Well given they say no mRNA was found in any of the vials, I have a hard time believing Dr. Wagh. Too many studies detecting the spike proteins post vaccine. Anyway that's my thought.

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What if "viruses" are part of the disease process rather than the cause of it?

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What if your body creates a synthetic spike protein AFTER injection?

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Thank YOU for posting - Crimes against Humanity - GOD help us all & you Dr. Coleman for continuing to speak TRUTH to tyranny ...

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So if the virus wasn’t “real” then what was Covid? I had something and it wasn’t the flu.

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It was the H1N1 flu. At the start of 2020 we were losing 4,000 - 6,000 a week to it and once you look up H1N1 then you realize it was a bioterror attack which Fauci is responsible for and the genome was published on Genbank in 2005.

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What is H1N1 and where has “it” been proven to exist in the fluids of a human?

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H1N1 is the strain of flu which caused the 1918 Spanish Flu. Use the CDC and FDA to see just how many PNI deaths began occurring in 2020 and continued to this day. I'm sure you are familiar with the flu disappearing for 2 years, if not; you are seriously behind the true info or....

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The "Spanish Flu" was bacterial pneumonia. They found out through some very shady studies that people weren't contagious.

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Absolutely. There’s tough times ahead

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holy hella crappety crap....thanks NightFlight, this be compliquated....

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Yes flu,but engineered

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Just another person, me, who was quite ill with unusual symptoms Nov 2019 (for 10 weeks following as well)

I had been helping a friend move, and the friend was quite ill but had a move out date that could not be changed.

They work at an Acupuncture college here in Portland ORegon. The college has staff from China who travel back and forth regularily.

It was a respiratory infection that was like a dry whooping cough, with immense fatigue. I have never laid on a couch for 3 weeks before but I did then. Lost 10% body weight, 130 to under 120 lbs. Took 3-4 months to gain the weight back.

The only medicine I took was Burdock root tea a pint a day for 6 weeks. It has quercitin and inulin, and hundreds of other constituents that I believe got me through, the inulin keeping the blood sugar regular when food was not being ingested. Very wasting, I have seen whooping cough and mono in others and it looked like a cross between the two. It sure wasn't the flu, though I havent had that for 20 years anyway, it was a kitten in comparison....

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good to see lot of bullsh... in this talk, with a clear zero knowledge of details about the virus and in particular the spike... After 4 min had to stop listening though, just a complete waste of time for such an idiocy.

Just wonder WHO is sending her and why? Not saying there are no rGO or hydrogels in the vials, the PEG alone can build up that lattice, but to cause a TURBO cancer overGROWING entire human lungs in a short time, you need genetic material and not 0.5ml of foreign matter...

That here reminds me NIST, FCC, serg. general and many others the likes, who are coming up and announce very 'special news'. Thank you for posting this, a good material(of just 4 min...) to think about.

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I have the same concerns, but there are a lot of other people around the world who were unable to find nitrogen and phosphorus in the vials. This would suggest there is no viable mRNA.

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Well, I'd suggest do just one simple thing, take a KNOWN RNA sample with identical given concentration which suppose to be in vials, dissolve in given simple salts and run a CONTROL spectrum on your equipment, in IDENTICAL settings you do the real sample. And SHOW IT together with the injection material. Only then I'd believe there is nothing in it if there is a huge DIFFERENCE. A simple thing to do, BUT NOBODY DOES IT, somehow.... It would be actually great that there is NO genetic material in the vials, we'd have one genocide out of the window, but I'm afraid that's not the case.

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Or EMF nonionizing radiation 60ghz can cause radiation illness which looks similar to a respiratory/cytokine storm.

I work in an elderly care facility with 350+ and not a single person was ill with a respiratory illness, nor did anyone go to hospital until the shots began. Why?

Now my county has 5G towers EVERYWHERE!

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So are there ANY people left unjabbed, who didn't go to hospitals with all the 5G towers around? I hope so, because that would imply that the surrounding 5G interacts preferentially with the materials from the jabs...

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Zero biologicals? Theyve been giving people toxic placebos? That would explain why the vax injuries aren't more consistently certain. We'll probably find that everyone who got an mrna vax as injured, and everyone without clinical symptoms got the toxic fake. Insanely evil.

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Doubt they’d inject just saline. That would be a wasted opportunity to poison even if not quickly fatal. They have a depop plan but still want future patients for more of their toxic cures.

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You give them too much credit. No way this could have been planned, organized and executed. Just a series if opportunities they seized as they became available, and a population dumb enough to let them.

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Our very own DOD planned and carried out all of this and TPTB have been planning all this craziness for hundreds, probably thousands of years. This is a war against GOD!

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DoD was certainly a part of the disaster, but as always, they were just following orders. As the panic subsides and we begin placing blame, we'll find there was no planner, no insidious force behind it, just a series of opportunists seeking their own advantage. Many will be prosecuted. Nuremberg time.

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TPTB are the ones giving the orders and they own our military.

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Can you really call a Placebo that contains anything more then saline, a placebo?

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Wait I thought nobody could verify her credentials

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Our worst nightmare. What have certain scientists been writing about. Lots of controlled opposition, so many avenues explored. But I knew this after witnessing a mobile phone cause a Bell’s palsy twice.

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Good collection of sources!

mRNA was a red herring from the beginning:


Pathogens and parasites have also been found in the lethal injections. The question is:what can be done about it?


The question must be answered all the more urgently, because there are many other delivery systems for the poisons:


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have been noticing the reformulation of products to include graphene oxide:


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Nov 12, 2022Edited
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No, I doubt a single one of the *elite* politicians took anything that could harm them; Trudeau, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, ..

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