Thank you so much for this great article and for all your wonderful work!

In the 4th paragraph under HOW WILL THE PEOPLE BE EXTERMINATED? I think Dave means to say.......that does not end IN procreation.

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I still believe, that the most 'Effective' Leadership, IS/ARE, to Lead by Example,AND- the front!!

Therefore, ALL W.E.F. Members AND their 'Bahhcoded' Political/Media/Medical/Banking P.E.T.S [1]& Supporters, SHOULD 'Hand over' All of their assets Back to The Origins of Theft ( The Public Purse & Demolited Middle Classes - Under CONVID infinity & Prior 'Exercises'), Then exit The Planet - With their 'Groomed' Family, via ANY of the aforementioned 'Green' Devices! Not content with these Limited operations, I think, That The U.N/NATO Generals & Upper echelon officers & war mongering political Toadies/ Corporate Investment Empire of War 'Supply'/Institutionalised religion et Al, SHOULD, also lead by example, & procede to the Nearest CONflict Zone & 'Fodderise' themselves as a 'Role reversal' in the Trenches, and leave the BEST of ALL Nations Breeding Stock INTACT!

1] PETS - Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes.

Wellness to the Unified us - John D.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

Notice how--beyond their gruesome willingness to murder everyone but themselves--these elite would never think to question the GREED that runs our slave planet.

They will say there are too many people, without mentioning that it is more like there are too many people crammed into cities, run like CAFO Cattle feeding operations, creating environmental burdens and pollution. If those same people were spread out, eco-farming, with a reasonable expectation of food, shelter, survival , freedom, education, and opportunity, they wouldn't have to run to desperate cities for the illusion of a better life.

They say there are too many Americans vs. Bangladesh. It would never occur to them to responsibly curtail Capitalistic exploitation without throwing capitalistic initiative completely out the window. (Oh no, we couldn't possibly tell industrialists to stop squeezing obscene quarterly profits out of the slaves in the name of a good economy, and then tell the slaves to stop existing.)

It is the Greed, folks.

When we were tricked into conflating greed with freedom, we aligned with the only control being to get rid of the excess slaves once the squeeze is up.

There are better ways. Let's get busy insisting on them.

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Sounds good! What is your suggestion that we “get busy Insisting”? Do you have a plan?

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We are in a full fledged spiritual battle! Please remember to suit up daily with HIS full armor. We are dealing with demonic-filled humans who have sold their souls to the evil one for power, money, etc. I sincerely pray that the lost will wake up, repent & accept JESUS before it is too late. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Seek HIM while HE can be found. How foolish to gain the world & lose your soul. Eternity is forever! JESUS is the Way, Truth & the Life! As Believers, we know how the story ends & Hallelujah this is not our home! Read Matthew 10:28 & Faith over fear!

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These satanic monsters have been practicing eugenics for well over 100 years…”there’s nothing new under the sun”…they murder (I.e. depopulate) by creating wars, their poisonous big Pharma drugs (rx and otc), their medical mercenaries, vaccines (depopulation is the sole purpose aside from vast financial gains), murdering babies in utero and “birth control”, processed and toxic foods/food chain, pesticides, fluoride, household chemicals, geoengineering poisons, emfs, d.e.w. and haarp, etc., etc. there’s no line they won’t cross BUT glory be to our Lord and Savior because the victory is His! He is the rock of our salvation and we have nothing to fear. Amen and amen.

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100 year, plus possibly 4000-10,000 we don't know to complain about. But 100 for sure.

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You are so right! It is truly amazing how much poisoning the human body can take and still survive! I am AWAKE but my family isn't...:( I just don't tell them to much about it anymore as Cognitive Dissonance is Strong...actually I will still try...I have lost friends that call me Crazy...anyway, I am very Positive and healthy...thank the Good Lord! Maybe I will be able to help some people some way...

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Hi Ronald: I tried to tell one of my sisters that Fauci and Bill Gates are evil, and she snapped at me and told me that I'm just listening to "Far Right Wing, Flat Earther talking points." I also told her about Senator Ron Johnson's 3 1/2-hour panel on the Covid Vaccine Injured and she said, "They're all lying." My other sister told me that I need to stop listening to Pakistani Scammers on the internet. I also emailed my four older siblings two videos of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari admitting what their plans for us are and not one of them would respond to my email. 😒😠🙄

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The scandemic has been very effective for dividing families and friends. We’re in the same boat unfortunately. Stand for the truth. You’re not alone…It’s not as lonely a hill as “they” would have us believe. May God bless and keep you. Here’s a great substack you might enjoy if you don’t already know about it: https://markoshinskie8de.substack.com/p/same-story-new-photo?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=441698&post_id=136306276&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Thank you! I really appreciate your blessing. Bless you! Thank you so much for the link...

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If they practice what they preach on themselves, well I don’t think I would have any problem with that.

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I believe that they are simply doing this (if they get away with it) because they know that ultimately the truth of who they are and what they have done will be known. The result of that will be their heads on spike as in Game of Thrones. They cannot cover these tracks and will be tied to them as the train rips them to shreds. They are filthy cowards and scumbag reptiles and I hope I live long enough to see the heads on spikes and the bodies burned followed by a celebration of their collective demise.

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Well if that doesn’t happen…guess what?? The Lord God of Heaven… and is going to light them ablaze…for all eternity…in the “LAKE OF FIRE”….a far worse judgment in my estimation!

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Any one of these scumbags raising red flags about overpopulation should kill themselves first or ask someone else to do it.

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Maybe Depopulation Globalists should lead by example?

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They do not mean themselves. They are just planting seeds in the collective commoners minds that do not realize that they are the goyim cattle to be put down.

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Here’s the solution: let’s invent a device (like an enclosed incinerator ) and allow people to end their lives as they please = self-regulated population control. Once someone is done suffering and had enough, they should have the option to end it.

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come to Canada, it's called MAID program. Just the same, a bit more politically correct.

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They will start selling them on Amazon and eBay shortly.

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I shouldn't but I did laugh at this one!!!!! LOL!!

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My personal understanding is that God/Goddess/All that is gave us the power to help ourselves. I’m not waiting.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...

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🙏Susan P...

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The earth's magnetic protective shield is weakening, out magnetic poles are shifting into high gear. The Great Reset is upon us within the next 10-20 years. The sun will spit at us and only then will us surface dwellers truly know if lady luck is on our side. A powerful cabal have been convinced of this since early this century, perhaps even earlier, that's why the ramp is on to consolidate as much wealth as possible to be prepared to hunker down during the next great flood. The plan is for the great families of wealth to reemerge and seed the next cycle. God only knows how long these wash, rinse, repeat cycles have been going on. God certainly remains a mystery.

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But these demons will be the ones erradicated

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Finding a pattern (you used the word cycle) is no mystery and neither is God. The Bible reveals that God created our world in six days (Genesis 1) and rested from His work on the Seventh-day (Genesis 2:1-3).

We are also told by the Apostle Peter:

2 Peter 3:8 KJV

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

From the fall of Adam and Eve, where God Himself stepped in to save humanity (Genesis 3), until His actual, physical sacrifice at the cross, 4000 years had passed. Jesus died in AD 31. It’s been almost another 2000 years since that important moment of human history, bringing us to 6000 years since the fall.

Six days of creation-- followed by the day of rest.

Six thousand years of redemption history (as documented in the Bible)-- followed by the millennium of rest (Revelation 20).

What we are living through now is the marshaling of humanity into its final rebellion against the Creator “by spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). God is calling His people out of this slavery to sin (Revelation 13-18) and offering humanity the final call to freedom in the truth of His Word (John 8:31-32).

This will not be easy for anyone, but eternity awaits for those who are willing to approach the God of heaven with an open heart and give Him an opportunity to recreate our stony hearts and fill us with His Spirit (Isaiah 36:26-27).

Isaiah 55:6-7 KJV

6) Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

7) Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Isaiah 1:18 KJV

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

May the Lord bless you and your family. ✅

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Bravo! Wonderful comment!! Full of truth…actually the only truth! 😊 God takes no delight in the death… even of His enemies! Ezekiel 33:11 If God… the author of life…dislikes death and provided eternal life… for all who repent of sin…and believe on His Son….what do you think…He thinks…of those who are promoting..planning…and executing the death of billions?? Payday is coming! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

LOL, don’t worry too much

They have their schemes and plan, but God is in charge

Ask Him to come into your life. Do not tell Him what to fix etc. Let Him know you want to know Him. Every day talk to Him as a friend. Don’t worry if it seems it is just you talking to you, playing all the parts. Here and there, you will get insights of His never ending love and compassion for you. and step by step, if you keep inviting Him in to a relationship with you. You will change.

Peace, He will give you. No matter what external or internal trouble you face

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we will not escape GODS wrath for allowing this system of greed and mammon to proliferate and a price must be paid.

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I agree, but the battle is against those oligarchs who believe themselves to be god's, yet demons they are, working w dark forces.

"Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.." Story of a great war w a larger more powerful and experienced army trying to take the land and their sovereignty. He cried out, fell to his knees, repented and prayed...God delivered! 2 Maccabees, chapters 2-8. It has a lot in common with today's dilemmas. Let's fall on our knees and repent. Call on the Lord to topple this regime.

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Many things could be said.. I'll quote Moses - "Take a good look at them (the 30 globalists in this case). Soon you will never see them again". (Exodus 14:13) Adding only .. It can't be soon enough.

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Great list, by far not complete though, in particular in terms of names of scientists:)

Thank You for that, certain names were a surprise to me!!!

Oh, just noticed, that extremely important name 'Nina Fedoroff' is empty and it should lead to the description of one of the most dangerous scientists out there, among others, as always....

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