Coming Soon to a Country Near You: Germany is No Longer a Safe Country - Chairman of the German Police Union
Germany's Safety in Question: Migration Crisis Deemed a Crime Crisis by Police Union Chairman
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Germany's Safety in Question: Migration Crisis Deemed a Crime Crisis by Police Union Chairman
“Germany is no longer a safe country... The migration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis.”
Manuel Ostermann, chairman of the German Police Union (DPoIG), issued a stark warning following the terror attack in Solingen carried out by a Syrian Islamist.
Ordo Ab Chao, Order Out of Chaos that is…
Meanwhile in the UK:
A man in a wheelchair has been stabbed to death in a street fight in east London.
Emergency services were called at 3.38pm today (Wednesday, August 28) to reports of a fight in Rushmore Road, Clapton.
Officers found a man, aged in his 30s, suffering a stab injury. Despite the best efforts of the emergency services, he was sadly pronounced dead at the scene.
Why won't the politicians listen? We all knew this would be the outcome of mass immigration. It always goes violent when the groups moving in do not assimilate. These immigrants come from violent environments. They have not been taught how to live in civil Western culture. They don't respect Western institutions and history and are taught that the West is their enemy and unholy. So again, why would you expect the immigrants to act peacefully?
Ever since Frau Markell, the heir to Hitler, opened the gates to unchecked hordes of young Muslim men, Germany and other European countries who kowtowed to her, have become increasingly unsafe. Murderous stabbing have become common place and on the increase, especially in the UK and soon to follow elsewhere, including Germany, as radical Muslims begin their intifada by any means, across the West. People need to wake up to Islamic history. Kudos to the German CEO for sounding the alarm. I hope other liberal governments are listening.