The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally 🤫

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Only if we let them by giving them our consent and acquiescing. We could loudly withdraw our consent, refuse to comply and push back instead, couldn't we?

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99% against the 1% should be favorable odds.

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"The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left alone." They know that the moment they fight back, the lives as they've lived them are over. It is a small form of suicide as they're literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these

"men who wanted to be left alone"" will fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who play-act at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Enemy's door, and they will scream, cry, and beg for mercy, but it will fall on deal ears. For these men simply wanted to be left alone."

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There are worse things than death.

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No they are not coming for us. They already came. And I have remained unvaccinated.

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You think this is over? Am thinking it’s only just begun.

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and they are all the same kosher tribe

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Mainstream media is enemy #1. I say this because if the media was properly doing its job to expose the myriad nefarious players and their truly evil objectives, they would be instantly eradicated

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the absolute truth right there.

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Yes, I think the Covid psyop and vaxx campaign is the worst mass crime in history. But frankly I think there’re a lot bigger crimes in store for the world that will cast a shadow over Covid.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25

You're assuming the vaxx campaign is over. It's not. People will continue to die. Perhaps at an even accelerated rate. I can't help but think the 5G network shoved down every cities' throat will be cranked up to kill everyone vaxxed (and possibly infected otherwise via food, injections via dental shots, shedding, etc) by using those little factories inside them and the products they make and assembling them into clots through the energy of the 5G systems, and possibly wireless signal energy.

They're putting these programmable killing platforms into all kinds of vaccines and medicines. They aim to kill most everyone.

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I can't help but think what former cdc director (redfield) said about the next pandemic killing 25%-50% of the population, actually being a "die-off" of those that took it.

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And they're amping up to 10G

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Exactly why I stay away from hospitals, doctors, dentists and crowds.

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agree, the reptilians are just getting started. They feel confident now that their plans will work.

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It was neither crime nor scandal really though, was it? It was far more serious: an act of war against humanity, a war which is ongoing. Until we recognize and address what's really happening, we remain at risk of extinction.

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Okay, so what's happening? And then what? (I'm not being facetious. Then what?)

The people at the head of this need to be hunted down and put on trial for the world to see, and then executed for crimes against humanity.

The truth will set us free, because the evil will be so apparent that they will hide.

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They will keep doing it until we lengthen their necks with hemp rope.

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The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest the people who started the first one.

Better yet …. what they perpetrated deserves a new round of Nuremberg trials and punishment, up to and including public executions. If they knowingly committed crimes against humanity in this manner. It’s exactly what is deserved. A more torturous end would be truly deserved…. to feel the anguish of families who lost so many loved ones. Most alone in hospital kill boxes, many elderly who thought they were abandoned like my mother in law… who we could not be with before her last breath. How do we begin to forgive these demons, who continue to walk the streets with impunity. We must leave the torture part to the Lord, because am very certain there is an extra special place in hell for those who inflict these nefarious acts upon their fellow man 🫤

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The balls on that woman, I love her she is fantastic!

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Covid was certainly the biggest psyop I've experienced. Never seen anything like the madness. And every elected official was in on the scam. All are bought and owned. All deserve to be hung for their grotesque crimes.

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Possibly. There were a few leaders who declined the vaccine narrative in their countries and they were hunted down and killed. That likely sent a message to others to not even think about it. And like people in the streets, they went along with it because they feared their lives (and other men) more than they feared God.

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Like Shinzo Abe

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And John Magufuli of Tanzania who rubbished the PCR test. He had a goat and a papaya tested and they were positive. Then he died suddenly.

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Not sure about that. The Japanese government seems to have been fully on board with the covid jabs. Japan reportedly has the highest "vaccination" rate in the world. Although there are some senior members of the Japanese medical community raising the alarm about the jabs, the pressure on ordinary Japanese people to conform in any area of life is huge. They wear masks at the first signs of a sniffle and obediently lined up for the jabs. Abe was already out of office when the jabs started and had already been out of office for two years when he was assassinated. He was shot by a man with a home-made firearm. It never looked to me like a professional hit.

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I understand what you're saying but he was vocal about questioning it. It may have been something different? Nothing would surprise me, maybe it was professional made to look unprofessionally random.

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Yes, nothing would surprise me either!

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How about the doctors who "committed suicide" during 2020? Were any of them questioning what was happening and "accidentally" stepped off their 20 story balcony?

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Orwell wrote: "The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink."

How fortunate that we don't live in a dystopian nightmare like that portrayed in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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And it's been used as a training manual since then.

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Orwell called it "doublethink;" but isn't it really satanic inversion? This planet is ruled by satanists, who have to do everything in secret, using lies and deceptions.

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Too bad no one has been held responsible. 🤷‍♂️ Go figure.

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Just finished reading Dissolving Illusions 10th anniversary edition! Recommend it to everyone!

Should be made compulsory reading to all medical students and practitioners!!

What Christine is saying is absolutely correct and it’s been happening repeatedly for centuries with the same people gaslighting the public for monetary gain at the expense of millions of lives!!

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portugal has fallen for the details check out redacted on you tube.....new zealand fights back against the who check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Wonderful. Now where the fuck are the WANTED POSTERS WITH STATED BOUNTIES??

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Wish i knew a printer that could make them discreetly, (to avoid them being targeted) id put them up everywhere, fraudci, gates of hell, walensky, cohen etc.

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I hope she is safe 🙏

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Unfortunately, she is assuming historians do so. Why would they allow the truth to come out? Why not scapegoating the dissenters, blaming them for everything?

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Wr know this. We are aware that it is On Going. They're about ready to force the next pandemic on us..probably using the same harmful, ineffective protocols. We have to say NO. We have to cut off the heads of the m9nsters perpetrating this assault on humanity...before it's too late. Heck, it may already be too late. This is End Times level stuff.

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Christine Anderson is spot on, bullseye!!!

There is, however, much more to this! PFIZER=Pontiflucifer. The grey pope, as he is known, the head of the Jesuits is the most evil and powerful man in the world, connecting all parts of the Cabal and 13 satanic papal bloodlines. THEY HAVE ALL BEEN ARRESTED, TRIED and PUT TO DEATH! Rome never ended, it simply continued it's stranglehold on the world when Constantine politically announced Rome to be monotheistic, and the Roman Catholic Church was the head of the octopus. Taking down the "Deep State," with the Queen of England, The Vatican, and the US Military-the three branches has been done by DJT and the white hats! This endeavor is not just a human endeavor, but a heavenly one as well. Apokalyptika=Rebirth, or New Beginning. We are heade, very shortly to a return to the Garden of Eden! Believe it or stay numb and dumb!!!

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