The masses went along with all of it like trained circus animals. They had no problem with demonizing those that didn't. They repeated propaganda slogans and called anyone that tried to warn them nasty names. I'm supposed to care that these same dimwits might have brain damage?
God bless professor Sucharit Bahakdi, he warned us early on what this injection was, what it would do, he has saved many from falling for the scam..we must all support him..
He has a heart of gold, a brilliant mind, and the courage to face this rising darkness that so many of our scientists & medical professionals sorely lack. They have proven themselves utterly craven, in their thousands.
Not so Sucharit Bhakti!
Please everyone, please support him and shame the German Government for their wickedness in attacking him. We must stand up for the heros that have stood up for us!
Is there enough mRNA in vaccines to generate spike? Has there been any analysis proving this since the ones I have seen find everything but mRNA? Graphene Oxide found. Nanotech is found Contaminants are found. mRNA in trace amounts sometimes.
When injected with mrna spike proteins, your body turns into a spike proteins factory...spreads throughout the body....Three young men in their early twenties, in Germany, died after having the vax, the parents got the top man, the expert, to do special autopsies on the boys, they found mrna spikes in the organs,including g the brain, but also fou d the testicles were absolutely full of mrna, no sperm present, not one......and it was professor Sucharit Bahakdi that told us of this....
I have been following Dr. Bhakdi from the beginning and he has been correct about so many things. I wish he wasn't correct about this but I am afraid he is. It's really frightening what's happening. In fact, I just wrote about the loss of human-ness in people after the vax and all the odd and unusual behavior we have been seeing lately
What is very obvious now is that all doctors, pharmacists, public health officials, nurses, public officials, etc. who continue to push these deadly jabs are intentionally harming anyone taking them. We all learned that this is all about the money in every aspect by Big Pharma, the hospital systems and anyone else reaping the benefits of all these injuries and deaths. In the beginning, one could have claimed they didn’t know and maybe have been forgiven for their ignorance, but now there is far too much information about all of the deaths and injuries that only the corrupt can ignore. People are dropping dead everywhere or getting unfounded diseases or injuries that make no sense in a normal review of things. You really have to be so dense or so corrupt to deny something is wrong with these. My concern is these monsters will never be punished for what they have done and continue to do. No punishment will be severe enough. God bless these doctors and other practitioners for speaking out. They need kept in our prayers!
Thanks for giving us a summary of the conversation (I don't have time to listen to all the interesting interviews; it's much faster when I can read them, or a summary thereof)!
Oh, and the fact that they want to punish Dr. Bahkdi tells us that he was right from the beginning and that he is therefore an "enemy of the (criminal, genocidal) state... I can only hope that karma is swift and that the perpetrators end up in prison, or better yet strung up, and not him.
"(I don't have time to listen to all the interesting interviews; it's much faster when I can read them, or a summary thereof)"
Agree. A way around this is I watch most videos and set the speed (in settings) to 1.5 or 1.75 (even 2 - depending). It helps if there are subtitles (youtube - yes. Rumble-no). But if you have a quick brain, and the person speaks well/clear, you probably don't need them.
Much faster this way. :-) First, start with 1.5x speed and see how you handle it.
"Smuggly" non vaxxed?" Not quite sure what you mean. As to "wisening up", I have watched countless hours of interviews, incl. with Dr. Bahkti and the other whistleblowers, and have read more about what is truly going on in the last 30 months than most people. Besides actually helping my clients with the effects of the jab.
What are your credentials that would justify your smug comment?
Also, I keep wondering why people in comment sections feel the need to spread their vitriol at other readers. Aren't there more deserving targets (if you are unable to process and release your poison yourself and need someone else to spew it on)? If you are a real person, that is, and not a paid shill or a bot.
As you say the past years have been excruciatingly difficult perhaps we should extend some mercy to each other. The pressure valve needs to be released. I send you love.
Dr. Bahkdi has been out there from the get go. Nothing but admiration for this man, and gratitude for his speaking out and not backing down. Prayers for him.
Is he referring to how the forced gene therapy jabs will prove out to be more efficient than gas chambers and ovens or what? Didn't Israel force the gene therapy on their entire population or something? Does he mean intentionally or unintentionally worse than?
The masses went along with all of it like trained circus animals. They had no problem with demonizing those that didn't. They repeated propaganda slogans and called anyone that tried to warn them nasty names. I'm supposed to care that these same dimwits might have brain damage?
Truth tellers get crucified.
God bless professor Sucharit Bahakdi, he warned us early on what this injection was, what it would do, he has saved many from falling for the scam..we must all support him..
Absolutely! I’m seeing lots of weird behavior from co-workers. I even mentioned it to a few people. Something is amiss!
We MUST support this kind and brave man.
He has a heart of gold, a brilliant mind, and the courage to face this rising darkness that so many of our scientists & medical professionals sorely lack. They have proven themselves utterly craven, in their thousands.
Not so Sucharit Bhakti!
Please everyone, please support him and shame the German Government for their wickedness in attacking him. We must stand up for the heros that have stood up for us!
Charles Hoffe has been vindicated, although has lost his practice. I think Bhakdi will also be vindicated too.
posted that interview also on my recent post at:
he is not only facing 5 years in jail but in addition loosing his entire pension!!!! He has a small family, young boy!!!
the purpose of what is happening to Dr. Bhakti is to send a message to other truthtellers, shut up or we will ruin your life.
or end it.
God Bless all the patriots who are suffering to help humanity wake up!
You are a True Angel dr. Bhakdi
Is there enough mRNA in vaccines to generate spike? Has there been any analysis proving this since the ones I have seen find everything but mRNA? Graphene Oxide found. Nanotech is found Contaminants are found. mRNA in trace amounts sometimes.
When injected with mrna spike proteins, your body turns into a spike proteins factory...spreads throughout the body....Three young men in their early twenties, in Germany, died after having the vax, the parents got the top man, the expert, to do special autopsies on the boys, they found mrna spikes in the organs,including g the brain, but also fou d the testicles were absolutely full of mrna, no sperm present, not one......and it was professor Sucharit Bahakdi that told us of this....
Right off the good doctor believes in viruses that are causing all ills. First premise false all that builds from premise false.
I have been following Dr. Bhakdi from the beginning and he has been correct about so many things. I wish he wasn't correct about this but I am afraid he is. It's really frightening what's happening. In fact, I just wrote about the loss of human-ness in people after the vax and all the odd and unusual behavior we have been seeing lately
Thank you so much for bringing attention to this!
He is an absolute gem, a shining light in all this darkness. Do not let the evil ones prevail.
Prayer and support and required here!
What is very obvious now is that all doctors, pharmacists, public health officials, nurses, public officials, etc. who continue to push these deadly jabs are intentionally harming anyone taking them. We all learned that this is all about the money in every aspect by Big Pharma, the hospital systems and anyone else reaping the benefits of all these injuries and deaths. In the beginning, one could have claimed they didn’t know and maybe have been forgiven for their ignorance, but now there is far too much information about all of the deaths and injuries that only the corrupt can ignore. People are dropping dead everywhere or getting unfounded diseases or injuries that make no sense in a normal review of things. You really have to be so dense or so corrupt to deny something is wrong with these. My concern is these monsters will never be punished for what they have done and continue to do. No punishment will be severe enough. God bless these doctors and other practitioners for speaking out. They need kept in our prayers!
Thanks for giving us a summary of the conversation (I don't have time to listen to all the interesting interviews; it's much faster when I can read them, or a summary thereof)!
Oh, and the fact that they want to punish Dr. Bahkdi tells us that he was right from the beginning and that he is therefore an "enemy of the (criminal, genocidal) state... I can only hope that karma is swift and that the perpetrators end up in prison, or better yet strung up, and not him.
"(I don't have time to listen to all the interesting interviews; it's much faster when I can read them, or a summary thereof)"
Agree. A way around this is I watch most videos and set the speed (in settings) to 1.5 or 1.75 (even 2 - depending). It helps if there are subtitles (youtube - yes. Rumble-no). But if you have a quick brain, and the person speaks well/clear, you probably don't need them.
Much faster this way. :-) First, start with 1.5x speed and see how you handle it.
Thanks for the tip!
If I were you, I would find the 40 min to view this video and get smart.
Not everyone like you are smuggly non Vaxxed.
Wise up !
"Smuggly" non vaxxed?" Not quite sure what you mean. As to "wisening up", I have watched countless hours of interviews, incl. with Dr. Bahkti and the other whistleblowers, and have read more about what is truly going on in the last 30 months than most people. Besides actually helping my clients with the effects of the jab.
What are your credentials that would justify your smug comment?
Also, I keep wondering why people in comment sections feel the need to spread their vitriol at other readers. Aren't there more deserving targets (if you are unable to process and release your poison yourself and need someone else to spew it on)? If you are a real person, that is, and not a paid shill or a bot.
As you say the past years have been excruciatingly difficult perhaps we should extend some mercy to each other. The pressure valve needs to be released. I send you love.
Dr. Bahkdi has been out there from the get go. Nothing but admiration for this man, and gratitude for his speaking out and not backing down. Prayers for him.
Is he referring to how the forced gene therapy jabs will prove out to be more efficient than gas chambers and ovens or what? Didn't Israel force the gene therapy on their entire population or something? Does he mean intentionally or unintentionally worse than?
It iis mass genocide, planned years ago....horrific....