Stay out of the hospital. Take care of your mind , body and spirit. God is in control… the rest is Fear Porn .

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I remember 1979, working in a VA Clinic for renal failure, 'discovering' a failed drug and the men being described as throw-aways. It infuriated me so, that I immediately got a transfer to the diabetic clinic, as there was little else they could do with the free labor a pharmacy student brought, except get rid of me.

"This is a place of Honor" I said.

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My hospital firing was a blessing in disguise

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Yes I do!

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Our neighbor's sister was admitted to the hospital with covid. She was previously in great health being an avid runner. They gave her the remdesivir treatment and she is now on dialysis for the rest of her life. Her world has been turned upside down. Truly, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.

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Head to the hospital after a PCR fake diagnosis! End up on a vent and Remdesivir cocktail! Labeled convid!

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Bosses sons bladder doesn’t function anymore after 2021 Pfizer! Has a permanent tube to a bag strapped to his leg! As well as transverse myelitis! In the hospital right now learning to walk again with a beautiful bag strapped to his leg as well! Doctors are baffled! I’m not because I’m not an idiot! Inject poison with nearly 1300 direct effects including death, shit happens! Scumbag doctors don’t even read trial results and will keep pushing poison! Get paid $ per percentage of jabbed sheep!

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And now that he is 'immune compromised' they will push him to the front of the line for all new poisons.

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Nah no more jabs! Any human being that takes any needle for any fake bs their pushing is a moron!

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They'll wait to kill him until he runs out of money.

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Yes. My mother in-law. Total failure of both kidneys diagnosed 10 days after receiving covid booster and flu shot in November 2022.

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God bless cochin de chien...he never let up or backed down.

Full admirationto that man.

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I know of 2 people

On kidney transplant list

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My thyroid and liver are shot. No Covid shots. I think I was shed on multiple times

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I'm sorry. Seems unavoidable for everyone. I have random stuff happening but refuse doctor "we are baffled and will blame it on you" interventions.

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Yes I’ve been told I have scabies when it was hives from mast cell activation syndrome. I refused the scabies cream. I was told I need to see a shrink - refused that. Seeing my chiropractor and a nutrition therapist 🩷

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Scabies??? 🤦🏻‍♀️ At least they could have given you ivermectin lol.

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There are many humans having issues with their kidneys, not only the vaxxed.

Look at pictures of humans and how many have bags under their eyes.

I find this especially in many humans eating keto, but its' others as well.

In chinese medicine, that area is the kidneys. The kidneys as organs, relate to FEAR.

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I know one thing: doctors are completely baffled.

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There are many medications that contain synthetic snake venom as an ingredient. In general synthetic snake venom is used to cause some kind of neurological paralysis as that's the way most snake venoms work on prey. Paralyze the prey, catch and consume. While this is a good strategy for a snake, in medication, synthetic snake venom is used to slow heart rates, prevent clotting and other things.

Unfortunately, synthetic snake venom has a paralytic effect on the kidneys unintentionally. A "side effect" and once the kidneys are slowed, they become clogged with the debris and excess fluids they eliminate from the body as urine. So the kidneys become like clogged filters and they fail.

All medications need to be researched for synthetic snake venoms prior to using and sometimes this is not the easiest thing to do as it's hidden.

For instance, a commonly prescribed heart med, Lisinopril, that is made from the most paralytic viper venom known to man, is known for shutting down the kidneys and causing irreversible kidney damage. Once the kidneys are damaged there is little that will return them to optimal functioning.

When Dr. Ardis claimed snake venom in the injections he is likely correct, though I don't know this for fact, but synthetic venom is used so frequently in pharma, it's a solid guess. This could very well be why people who took the injections are experiencing kidney failure. It's common.

Gives a deeper meaning to the term "snake oil salesman". God helps us all.

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I saw that from Dr. Ardis also. He also showed all of the containers of the powdered synthetic snake venom. As a powder it would be easy to mix with any pharmaceutical. Ozempic contains lizard (Gila) venom.

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That is, of course, grotesque. Gila Monster venom. Great.

Pharma is nothing more than demon potions.

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Yep, serpents and reptilians.

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A relative ,who has type 2 diabetes, overweight,took 3x moderna jabs.Earlier this year was told her kidneys were a "3" on a scale of 5-meaning needing kidney dialysis.

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Thanks to Fauci only allowing Remdesivir to be given to covid patients when they signed into hospital. Remdesivir is very toxic to kidneys, ivermectin no, but no money to be made on ivermectin.

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80-90% kill rate on a vent! With a cocktail floater of Remdesivir! Shut your kidneys down and drown patients internally! Great plan! Remdesivir used in other trials had nearly a 60% kill rate. Sounds like it works wonders if you enjoy killing humans and making $ on it! Amazing how Fauchi supposedly catches every disease out there, but I never catch jack shit! Dude has never treated a single patient his entire life! Nothing but pharmas poison pusher! Sheep get mad when you tell them this fact! :)

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The docs had to know most would die or get damaged from vents and Remdesivir, so they condoned the killing, what kind of people are they really?

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"Dr. Villa's Patient Megan & Family Vaccine Injuries In Florida, Message For Governor DeSantis"

Caturano and Ricks, December 15, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

In the video, Dr. Villa and her patients Megan and her mother Nancy face the camera.

DR. MARIVIC VILLA: So this is Dr. Villa.[1] This is Megan and Miss Nancy. They are my patients and they agreed to video what they have to say because they are both vaccine injured. So Megan is going to say something, what happened before and after the vaccination. OK, Megan.

MEGAN: My mother, myself and my brother Michael all went and got vaccinated on the same day. We got the same batch of Moderna. Before that my health was fine. My mother was pretty steady for her age. My brother had some health issues, but he was pretty steady for his condition.

Two weeks to the day after my mother got vaccinated, she ended up in the hospital, she was on oxygen permanently and her health has deteriorated tremendously from that day. Two weeks before that vaccination, she could do everything, functioning without oxygen, shop, cook, do everything. Now she's in a wheelchair, very frail, very immobile, hard to breathe. Her condition went downhill.

My brother, after being vaccinated, he totally crashed. He has passed away in July. Kidney failure, dialysis. There's no history of kidney failure in our family.

Me, I now have autoimmune deficiencies, I have lupus, and I have stage 3 kidney disease.

My mother has stage 3 kidney disease, she also had cancer of the kidney. There's no history of kidney problems in our family.

My brother has died, my mother is terminally sick, and I am sick myself, all after being vaccinated with Moderna, on the same day, the same batch.

DR. MARIVIC VILLA: OK. Megan, thank you. And we're going to be posting this, OK?

MEGAN: That's fine.

DR. MARIVIC VILLA: Together. OK, thank you so much.

MEGAN: No problem.

DR. MARIVIC VILLA: That's a couple of my patients. OK.



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[1] Dr. Villa is not identified otherwise in this video, but from her voice I recognize her as Dr. Marivic Villa, who posted her own message urging Governor DeSantis to ban the jabs at


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