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Nov 3
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They do not have full immunity in the Netherlands.

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Well said!

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Correlation does not equate to causation.

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Would you give it to your kids?

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do Bots reproduce?

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It does when this s happening around the world. Funny how vaccines are the only thing that correlation does not equate to causation. Have you even seen the safety studies Pfizer wanted to hide for 75 years?

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Only 8-10 pages of diseases anyone who took the sauce will be getting. When I hear someone is sick I ask what’s up. Then I find the disease they have in the pages of Pfizer poison trials! Not rocket science! Just read!

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some of us have known for 3 decades and We were not early...

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I’ve known for quite a while! Pharma is the biggest fckn scam in history! They don’t sure jack shit just create customers for life! Tried to warn everyone but most ignored me and quite a few are now injured and some dying after taking the poison!

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Boss was dating this chick who took 5.

Always not feeling well. Has rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis! Both listed in the trial diseases. Told him last year it was the sickest she’s ever been. Only 52 years old! Poisoned herself for a job and doesn’t even realize it!

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Say a prayer and goodbye

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3-4% died in the trials. Now take that 3-4% up to a few billion people! That’s a huge #!

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no kidding??? The preponderance of evidence and a well calibrated BS meter

equate to??? Yeah that crystal clear conclusion

Has not EVER been different

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It does, or did, for any new drug; especially injectables.

Until proven otherwise.

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We will never know if the proper studies are not done. The statistics are overwhelming. A lot of people are suddenly collapsing and dying from heart attacks. That kind of sudden death is rare. Don't you want to know what the fuck is going on?

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Geekonomicon prefers to remain baffled.

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Maybe he doesn't realize sarcasm doesn't always come through in print.

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He's a troll.

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Maybe it is only happening in Tennessee, Dr. English wants to find out if it is occurring elsewhere?

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Just look at Mark Crispin Miller's substack. Long lists of Died Suddenlies released every single week. It is not stopping. Look up Canadian doc Makis. He is seeing crazy cancers that move fast in younger and younger people. You can only stay ignorant for so long - it will one day hit close to home and there will be no denying it.

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I made my comment 'tongue in cheek' regarding Dr. English not seeing the elephant in the room. Young athletes have been dropping since the rollout, and it has not escaped her notice really? I read all the time about the turbo cancers, and I have read some of Mark Crispin's articles, so I know very well what is going on, I had to learn to protect my own family, and I attended one court case. Here's the thing it is going to take the media to start admitting to the facts, and they are doing it a little here and there, before the doctors will do their job and investigate on harms, and then tell the truth. That is the sad reality, when in fact they are the ones who should be protecting young people, but they are not. Denial, what a phenomenon.

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Sorry I am too literal I guess.

You are right, of course.

The drip, drip, drip of truth is infuriating. Doctors will forever be suspect to me. They are mostly sold out cowards, from what I have seen.

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It is difficult to decipher a dry joke when it is written, you can't see body language, the most revealing type of communication. I feel exactly the same. I am not an angry person in general, but I saw red when kids were mandated to take an experimental gene product to attend school and many adults to work. Then having a restaurant host command putting on the mask as you walk to your table, where you can remove it once sitting. It was so mind boggling inane, that emotional regulation was out of the question for me. I got into several rows while out hiking maskless by hecklers telling me to go home. Their stupidity drove me cuckoo and still does.

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Denial a River of Blood in Egypt.

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Already hit close to home. Know way too many that got wrecked from theses jabs. Clients, bosses son, friends, friends of friends! And then you have the people who are just sicker in general! Like my sister. She’s had health issues through the years but they have blown up recently. Hey sis maybe it’s the jab I warned you not to take and you yelled at me and got it anyway!

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Ignorance is temporary, Stupidity permanent, Most of those afflictions are permanent irrevocable. Darwind Contestands, Nietzsche and others warned us.

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Geekonomicon - take a look at the clots embalmers are finding - ever since the COVID shots rolled out.


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You people are mental.

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Wishful thinking does not equate to fact.

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Correlation does not IMPLY, causation, Equate and Imply have 2 different meanings The Time for so called medical folks to question this was way before when they logically "Analyzed" the possibilites and probabilities of this setup. Not after, Too late start running. Spilled milk, like they told flounder in Animal House, YF up. You bastards been murdering folks for decades. Slick but not good enough.



intransitive verb

To make equal or equivalent.

To reduce to a standard or an average; equalize.

To consider, treat, or depict as equal or equivalent.

equates inexperience with youth.



transitive verb

To express or state indirectly.

She implied that she was in a hurry.

To make evident indirectly: synonym: suggest.

His fine clothes implied that he was wealthy.

To involve by logical necessity; entail.

Life implies growth and death.

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Move along….nothing to see here.

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It will keep right on happening because the vaccine murderers are still at large & still pumping the propaganda on the “safe & effective” vaccines that are still being given on emergency use authorization of the FDA, because they can. There is nothing safe or effective about them, & infants 6 months & older who don’t even have a risk of COVID are being poisoned & dying every day because of the vaccine monsters!! When are people going to wise up to these criminals & their massive agenda that includes depopulation!? Parents, stop allowing this evil perpetrated on your innocent children!

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Heard on the radio for the first time last week, the hosts chatting about boosters, they all admitted they stopped, but they tried to keep the conversation light, clever.

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I’m surprised this segment even aired on the typically very ‘woke’ News Channel 5! There is so much more that needs to come out about these toxic injections, but this is absolutely a great start. 🙏🏼

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If the DocIdiots are just NOW placating “concern”, where in the hell have they been hiding? Oh, I know. In their padded escape room during off-hours.

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If the media is reporting it, the docs will have to come out of hiding, and that is what is happening, a bit of back pedaling, expect more.

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Why are they still vaxing ppl. This is murder with all the info they have now.

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It was murder with the info they had prior to roll out.

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If the docs lost their kids after a shot while doing track and field, they would think 'murder.'

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They been murdering folks for Centuries, Hippocrates said it.

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VA still vaxxing veterans with the covid DeathVax so they can have one more chance to die for their country.

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Saves the NotMyGov from finding The 'Coin' - They DON'T have in the Vault (Sent it ALL plus Interest to THE Private Owned U.S. Federal Reserve - To Pay pensions & Super! 'Jabbing' Recipients = TerminILL Paw Severance!

Wellness - JohnD.

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All the info they have, this Dr. English is considering the shots as one possibility, didn't seem to think it just might be the causative agent, why not? Four years, and still has not done the research. Is she unaware of Dr. Peter McCullough, has she not read his warnings, if she did, why did she not take them seriously, if not, why not? These lame excuses won't hold water in ten years for any of them. Oh 'they didn't know' excuse, all the info is available and easily available. It is so apparent that so many chose the wrong profession in the medical industry.

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Prominent Cardiologist is slow walking the patently obvious.

None are safe, none are effective... All are harmful

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How can you trust a professional who has not investigated the dangers before children died? Or are the kids' unwitting participants in an experiment and that is how science and medicine is learning on harms.

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They were never professional, just egotistical.

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It’s genocide! Always has been and always will be!!! Look up Rockefeller’s takeover of the AMA in the very early 1900’s! It’s no wonder every other country in the world is laughing at us!!!!

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Oh, we're not laughing, believe me.

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And the shutting down of Most All Alternate U.S. Medical Institutes - Near 1200 I seem to recall! Mind you, I'd expect that ALL of the Alternate 'Clean/Natural' Health Developments/Protocols (Proper 'Food' Inclusive), would be Kept for Themselves, whilst Chemical-LieSing, the Masses to an Early Demise (Plus Profit from same - of course)!

Last time I looked, 'They' & Their Offspring/Kin, ARE still breathing in, & Operating in, the same All Metric EnvironMental Toxic Soup, that 'They've' Deployed! Now THAT IS Proper Dumb - Even for the Tagged 'Elite'!

Wellness - John D.

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You do understand that Israel , Australia, Europe, Canada,and many other countries all did the same thing right?? They aren't laughing, they are dying too

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Yes, I am very, very aware of the genocides that have taken place worldwide! It’s madness!! Horrible!! I suppose I was referring to our upcoming election here in the US and the ridiculous antics that have been leading up to this point. If I were living abroad and paying attention to the US, I would be laughing at the ridiculousness of it all!

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It's been 4 years and they know damn well what's causing it. The term "expert" doesn't impress me in the least anymore.

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Every commentator here is more 'expert' than a doctor who isn't quite certain that the shots damage the heart, after four years of watching it happen globally.

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We traveled to visit some of our family and interestingly when we met up with some family members they were all excited about just getting their flu and covid vaccine. I know I had a shocked look on my face and just stared at them. How long is it going to take for people to learn the truth about vaccines??

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Sadly, teens are addicted to their phones. Constantly. The programming, and assembly of the nanobots in the vaccines are destroying their brains and biological systems. Turn off cell phones. Connect to nature if you and your family want to survive this apocalypse.

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When CNN and media outlets including the radio start questioning and then confirming.

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"Is that a question that needs to be asked?”

Seriously? In 2024? Just because you wear a white coat doesn't mean you earn immunity from liability. Or questioning everything every single day.

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This is so simple. Point a rifle at your head and pull the trigger you will die. Take the fake jab and you will die too. What is so hard for people to understand?

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I agree 100% it is simple.

I think the hard part is they don’t think or hear our warnings. They think, nothing has happened to me.

I say it will, the bullet just hasn’t arrived yet.

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There is scads of proof the damned jab kills. WTF i8s wrong with people? (sheeple)

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The docs can lose their licenses if they tell the truth. They are dancing around the issue.

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Yep. Friends wife, 40, was having heart issues and I asked if she had a booster. "Yeah... so did I and I'm fine!"

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Oh boy.

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Doctors in hospitals were paid up to $75K per week for implementing the covid protocols of venting, remdesivir and distancing from the patients. The nurses 'outed' them on Ken McCarthy's podcast.

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Rita: Do you have a link?

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I subscribe to Ken McCarthy's free podcast called Brass check, the discussion was last week, but I have no idea how to get a link for it. He also wrote a book which I bought called 'What the Nurses Saw' really, really eye-opening. I sent the name of his site to an acquaintance, and it did not resonate for them. His views align with mine for the most part, but if you check him out, since its free you can unsubscribe if it's not for you.

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You could pull the trigger and discover the gun was not loaded for example.

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Never done that in my decades of hunting. Never had a misfire either.

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That would be called an error and is not often forgivable either way gun loaded or unloaded and one is not aware of it. One way a person could shoot himself, the other way the noise of the firing pin would scare the quarry away.

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Year 5 of 2 weeks to flatten everyone’s pulse. Hey let’s ask some questions! So baffling! Looks like climate change not the poison mandated at schools, colleges, workplaces, for travel, etc! Weird I knew this was going to happen, but the “experts” are scratching their heads baffled!

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The jabs are part of several "vectors" of installing foreign synthetic biological components into humankind, when combined with electromagnetic frequencies (that we're actually bathed in everywhere we go) to form nanostructures (which grow into microstructure sized processes/activities), create synthetic proteins, fibrous structures, enabling two-way communication and the replacement of organic with synthetic processes, powered by our own bioenergy, which is being harvested to enable the "hive mind" and the WBAN/internet of things (much of it already approve on the medical bands of under 40 hertz), so that we are also subject to release or formation of disease vectors manipulated by differing frequencies, that we are now finding ways to detoxify from. Sudden death from growth of synthetic (spider silk mesh, antennae, synthetic cells, the interfering of natural processes, etc.) components will CONTINUE to result in the death of jabbed and unjabbed persons. Those jabbed are especially subject to illness and extreme disease onset, etc. as the graphene oxide in the shots (along with the 55 other unindentified "ingredients" and toxic metals, etc.) combined with the chemical toxins rained on us from geoengineering when combined with electromagnetic frequencies coming from cell towers,phones, wi-fi, Smart appliances/meters, etc., are causing subtle (at first) then more prominent changes to occur in our physical bodies. The transhuman/posthuman agenda is in full swing and we are part of experiments to which we have not consented.

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You forgot to add that the food people are eating that have been injected with the mRNA too. Also the donated blood is tainted with it. The water in the bottles have the nano shit in it. It goes on n on.😳

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Lol not true.

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You are correct - the "contamination" of all humankind (as well as plants, animals, insects, birds, etc.) is well underway and our food staples have all been impacted as well (with a few notable exceptions). If you sign up at brightu.com you can see Day 3 (which is really day 2) of the issues we're facing along with solutions (great natural things like Bee Polen, Nicotine patches, Pomegranate juice, and a host of other substances that help knock down the nanotechnology and dissolve the clots from the structures formed). They are weaponizing (for example) Brewer's Yeast.... as it is easily converted to bacteria of differing kinds. They are also creating synthetic parasites, red blood cells, and leveraging graphene and other constituent elements to assemble the technology needed to broadcast and receive electromagnetic frequncies. IMO, the "elites" and the globalist puppetmasters all know what foods, herbs, etc., can protect them and they're using these to stay clean and unaffected. Learning (as this team has, including purchasing a couple of $200,000 microscopes like the University Labs and Pharma companies use to be able to REALLY observe, test, and treat naturally) what is happening, what they've disclosed in their documentation, experiments, and military strategy disclosures then tying it to what is observed and then what addresses it has been pursued by many others as well -- and it's become a great collaboration. Those who are in doubt should watch and learn (as I am, even though I've known about it all, the solutions were limited -- Vitamin C, EDTA, Apple Pectin, Chlorine Dioxide, etc.) and now that a host of other substances found naturally (versus produced synthetically) can be tapped, there's at least some hope..... It's not unthinkable that blood supplies, dental and medical drugs, childhood vaccines, even topical (cosmetic) lotions, etc., contain substances that are leeching into our systems -- by far and away the toxic metals, polymers microplastics and graphene being sprayed on us daily via geoengineering are the most common source of contamination - but that affects water, earth/soil, plants,animals, etc. and we see that already -- between the harmful frequencies of 5G affecting birds and insects, it is constantly bombarding us and it is interacting successfully with the toxins we've ingested. Finding ways to detoxify (especially the liver, where the cleansing is essential) and feel good (doing earthing/grounding, etc.) helps and that is 1/2 the battle.

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Oh yeah, even if they stop the jabs, we will get mRNA in our food and drinks.

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Umm no not the unvaccinated. If that were so the drug companies would be worried about themselves and their families dying. And they aren't.

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Operation warp speed spreading poison to every corner of the world continues brought to you by the self proclaimed father of the vaccine Donald Trump

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Can't resist ...

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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We are in trouble from both sides.😳

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Exactly why I could never vote for Trump. But not voting for Kamala either. Not voting this year.

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Trump was a fool to trust in the "Public Health Experts" and what Big Pharma, Big Med, the WHO, etc. claimed was both urgently necessary AND "safe & effective". Unfortunately, this makes him no different to my entire family who all took the shots. What DOES make him different to the Biden/Harris Administration -- as well as government leadership around the world including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, and on and on and on -- is the fact that TRUMP NEVER MANDATED ANYONE to take the jab; he never believed in FORCING anyone to take the injection against their own personal judgement. So he was a fool right along with the majority of human population but he was STILL on the side of individual human liberty unlike MOST POLITICAL LEADERSHIP across the world. There is NO comparison. He has also proven himself able to learn & change as he now listens seriously to RFK Jr. and plans to empower him to address these governmental "public health" scandals.

I have never yet voted for a perfect human being for any political office. But I will vote for the imperfect, even foolish, human being who does NOT strip me of my Constitutional rights & personal liberties before I will vote for ANY totalitarian who wants to FORCE me into submission on such matters. Biden/Harris have a fully established track record of enthusiastically mandating the jabs wherever the long arm of the Federal Executive Branch had the power to do so. You could easily write up a list of quotes from Biden/Harris recommending & campaigning FOR the Jab. But unlike Trump they THEN took the totalitarian step of abusing their power to FORCE people to take the Jab under threat of losing their jobs, losing their ability to engage in civil society, losing the ability to visit sick relatives in hospitals and eldercare facilities, etc.

So, in the end, your posting moronically misses the point of our choices in the real world between two imperfect-but-stunningly-different candidates. I'll vote for the fool who MAXIMIZES my personal liberties under the US Constitution rather than the fool who demands submission.

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Presidents including Biden are clueless on biology. However, they must align with defending constitutional rights and never mandate a drug to work, travel or attend school.

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It would have happened no matter who was President at the time because the WEF/UN/OWG (ONE WORLD GOVT) is consolidating power and preparing to take complete control of ALL the world's governments.

Their agenda is clearly visible on the WEF website. They apparently feel Tedros did such a wonderful job of handling the Pandemic that the WEF has given him complete control over world health matters.

Trump will hopefully remove the US and our obligations from the WEF.

This action may protect us from their pandemics and the ever expanding totalitarian control of the world.

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I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021


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Trump is no Doctor, he relied on the supposed expert in the field Tony Mengele...I mean Fauci for advice and answers. Trusting the wrong people may cause bad things to happen.

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I agree!

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That line from Monty Python comes to mind:

"Even the police, began to sit up, and take notice!"

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Hilarious, but what isn't hilarious in Monty Python, that and Fawlty Towers with John Cleese.

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