How are the drug dealers supposed to sell their drugs?

No way do they want to be tracked.

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All legalized and taxed/tracked?

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all tied to your social credit score. lowlives will settle for shitweed and meth, the good blow is reserved for the big guy and his kid with the laptop

lots of criminals have bought into the fake anonymity of bitcoin. next several months will be interesting

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So glad the rapture will happen before then.

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That's where my hope is!

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It won't happen > the spirit is within you> you have to do this yourself, and me and the others

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Or at least a giant asteroid to hit Earth.

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Amen! Please come soon Lord!

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It won't happen > the spirit is within you> you have to do this yourself, and me and the others

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It won't happen > the spirit is within you> you have to do this yourself, and me and the others

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Yes bitcoin is not to be trusted.

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The governments want us dumb and stupid.

Guess shooting the covid DeathVax into people didn't create enough zombies by rotting the brain.

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"All legalized and taxed" ,like here in Canuckistan

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Well, since the banks are all up to their eyes in drug money and drug-money laundering, you can bet your bottom dollar that they (and the banking regulators, who run cover for the criminals they are supposed to be regulating) have it figured out.

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Trouble is I rather think drug-dealers would rather prefer the government didn't know what they were doing, no matter what... 🤔

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You mean the drug dealers are not ultimately working for and on behalf of an arm of government? I rather think the drug dealers and the government (or at least the black-ops part of government) depend on each other.

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Funny. I believe the 2 are the same entities! No way they want track and trace on them!

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The government is the drug dealer!

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Yeah, but there won't be any 20 or 100 dollar bills to snort cocaine.

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Yes but paper (turtle safe) straws are just as good I am reliably told

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Do people who snort cocaine worry about forever chemicals?!

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Worse, how am I supposed to pick up a hooker?! 😱

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Hopefully, you will use your car.

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I mean, how do I PAY her?!?

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Since there will be nothing of value to trade after the food has run out, maybe you could let her gnaw on your leg.

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I might need it for something... 🤔

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Yes, you're right! I didn't think of that- you could do a runner.... Unless of course she's pimped up with some artificial insemination drone robot hybrid.

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A chicken and eggs?

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Don't have either!

Actually I recall a friend of my parents many years ago remarking at one point in Russia under Communism "you could have anything you wanted for a loaf of bread." That's what these monsters are driving us to... and even after 4 years of the Fraudemic most people are so stupid they're beyond redemption...

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While in Poland, I visited a museum that had a display of a store and its contents during the Cold War. There was a notation below that stated people often purchased items they didn't need, but were at least available, to use as barter in the future.

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You use one of those fancy digital A/I whores who accept digital payments.

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Guess it depends on her social credit.

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I won't be able to afford her then, 'cause I won't have any.. 😥

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Oh well, like they say, "all good things come to an end."😉

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More likely his electric scooter, or e-bike. I'm not sure where you live, but where I live they started to scatter e-bikes and electric scooters all over the place. Do you really think that they did this for our convenience, or to benefit the environment?

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There are some e-bikes in the downtown area of the city I live in.

More often than not, they are a nuisance left scattered on sidewalks and streets.

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Lot's of people were throwing them.in dumpsters, etc. they were such a nuisance.

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Lots of videos of them catching on fire while being charged.

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That's curious... Where do you live? 'Course I'm hearing stories of all these thousands of electric cars they can't sell...

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"Philthadelphia"? 🤣🤣🤣

Shades of the stacks of bricks conveniently stashed for the George Floyd rioters back in 2020... 🤔

So what you're telling me is that manufacturers are leaving them lying around for anyone to pick up and use? Or is it that people have gotten frustrated with this hi-tech junk and abandoned it where it was in favour of walking?

PS This half-hour presentation by "Asha Logos" may interest you; I think it was done in "Philthadelphia" but I'll stand corrected.. Meanwhile identical scenes are everywhere, for example Victoria, BC where I have the misfortune to live, or take in the street scene in Vancouver BC right after Asha Logo's video...

"Black and White" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxsb13hTgDI&t=34s

"Life of Homeless in Vancouver Canada - E Hastings Street" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G53fmP3d2Xo -- and this mind you, after 4 years of socialist governance in this benighted province.

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Pennsylvania cheated 2020.

I'm at the other end of the state.

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Love to see how that'll work here in northern Ontario, in January. 🫨🤣🥶

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Ask Justin the Turd how it's done. Even fentanyl is legal to open carry here

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Justin Castro

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Or possibly, "Justine Castreau"?😘

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I bet he wears women's underwear...all the time.

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Better to support his itty-bitty weiner and pea-sized balls I guess.. 🤔💩

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When he sits, he crosses his legs like a girl.

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But if I'm caught with a pistol I'm immediately arrested. Never mind scenes like this all over the country which are all the justification you need to carry one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G53fmP3d2Xo

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My heart 💔

The thing that struck me hardest was the fact that other than the natives, these are 98% white people. Not that any race deserves this hell, but holy fack! It's all whites.

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Oh!! You're beginning to notice are you? Take a half-hour out of your life, watch this:

Asha Logos - "Black and White" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxsb13hTgDI

PS "Not that any race deserves this hell"? Oh... I don't know about that... 🙄

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I have not just been "beginning to notice".

And yes, there is one *race* that deserves this hell, and more. But they are not a race.

They are jealous of us. They hate us. They call themselves God's chosen people. They are the devil's children masquerading as human beings.

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I was being somewhat facetious with my comment.. No offence was intended, Toxicanadian...🙂

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The CIA runs the global drug trade. I'm sure they'll figure something out. It's way too much of a cash cow to let that go.

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Find a new bank!

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Isn't that great, we will be pulling most of our money out and we'll sell our house, cancel all our bills online and thats that.

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Great idea. We've already done a lot of that. But I plan on giving them our debt. I will not be participating in their deviant society.

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I just gotan email from my bank ( US BANK), that they ate updating their Digital Services Policy and if I continue to bank with them after June 15th, 2024, then I have agreed to it.

I went to my branch and asked for printed copies to read and keep in my files. They can't find them. Hmmmm.

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Mmm brunches 🤤🤣

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Exciting dystopian slave control…

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That's the plan.

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The future is looking rather bleak for freedom-loving folks, isn't it?

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since loans have to be leveraged from their deposits, taking your money out will put the bank in distress.

So what are you waiting for? Pull your money out! We'll be here when you get back.

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Already did! Stop paying twxes. They ise the tax money to kill us.

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Sign of an 'exciting digital future' is it Bankwest? Everyone, boycott Bankwest, close your accounts, move your loans. Support your local credit union, who provide better service and are generally cheaper in fees. And if your wondering is your 'money safe'? As safe or safer than the big banks, of which Bankwest is a subsidiary. All Deposit taking institutions in Australia must provide capital adequacy security for deposits, and Credit unions - as you might imagine - are, in practice more heavily regulated than the big shill banks, who get a pass on every incompetence, and their incompetence, the bulk of which is out of sight of the general public, is seemingly bottomless.

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Hopefully, the banksters will have just committed corporate suicide? In any event, they appear a very easy take down; someone will figure, blow the grid, and the e-digital game is over. Interesting to watch the truth dawn on hubris riddled globalists; people with have nothing left to lose are to be feared?

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If everyone took their money out right now then they could technically be closed for good......

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'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story (Premiere)

Premiere of 'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story

A Film by Dean Ryan

Exploring the checkered past of Canada's notorious Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deep rooted

connection to Fidel Castro.


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GREAT! DUMP THE BASTARDS! - Along with the OTHER SAME BANK, with 4 DiffeRent Names!

ANZ/NAB/WestPac/Comm - SAME top CON-TROLLing 'ShareHolders' = HSBC/J.P.Morgan/CitiGroup/National Nominees.

THE 'GOVT. - Agencies-Agents, RBA, MSM, ACCC - ALL KNOW IT! How is this NOT 'Monopolisation of Markets' - Especially with the 'Independent' RBA FREE GRIFTING , THE, SAME Bank, with AU$ 10's of BILLIONS - EACH, on the Back of the Dodgy 'Inflation' CONstruct?

Good of the 'Independent' RBA, to be Pouring AU$ 800 MILLION PLUS, into their Operational Building 'Refurbishment'! I assume THIS, IS NOT 'CONtributing' to CurRent 'Inflationary' Woes,to be picked up by Further 'SINthetic' Citizenry Blood Letting TO the SAME BANK?

'BankruptSee', isn't just a Term of Negative Resources, IT IS an Indicator Across ALL METRICS, of the Co-Operative Govt/Corporate Cabal! - WOULD, Anyone be so surprised considering that THE Federal Govt., IS a 'FOREIGN' Registered CORPORATION!

Foreign; Definition; Belonging TO, or Associated WITH a Country - Which IS NOT YOUR OWN.


Ditto, ANY Bank going 'Cashless'! Strip their F.I.A.T Foundation (YOUR savings. Current Govt 'Support Funds' Guaranteeing/ Securing up to AU$250,000 in OZtopian Citizens accounts- IS ERRONEOUS. = THERE IS NO PROTECTIONS - Glass Steagall 'Seperations', HAVE BEEN Nullified from Progress by the Banking Cabal & Pre purchased 'Major Party, Favours' - Otherwise it WOULD have been Instigated into Legal protections!!) SO, currently across the Board, This 'Govt Fund' will cover an est First & Only AU$850, Where Govt, - THE Govt., 'Supports' the CBDC's & 'Block Chaining' [ALREADY in Place], So that Banks CAN TAKE ALL YOUR FUNDS in a Bank 'BAIL IN', & 'issue' the Peasants with a 'Credit' or Bank 'Bonds'- But ZERO Tangible Asset - For what, if anything, that's 'Worth'! Great Depression RD 2.0 M.O!

Wellness - John D.

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End of freedom is getting very close.

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Money and Current is what we make it. Convert 25% of your assets into physically held precious metals. Transact away

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The article forgot to mention all the details.

"However, Bankwest customers can make free cash withdrawals from CommBank ATMs".

So take your money out and change the bank.

"You can make a deposit at any CommBank ATM in Western Australia. We are working to make this available Australia wide later in 2024".

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Fear porn works 😉

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Yes, the tone makes the music and there is a lot to say about...

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