despair, misery, unhappiness and here in Canuckistan, MAID that exists to get rid of people for the most vapid reasons. Humans are treated like outdated vehicles, and the recycling aspect already sees human body parts recycling....and for money of course.
"When will they ever learn..."
We are addicted to money and are slaves of it and here is why…it’s very simple…create a financial system based on paper money…install the federal reserve which is not federal or a reserve but insures that no large transaction takes place without going through it…then get everyone addicted to this system and make sure you can’t operate without it…then control the money…bingo !…you control the world, and when you decide there is too many people you use the money that you stole from them to get rid of them.
I cannot argue with is accurate.
And don't forget! The Luciferian Globalist Cabal started off by creating most of the world's Central Banks (starting with 'Great' (?) Britain's. They now control the US, UK, and most of Europe.
Don’t forget Freemasonry. Read the book,”The Killing of Uncle Sam.” Then get the book,” Lab 257.” Read about their Nazi experimental controlled lab at Plum Island, NY that leaked their experiment on the island then over to the US mainland. (Lyme disease) Then read the book of Dr Peter Breggin and his wife having to do with truth on COVID and injections. It is a thick blue book. Important info to clear up as to what has been happening for a long time and what is coming. America needs to realize that the good people of this country need to unite, be the voice of truth and knock down this evil. Knowledge and being attentive is key.
Yup but I link the spiritual aspect of things into the temporal application of events that humans create but which were and are ordained to be. The evil is nauseating. But the spiritual? "And God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." Then came the flood. And another start and as time passes the same old same old. Man cannot cease from sinning which is why He said the above and also why it says "If you say you have no sin then the Truth is not in you.'
And "There are none righteous, no not one."
But He gives and gave each one of us a chance. He had to in His Mercy but we know Rome in the time of Jesus was as filthy and perhaps more than big cities are today. Yet the spiritual aspect of our existences is the prime indicator of the times. And so it has always been.
Yes. The NWO are referenced and identified in scriptures as "workers of iniquity and "rich men" who "oppress" us. Population reductions are part of their evil plan.
This subject is extremly complex ! From my perspective yes we have a massive population problem, not the total number of human beings on our planet, I think the people who argument that have very low understanding of the earth ecosystems.
BUT we have an overpopulation in criticale areas to the ecological systems, for example in my home city Mohammedia-Morocco I am witnessing an overpopulation of the area causing massive damage and probably a total collaps of ecosystem services in the sooner future. The problem is not too many human beings, the problem is over consentration in the deltas of rivers consuming fresh water and mixing it with toxic waste than throwing it in the ocean and killing plancton and fish with it....
In the last several months the stupid developers have ruined so many highly fertile land and they have cut the trees only to build housing unites (Boxes), I don't have problem with construction I spent most of my adult life studying to earn my degree as civil engineer, but where to construct is the question. I still can't understand why people leave all the free land and they come exactly to places where they will impact negatively the ecosystem to the maximum and start a construction site, wasting concreat, steel and asphalt .... This is why I decided to not just take a job in Construction to help in Destruction ! I am currently at an advanced point of understanding of these issues, relation between populations consentration, totalitarianism, ecological systems, urbanization, construction and holistic management.
The main term one should focus on is "Radical Urbanization" especially in critical areas to the ecological systems, for example deltas of rivers, in my opinion is the mother of most problems of todays world.
The idea of just reducing the numbers is so Banaly Evil (Eichman In Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt), because reducing the numbers will not solve the issues. We need to reach the potential of most living people to be able to solve our problems, at the moment most people are alienated and resigned. And we have a massively destructed environment that we should start kleening up, with less people we will be overwehlmed and we will have a lesser chance of survivale as species, plus we will suffer from massive psychosis if we committed a mass killing, I lived in Germany for 7years and I felt the effects in the population even generations after the events that took place, a global one will be orders of magnitude worse.
The simple solution that I came to, and if I find support I can get it implimented with negligable cost in a matter of months, is "legal limitation to growth to Radical Urbanization especially in critical areas to the ecological systems" and "building new settlments in the forms of villages & small cities everywhere we can on the land".
You seem to miss the point - the 'Elite' Luciferian Globalist Cabal only NEED a tiny fraction of the workers, so they conspire to kill off the others by Bioweapons disguised as 'vaccines', energy price gouging through idiotic CO2 scares, wars and artificially induced famines (as well as pesticides, herbicides, GMO's and wars on farmers). Also, they want the rump survivors to be transhuman mind-controlled slaves, which they intend to impliment by injecting nanotechnology with their 'Bioweapon' jabs..
Incidentally, I notice you are from Morocco. I spent two years there as a USAF 'Dependent' in '57/'58. First Sidi Slimaine, then Casablanca.
"Stupid incompetant and mediocre thinkers" I call them, they are not Elite, to be elite you have to perform very good things and be admired by many people, but they have produced a so of a mess and caused so much unnecessary harm to billions of people. These are elitists, cowards and banally Evil individuals, some of them are probably radically Evil causing many problems to our human family and nature.
CO² is a no problem, it is a fertiliser, that what airplaines are spraying is probably causing great damage as well as human waste especially waterwaste on the coasts ... all those things are derived from the human condition and our terminally upset state (see the book freedom-the end of the human condition) ... and because humans have difficulty to really think, we have externalized the processes of decision making to SAI systems (Semi Artificial Intelligent), such XYZ agencies, governments, ngos, norms, bureacracies, codes, etc. and now we are in a state that we are starting to give these decision to artificial intelligence systems, it the seem that the end game could be a world gov. managed mainly by AI and guided by a few highly destructive vampires, this is the direction, I am not sure but it seem to be on auto-pilot at this point in time ...
We really need an enlightment moment soon otherwise we will lose our civilization and we may cause irreversible damage to our DNA and ecological systems.
Yes, I am from the area of Casablanca, but I am leaving out of here very soon, it is becomming hostile to life-loving human beings, it is now a radically urbanized (over-populated) area, an urban desert and the people are becomming more and more egoistic and corrupt, almost no gardens. And more importantly it is transforming to a smart city, too much pollution & EMFs, a zombies-vampires society.
My friend, for so long time have l not be impressed by such a wonderfull post! I am really happy that it still exists such great thinkers! Thank you for your perspective! Much appreciated! Bless you!