This is Europe now...tyrants....Despotism!!

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Thank you Christine Anderson for fearlessly speaking up for the world to hear and see! Other's need to NOW do the same ... and build a strong stance against their evil plans.

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Well, that was frightening, to say the least !

What's worse than shutting brave Christine Anderson down is the fact that she practically stands alone but for a few other members who had the integrity to back her up over the last two years of her attempts to be heard.

The cowardice of so many is astounding.

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Thank you, Christine Anderson, for being a beacon of truth. Your brave voice is much appreciated here in Canada.

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Even when someone asked about the WEF here in a parliamentary session in Canada _ early days of the seemingly brain eating of common sense virus- the speaker said : "I can't hear you ." HE moved on to another journalist with those easy to hear pat answered questions . It's kind of like stopping your bank account for the good of us all. Not surprised by this event and I'll bet she has had many like this one .

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Ursula VD Lyin'

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We will need to do much more than post!

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Looking like a Dictatorship, something like in Canada 🇨🇦 and America 🇺🇸

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Exposed corrupt vaccine contracts = silence.

Europe today!

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

Wow. No more pretense of democracy ….

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The Devil must be able to perform miracles too. Look what he's done to the world.

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Excuse me, but the EU was never a democracy - it's a bureaucracy. EU is the end of democracy, and have always been

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These poor examples of leadership, such as Ursula van der Leyen et al., are now revealed in their abject lust for domination and control to rule the entire world. This video needs to go viral so that everyone in the world--no matter where they live--Africa, East Asia, South America, U.S.A., Europe, Central America, Australia, China, Russia--can see that, what they do Europe, they will do to the world. Ms. van der Leyen represents the UN, the narrow top 1% of the EU, and her own self interests. There is nothing to recommend her. She's a good, little bureaucrat controlled by higher people who massage her with money, adulation, and protection--like the Mafia. Those shielding her ilk and her should suffer the worst consequences: disbarment, disgrace, recall, and shame. These are not leaders. These are tyrants!! This parliament has shown that they lack the will to govern in the interest of the people. May God have mercy on their souls. We no longer live in the Dark Ages: the will of the people will prevail, make no mistake, Ms. van der Leyen.

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Proof positive that nearly the entire theatre are paid for or compromised closet Globalists following orders but foolishly exposing themselves to the coming retribution for their arrogant corruption and treason.

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And there it lies. Anyone still think the government's around the world are NOT complicit, or engaging in wilful censorship and societal collapse?

##dontletthemhide #dontletthemhushu #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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This was all planned back in 1969.... listen and pass it on.... it might be later than we think...... https://expose-news.com/2023/04/14/depopulation-plans-revealed-over-50-years-ago/

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