Insanity reigns.

Up is down

Black is white

Right is wrong

Wrong is right.

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And the Pfizer shot is a vaccine

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Cisgender is the minority.

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They thrive on insanity - but in the end misery is all they'll have.

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If the majority got the shots, it stands to reason that deaths are higher, doesn't it? What needs revealing is causes of death, or are these all classified as "covid" deaths? If they are so called covid, it reveals the negative "benefit" of getting any (anyone who read up prior knew this) injections in the first place. If not "covid" deaths, the causes need to be reported. I believe Canada has quite a high number of deaths reported as "cause unknown" which should prompt autopsies and investigations, shouldn't it?

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We had/have all the proof we needed back in 2021 with prof Arne Burkhardt histopathology reports.

T Killer Lymphocytes present wherever there was spike



I am still running into acquaintances here in the u.s. who has friends family loved ones

Dead dying suffering from cancers and other


Not being told it’s from the mRNA vaccines.

Connecting the dots doesn’t appear to be that prevalent.

We have to keep trying to tell people who only listen to MSM

They don’t know where to go to get the facts

They don’t know about alternative media

Makes me want to go back to Facebook and start screaming it in the local Facebook groups

I really don’t want to go back to Facebook.

Does it seem like we are just talking to each other… who already know?

That’s what I just keep thinking.

She told me she is too busy with daily life

Hard to find if you don’t it’s happening in the first place or where to look.

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I think this is precisely what substack is for, talking to each other. TPTB know this. The ones who took jabs don't want to know if they are a ticking timebomb, my adult kids certainly don't. I too am surrounded by illness and death. Some, who survived blood clots, have an inkling, but not the cancers or osteo or neuro damaged ones. I had hopes, as you do, that the jabs get stopped, but too much money at stake. I'm even considering coming away from substack and just getting on with my life. I've already been abandoned by some family and friends who thought I'd gone crazy, late 2020/21. If prominent docs can't get heard by governments, what chance do we have? Emmanuel Pastreich has a photo on his stack. It's a Cheetah, with the head of a monkey in it's mouth, with a baby clinging on for dear life to it's mother's body not yet consumed. He said the Cheetah was the bankers and supranational corporations, the mother was sovereign states/governments, and, the baby, well, that's us, helpless citizens, still trusting in our governments to save us. The reality of it.

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My friends and family here in Canada still think I am an unvaccinated kook. Even though some truths are coming out, they are not being covered by mainstream media. For this article, I'm sure these numbers are correct but I always think that you have to adjust for age as, in Canada, over 90% took the first 2 jabs and the small percentage that didn't or stopped after 2 or three were all young people. The old people continue to get jabbed but they are also more likely to die as well.

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Same here, re number of jabs. I have a friend who has had 6, along with her partner, who has some congenital lung disease, on oxygen 24/7. They were/are now recluses. Also she has mobility issues due to demyelation of spinal cord and has been receiving blood plasma infusions every 7 weeks, so no idea how many since jabs started. Anyone jabbed or not can donate and bloods not screened for LNPs, Spike proteins. Now, she has all symptoms of heart failure, never smoked or drank in her life. She is waiting for cardiology doc appointment now. Last jab I took was flu and after, got sick in Jan 2020 with the flu or covid symptoms, before it was announced as the new plague!

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Right. I tell people all the time, your government wants you dead.

My friends have been telling me for years… just go live your life. Nobody can understand and questions why I spend all my time trying to keep up with the mRNA vaccines.

I tell them

People are dead

People are dying

People are suffering

They stop arguing with me then.

How do you go live your life when you know all of this?

I even googled the definitions of morals and ethics to see if I could get out of it.

Turns out

I can’t



of the

mRNA vaccines

are the


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Much of your sentiments resonate with me. It’s a frustrating pursuit we have as we are immersed in echo chambers when we migrate to substack or whatever confirmation biased platform or group we follow. However for all the self soothing as long as we can keep reaching outside the blanket and trying to gather new converts there is some purpose. Cognitive dissonance is very tough to break as our culture and its education system promote compliance and consumerism….instead of aware citizens.

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Helpless citizens,?

Can't say no?

Can't form their own opinions? Make their own choices?

They need government permissions?

They need government to guide them and tell them what to do & not do?

It was a test.

The majority failed.


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Im surrounded by vaxxed people listening to MSNBC, CNN, wondering why everyone is getting cancer, why they are going to a funeral or two a week, still going to "the doctor" getting shingles vaxx, flu shots, etc., etc. One guy who is 80 is convinced his wife dropped dead the day she got the covid jab, yet he still got 3 MORE BOOSTERS! He now uses Ozempic (omg). These people are somehow not wired to be able to understand what is going on, they somehow think things are normal. I give up! They think Im crazy anyway & Im tired of being laughed at.

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Funny, just now came back from talking to a friend about everybody being on ozempic. I don’t really know anything about ozempic and it’s side effects. All my fatty friends are now not fatty anymore.

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That fat jab being allowed on NHS so more lifelong customers for pharma.

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“More life long customers for pHARMa”


Well said


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Well its made from gila monster venom peptides. Thats like snake venom, so it slows down your digestion so you dont feel hungry. Problem is the "food" lays in your gut & putrefies. My son had a customer who was on OZ for a year & it destroyed his digestive tract & now he can only drink smoothies, no solid food or he vomits. The Drs are like, oh sorry nothing we can do for you. Hes a fairly young guy, its very sad. Dr Brian Ardis has alot of info on this & other venom peptide "medicines". It should be malpractice, people have died from the stuff & its supposed to be for diabetes not weight loss anyway.

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Thank-you for taking the time to reply and steer me where to go for information on this.

I think maybe my friends might not care about what they are doing to their bodies.

They were overweight

And now

Their ego has been satiated.

They are no longer overweight.

That is what is most important to them I suppose.

And just like trying to tell them what the mRNA is doing to them and their loved ones.

They don’t want to listen.

“They’re not listening

They’re not listening still

Perhaps they never will.”

‘Starry, starry night’


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Love that song! Youre very welcome.

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It’s all so wrong and people are not seeing it 🥺Some is ignorance and most now I regret is pride 😭

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If you are crazy that implies your not normal. If your not normal congratulations you have broken the shackles

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This is just so true. My Goodness, every church is started with the 20 minutes of those who have cancer or died and not once does the pastor say...don'tr get any more killer/cancer shots my flock.

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It should prompt swift hangings of those who mandated Bioweapons. #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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I was wondering about the numbers too. 23 deaths among the unvaccinated is a higher percentage than 77 among the vaccinated. Maybe there's something that's not stated...like the death numbers being counted within an equal number from each group?

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Deliver the TRAITOR to the International Criminal Court for processing.

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No one is paying any attention to the ICC at all. They have no power.

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It’s like voting….if it mattered it wouldn’t be allowed

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no processing, the nearest tree

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Is this real?

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Funny that anyone that took a minute to research knew this years ago.

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Precisely. "But no one is talking about what YOU talk about!" Yeah, that's kinda the point. I've given up.

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people be sure to check out a petition at citizengo.org deal a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump exit the WHO now..be sure to sign it and reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you in this message

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Check out the Canadian National Inquiry that’s been gathering information and witness testimony for 2 years. All govt officials were invited to attend. Few responded and all declined hearing what regular citizens had to say or the from the various experts who shared.

The NCIS is a citizen funded group.

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Canadian national citizens inquiry*

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Strangely, our dying MSM would believe in fairy dust and the notion that Admitting equals forgiveness.

Good luck with that. Watch evil fall.

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Well of course admit it now, why not? Its too late to do anything about it! Admit your sins after the fact & you're good to go.

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Of course there’s a surge. It’s worldwide.

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No wonder Trudeau is resigning.

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he did not resign.......he has no intension of resigning. he portaged government in hopes he can call another threat and end Gov to stay in power. The more trump invites this ass to debate the closer we come to more dictatorship and the closing of all our rights.

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I cannot spell

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Intension as in intention, I make errors all the time, on CHD there was a button where you could fix your mistake, even after posting. I wish all the sub stacks had that option. Often, I re read my posts and cringe at the mistakes, too late to fix.

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Good riddance ...he’s resigning because a rerun could expose the crimes ... he can’t win now so it is better to run and hide and enjoy his Big Pharma payouts I’m sure he got rich ... he should be eliminated or move to WEF country with the rest of those bitches ... 🥵😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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nearest tree

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I would like to invite you to watch and read about the Scottish Government's Covid Inquiry which had ordinary people as witnesses as to what really went on in care homes, hospitals and other vunerable people in the community, harrowing stuff. biologyphenom.substack.com Even though a gov inquiry, no mention in MSM at all. Today, UK one got back under way and it has public reporting on deaths and injuries. Link to it found in my first link. I will watch it tonight (from vaccines)!

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"They" have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to sicken us or profits and to ultimately eliminate us from the rest of the "useless eaters" (their term for us) so we won't continue to cut into "their" resources. I have been on the beat since the year two thousand nine and have found contaminants in most processed foods I (used to) buy. As a latchkey kid I fostered a fondness for TV dinners, a jones that continues some fifty plus years later.. However - instead of "peel back foil to expose tater tots" everything now is nuked in the microwave in a fraction of the time. Those little black specks in the "mashed potatoes" are NOT pepper flakes. Whatever they are, they have long bronze and blue banded fibers coming out of them - fibers identical to the ones known as "morgellons" fibers. These artificial life forms (IMHO) are sentient. They are alive and they can fly. They are but one of many in a very sophisticated operation aimed at man's demise. I believe the infestation of our food supply (Operation Domestic Quell) is to ensure that every single one of us has this weaponized nanotechnology inside of us. What do you think COVID was really about? The fast tracking of the 5G network (an actual weapons system) will be used to supply the power needed for these nano sized bots to function as intended inside of each of us. Remember - 5G is the EXACT frequency that nano graphene needs to alter into the EXACT frequency that nano requires. Does any of this sound like a series of coincidences to you? IT ISN'T..

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Help EVIL fall.

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I tried. I really tried. When an opportunity presented itself I took advantage of my company's relationship with an advertising partner and started a Saturday night radio program called "Clearing The Air". I spoke the truth to the river region audience for over eight and a half years... I warned them against taking the covid jab.. I told them what covid really was (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification) etc, etc, etc... However, I was so naive. What I experienced is our biggest challenge today if we want to save our constitutional republic and that is APATHY. Most people don't care.. they don't care because they don't believe this could really happen in America. I just knew that when I connected the various dots on air that people would get on the beat and we could reach critical mass, thereby saving our republic. I was wrong.... So the question we all need to ask is HOW CAN WE AWAKEN THE MASSES????

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Yet we have no politicians speaking about the deaths from the jabs, the injuries or anything. They are trying to wipe it under the rug. Truth always comes out, sooner than later lets hope. How much longer are these politicians going to stand up and look at the National Citizen Inquiry!!!

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in a positive note, truths come out faster now then before the internet. 5 years rather than 50 and if we can shut down Main Street media and have people join truth media, maybe 6 months wud shut the shit down.

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