Nov 4, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Hard to argue with a scientist who was willing to lose his job over this. Glad I never took this poison, but I’m confident I’m still exposed via other people shedding and via the meat supply.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Finally! Now for this obvious conclusion (known intuitively by many - far too many signs at the get go of a nefarious agenda in place) to spread - and quickly!

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The courts should sort out these cases and punishments. This process itself should revitalize the courts.

For the Dr's who didn't know...at a minimum they should lose their license.

For administrators and planners who knew, they should get life in prison, separate from the general prison population if they provide provable valuable information and narratives about how this happened, if not, then into the general prison population with them.

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So does that make the home of Killiko and Weissmanslaughter the University of Murder?

'What's Next? The Future of mRNA Vaccines for “Every Imaginable Infectious Disease”'


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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

As an English woman still abiding in England I have just received a second letter inviting me to make an appointment for the globalists genocide medical intervention.

A second letter in the same month!!!

I have previously shared the tissue of lies written in this NHS letter sent to me by Dr Nikita Kanani MBE on Dr Paul Amelander's substack.

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It doesn't take a biochemistry professor to work this out, but I am glad to read that this one did. Now if he and others could only understand why this happened, and why and how this effort to kill everyone is proceeding largely unhindered, the perpetrators unfazed, no matter how much truth is exposed.

Everywhere there is evidence of "strong delusion" at work. The following scripture should be familiar to some readers here:

2Th. 2:7 (CSB) For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one now restraining will do so until he is out of the way, 8 and then the lawless one will be revealed. The Lord Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth and will bring him to nothing at the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is based on Satan’s working, with every kind of miracle, both signs and wonders serving the lie 10 and with every wicked deception among those who are perishing. They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth and so be saved.

11 For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12 so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but delighted in unrighteousness.

The relevant point is in verses 11-12, but I included a little context as well from the preceding verses. What will happen already began long ago, and I would suggest that the "strong delusion" precedes "the coming of the lawless one", so that "those who are perishing" will "believe the lie".

Whether that reading is correct or not, and whether it applies to the present situation or not, it is deeply disheartening to see the delusion within what I thought was "the Church", and to watch so many there dying, suddenly or gradually, because they believed, with some still clinging to, a lie.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

100% Bioweapon , for depopulation and control . Great article.

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They have left no room for doubt. And the deaths are far from over. The lack of immunity in the general population has yet to kick in and when it does nobody will be safe.

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This is something allot of us knew but it's nice to see he was willing to lose everything to warn people. I have been worried about my friends and family ever since they took these shots, "bioweapons" not "vaccines" I hate feeling this way about them but I wonder how much damage is being done after 2 years. My husbands family are all sick with heart problems and cancer, they are in their 70s but they didn't get sick until after they took the shots, problem is, they don't see what caused their illnesses, they say its old age. I just told my sister -in-law that my husband and I are healthy as a horse, he's 68 and Im 71, the difference is, we didn't take the poison poke.

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We have been saying that from day one, people just do not want to believe it. It will continue because they want to kill all of us except them the rich ELITE, or so their EGOS tell them they are ELITE, but you never judge a mans worth by how much money they have. They want leave enough alive to turn them into their creation.. So they want to destroy GOD creation and LOL create their own trans humanist BS LOL.. They need technology to do it LOL.. GOD starts with nothing.. They are deluded by the original EVIL, and he is getting them to destroy mankind under the craziness of their EGO, they do not know they will be destroyed... The original EVIL and LIAR is an avowed enemy of all mankind, so they are being used and are being deceived because there time is coming also.. They just do not know it, because they have deceived themselves..

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Was it actually created in months or was it made before Covid was released? So many things about Covid are questionable now.

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I am totally amazed that it has taken some people so long to wake up to this! I knew something extremely worrying was a lot to arrive as l was hospitalised in 2018 and unusual “quarantine” like modifications were being openly made to my local hospital - staff extremely uncomfortable answering questions. When l was given an architect’s plan of the “new wards” by a trusted source and firstly noted NO OXYGEN piped to walls behind beds but tapped off internally and 4” thick glass sliding doors only openable with a pass .. l KNEW .. started exploring further .. and the horror grew as l discovered more and more about the “preparations” Seeing people die daily around my locality - it is becoming NORMALISED! Read that again .. DEATH FROM THE VAX IS BECOMING NORMALISED!! Under the cover “Excess Deaths” .. no other words - MASS GENOCIDE!

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Great video

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Well done you! So many will fall foul of yet another “ploy” - Wishing you well!

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Every once in a while I doubt everything and say this is all crazy. And then I remember the insanity from the last 3 years; the lockdowns, the face diapers, coercions, threats, people losing their jobs, the empty hospitals and dancing staff, the 24/7 propaganda. Nothing made more enraged then seeing nursing home staff prevent an elderly married couple from hugging. Of course no one in the family did a thing not even a word, which pissed me off even more.

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