Citizens of Denver are moving to Germany for safety.

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Do you live in Denver? I'm in Littleton.

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How is Denver now crime wise? Also how is your homeless situation? . I left in 2012 and moved the the PNW, it’s bad here. I ask because my daughter who now lives in Cheyenne wy, says that Denver has a crime problem now, but I can’t really picture that, it was my favorite city when I left.

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Trainloads of Muslims now dwell there, so if you return there, you had better recreate yourself first. That is, ‘dress down’ to the best of your ability, while looking your worst won’t guarantee that you won’t get assaulted, it does significantly reduce the chances of it.

But avoid them altogether if you possibly can. Given opportunity, they don’t hesitate to rape, torture, and then murder their naive victims. It is now a fact of life, due to the Marxist Biden-Harris invitation sent out to all non Christian Countries around the world. Muslims are now busy slaughtering Christians all around the world. Their primary purpose in being flown in to ‘swing states,’ is to illegally vote in the US Presidential Elections, nine weeks from now. After the election, they will likely reengage in persecution of any and all Christians living in America.

They are males, fighting age, 25 to 45 years old, and many are experienced in the art of war, rape, murder. As many as thirty million are already on American soil, in swing states. If Harris-Walz win this election, there will be no safe places to live. Law Enforcement Officers will soon be overwhelmed, and Emergency Services may soon become a faint memory. Every person must plan to become their own 9 1 1 responder.

If you try to drive yourself in a medical emergency, Muslims will sit or stand across the streets or highways, forcing you to stop your vehicle, and bleed to death. Get ready for it. It will happen all across America. Marxists regard their supporters as ‘useful idiots,’ and will rape, torture, and murder you when they are finished with you. Believe it.

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I really hope we don’t see something to this effect, clearly this is just you telling me to be prepared. I’m in the pnw, with all the hunting, foraging, natural medicine, and wound control knowledge a person could need to survive in that kind of situation, not that these skills are enough but I’ll do my best to make sure my family is safe, as I think the majority of Americans would also do. It would be really bad if it got as far as you are suggesting. God is with us! And everyone who has been mislead if they just ask!!

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In a western slope county that voted 72% Biden in 2020, and has a progressive Congressman.

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Why won't the politicians listen? We all knew this would be the outcome of mass immigration. It always goes violent when the groups moving in do not assimilate. These immigrants come from violent environments. They have not been taught how to live in civil Western culture. They don't respect Western institutions and history and are taught that the West is their enemy and unholy. So again, why would you expect the immigrants to act peacefully?

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Mass overwhelming illegal immigration is but one component of the globalist agenda. None of it benefits the decent, common man.

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Destroying the homogeneity of Western countries has long been policy: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-18519395

When it is achieved the way is then open to 'What can be, unburdened by what has been.'

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The passage of time unsupassed by passing of time.....sun goes up then comes down

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the politicians don't listen because they don't have to. The purpose of importing millions of third world illegal aliens is to destroy the middle class and traditional legacy America because they hate America and western civilization.


A Short Journey Through Time - The Western Aesthetic

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Because they want you gone. What did you think this was about?

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It's way too simplistic. Who is they? Specifically, I'm asking, in some sense, a rhetorical question but, in another, an answer as to why politicians allow mass migration when they haven't in the past. What prompts them to act illogically? Are they bribed? Is it just being a good puppet or soldier for a cult? Do they even know for whom? What are they getting out of their inactions? Both parties, mind you, the Republicans, are doing nothing. They never have. Why? My best guess is that the politicians want more voters in an attempt to stay in power. But this does nothing for conservatives, so why are conservatives refraining from stopping this madness? Why did the failed Rep Paul Ryan try to stop wall building and immigration laws? Yes, I know about the global world order, and I understand the big picture of the UN. But this does not satisfy the questions I have asked.

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The only answer that makes any sense is, they want you gone. People like you think too much and ask too many questions to be controlled. Could just be as simple as that

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No, that's not it. Then who do they have to control? Government has always been about control and self-preservation. If we are gone, what will politicians have? Nothing. I suggest you watch a recent Tucker interview released with Mike Bentz, and I think I spelled that correctly. He describes the role of the State Department and the CIA in controlling the world, but now, since Trump has turned their attention inward to us because we have embraced populism or democracy, they need to upset the trend of populism.

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You are obviously a person with critical thinking capabilities. You’re asking all the right questions, ones that make them squirm. They want YOU gone. They want AMERICA gone. Have you not noticed they are replacing you with non-Americans who do not share your history of liberty or your values, as in the Bill of Rights?

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Devil make them do it

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It is happening ALL OVER THE BLOBE…

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It's true. The primary source driving this is the US Deep State. I mentioned above a new Tucker interview with Mike Bentz. I highly recommend you watch, or everyone. It helps explain a lot of the source behind this mess. It's being driven by governments fear of losing control because, get this, because of democracy. Trump's win in 2016 upset the whole system. And the system is fighting for their existence.

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The Bible does mention the evil spirit of the air. I have to agree, even if your comment was more witty

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It’s called a uniparty. There is only ONE SIDE. Left, Right are all ONE. Them against US.

We are useless eaters. They hate us. Population control. These “things” we elect as leaders do not like us. Wake up folks!

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This isn't a case of not listening. This is a case of willful replacement of the native German population.

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The 'Well Resourced' ( NOT 'Elite') CON-TROLLing FamiLies, have been at the German Nation PRE WW1. This is - The SAME Germanic Tribes'- as 'Barbarians', which took down 3 Roman Legions in Romes hay day! The National spirit, 'Surviving' even the Traumas of WW1 -Intact, Needed a MORE Permanent 'Bouncing'- Hence the ALL METRICS 'Building up' of an Alternative 'HOPE' for the Suffering German Nation (Staggering Reparations Debt from Treaty of Versailles), by the GlobAlists 'Installation' of Adolph Hitler & the NAZI Third Reich ( With NAZI 'Programs' Either 'Imported' or 'Donated' [USA/UK Inclusive] - THE 'Final Solution INCLUSIVE!!)- THE 'Hope'/PLan, was for FULL Commital of the German Nation to A war, across MANY Fronts, leading to Total Defeat, The 'Bleeding off' of, The Best Blood Stocks ( Military Units - AND ESPECIALLY The Elite Waffen SS - Massacred by the 100's of Thousands [Wehrmacht & Air paratroopers Ditto] POST Combat- AND AS 'POW's' - REbadged as DEFs by Eisenhower- To NEGATE ANY aid by the Geneva Convention- BY 'Allied Forces'. Apart from the Military casualties, The INEVITABLE, failing of the 3rd Reich, Mass Bombing of German Civilians/Murder/Rape/Invasion & Occupations, WAS, ONLY FOR 1 REASON = DIMINISHMENT OF THE GERMANIC STOCK, AS A UNIFIED NATIONAL GROUP! Folks can 'SIDE - Argue' about 'Beginnings/Endings/Nazi Cult /Romanticised Everything/Trauma on Both sides of War', BUT, these are Diversions of Stratagy!!= Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'! The POPULAR 'Enemy of the Day', Is ALWAYS MASS Targeted Demonisations ( MSM - No surprise there- Again & Again!!), With EVERY EMOTIVE TOOL USED, thrown into the Breach, for MOB Sway - TO ; 'LET'S GET THE BASTARDS!' CurRent 'GlobAlist Agencies', UtilLies the same Playbook AdNauseam / Ad Infinitum!- 'GOOD Guys' is a Myth!

I'm 4th Gen OZtopian - So am Unbiased to Fiction - Related as 'History' (LOL) 'Written' by the 'Winners'!

Wellness to the Unified us! - John D.

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The Left knows that. This is all by design.

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This has been done on purpose. For goodness sake WAKE THE HELL UP.

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Protect yourself!


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Dear Lord ✝️

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Michael Yon has warned the west endlessly about the 'Machete Cultures' making 'Gun Crime-Murder' appear gentle in comparison. This will certainly become common-place in the west now OCCUPIED with ENEMIES deliberately by the Uniparty Nazi's breeding division, crises, chaos.

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and we'll never mention, the bolshevik 1917 takeover in Russia and never mention the holodomor, katyn forest, red terrors, gulags, breadlines, the great leap forward, pol pot cambodia rationing and such luminaries as stalin, lenin, beria, and my favorite vasily blokhin.

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For a country with the ideology of 'FREE SPEECH'; odd how so many topics are taboo and not taught about in history. To discuss those topics once defined the United States as performing a giant leap in social justice regarless of all the imperfections as slavery was...AS IT'S NOW BEING RE-INSTALLED AT THE SOUTHERN BORDER BY THE TREASONOUS Nazi Uniparty Pagan Demon Worshiping Pedophiles now fraudulently installed into power.


Freedom is originally about living according to our Traditional Christian God based in peace and forgiveness and NON-MONITIZATION of nature which allows the population to enter it and connect with our creator. THAT IS WHAT THE ENEMY ALWAYS STEALS WITH TOTALITARIANISM AND REMOVAL OF GOD FROM SOCIETIES in all the topics and history of places taboo to speak about.

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Whilst throwing in a ‘Google earth’ image of the East End of London replete with chemtrails. Normalisation anyone?

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Ever since Frau Markell, the heir to Hitler, opened the gates to unchecked hordes of young Muslim men, Germany and other European countries who kowtowed to her, have become increasingly unsafe. Murderous stabbing have become common place and on the increase, especially in the UK and soon to follow elsewhere, including Germany, as radical Muslims begin their intifada by any means, across the West. People need to wake up to Islamic history. Kudos to the German CEO for sounding the alarm. I hope other liberal governments are listening.

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Frau Merkel was an heir to stalin and lenin.

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Mass immigration is a key policy of the semantic overlords.

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You know the just rewards to the “so-called elites would be the mass migration of the scumbags of the world will be their just reward demise…you know the old saying, “what goes around comes around”…

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Lol fact checkers says UN agenda 2021/30 and the NWO doesn’t exist! Even though it’s real time while the sheep sleep and get that next booster!

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Well, you know “covid” is going around again🙄. My husband told me his granddaughter ( she is my “step” grandchild). A few friends are getting “covid” again. ForGod only knows how many times… Dumb. They Drank the cool aide.

How’s that jab working for ya? How many jabs does it take to convince you it’s a fraud?How many “vax” injuries does it take? My stepdaughter has C.I.D.P. after a couple of jabs. My husband will not admit it either. Frustrates me.

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Mr M. Ostermann - Chairman of German police Union. As with MIS/DISgusted Social Media 'Inputers' on German 'Import' Crime - such as gang Rape, where the Criminals spend ZERO time in Gaol, BUT, The Social media CitiZens get 3 WEEKS in the Pokey - FOR - 'Promoting Negative Social sentiment' on said ACTUAL CRIMES! So, is Mr Ostermann, 'Expecting' a Knock on the Door from German Thought Gestapo - Some time soon??

AND, 'Thinking Folks', will ALREADY KNOW, that this IS, 'Strategic/Purposeful/ PLANNED - Breaking up of The Euro & U.S Blocs Unity AND Sovereign States - For the New World Order SINGLE Governance OF ALL - NO MATTER THE COST TO 'ANY' CITIZENS! = CHAOS/DEATH/RAPE/BRUTALISATIONS @ LARGE - ALL AGES= ZERO CON-CERN FOR GlobAlists!

NEW POlicies for 'Immigrations' to Euro/ U.S. & Elsewhere= FIND, the Addresses/ Areas of THE Elite, including, WEF Stallwarts Scwabbery, or 'ChairPeople to the EU Parliament' (Think her name sounds like Ms/Mrs Userer WonderLying), Maybe near HANdOVER, Put a 'Relocation Embassy' - RIGHT NEXT DOOR, & see how long 'Immigration/ Assylum seeking', Takes to SLOW DOWN! I hear that Billy Bob Gates, has MORE THAN a few 'Spare Acres', to Accomodate Beloved 'Illegals' - They Could shift THERE, Keep Bill 'Company' - &, 'Work from Home'! Maybe that BastION of U.S. Capitilism @ 146 East 65th Street in NYC - WITH local Mayor in tow- Should go down well for that 'Open Arms feeling', for Strategic MigRations!

Apologies! Gotta Go - 'Someones' at the Door from G. SoreArse SCN-9! Now George S, Could open his Doors in N.York or Virginia as well! I could send some 'Seekers' there, seeing as ALL of these folks are Prominant NFP PhilAndThropists! - "You'll own Nothing, And be Happy!"

Wellness to the UniFied us! - John D.

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The ABCs of safety in America:




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I would say the greatest danger to German citizens is its disgraceful Leftist/Green politicians

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