My question is whether it is ethical for president to pardon someone of a crime for which he would have been impeached himself.

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GoF goes back to Obama and Traitor joe's time. Hang both. Remind ALL of their EOs.

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Does the pardon include protection against Crimes Against Humanity?

It certainly doesn't help with State or International crimes.

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Good point. America owes it to the world to be open about what happened. What the International courts want to do with that information is entirely up to them. Our system pardoned Fauci; it didn’t promise any guarantees against extradition.

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Yes, I'm not quite sure if America knows what it has done? Poisoning your so-called allies throughout the world, has done more to damage your 'brand' than you might realise.

Give it a couple of years, and you will know.

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That would depend on who’s bringing the charges. Perhaps if Fauci were tried at The Hague, Jack Smith could defend him.

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It also doesn't cover the Court of Rough Justice

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yes and murder or manslaughter and assault are state crimes, as far as

i know thereby ineligible for Presidential pardon.

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When death is a side aka direct effect is pre meditated murder!

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Take a euthanasia jab to save the herd! No thanks!

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It's in you blood, not just your arm, dude.

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And every organ and vessel the blood goes . It’s a Bioweapon to maim and kill.

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And it crosses the blood brain barrier into the brain. And, there’s growing evidence, that your “vaccination” is shed onto others to absorb.

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Same thing happened with the smallpox vax.

I remember being sternly admonished to not touch the vax site or allow anyone else to touch it.

That if any of it got into my eyes, I could go blind.

Same phenomenon with polio vax, live attenuated type.

Person with weak immunity could catch polio.

Vax shedding is nothing new.

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Lipids are so 2030!

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Strokes and aneurysms are the new normal!

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Notwithstanding Fauci's vile role in this whole plandemic... Why did Schulz take the shot? And his pregnant wife? He should have known it was experimental. He cannot lay the guilt solely on Fauci.

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Another global IQ Test failed.

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90% of the world is filled with morons! Most of my family, friends, coworkers all took some sauce even though I warned them. And now quite a few are jab injured. They took health advice from celebrities, fake news, the tv, doctors, etc! Doctors profit off sick people and are more than happy to treat jabbed injured but will deny the jab caused it. Happened to friends of mine!

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That has been my experience as well. It's very sad and alarming.

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I would not call them morons - every authority they trusted told them it was safe. And very few people are free to say no to their boss to eff off. Especially in the military.

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That’s right and everybody saying that they knew now, but only 3% of people actually knew anything at the beginning

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My buddies step son has a heart condition now. He’s is the military.

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My son-in-law is in the military. He agonized over submitting to the jab, but it’s his career and he had a wife and 3 kids depending on him. He’s pissed about it. But so far no problems. None of his kids are vaxxed and none of my kids,(his wife, my daughter is one of 5) —and we live in California! So it can be done, you just have to be canny.

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My ex works at a hospital. I downloaded exemptions for her to avoid the jab! Some nurses there admitted recently having strokes after! And her friend there in her 30s has a heart condition post jab!

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My exemption is fk off! 😎💯

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Live in Florida! Most people I know just took it zero mandates. Warned my buddie Jon about the J&J stroke issues. Still took it and stroked out. Warned my boss. Let his ex get their son get jabbed! Now paralyzed as well as organ failure. Clients I warned now jabbed injured! Maybe moron was a little harsh! Just listen!

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Give the guy a break - most Americans were duped, hypnotized, scared they would die, afraid of losing social access, anxious to do anything due to all the fear mongering propaganda not to mention that people who did not vax were treated like pariahs- divided culture into vaxxer or anti- vaxxer by the powers that be and media. The enlightened versus the conspiracy theorists. I am still demonized by two of my three adult college educated children, who identify as Democrats as a conspiracy theorist based on my decision not to vax- no forgiveness, no dialogue just kick old Mom to the curb - did I harm them by not vaccinating No we live in different places and rarely see each other- it was a war created by propaganda - them against us. In an enlightened world none of this would have happened but the masses for the most part are programmed to comply and

to go along to get along. I believe in personal autonomy and informed consent and understood this vaccine was a counter measure, bio weapon, kill shot delivered by our DoD and HHS -war by other means on the entire American population and the world. Most people do not question anything, do not read, do not understand that a plandemic was implemented with very few actual cases of the “disease” in lock step by the whole world purportedly under the direction of the WHO - who died and allowed this dictatorship to call for “shots” - talk about a conspiracy long in the making to reduce the population and inflict endless side effects including death. 192+ countries complied - why? What were they threatened with? Why are they still complying? Who is asking these questions- only the “alternate media”. Governments ignore death rates, side effects - governments and pharma still promote a product that under any other circumstances would have been recalled soon after implementation. Why? Profit? War without bullets? Culling the population preparing for AI and a robotic world where humans are no longer needed or welcomed? Who is asking the hard questions? Most have been silenced or denied an audience or disenfranchised for questioning a democide. We are all Palestinians.

See Bill Gates who has full immunity from the WHO, see American Constitutional Laws that give full immunity to all players in the Covid debacle.

Fauci doesn’t need preemptive pardon he is covered by the PREP Act and EUA - written into Constitutional Law- if Congress had done their job they could have repealed these laws but no they get big bucks from big Pharma to support this war and were exempted from getting the vax when most Americans had to vax in order to work.

Government for the government and the complicit oligarchs. We live under a dictatorship - martial law is still in place and President could invoke it at any time if he deems Covid is once again a danger.

So let this guy off the hook - he made a decision he will regret for the rest of his life-hold the government, WHO, WEF, complicit oligarchs that act like they are in charge, the BIS and demand congress repeal Constitutional Laws that allow this to happen with full immunity- comic guy probably destroyed his immunity by vaccine he has been punished enough in this war by his own government. So sad, no end in sight.

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I totally agree with you. Right from the beginning I understood that we were (and still are) at war. A non-officially declared, top-down war. I understand that most people did not understand, and still don't, or won't.

But five years on one has had all the chances in the world to at least sense the deceit. Blaming Fauci alone does not exonerate them. They use it as an escape, saying they were fooled. Yet I think they let themselves be fooled and refuse to take at least some responsibility. Everyone plays their own role as well.

So sad to hear about your daughter. My heart goes out to you and all those who have lost dear relationships. Mine doesn't want to hear about it either, which hurts me as well. We do see each other, but we hardly ever touch this specific topic. I keep hoping that one day she will understand what we are up against.

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Compassion for the other, empathy for different life paths- people made decisions based on coercion- want to work you are mandated to vax, want to support your family comply, want to attend events get vaxxed, want to travel get vaxxed. We as a nation were programmed from infancy to trust vaccines which we now find out aren’t really safe and Covid vax is the worst. Covid forced us all to look at many assumptions - trust government and DoD, HHS / no they are trying to kill or maim us with a vaccine called a counter measure, bio weapon and kill shot - all involved parties in this war have full immunity - no one can be held liable under Constitutional Law - Laws that Congress could repeal but doesn’t cause they act for the government and big Pharma not us their constituents- Congress funded by big Pharma and also exempted from having to take the vaccine. Any other vaccine with these many deaths after vaccination would have been recalled. Ask yourself why the government is still promoting this vaccine snd wants you to get your baby vaccinated for Covid- see Mark Crispin Miller on substack and see the miscarriages, early deaths, and turbo cancers among babies and young children who were born with perfect immune systems now dying. Their parents fertility may have been destroyed by the Covid vaccine - only mad men and a mad power hungry government could have perpetrated this on their populace. Be kind, understand what it is like to walk in the shoes of another. Do Not Comply.

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Traitor joe's pardons are null and void as his cognitive decline prohibits him from testifying on a documents case, he is surely too impaired to make such decisions in good conscience. #Fjb #Faf

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He’s in shock.

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Are you suggesting he face the electric chair?

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Lol what’s in my arm! It’s in all your organs now including the brain and heart!

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Biden can say whatever he wants about the pardons "not being an admission of guilt".

You and I and most people with common sense know better. No one needs to be "pardoned" for a crime that does not exist. And a **preemptive** pardon is nothing more than a shield to guard an individual against being prosecuted for the crime.

So, yes, *EVERYONE* that took a "vaccine" should now be *really* worried about what they've got circulating in their body. It could be nothing (saline), or it could be a ticking time bomb that might go off at any moment. Then that person becomes yet another statistic in the "died suddenly, cause unknown" list.

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Some people took it to go to a concert, football game, travel, restaurants, free doughnuts, free burgers and fries, lotto tickets, and to protect random people! How does injecting toxins into your own body protect a random person?

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I once got to hang out with him after a comedy show in my city. 🙂

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Fascinating everyone only associates Fauci with Biden when he was Trump’s guy first. Trump delivered Operation Warp Speed to give us the vaccines in Dec 2020. Trump has bragged about being the Father of the Vaccine. He still brags about how he pushed the FDA to go above and beyond what they were comfortable with to get the shots approved. And he funded mRNA cancer vaccines immediately after getting back into office. He also pushes for everyone to get these shots and then adds in resentfully of course we have our freedoms. How would Fauci ever be held accountable for anything under Trump?! He wouldn’t have even been in Biden’s admin if Trump had fired him. Everyone gives Trump a pass on all this stuff. Amazing. Not only are these dangerous drugs still on the market but there will be more of them thanks to Stargate.

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You’re a bit mixed up, Alice. Fauci was around long before Trump and helped fund GoF research. Trump did not make the FDA do anything they didn’t want to do. In fact, the FDA and CDC stood in the way of early treatments that Trump was promoting convincing everyone that a vaccine was the only way to save the world from an over-hyped pandemic. In the recent press conference that Trump had about AI, Ellison spoke about how AI can speed up the development of mRNA cancer vaccines, but the Stargate initiative is being funded by private companies and the data centers will be located in the US to compete against China. AI can be used for both good and evil. MRNA cancer vaccine research has been occurring for many, many years. Still no real success from that research. I, too, wish the mRNA treatments would go away, except, perhaps in limited circumstances when trying to correct a serious genetic, metabolic disorder that has no other effective treatment. My first objection to the mRNA treatments was that they have been developed using cell cultures obtained from harvested organs of preborn babies during elective abortions. I will fervently pray that these evils will end very soon. Please, Heavenly Father, open the eyes and ears to all to understand the harm done by this technology. May President Trump and his appointees heed your instruction and put an end to the most devastating crime against humanity. May we give all the glory to You as we serve You above all. In the most holy and prescious name of Jesus, amen! Will you join me in that prayer, Alice? Will you pray with earnest to end this debacle? It’s not enough to just complain. We act. We must do whatever we can to educate others and find legal means to participate in ending this nightmare.

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Any American that has the equipment to make their own large calibre fire arms rounds, might be interested in manufacturing a limited series of rounds engraved with the name "Presidential Pardon", and offer them at cost price to anyone wishing to pay cash.

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Fauci was one of the architects of the HIV Holocaust.

Banned alternative treatments for the virus, pushed hysterical propaganda against treatments and sufferers.

Etc, etc.

Then Fauci used the EXACT same M.O. for the COVID Plandemic.

Fauci is a mass murderer.

As are his Big Pharma enablers.

The States should prosecute this grotty little man.

He should spend the last years of his life in a dank prison cell.

Stripped of all rank and privilege.

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They won’t be able to walk the streets.

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Preemptive pardons only in America put in place by the Mafia Prez in Chief - Old Joe- mentally competent enough to cover his relatives and Fauci’s ass- Fauci a mafioso for over 50 years modeled his career per his own words after Don Corleone of Godfather fame-one cannot make this up - President as cartel chief- family members all complicit in his crimes. Will preemptive pardons hold? Someone needs to challenge this- DJT sic your attorney general on this ASAP.

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When I tried to warn people, even my parents, I was politely told to F-ck off, so I did.

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