Dr. James Thorp is convinced that the novel mRNA Covid vaccinations have caused catastrophic events and describes administering the shots to pregnant women as an ‘egregious violation of ethics’.
The American crisis is just around the corner. Wall Street's bankers have finally triumphed. Financial vultures, in their rampage for wealth, power, and world control have nearly completely destroyed an imperfect but incredibly free and promising American society. What must we do if we are to survive individually and as a free people?
When a crisis is at hand it is only natural for people to seek a leader who can inspire others willing to shoulder the burden of immediate political change. Americans are blessed because they already possess an extraordinary political structure which can be restored following a "changing of the guard". We need a leader only because individuals who are presently destroying the carefully devised political structure of our nation will never voluntarily relinquish power until they have been identified and exposed. The good news is that THEY ARE FEW IN NUMBER. WE ARE MANY AND WE ARE ARMED TO THE TEETH.
Thanks to the internet, Americans do not need a revolutionary junta, or an armed uprising, or a ballot obliging us to again usher in leadership through corrupt and compromised political parties. To start this process, we need an easily organized online panel to provisionally appoint smart honest people willing to be Replacements. Then We, the People, will know exactly what to do. We are Americans.
The above 150 persons, termed DEPLORABLES, are involved in the greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity. Their actions must be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. Un-elected Jewish guys run the show but NOT FOR US. A simple 5-step plan of action takes only a few brave American patriots. The REPLACEMENT PANEL must appoint a first-level team of 30 Patriot DEPUTIES consisting of persons with military and law-enforcement backgrounds.
Each DEPUTY will be assigned only five DEPLORABLES from this list to determine where each can be located, tell them that they are immediately unemployed, and that their services are no longer needed.
Each DEPUTY may appoint as many assistants as desired (preferably persons having military and law-enforcement experience) to perform their duty. Their only authorization for the use of force involves self defense.
Each DEPLORABLE must be given notice that continuing their actions will subject them to arrest by the DEPUTY on behalf of the REPLACEMENT PANEL.
A recap of duties performed will be submitted daily by each DEPUTY to the Replacement Panel. The members of the panel will provide replacements as needed.
Do you want to join to help restore LIBERTY in America? Copy this plan before it is removed. Post on social media.We understand mainline media problems. The ProvisionalReplacement Panel and persons it selects will be listed publicly on the internet. Webmasters and bloggers of alternate news and patriotic websites need to support and promote this concept, placing links on their pages to a PRP website which will list online the traitors scheduled for resignation, together with those selected by our PRP to be their replacementss, if the position is to be refilled. We will not all agree on specific individuals. The more important agreement involves simply telling others about this project.
Of course, everyone will not agree on the choice of every Replacement selected by the Provisional Replacement Panel. The more important issue is to support such a panel. The aim is to Replace criminals and their paid flunkies presently occupying
positions of power. Who should be on the Provisional Replacement Panel? How about asking Dr. Ron Paul for starters? 6/30/22 names added: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, Sheriff Richard Mack, Attorney Tom Renz, Dr. David Martin.
Our experience over the past two hundred years or so has brought pitfalls that the founders of this country were either unable to anticipate or simply failed to consider seriously enough at the time. The form of our government is not perfect. This is fully understandable. We the People, in Thomas Jefferson's words, are obliged "to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "What could be more American?
The form this solution takes will consist of a two step process. The first step is to accept a small website group, our Provisional Replacement Panel to identify and recruit capable and honest men and women to fill created vacancies. The second step involves requesting the resignation of politicians who broke their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution, and the replacement of a number of unelected persons.
The panel's job of identifying and recruiting a Replacement for each Removable, should the position itself be required, must begin immediately. Once the public list has been completed and the stage is set, so to speak, a leader will emerge, perhaps from the panel itself. The leader we need will emerge when the online list is complete, having been selected by PRP members.
Once Replacements have been selected, recruited, and listed online, a million or more Online Patriots will be invited, on schedules, to visit Washington DC and other areas, the locations of evil world-empire builders and the destroyers of our country. These Online Patriots will be scheduled to locate and request the resignations of specific individuals including politicians who voted for "bailouts", funding of undeclared wars, the Patriot Act, top bankers and their lackeys. They will know who they are and what to expect, having been listed online by our PRP. Added (post-covid): THIS INCLUDES ALL INVOLVED IN THE DEADLY INNOCULATIONS-GENOCIDE WORLDWIDE HORROR.
We do not call for armed revolution. We may have to process a considerable number of citizens arrests of war criminals and of traitors to the Constitution they were sworn to uphold should they not resign as demanded. The panel will target enemies of the American people, especially those within our present government who demonstrate loyalty to, or support, any foreign government. The process of listing Removables and Replacements online should not take more than thirty to sixty days.
Political change in America, thanks to our extraordinary history, political structure, founding documents, and today's POWER OF THE INTERNET can result in persuading unelected persons presently in power to step aside. We, the People, can accomplish this peacefully by knowing our goals, choosing a leader, and following that leader in implementing this reasonable program.
Those unwilling to step aside when scheduled for resignation must face citizen's arrest. Treated humanely, they are to be incarcerated until defended under established US legal rules in newly established People's Courts. If convicted by jury, they must be further confined to protect us from future malfeasance and abuse. Bloody reprisals may lead to a reign of terror, a condition we never want to see in America.
It is our responsibility to advise newly appointed Replacements to seriously consider terms and conditions clearly spelled out in our nation's founding documents.Deliberations and actions are to be open and publicized online, stimulating reform in mainline media which is already facing widespread credibility problems.
As Online Patriots, we can do this. If we do not do it, then we neither deserve what our founders referred to as "the blessings of Liberty", nor will we, or our children, or grandchildren be likely to experience them again. Soon, thanks to the Power of the Internet, America can again provide the example, giving hope to men and women throughout the world in struggling against their own tyrannical oppressive governments.
To get started, please help spread online the word of this reasonable digital-age solution. Email this article to webmasters of your favorite alternate news and patriotic websites. Notify like-minded friends.Text message "www.BigEye.org/internet.htm" to cell-phone contacts. If you have access to a webserver, please mirror this page. The first step involves creation of the Provisional Replacement Panel online. There will arise a website or a group of sites for this purpose. Once the PRP is in place, a huge march on Washington, DC, the seat of our problems, will be scheduled online.
This can be done, thanks to The Power of the Internet, with your help.
The New York Young Republican Club is protesting tonight against the sham indictment and arrest of President Trump over disproven Stormy Daniels bribery allegations starting at 5:30 EST.
Help save our babies from this devastating Evil !🙏
Shine your brightest light on these statistics 📈 and bring this to an end !!
Bless Dr Thorp for having the heart to shout this from the rooftops, and protect him from the evil one.
Create the full awareness that’s needed to foist this devastating information to the forefront for all the World to clearly see and understand what’s truly being done here, and let us ALL ARISE with one
Voice to bring a full STOP 🛑 to this Crime against Humanity...
They are so sure of themselves that this is the end game. That they have won. They are smug, boastful, evil, murderous scum of the earth. So now everything is in our face. Stay the course. They are that stupid they can't see the forest through the trees. Revelation 11:5
Thank God for Dr. Thorp’s work and record keeping ! As an ob/ gyn , the last 3 years have been devastating. When a patient asks me about the jab, I am frank and honest and tell them there are no clinical trials and why would you take an untested product. Thanks Lioness for posting this !
We need to keep pounding home these statistics. Maybe women will begin to join our side. I would think aspiring mothers care about the health of their babies, right?
My daughter has one of her friends in MI just give birth to beautiful boy...with severe Hypoplastic Left Heart Disease and severe cleft palate and her other 2 older children with NO anomalies...what do you bet at some point she received this BIOWEAPON? My heart breaks for them as the baby faces 4 surgeries plus the cleft palate......EVIL ....
Heaven only knows if and when this evil will end. Granted, it will end at some point but it's a matter of how long Providence wishes to allow sinful humanity to continue to wallow in it's mire of which is most certainly deserving of. My heart aches for all of these children and for all of those who took this jab with sincere intentions.
The below solution has been copied from online at www.bigeye.org/internet.htm
The American crisis is just around the corner. Wall Street's bankers have finally triumphed. Financial vultures, in their rampage for wealth, power, and world control have nearly completely destroyed an imperfect but incredibly free and promising American society. What must we do if we are to survive individually and as a free people?
When a crisis is at hand it is only natural for people to seek a leader who can inspire others willing to shoulder the burden of immediate political change. Americans are blessed because they already possess an extraordinary political structure which can be restored following a "changing of the guard". We need a leader only because individuals who are presently destroying the carefully devised political structure of our nation will never voluntarily relinquish power until they have been identified and exposed. The good news is that THEY ARE FEW IN NUMBER. WE ARE MANY AND WE ARE ARMED TO THE TEETH.
Thanks to the internet, Americans do not need a revolutionary junta, or an armed uprising, or a ballot obliging us to again usher in leadership through corrupt and compromised political parties. To start this process, we need an easily organized online panel to provisionally appoint smart honest people willing to be Replacements. Then We, the People, will know exactly what to do. We are Americans.
The above 150 persons, termed DEPLORABLES, are involved in the greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity. Their actions must be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. Un-elected Jewish guys run the show but NOT FOR US. A simple 5-step plan of action takes only a few brave American patriots. The REPLACEMENT PANEL must appoint a first-level team of 30 Patriot DEPUTIES consisting of persons with military and law-enforcement backgrounds.
Each DEPUTY will be assigned only five DEPLORABLES from this list to determine where each can be located, tell them that they are immediately unemployed, and that their services are no longer needed.
Each DEPUTY may appoint as many assistants as desired (preferably persons having military and law-enforcement experience) to perform their duty. Their only authorization for the use of force involves self defense.
Each DEPLORABLE must be given notice that continuing their actions will subject them to arrest by the DEPUTY on behalf of the REPLACEMENT PANEL.
A recap of duties performed will be submitted daily by each DEPUTY to the Replacement Panel. The members of the panel will provide replacements as needed.
Do you want to join to help restore LIBERTY in America? Copy this plan before it is removed. Post on social media.We understand mainline media problems. The ProvisionalReplacement Panel and persons it selects will be listed publicly on the internet. Webmasters and bloggers of alternate news and patriotic websites need to support and promote this concept, placing links on their pages to a PRP website which will list online the traitors scheduled for resignation, together with those selected by our PRP to be their replacementss, if the position is to be refilled. We will not all agree on specific individuals. The more important agreement involves simply telling others about this project.
Of course, everyone will not agree on the choice of every Replacement selected by the Provisional Replacement Panel. The more important issue is to support such a panel. The aim is to Replace criminals and their paid flunkies presently occupying
positions of power. Who should be on the Provisional Replacement Panel? How about asking Dr. Ron Paul for starters? 6/30/22 names added: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, Sheriff Richard Mack, Attorney Tom Renz, Dr. David Martin.
Our experience over the past two hundred years or so has brought pitfalls that the founders of this country were either unable to anticipate or simply failed to consider seriously enough at the time. The form of our government is not perfect. This is fully understandable. We the People, in Thomas Jefferson's words, are obliged "to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "What could be more American?
The form this solution takes will consist of a two step process. The first step is to accept a small website group, our Provisional Replacement Panel to identify and recruit capable and honest men and women to fill created vacancies. The second step involves requesting the resignation of politicians who broke their oath to protect and defend the US Constitution, and the replacement of a number of unelected persons.
The panel's job of identifying and recruiting a Replacement for each Removable, should the position itself be required, must begin immediately. Once the public list has been completed and the stage is set, so to speak, a leader will emerge, perhaps from the panel itself. The leader we need will emerge when the online list is complete, having been selected by PRP members.
Once Replacements have been selected, recruited, and listed online, a million or more Online Patriots will be invited, on schedules, to visit Washington DC and other areas, the locations of evil world-empire builders and the destroyers of our country. These Online Patriots will be scheduled to locate and request the resignations of specific individuals including politicians who voted for "bailouts", funding of undeclared wars, the Patriot Act, top bankers and their lackeys. They will know who they are and what to expect, having been listed online by our PRP. Added (post-covid): THIS INCLUDES ALL INVOLVED IN THE DEADLY INNOCULATIONS-GENOCIDE WORLDWIDE HORROR.
We do not call for armed revolution. We may have to process a considerable number of citizens arrests of war criminals and of traitors to the Constitution they were sworn to uphold should they not resign as demanded. The panel will target enemies of the American people, especially those within our present government who demonstrate loyalty to, or support, any foreign government. The process of listing Removables and Replacements online should not take more than thirty to sixty days.
Political change in America, thanks to our extraordinary history, political structure, founding documents, and today's POWER OF THE INTERNET can result in persuading unelected persons presently in power to step aside. We, the People, can accomplish this peacefully by knowing our goals, choosing a leader, and following that leader in implementing this reasonable program.
Those unwilling to step aside when scheduled for resignation must face citizen's arrest. Treated humanely, they are to be incarcerated until defended under established US legal rules in newly established People's Courts. If convicted by jury, they must be further confined to protect us from future malfeasance and abuse. Bloody reprisals may lead to a reign of terror, a condition we never want to see in America.
It is our responsibility to advise newly appointed Replacements to seriously consider terms and conditions clearly spelled out in our nation's founding documents.Deliberations and actions are to be open and publicized online, stimulating reform in mainline media which is already facing widespread credibility problems.
As Online Patriots, we can do this. If we do not do it, then we neither deserve what our founders referred to as "the blessings of Liberty", nor will we, or our children, or grandchildren be likely to experience them again. Soon, thanks to the Power of the Internet, America can again provide the example, giving hope to men and women throughout the world in struggling against their own tyrannical oppressive governments.
To get started, please help spread online the word of this reasonable digital-age solution. Email this article to webmasters of your favorite alternate news and patriotic websites. Notify like-minded friends.Text message "www.BigEye.org/internet.htm" to cell-phone contacts. If you have access to a webserver, please mirror this page. The first step involves creation of the Provisional Replacement Panel online. There will arise a website or a group of sites for this purpose. Once the PRP is in place, a huge march on Washington, DC, the seat of our problems, will be scheduled online.
This can be done, thanks to The Power of the Internet, with your help.
Breaks my heart. A family member got 2 jabs while pregnant and her gorgeous little girl was born with a heart defect and died 3 days later
The New York Young Republican Club is protesting tonight against the sham indictment and arrest of President Trump over disproven Stormy Daniels bribery allegations starting at 5:30 EST.
Father God help us ! 🙏
Help save our babies from this devastating Evil !🙏
Shine your brightest light on these statistics 📈 and bring this to an end !!
Bless Dr Thorp for having the heart to shout this from the rooftops, and protect him from the evil one.
Create the full awareness that’s needed to foist this devastating information to the forefront for all the World to clearly see and understand what’s truly being done here, and let us ALL ARISE with one
Voice to bring a full STOP 🛑 to this Crime against Humanity...
Save Our Babies 🤱🏻😢🙏
In Jesus name Amen 😔🙏
GOD & the Blessed Mother please bless & protect our Mothers & babies. Thank you Dr. Coleman for being a dedicated Medical TRUTH Warrior ...
May the LORD rebuke THEM! 🔥🔥🔥
Agenda, well one of them is De-population.
i believe that is the PRIMARY agenda
They are so sure of themselves that this is the end game. That they have won. They are smug, boastful, evil, murderous scum of the earth. So now everything is in our face. Stay the course. They are that stupid they can't see the forest through the trees. Revelation 11:5
Thank God for Dr. Thorp’s work and record keeping ! As an ob/ gyn , the last 3 years have been devastating. When a patient asks me about the jab, I am frank and honest and tell them there are no clinical trials and why would you take an untested product. Thanks Lioness for posting this !
I can’t even imagine what you’ve seen given how crazy it’s been at my lil ol acupuncture clinic. Stay strong. 😭🙏
Melissa each one of us have a role and I appreciate you. You have to see a lot of tender points and inflammation to boot !!! .😉😉
Yes I do! Thanks BB. 🤗
😉🤗…i really admire what you do to help your patients!
In my country, women are having their babies in the aisle of the hospital, just suddenly.
We need to keep pounding home these statistics. Maybe women will begin to join our side. I would think aspiring mothers care about the health of their babies, right?
You would hope so. I don’t even think that in these highly disturbing times l personally would think about bringing a child into the world.
My daughter has one of her friends in MI just give birth to beautiful boy...with severe Hypoplastic Left Heart Disease and severe cleft palate and her other 2 older children with NO anomalies...what do you bet at some point she received this BIOWEAPON? My heart breaks for them as the baby faces 4 surgeries plus the cleft palate......EVIL ....
Heaven only knows if and when this evil will end. Granted, it will end at some point but it's a matter of how long Providence wishes to allow sinful humanity to continue to wallow in it's mire of which is most certainly deserving of. My heart aches for all of these children and for all of those who took this jab with sincere intentions.