Oh, yes, spot on!

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CAF is brilliant, I get her newsletter, she also cares about people... When she talks you better listen...

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Yes and of course the ageing baby boomers have to be gotten rid of as we are considered too great a liability!

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The great poisoning was not just in the United States, it was a world wide phenomenon.

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I turn 75 this year and am well aware of the toxic environment which has been developed as a way to shorten the remaining time I have. So I’ve vowed to do two things: 1) Do whatever is possible to stay healthy (avoid poisonous substances) - and 2) Be calm and grateful for everything I’ve been given. And question everything that the liars say.

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Thanks Jeff. That made me think of a picture I saw of a person with syringe/needles sticking into every inch of him, and the "destroyers" (as the Bible calls them, or den of vipers saying...rather incredulously; "WHY HAVEN'T THEY DIED YET?!" Well, I, for one, have a great big wonderful God who preserves us, while we finish our mission on earth to warn the world about these wolves in sheep's clothing, and whom they actually serve...the devil, not God. We know their mission: They call us useless eaters, when it is they themselves who fill that bill. But God has a nice hot lake of fire waiting for them. And their time is almost up...when they shall say peace and safety.....sudden destruction cometh upon THEM, and THEY shall not escape.

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Here it comes, as Bibi meets Trump. The CIA-Mafia-Israel connections. Started back in WW II. Pulling out of Vietnam would cut off the Mafia’s Heroin connection to the Golden Triangle. Think Soros’s Kosovo Mafia Heroin grown in Afghanistan. Clintonista gave Soros the Kosovo Mafia connection. Obama surged troops from Cheney Halliburton Iraq to Soros’s opium crop protection from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Until synthetic opioids like fentanyl made opium irrelevant. Just like synthetic Gila Monster venom means Ozempic doesn’t need to milk Gila Monsters for weight loss injections.

So, murder JFK, install LBJ, who like Hillary at Benghazi, turns a blind eye to Israel’s false flag attack on the USS Liberty. Dots are connecting, self assembling.


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A program that tops off centuries old operations to cull. Covid just more desperate and blatant and barely covert for the reveal of that acceleration. The groups growing up all over the world to counter this terrorising and explode awareness, health, lawsuits, brilliant collaborations locally and globally and that they will never extinguish. They would be wise to scuttle back into the swamps of Venice where they belong.

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They will be running to their rat holes, bunkers and wherever else they think they are going to hide when God arises to shake terribly the earth, and they will say to the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the wrath of the Lamb. The tables will be turned soon enough. Everyone who reads the Bible knows full well their time is short, so they are ramping up everything...but...OUR GOD REIGNS! They are bringing prophecies to pass, FOR GOD, whether they know it or not. No wonder He who sits in the heavens will laugh, and have them in derision and confusion. The Bible is soooo correct and the only real truth. And Jesus Christ is Lord!!!!!

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Why have a One World agenda tied to a losing popular agenda when you can have a One World agenda tied to a winning popular agenda? This is the switcheroo that is occuring and that was ushered in with the election of Donald Trump last November. In other words, if your goal is to sell ice cream, what’s the fastest and best way to do it? Sprinkle it with horse manure, or sprinkle it with colorful candy sprinkles? It’s all lies and propaganda anyway. I think they just got smart, after a protracted period of being very dumb. Nothing has changed

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Far, far, far bigger in totality than VaXXines but that is a part of the control grid matrix in the animal farm. Geoengineering, Solar Radiation management, GMO foods, high fructose corn syrup, Soy Bean Oils/Seed Oils, Xenotoxins, PBA’s/PCB’s/NANO Micro Plastic toxins, 5/6 G EMF Cell Phones, GWEN Towers etc. et alia.

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And a huge part...SMART meters. Get rid of em while you can, before they blow up or burn up your house, and they damage cells and DNA daily with their high pulses 24/7. We need to get rid of everything smart. the absolute biggest part of their conquest to control minds and k-ill slowly, or quickly if they want.

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Yes exactly - SMART = Specialized Military Armament Residential Technology

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While there certainly is the immediate budget-balancing motive to the poisoning, I believe there is an overarching agenda to reduce the population because as a result of advanced technology, the Controllers no longer need as many slave laborers. We now represent more of a threat than an asset. In the past, "conservative values" were promoted because they tended to result in more stability and larger families. Humans were required to conduct wars (armies), build infrastructure, exploit resources, etc. Now that technology is able to replace humans in most of these tasks, the conservative values have been tossed aside in favor of those that disrupt the family and reproduction (unrestricted abortion, LGBQT, social isolation, etc.). Goes hand-in-hand with the poisoning that not only is killing off pensioners but causes infertility, resulting in a dramatic reduction of the population overall.

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Clearly, this is an extinction level event when we have data like the Czech Republic vaxxed population losing 2/3 fertility. Won't take long for Czech species to die at that rate.

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Balance social security? Nah. It’s much more sinister. Older people pass down their wisdom to younger people. Older people tell younger people things the puppetmasters don’t want them to know. Balancing social security is but an unintentional side effect.

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I want to say thank you Catherine, for your tireless efforts and strategic discoveries in revealing the Crime of the Century.. you and your work are deeply appreciated..

Yes I've said for about 4 years that not just America, but most of the G20 have been in the most thoroughly comprehensive Military Grade Psyop Iatrocide ever conceived.. requiring a good 20 years in planning .. the result in 2025, most of Mankind is unknowingly in a Kill Box.. And hopefully kept contained there via a Series of Plandemics and their various Slow Kill Vaccine Bio weapons..

[Side note-The entire Group of childhood vaccines though not designed to deliberately kill are nonetheless poisonous to varying degrees.] Virtually everyone contains [Hidden ingredients] and poisons, many formulations have graphene oxide and hydrogel which are programmed for assembly into nano bots. Which can move up and down the cardiovascular system.. they can be programmed to cluster in various areas of the body.. including the brain to affect decision-making processes..

The bio weapon formulations like the Covid mRNA jabs are deliberately designed to be lethal..

Klaus and Billy G want to eliminate mankind.. their goal is less than 50% of our current global population.. The remainder being Advanced 'Augmented' Humans born and bred in a test tube assembly line, Cyborgs, drugged up, vaxxed up, willing to do exactly as Big Brother dictates... without question... live in a tiny, very restricted area with every aspect of your life controlled.. Add virtual... freedom of speech nonexistent.. freedom of thought nonexistent.. The actuality of freedom nonexistent...

So back to work till Nuremberg 2 convenes

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It's not just the vax, as Ms. Fitts points out. I hate to sound like a shrieking banshee, but it's everywhere, in everything. It ubiquitous now, no getting away.

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The way the psychopath globalists look at it, this is as much about human development as it is depopulation. Humans have reach the end of their biological, social, political, and economic development. In order for humans to develop further some big changes must occur, first of which is get rid of all these useless eaters. Meanwhile, they improve the command and control grid for the dawn of a new humanity. What could possibly go wrong?

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Not just America the whole world.

Yes America has been the target on a larger scale.

All countries in western society more so than others.

It’s was never a process,

A planned process was used and implemented!


It was a clear premeditated plan!

Carried out by puppets paid well all across the world under the direction of their handlers.

How is it that still many cannot see this ?

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Hi Dolly

If you are not already aware all that’s happened comes under the planned 2030 agenda.

Mr Trump has won and America hopefully is healing and getting back to being a positive country on all fronts.

For the rest of us we’ll have to see what else the evil has for us going forward and what America does that affects all of us on change around the globe.

I live in the uk and Starmer is beyond evil and is a indoctrinated puppet paid well to be in their movie of evil.

The Rona did not work as well as

they would have expected reducing global numbers so start some wars.

Via lies propaganda and bullshit.

Hit people mostly with taxes and vastly increased costs of living on all fronts and levels.

Get msm to spew their lies being paid well.

People are waking up!

Sadly because many bought into their plan generations of humans have and will be effected health wise with shortened life spans.

And on all fronts all types of health issues

No vaccines are safe and have never been they just ramped up the contents of what poisons they added to their already poison.

We just need to not comply and stay as

positive as we can living clean and eating clean as we can,

Look at all platforms of consumerism supplying our daily needs from food to power to fuel they are all making millions of profit.

Whilst many struggle just to survive .

It was bad before the Rona.

It just got worse

I’m very grateful and fortunate I’ve worked all the way through as I was classed as an essential worker.

But many have had lives destroyed.

And we are told they got it wrong and made mistakes.

This gets me angry as it was planned and they knew exactly what they were doing.

Never should be forgotten ever.

Sadly I’ve had many arguments because people say why would they !

Sorry not why would they,

They did !

All premeditated !

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The Rona was not the poison. The poison is in the jabs.

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The rona was in this case the narrative they used to administer and unleash their poisons.

Many sadly bought into their plan.

If we research no vaccines were and have been safe ever.

Yet we have people as with the senate hearing Elizabeth Warren say publicly to jfk junior that vaccines are safe effective.

My burning question is,

Is she that uneducated ?

Or just paid to lie.

I would say many of these political people have never ever had anything pumped inside of them.

Mandate exemption of any vaccine status.

We then have to ask if something was so deadly that they pushed and forced onto society how is it they were not mandated to require any vaccines ?

That in itself should have serious questions into the validity of their lies.

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Have a watch and listen carefully.

He explains the British government knew the harms and did nothing.

They could not or were willing too.

This clearly shows higher powers of evil planned and carried their plan out.

I’ve been saying this for five plus years.

People thought I’m full of shit.

It’s sad they don’t wish to listen.

One thing I’ve never been is naive and stupid all in the same breath and sentence.

Even now where I work people don’t wish to hear the truth.

I’m appalled at peoples ignorance to the truth.

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And the agenda globally is still being pushed.

Sadly to admit their guilt means accountability.

That’s when it gets interesting.

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Define "Deep State" Is it a homogenous dark coordinated entity? Or is it multiple amoral humans who understand how to capture our regulatory agencies for their own personal welfare?

My view is they they have captured our Congressional leadership. The fact that the Democrats in mass are not supporting RFK Jr. ascension to fix our healthcare system speaks volumes.

If RFK Jr. doesn't get a resounding yes vote by Congress, then all those who voted against him should pack their bags and resign. Their true allegiance is not with the American public who needs better health outcomes, but to Big Medicine that is using medicine as their cash cow. If they don't resign, a replacement for them should be in place at the next election! Pence and Durbin should be ashamed of themselves. I have lost too many friends in the last 5 years that should have never happened. I pray for their souls. I pray for all the families that have to deal with their child who has been permanently harmed by poor medical decisions. We can not continue to go down the wrong paths in medicine and the physicians and pharmacists must take back their practice. We need to be healers.

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