The lawsuits are gonna be off the chain

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Won't actually, Dolly: Remember your history? Since 1986 Big Pharma has been granted complete indemnity from their vaccine products. You take a vaccine and something awful happens? You can't sue. Only way those floodgates can open is if the EUA granting use of these "leprous distillments" is proven in court to be granted under fraudulent purposes. That ain't agonna happen.. Too many politicians, too many crooked jurists with their fingers in this poisonous pie... Read this and weep, from "Vaccine Choice Canada": https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/legal/notice-of-discontinuance/

... And, far too many people still with their heads rammed up their ass in denial.. I have a co-worker just took his 7th Lethal Injection.. meanwhile 3 aortic stents since 2021, is on bloodthinners... 🙄💩

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I’m no lawyer, but I have heard that there’s a vast difference between negligence and intent to harm and kill. I could certainly be wrong but it would seem that that original shield would not cover these criminal murderers once it’s fully revealed that the plan from the very beginning was population reduction and NOT immunity to some sort of flu. I’m going to remain hopeful that these bastards will FRY in the most abhorrent way possible because it’s the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind on a daily basis.

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I'm not a lawyer either, and there is a vast difference between negligence and this degree of demonic malice.

Trouble is Big Pharma has almost infinitely deep pockets and the very best lawyers are pocket change to them at worst.

"The Law" is one thing. "Morality" is something else.

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I’m still gonna hold out hope that someone out there in the judiciary knows that this genocide is NOT a civil matter but rather a CRIMINAL one. Premeditated murder is not an issue to be ruled upon by any judicial body other than a criminal court. Like I said, I have to continue to believe that one day this will happen. To think otherwise is just too damned depressing.

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I hear you Ellen... But I don't think we can ever expect anything from the Judiciary, which is every bit as co-opted and corrupt as the Medical racket. The only justice these bastards are ever likely to get will be vigilante justice at the hands of a lynch mob as the bodies are being stacked like cordwood, higher and higher..

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Read Katherine Watt on bailiwick News on substack - she lays it out - the Congressionsl Laws in USA give everyone involved with covid vax poisoning FULL IMMUNITY from any liability. Read her stack and weep only recourse is to refuse the jab and hospital treatments that will kill if you allow them to treat you. Evil, pure and simple one cannot make this up. Contact your congress person and be aware he or she did not take the vax and will offer no help in repealing these laws - we are alone and n this battle - resist, do not comply.

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Employers who forced the shots don't have immunity though.

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Now just switch it to Birdie Flu vax

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There is no way that could be proven.

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I don't think it possible to prove depop agenda for most. However, there is plenty of paper trail to prove the designers knew the side effects of features programmed in. I think the lab design has been reasonably proven.

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Dear Ellen:

It just crossed my mind to send you these items. They may seem irrelevant but I don’t think they are...

1. Here in British Columbia during the Fraudemic we had a postal worker named Robert Hoogland; a single dad far as I know, with a confused teenaged daughter who wanted to "transition." He tried to stop her. He wound up in prison for “Contempt of Court.” History doesn’t relate what eventually happened, but I’m going to visit the Victoria Reference Library on Saturday and start a research project.

2. Tuesday, June 25 I very foolishly walked into a homeless encampment with the idea of doing a video walking tour. I was lucky to get out alive I imagine, I wrote about that experience here: “Draft 2 of a Letter...” https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/draft-2-of-a-letter-to-the-mayor. Someone commented “A well expressed letter Captain; however, expect jail time if you send it.”

3. Yesterday, courtesy of Mike Adams I learned of one JJ Carrell, and what’s going on with the illegal migration crisis: “TREASON’ filmmaker JJ Carrell issues urgent INVASION warning for America” - https://www.brighteon.com/46621270-a9f2-4062-a7a1-dc8573d1d49e ... From there I did some searching, learned he has a substack: “https://jjcarrell.substack.com/” and also found and watched this: INVADED | Their Intentional Destruction of Immigration. - “https://unscrewthenews.substack.com/p/invaded-their-intentional-destruction” Spent a little over two hours yesterday watching both documentaries.

4. Finally, this also from Mike Adams: “NEVER FORGET: Your government tried to MURDER you” - https://www.brighteon.com/78c9846f-d92a-4a58-ae59-25342e01f625

That should be enough for you to understand all our institutions and agencies are utterly corrupt, are held by individuals and cabals that are actively malevolent, are attempting to impose a lunatic, murderous agenda... We are truly, living in “Clownworld” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2TXY6SNuD4


Capt. Roy Harkness

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Sheep signed the waiver without informed consent and out of fear! Know very rich jabbed injured who can’t sue!

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fear-mongering duress

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That's what happens when you alter your God given DNA. They knew it would. Go look at the 80k and other pages Pfizer was forced to release about their research. Look up the patents. This is public information people!

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GMOs humans are so 2030 without human rights! Patents owned by the jab makers! They own your DNA!

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Eric once they get the jab you are correct. They are a new species and are owned by the vaccine patent holder. That allows any kind of experimentation to be done on them without any formal consent.

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My question is, outside of the echo chamber which is Substack, is the reality starting to impinge upon the Bluepilled Pinheads that are 98% of humanity?

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Good question. You'd think that by now with Alt media and even some hesitant half truths from msm people would wake up. Not to mention the deaths and injuries. It is very strange.

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We’re definitely in a “matrix”. I see it, I feel it. Something is “off” all over the world.

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I have tried to avoid that feeling. Thinking maybe I’m being ridiculous. Maybe it’s better access to information, maybe, it was ever thus, is the same as it has always been in history. Greed, evil, war, human nature etc. As an amateur student of history I am well acquainted with evil. I am also acquainted with good. Which is almost always individuals. Never governments. Now I agree with you. There is something very wrong going on. Something more than the whole wretched history of humanity.

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I’m very in tune with my Intuition. When I was younger, I’d say, “I’m being ridiculous!”

I don’t do that anymore. I listen to my Intuition and use It as a tool-God/Creator given!

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The towers are for better cell service! Not control of humanity!

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Eric....go listen to Dr Charles Morgan MD, PhD who works with DARPA. He plainly states that THEY can pick put 1 person in a crowd of 1 million and drop them dead without hurting anyone around the one they kill. How do you think they can do that?

I'll tell you..a microwave radio frequency is how. It was tested in Rouanda and it turned one tribe into killers who were vaccinated. They know the brain frequency for human behavior and can manipulate it any way they want. Just like they did in the gulf. They broadcast a radio wave that said: This is Allah put down your weapons and they did. They all thought that Allah was commanding them to do it! Psyops are way beyond what was previously known. There are countries where cell towers are being torn down by the people who are mad as hell at what's been done to them.

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I guess their Denial is on Warp Drive...🤔

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Most will choose denial over pain

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Most are sound asleep except for the jabbed injured but it’s too late! And we are just getting started!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

A little..but like my sisters they are ignoring it...I don't think they can grapple with this enormity. Watch old TV prograns,,travel and take a huge interest in the doings of people they know...events and ideas? Nope.

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As I've said elsewhere, hands down, this is the most appalling, most heinous crime in human history. The depths of evil are almost incomprehensible. So possibly your sisters can be excused.

Except like everyone else they have a duty of responsibility: we all have to face it, understand it and accept it.

PS: And then do what must be done to fix it.

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I went to an integrative doctor yesterday, first appointment, he said the shots saved lives and have their place. Very annoying, and he said he felt I was arguing with him, and he didn't want to continue on the subject.

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Get a different doctor. Immediately.

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My last functional doctor went along with the masks etc...I really liked her, but she stopped taking insurance and is now charging $15K annually for four visits. Two years ago, I had a homeopath and professor at Pepperdine prescribe for me, and he was totally in favour of the covid clot shot. Hard to find someone who practices holistically, and doesn't charge a bomb, and who knows what is really going on.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Americas Front Line Drs ?

Gold Care

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Leave! Turn and run !

Who says he in " integrative "? Him for marketing....

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If a Doctor can’t take my questions, s/he can’t be respected or trusted.

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He just believes the covid shots have value for some. He is completely wrong, but I can't convince him. I need a doc to write a prescription for me, so that is the size of my interaction. Yes, the American Front-line docs spoke out, I went to hear them in person actually. But they are not holistic or integrative overall. Doctors are people with flaws, I wish they were Gods who could really heal us.

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I might have boldly said Dr YOU'RE FIRED I HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK MY TRUTH.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Duchess, old movies too. your remark about old TV programs was kind of funny. I'm re watching Northern Exposure and Jericho . Neither one is reassuring, jew worship and glorifying native everything and a few not very covert insults on White (WASP) culture, (that I didn't see the first time). I thought it harmless and funny the first time. Now I see it in a different light. And Jericho of course is a pleasant show about nuclear apocalypse.

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Everyone around me is outside this echo chamber. Crickets!

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The great thing about Fl is it is 50/50 or even 60/40 for thé informed and common sense

crowd. So nice to talk to half the people and have them be right on the money. 🎯

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what more can we do to warn people the only answer they come out with is conspiracy theorist

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Warning one, 'it is experimental' warning two, you need to sign a waiver, warning three, all-cause mortality has shot up in the past three years for younger people particularly, warning four, we were told by the likes of Rachel Maddow etc...the shot prevents transmission, it has not, warning five, Fauci did a back flip on mask wearing, 6 feet distancing, so can't trust him on anything covid, warning six, we can't warn anyone that does not want to be warned.

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These damned self styled stalinist sop deans and presidents had no right or power to impose mandates. Arrest and try and execute for murder.

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The uni's were getting huge payouts from pharma to push the shots.

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I sent a few emails to my former University informing the President he was guilty of homicide and would one day face the consequences.

Funny, but I never got a response.

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Here is my response gal. You have a lot of brass and are what I would call a real woman. Before I say what I want to say I want to tell you I have no criminal record and have run a business for 30 years. I deal almost exclusively with women of every age and you make me smile. You are a dream come true, one of those types that used to be. I am impressed by you. And there are others here too. The president knows he had no power to do what he did, the slimy sob. None of those slime balls did.(*(&*%^&)(*_&%^&+()_*&(^&* I hate them all. Nutless wonders and power tripping damned fools. They are murderers. These educated sops might laugh and deny the existence of a Judge but one slpit second after they take their last breath they will be be judged.

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Culling our futures by mandating vaccines for college attendance - do none of these young women ever read or look at side effects attributed to vaccines. Do they do no research but just comply? Why? We are in the 5th year of this madness and they go to slaughter without a peep. No one talks of the decimation of the health of the younger generation who seek inclusion at great cost to themselves. Is this in Canada and the USA.? Lawsuits will not restore health once your fertility has been nullified by the vax and cancer treatment. Stop It - my role is not to try and inform people who make choices that lead to self harm at this late date, I do not believe anything I do will make any difference; these folks have been captured by a sick society selling poison as necessary health care and doing it successfully. Save yourself and your family that is often more than one can do when families were pitted against each other daily in the media - Vaccine = Good

Unvaccinated= Bad black and white narrative via propaganda and now I am supposed to undo this - too little, too late. No I am not responsible for this debacle it is our government, the DoD, HHS and all 3 letter agencies in concert with the WHO. Who am I against this Goliath. Righting the world gone mad is outside my power, the only power I have is to continue to be vigilant re the care of my own well being.

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Beautifully said Karla! I agree 100%!

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If humans would have done basic research on the history of jabs they would have realized that it’s one of the biggest scams in the history of humanity and have never prevented the spread of anything and never saved one single life! Slogans like vaccines save lives and safe and effective work on the weak minded! Remember We are all in this together! Do your part to save grandma! Sure! 😂

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They can't. Because once they understand that vaccines have never been safe and effective...they will have to deal with the realization that everything they thought was true is not...and I think most people just can not face it...

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I think what they can't face is the prospect that they are now ticking time bombs, with as Dr. Peter McCullough wrote a 200x greater chance of getting a brain clot, as well as all the other ramifications. Most people are phony unfortunately.

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Let’s create fake herd immunity through a syringe filled with lethal toxins! Strokes and clots are better then being healthy! Pandemic of the non jabbed! Lol sure!

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Give me some neuro toxins so I’ll be healthy!

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I printed out a peer reviewed paper on harms and left copies in various places, at the laundromat, at physical therapy, and a few other places. I also printed out from the sub stack by the mid-western doctor a list of vaccines that has the ingredients, many have aluminum hydroxide, and some have formaldehyde. It is two pages with small type, so I won't leave copies around, but I will mention the ingredients when possible. The only way mainstream will get it, is when they hear it on the news, and pharma spend millions on ads, so I don't know how that will happen. Maybe X will get the info out.

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I salute your efforts - I am old, nearly 80 a recent widow, a free thinker and appalled at the lack of any independent thinking, morality and ethics on the part of our fellow humans. Can’t imagine taking someone’s word when the whole world in lockstep cow towed to designated authority- authorized by who and no I don’t mean that WHO. We surrendered without a peep and now look at the results. The whole world waiting to be given instructions guess they were well conditioned for this new version of 1984. Glad I am old and still able to make informed choices.

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They are prepping for round two H5N1, and sleeves will roll up.

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Terrible. People should have prayed and asked God for guidance. No university or job was worth giving up your health or your life.

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That is exactly what I did Kelly! I was “fired” March 1, 2021 for refusing the swab test…all made in China. I’m not putting that crap near my body! A few months later it would have been the jab, anyway. All this after being with my employer 23 years…nice!

God/Creator definitely guided me! For me, it was a no-brainer.

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Good for you Renee! I pray that if you’ve not already been richly rewarded for guarding your holy temple that you will one day be!

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I appreciate these reports. With discernment, they are valuable for understanding both what is going on and why. The discernment, however, involves noting that -- directly or indirectly (in this case indirectly) -- attention is almost always focused upon the actions or results thereof of corrupt "authorities" and other actors, and even when it is not, the proposed solutions are usually unworkable.

What is almost never discussed is why we have these corrupt authorities ruling in our lives. To understand why, we must consider the moral state of people at large, also corrupt to a large degree. The problem is not just with the authorities.

The solution lies in lifting this moral state. Jesus came to earth to enable and demonstrate what must be done, namely making disciples of him among all peoples, through the power of the Holy Spirit acting through those who are already disciples. No humanly-devised-and-powered solution is possible.

This real possibility for salvation from above is barely recognizable within the conversations. Almost all discussions and analyses distract away from it, pointing to one effect or another and not to the cause, and/or that we should seek to save ourselves through one course of action or another. They serve to stir up anger, and ultimately to confer hopelessness as every human effort is seen to fail.

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We can try but maybe the psychopath theory of history is correct. Basically a psychopath gets power, the psychopath brings/hires/supports more psychopaths, the entire process continues and finally culminates in the situation today. Evil from everywhere and from every direction. Every single human institution is ruled by psychopaths. That fact brings in the supernatural aspect of good vs evil.

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What is supernatural about psychopaths? If you had said that a non-human - indeed, anti-human - intellect sits at the top of the power pyramid, then you'd be making sense. I get the psychopathic aspect, but there's more to it than that. The psychopaths are just the front men.

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that the psychopaths are the front men is what I tried to convey. Obviously I failed. The idea I thought I conveyed was to link what appears to be the overwhelming numbers of psychopaths running things with the spiritual as in Ephesians. Psychopaths have always been around 3 percent of the population and have always caused misery and death. If I were in the ussr in 1930 I would probably have thought the same. Except that now it’s worldwide.

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There's no question they are anti-human,all the way to soul level!https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Anti-Soul_Agenda

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Sickening....just sick to my stomach....

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Dr. Makis - How are you helping young people to not take the vax?

After the fact is too late. Doom and gloom - where does prevention factor into this? We have all been siloed by the covid debacle when we should be banding together to refuse to comply- boycott the universities until the policies are changed cause your very life depends on it.

Life is a gift treasure it refuse to give up your right to informed consent.

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🙏 for more people to wake up, we need to get justice for the vaccine injured and dead😢

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How sad that we did not have mass refusal to all these mandates - they could not have prevailed without our cooperation. Learn from the past do notcomply in the future - this war against humanity is not over. Prepare for the next challenge.

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If parents refused to comply to the school mandate, it would have been lifted sooner. Fauci said it, if you make it really difficult for people then they will give up their 'ideological BS.' It worked! He was correct.

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Good that there was a recording, the way he sounds is quite telling

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They played the recording at the hearing a few weeks ago. I think it was Dr. McCormick, some name like that.

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Are these young women connecting the dots between these cancers showing up soon after the shots? Are doctors connecting these dots? This all must go mainstream to protect others. Doctors take an oath 'do no harm.' Dr. Paul Thomas lost his medical license because he tried to protect against vaccine injuries. So, he is a true doctor. The docs that follow harmful protocols in order to keep under the radar, don't deserve the M.D. after their names.

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Please can you ask William Makis to present stats on vac Vs unvac breast and colon cancers ?

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Only 3 years in! The sauce never leaves your body! Every organ as well as the brain! Passes the blood brain barrier! Lipids are so 2030! We warned you and got laughed at! Enjoy the weekend! BBQs, DJs, and beers this weekend!

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