Solum said maybe a year ago that DOD had taken the decision to kill us all in 2025. So it's hardly worth subscribing or contributing to anything at this late juncture.

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Indeed, if this lady believed what she was selling she’d be holed up in a bunker somewhere, not begging for Ko-Fi donations on podcasts.

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Well, I didn't want to sound THAT cynical lol.

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She is not fearfully hiding in a bunker. She trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ, and is a faithfully warning the people with ears to hear.

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Guess we’ll find out next year then if this was legit or just more fearporn.

If “they” have billions of droids ready to go doesn’t seem like much we can do to stop them it at this point. Ask yourself honestly whether this message seems designed to inspire courage on you or fear.

Thus, these “warnings” seem rather pointless if not paired with some actual Gospel evangelism instead of begging for donations, but perhaps I missed that part.

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A year and a half of drinking coffee...

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So true as the DC Swamp hates you except when you are paying taxes and voting for the best crumb on the counter. Gates views humanity as a pestilence to be rid of. And your silly government quite agrees.

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So, there are currently over 1,000 FEMA camps all over the country that can hold many millions of people. And it sounds like the ominous purpose of the camps is obvious - large buildings, barbed wire facing inward, etc.

So where are these camps? Instead of just vague comments that they are “all over the place”, give specific examples. Where are the biggest camps located? Let people know specifically what is around them.

And regarding millions of synthetic humanoids being built in subterranean caverns to replace the people in FEMA camps, give some specifics. Where? It would seem to me that someone involved with building or working in facilities that are creating robot replacements for everyone they know would leak something.

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That is a big gripe with a lot of people, is that Celeste never provides documentation of what she says. That immediately should raise a flag. I love information that's relevant and even if it's far-fetched, but substantiated, and I admit I have linked Celeste before in a video with Maria Zeee https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2023/05/06/74625/

However, anyone can say anything without proof.

I have had my own site https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ for almost 9 years and have linked about FEMA camps before in the past. But over the years, it seems like it's the same stories rehashed by someone else over and over again with very little or no proof..

1,000 camps could be possible if you consider 20 camps per state, which could easily be achieved by taking all the prisons, community college, and etc in this country and turning them into camps

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Theres one being built in Orange County Ca, I know becUse that's where I live. Can't speak to other states, or robots.

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Why would they bother to buy casket liners? This is a recycled fear porn script that has been run before.

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The only use there will be for Fema Camps is the incarceration of the ABUSERS while they await trial.... Hold that thought.

Face Map Ms=Fema camp. Anagram

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The time to be aware of what is happening is now. The time to pushback is now. The rich and the corporations are in the wrong.

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Why would they put humans in camps? Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill us??

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They will say they are putting you in the camp " for your protection ".

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This is a VERY important 40-minute documentary with clips of Klaus Schwab telling us what his plans are for us. He talks about the 4th Industrial Revolution.


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Google used to direct you to Walmart Super Centers when you typed FEMA Camps in the search bar .........fact:)

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The police officers or the FBI or whoever should arrest all the doctors and hospital workers and pharmacists who deployed the bio weapon bio cyber interface injections crimes against humanity and throw them in those camps

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F'kin brilliant idea!

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Way too many claims with no evidence to back it up. She seems like an op.

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The only use there will be for Fema Camps is the incarceration of the ABUSERS while they await trial.... Hold that thought.

Face Map Ms=Fema camp. Anagram

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These FEMA askholes seem to think Mad Max and Soylent Green are instructional videos.

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There is not a lot that makes me shudder. This did. I've interviewed Celeste Solum. I trust what she says.

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That intel has been on the radar for at least 15 years-or more. There are so many rumors circulating. The notion that harvesting 'fear' (or loosh) is a factor seems plausible. It's out there on the fringe of woo. But who's to say? Looking back, I still find it hard to accept the fact that some folks still do not perceive the fake pandemic as a scam. If someone told me 10 years ago that the Cabal was going to roll out a clot shot that would kill people, and blame it on a virus--I would've thought it was crazy--or at least the sign of a creative imagination. Which is why--the FEMA-fear still makes me feel uncomfortable. However, our men/women in uniform have families too--and they may not want to round up the dissidents they are related to, or friends with.

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But... life is eternal, we are eternal. No one can kill a soul. So those who are behind this are in total ignorance. I don't die when my body dies. But THEY WILL HAVE TO PAY DEARLY FOR THIS LIFE AFTER LIFE. They will be born into the system they built indefinitely, or at least for a very long time for the suffering they caused, motivated by greed and contempt.

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