Heartbreaking. So many children needlessly exposed to a new and untested technology in order to save them from an illness that provably posed little to no threat to their health. ALL of medicine is a balancing of risk versus benefit. With no discernible benefit for these kids, and what is beginning to look like some substantial risks, this vaccine violates the first rule of medicine: “Do no harm.”

These poor children, and their trusting parents who were only trying to do right by them. It’s the stuff of nightmares.

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No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to connect neighbours and initiate local action. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist. Here we provide a searchable database to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. To protect your safety and privacy you are not required to provide your real name to the database. If you are comfortable doing so later with the people you connect with that is your choice. Your level of involvement is totally up to you. You can talk privately here using our anonymous email system until you are comfortable with meeting in person, then you can work with others to establish working groups, organize events... anything is possible. No one will know your real name or see your e-mail address unless you give it to them. Your privacy is absolute.

LocalResistance.org is just a search tool, not a community group. User interests and beliefs don’t have to align with those of any other organization. There is no administrative hierarchy to restrain or approve you. Users form their own local groups independently based upon their shared concerns. LocalResistance.org exists solely to co-ordinate communications and establish partnerships… it has no other agenda of its own. We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Thank you for this! We must get the word out. The inaction, from even those who are awake, is infuriating.

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horrible. no words.

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Laura! I found the link, thank you again...

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Laura, thank you, however am not a subscriber.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/covid-19-astrazeneca-vaccine-analysis?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web COVID-19 ASTRAZENECA VACCINE ANALYSIS SCOTLAND it is an abortion drug and VACCINES MAKE YOU FAT

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Swear to God, try not to think of nanoparticles or nano tech being in every person, animal and vegetable and plant. Which they say it is.

God Help Us All.

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See Kelly Bacher's Substack under Profiles. She is a live blood analyst who saw these anomalies in firstly the vaxxed and now non vaxxed too. Even wild squirrel had nanotechnology in it. Before 2021 she saw none of these anomalies. She's been doing live blood work since 2017.

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Laura, what is so amazing is that it is happening all around each one of us. However those that have taken the wide road, refuse to have the ability to critically think and see the connections.

I dare NOT say a word. These people are truly suffering…

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Incredibly saddened by this. Our children rely in us to make good healthy choices for them. I have no words for parents who choose to do this to their kids💔

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25 year old nephew and family believed as well. Subsequent to boosters etc.

quick growing Tumor on the Brain…Non-Cancerous…

DIAGNOSIS: “SUDDEN Death in Epilepsy Syndrome”

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Thank you for your report. This is an unbelievable situation, sadly, but true. How could this evil be allowed to continue. The shots must stop. This nanotechnology will ruin the whole world. Look at the damage already occurring. Smart Dust is a term I recently came across.😞

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I have a friend whose husband began exhibiting stroke like symptoms. Like your nephew, diagnosed with non-cancerous brain tumor. And within the month of hearing his diagnosis, I heard of two others with same sudden unexpected diagnosis....brain tumor causing symptoms (seizure). I know my friend’s husband was vaccinated (likely boosters as well) and had had COVID despite vaccination status this past December. Nightmare from hell.

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Only good thing, they were able to quickly diagnosis the tumor after he collapsed (previously the doctor had dismissed his complaints as stress related) and did surgery almost immediately for removal. To be honest, I don’t think the family is giving a second thought to the possibility that it might be vaccine related. Instead, they are accepting that this (usually these tumors are slow growing) tumor was there all along but just now got too large and was pressing his brain to the side causing the weakness and neurological/forgetful symptoms. I pray he is ok.

I have also learned that in some instances these tumors can grow back, especially if their growth was aggressive to begin with. It leaves me wondering about the long term prognosis for those who were vaccinated and whose innate immune system may be compromised for the long haul. Ugh.

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Laura, your second post describing the diagnosis and procedures is extremely similar to my nephews.

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The link above from FB is from a different community member than my friend’s husband. Same town....two similar instances. And then I learned from my hairdresser that her hospitalized aunt was diagnosed with the same thing....which was the third case I referenced.

My friend’s husband was experiencing instability walking, weakness on one side, falling and struggling to get up, and forgetfulness.

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Thank you for this article!

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It is by FAR not enough to tell:

"At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth."

There should NEVER BE ANY SYNTHETIC GENETIC MATERIAL IN ANY INJECTION, in fact, there should not be ANY INJECTION (except for the good stuff our bodies do not produce, for example Vit C) of any synthetic material into human bodies out there. Yes, lipid-nanos are universal permeators, but the genetic REPROGRAMMING, admitted by everyone in the first place, would not happen without it, that's the entire idea behind this genocide.

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I, like you, could not be madder at the abuse of the children, no matter if it is the abuse of a vaccine (not), or that of a child trafficker.


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Abuse of any innocent human regardless of age is reprehensible, repugnant and unacceptable.

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Especially children!

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FYI Edwin, children are much more resilient and unaware of situations than an older person can be. So it wasn't so bad to you that elderly people by the 10s of thousands were given poisons that would slowly kill them, starve them and then not allow their family or anyone else to comfort them while they were dying??? Or that pregnant women are given these poisons which either kill their baby, give birth to a sick baby

and/or cannot nurse them because their breast milk is blue??? You're sick.

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Being judgmental is your thing, huh? I think you are the sicko, here.

I did not say anything about the 100's of thousands of elderly, tricked by their Doctors and government into taking poisonous treatments while isolated from their families. Or any of the pregnant women assured the drugs were harmless to their unborn babies. Or any of the other situations that occurred.

But it is criminal to force a vaccine, much less "Run, Death Is Near" on any child, whether the parent is a card carrying Communist or not, when you know the real data which you hide to fool the parent.

"You want to protect your friends, don't you" is the worst thing you can tell a child and should be grounds for imprisonment.

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When I make a statement including everyone and you come along w "especially...blah blah blah" but I'm judgemental??? Then communists? What are you even talking about?

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This article was about children.


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Jul 9, 2023
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Bourla. Bancel. War criminals and war profiteers.

The list is long. Both of criminals and crimes.

The fact most can't even imagine justice ever being served speaks to the quandary we face.

When law enforcement, courts, political hacks, etc are directly supporting tyranny, the only justice will be found outside of those frameworks.

RIP to this innocent child. There have been so many tragedies.


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