"In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well being of regular people, and it isn't any different now."

The difference between then and now is that we no longer listen to them, and they no longer care if we do.

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Yup, my thoughts exactly! And at this juncture, since they know we know and they don’t care, it would seem they may have reached a point in the planning where any derailment by our side is no longer possible and Agenda 2030 will be achieved.

If you want to know just one effort Agenda 2030 has in place, please check out this video posted a couple days ago from the North Oakland Michigan Republican Club. The presenter is a nurse that has dedicated herself, since the beginning of Covid, to exposing the Cabal. She has the proof and in under 30 minutes, gives you a down and dirty education on the UN’s land/property grab. Share it far and wide!


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Thank you, great, am sharing this with others

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The perps are our old friends (sarc) the Rockefeller-Rothschild intergenerational crime mafia families plus their hangers on. Verdict: guilty. Of everything.

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check out andread carefully a petition at citizengo.org .. break free from un control reject the international health regulations its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world it currently has over 27000 signatures

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She is spot on.

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Totally correct and as we have been writing of this for nearly five years now the rest of the world play catch up. Now we are in a tailspin of a worldwide civilizational collapse.

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God sums this up in Hosea 4:6, declaring, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”

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Been saying for years COVID WAS A TRIAL RUN! Now they have to REALLY set the bar high to gin up enough fear to manipulate us and solidify their Global Governance agenda

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Just watching to dots connect…… fear vs anger

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We all seem to have forgotten that our fundamental rights cannot be altered by any act or edict of the Crown or National Convention. They are based on the ancient Usages of Britain and are considered the inalienable God-given rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation can deprive him. This is true of all common-law jurisdictions, including all the Five-Eyes countries. Our satanic rulers would prefer that we do not remember this important information.

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Christine Anderson has been a lone voice in the EU standing fr truth on this. X

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There's also the Romanian MP, Terhes.

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God bless this great lady! I love her so much

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This is pure gold !

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The problem with rehearsals and "practice sessions" is that much of the script is exposed. Many of us already know what to expect, for example, with the new teddy-pox declaration. Same old script that starts with the fear of a monster virus although there is ZERO proof it even exists or is remotely deadly. And once again Africa is the launch point as it has been for dozens of fake pandemics. Really, can't you pandemic mongering bums get more creative?

Although, I think the majority of people still have very little clue about what has occurred the last 5 years and will be susceptible to another fake pandemic. The degree of that participation is unknown. Most people who still believe in pandemics will not come to truth until they have been murdered by mRNA poisons. They will unfortunately trust the medical terrorists to the very end...their very end.

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Wrote this in December 2020. Developed a report late summer 2020 and submitted it to Trump, President Nez (Navajo) and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM)

"Winthrop Hospital in Mineola NY completed a non randomised clinical trial back in May with 20 symtomatic patients. Treated them with multiple sessions of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 18 left hospital alive and 2 were placed on mechanical ventilators who did die but it had nothing to do with the HBO2 treatments.

We have plane fusilages in the Arizona desert that could be repurposed and transported as multiplace HBO2 chambers (Unlike single chambers these hold gurneys and seated patients. With new tech completed already those patients can be masked and isolated with personal virus scrubbers. Between sessions UV-C can flood the chamber to kill viruses.) and attached to hospitals.

China was building new ones and commissioning them in 15 days.

So, HBO2 has had a 90% success, Intubated MVO2 about 35% and ECMO2 less than 10%. And, the FDA gave Emergency use authorization to the latter but not to HBO2?.

There are over 1400 clinical chambers in the USA and that does not include non-clinical.

How many people with Covid-19 positive tests have actually been checked inmediately for blood oxygen deficiencies? Bet the CDC and FDA and the Public Health Officers nationally do not have data.

Public Health Schools knew and planned a strategy for a pandemic flu that only called for oxygenating symptomatic folks with intubated mechanical ventilators. That was in 2007.  Seems they missed a lot of common sense.

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We didn’t comply and won’t comply again!!!

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