How long did it take the people around Noah to change? Horn makes a statement that he is 100% with certainty that the jab wasn’t the mark. He said they want to change the double helix to a Tripp helix. They were celebrating here with the queen just for that. https://youtu.be/6oiSa27nWhI

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Man wanting to be God. We know how this ends.

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO REVEALING! That's FIRST time for me to realize the real mark....

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God intervened in the past. He will once again. Trust that!

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Genesis 6. He intervened.

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As we speak for years possibly decades and beyond as I study the KJB have been experimenting on child trafficking victims. I believe another easy target will be implanting on all immigrants'. All the Elite are worshipping there god/satan. This is little horns last shot to destroy Gods children. They can brand, tattoo, chip till the cows come home. However, it is what is IN your forehead and heart that is key to remember. Keep Christ in your mind soul and heart. God Almighty will know whom you are. Please consider The Shepherds Chapel. The only church I have found that teaches word for word verse by verse. The Original King James Bible. God Bless you all.

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These idiot savants, just like their genius Nazi and Soviet forebears, will find out, too late that, as Jaques Mallet du Pan wrote about a similar effort in his day, the Jacobin France of 1790s who also were to make a new man, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” (Like Saturn, the revolution eats its children. (Mallet du Pan aptly refers to the Greek myth of a titan who ate his children upon birth to prevent them succeeding him.) From “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France.

Or think virtually all the people who brought Stalin to power- all murdered by him - Trotsky, Kamenev, their head of the NKVD, Lavrentiy Beria, who was dragged out of a meeting, a rag stuffed in his mouth to shut up his whining, and executed. Or think the brilliant Hitler, who in his arrogance, launched Operation Barbarossa.

I get it that these elite think THEY, among all others in history are smarter and cleverer that all those others in history. In fact, I doubt they even know history, and even if they do, miss its main lesson: Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make drunk with power."

I do NOT comply. And if these idiots (not using name calling here; rather, just literally referring to their emotional intelligence level) want to bring Hell on earth, go ahead. Just don't involve me... like they just did to the innocent in E. Palestine Ohio

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Swiss philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote years ago, there's what we CAN do, and what we should do. We have no basis anymore for the latter in a amoral world.

Similarly, Leon Kass, U. of Chicago, wrote about this issue "the wisdom of repugnance." Gee.... so we are supposed to get animal perceptions, and ignore our own?

Well did St Paul write "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things."

And, oh yeah... I was raised on a steady diet of political correctness, and have one grad degree from U. of Illinois, another from U. of British Columbia. I get the whole fasco-Marxist gambit. But yes, I became a Christian after studying the matter as an adult, and yes, I do believe in the Bible as the Word of God. In fact, I took two years of Koine Greek to read it in the original (among other languages I do)

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Thank you for sharing your experiences with education and how you came to understand and learn from the scriptures as well with an open mind. Good on you!

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Yeah.... we have tried this "man as 'god' before thing several times, in the Garden, the Tower of Babel, and you might even argue Nazi Germany. Now we go back into the maelstrom.

Dostoyevski wrote in Brothers Karamozov, which I have read twice, "if there is no God, ***everything*** is permissible."* (And yes, he DID write that, as below. English, like all languages, doesn't translate word for word). Everything? Gee... how do you think that will turn out?


Dostoyevksi, go to https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/28054/pg28054-images.html

Get the book there Here is the paragraph

p. 160 “… And the problem’s a stupid one. It is no good guessing it. Rack your brains — you’ll understand it. His article is absurd and ridiculous. And did you hear his stupid theory just now: if there’s no immortality of the soul, then there’s no virtue, and everything is lawful. (And by the way, do you remember how your brother Mitya cried out: ‘I will remember!’) An attractive theory for scoundrels! — (I’m being abusive, that’s stupid.) Not for scoundrels, but for pedantic poseurs, ‘haunted by profound, unsolved doubts.’ He’s showing off, and what it all comes to is, ‘on the one hand we cannot but admit’ and ‘on the other it must be confessed!’ His whole theory is a fraud! Humanity will find in itself the power to live for virtue even without believing in immortality. It will find it in love for freedom, for equality, for fraternity.’ Or see https://planetpdf.com/planetpdf/pdfs/free_ebooks/The_Brothers_Karamazov_T.pdf

Also, p. 134 ‘Nothing special, except one little remark,’ Ivan replied at once. ‘European Liberals in general, and even our liberal dilettanti, often mix up the final results of socialism with those of Christianity. This wild notion is, of course, a characteristic feature. But it’s not only Liberals and dilettanti who mix up socialism and Christianity, but, in many cases, it appears, the police — the foreign police, of course — do the same. Your Paris anecdote is rather to the point, Pyotr Alexandrovitch.’ https://planetpdf.com/planetpdf/pdfs/free_ebooks/The_Brothers_Karamazov_T.pdf

-p 46: In the same way, if he had decided that God and immortality did not exist, he would at once have become an atheist and a socialist. For socialism is not merely the labour question, it is before all things the atheistic question, the question of the form taken by atheism to-day, the question of the tower of Babel built without God, not to mount to heaven from earth but to set up heaven on earth. Alyosha would have found it strange and impossible to go on living as before.

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I come from the literary philosophical world at least as much as the high tech Leviathan and the creation of monsters as well as tyranny is not new. Our times for six hundred years like a river flowing bring us to our hours.

In a book dedicated to Samuel Beckett, Les Cahiers de l’Herne there is a short text on Beckett by another great thinker: Eugene Ionesco.

Here is a part of it:

… It is not from the social and political condition that Samuel Beckett suffers but rather from our existential condition, from the metaphysical situation of man. This malaise is inherent in the human condition. All societies are bad, all of humanity, all of creation, have lived in misfortune since the beginning of the world. We cannot help but suffer from it if we realize it. If we don’t realize it, we still suffer, less consciously. To be born and to die and between birth and death to kill to eat is not admissible. I was going to say, this is not “natural”. Creation has failed. It has to be redone. Doesn’t the Holy Books tell us about a renewed world? This tragic situation of man, life’s anguish, is a fact that does not come from capitalism or from Judeo-Christian thought. The Hindus, the Chinese, the pre-Colombians, all the vestiges that remain to us of archaic, or so-called primitive civilizations, prove to us that this, at least uncomfortable condition, has always been denounced or detected. Social condition only alleviates a little or aggravates this basic uneasiness of being in the world so all life is suffering. The animals themselves suffer, the whole universe suffers: aggression, defense, that is the essence of life. We struggle, we fight, against each other, we devour each other, we have to kill to eat because we live in a closed economy and nothing comes to us from elsewhere. No being accepts his death. For each being, man, animal, plant, its own death is identified with universal death. Everyone is agonizing for everyone and for everything. Our molecules also devour each other. If you look at a drop of water or a drop of blood under the microscope, you see war, destruction, killing. An ant separated from other ants, feels the threat, is anxious, tries to escape its death individual. Insect battalions wage war, rage, hurt and kill each other. It is the law of nature, it is the law of life, this is what we are told, This is also what we do not accept, it is precisely against this law that I am insurgent. This is what must be the fundamental object of our revolt. And then, afterwards, if He wants to create a new world, at least do it differently. No economic or political revolution has succeeded in abolishing this existential tragicomedy. I believe in the irremediable bankruptcy of revolutions, they only push man deeper into his misfortune. Whether we like it or not, neither Beckett, nor the great writers and artists of our time and of other times, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Proust, Faulkner, nor philosophers like Nietzsche or Kirkegaard, can be understood without metaphysics or religion, without the essential problem that haunted them, that they could not solve and against which they came up against knowing they cannot solve it. Historical upheavals can therefore only lead us from bad to worse. We can also find in Marx and many Utopians the degraded myths of revolutions: new Jerusalem, paradise lost, going beyond history, progress, that is to say the myth of ascension, renewal of man in his transfiguration, to realize his transmutation. There is even in Marx the theme of fundamental, objective guilt, so much so that, in the so-called socialist countries, the sons of the bourgeoisie were, in the fifteen to twenty years of the beginning of the revolution, considered objectively guilty and could not pursue higher studies. The individual was born guilty. In short, all the Judeo-Christian mythology is there in Marxism, with the original sin that we must all assume.

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Thank you for sharing this :-))

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We are already living through a bad dystopian novel. This would lead us into the horror genre!

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Spot on, Lioness, spot on. Precisely what's going on. Morphogenesis and intrabody in vivo nano-network, to turn us each into 24/7 surveilled / diagnostic'd living, breathing, walking batteries.

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The satanic bastards are literally trying to create Moloch

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