You give them too much credit. No way this could have been planned, organized and executed. Just a series if opportunities they seized as they became available, and a population dumb enough to let them.
You give them too much credit. No way this could have been planned, organized and executed. Just a series if opportunities they seized as they became available, and a population dumb enough to let them.
Our very own DOD planned and carried out all of this and TPTB have been planning all this craziness for hundreds, probably thousands of years. This is a war against GOD!
DoD was certainly a part of the disaster, but as always, they were just following orders. As the panic subsides and we begin placing blame, we'll find there was no planner, no insidious force behind it, just a series of opportunists seeking their own advantage. Many will be prosecuted. Nuremberg time.
You give them too much credit. No way this could have been planned, organized and executed. Just a series if opportunities they seized as they became available, and a population dumb enough to let them.
Our very own DOD planned and carried out all of this and TPTB have been planning all this craziness for hundreds, probably thousands of years. This is a war against GOD!
DoD was certainly a part of the disaster, but as always, they were just following orders. As the panic subsides and we begin placing blame, we'll find there was no planner, no insidious force behind it, just a series of opportunists seeking their own advantage. Many will be prosecuted. Nuremberg time.
TPTB are the ones giving the orders and they own our military.