Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars …

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“There IS no ‘natural’ weather anymore” —Dane Wigington; lead researcher, Geoengineeringwatch.org

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I have watched and researched this for the last 12 years. I am also a new Englander, left in 2018 mostly because of this crap. Day after day, month after month, year after year it gets progressively worse. For months on end the only sunshine was rise and fall as it dipped below the layer of filth. Moved to SC which was better but again, getting worse with time. I am now in AZ where I lived during the 80's. Though we get blue skies and sun, the spraying continues. There is no escaping this, in America anyway.

But there is much more going on then spray. The metals, all of which you listed can be found in coal fly ash, serve a purpose, multiple in fact. But instead of asking why, ask who. The who will answer the why. It started with the military trying to flood the HoChiMin trail during Vietnam. The military performs no research and development. These defense contractors are allowed to patent and commercialize the research. So who in this world would want to own or operate a weather modification system? It's the same perps who are using the side effects of its equipment to fleece us in currency(banks), health (big pharma), create fear (climate change), take our freedom, brainwash the children (education), corporate wars, false flags, genocides. The weather system has been weaponized but not in a military perspective, it's been weaponized against the worlds population. Its being used to make life as miserable as possible so the people become willing to comply with there agenda. Its not a deep rabbit hole to find them, they defend it.

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I think the reason is that 5G has short waves, needs many towers and is disrupted by moisture, they must control the weather to build their total surveillance and communication network, Gates and Musk's priority https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/climate-change-is-not-happening-and

she who controls the weather controls the economy

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To Diana and Lioness of Judah, thanks for posting this. You are so normal to ask, "why?" There's a couple other places about this to read if you're so inclined. "Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity" - https://www.globalresearch.ca/global-war-ning-geoengineering-is-wrecking-our-planet-and-humanity/5753754 . . . Nuclear Planet/Environmental Warfare - http://nuclearplanet.com/Environmental_Warfare.html ... For the doubters see the fascinating treasure trove at Weather Modification History - https://weathermodificationhistory.com/

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Ahhh no worries just a little air freshener right GATES SOROS OBAMA HILLARY? Too many to mention. PS. Mad lunatics that you are. No matter what god you believe in you all will face Jesus Christ Almighty God. Enjoy your evil against humanity. Clock is ticken and I say Amen.

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On Geoengineering....Dane Wigington's Latest Newsletter. Topics Snow one day Hades the next and the 25 inches in 6-7 hrs in Florida! Droughts of endless proportions, I am deeply aware being in the Nevadan Desert next to Lake Mead! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e-VJl-h-sI

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So if I tell someone about this and they ask me “who is “they”, what should I say?

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Evil ~ Satan

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They been doing this in Denver for at least 5 years now. In Illinois for probably 15

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I noticed it in the suburbs of Houston 15 years ago.

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Man I am happy to see this....It is upsetting and criminal and psychopathic...that there are the few who see this and not numb....I imagine there will be good that comes simply from the original posting, taking a chance and putting your world out there for us to connect into....Dane's site is where it is and from his work will also show you the other truth tellers that have come and gone ( by suspicious means) Seems a very awakened and engaged start to a community here

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All over Washington state, as well. The home of the supposed climate czar governor and other infamous philanthropists. I am constantly taking pictures and wonder why all of the state’s “environmentalists” aren’t doing anything or if they even notice. I was recently in Arizona and it appeared that they only sprayed on days with some natural clouds because it may be too obvious on days with crystal blue skies and no clouds in sight? But even on partially cloudy days, it was so obvious with unnatural streaks everywhere. We seriously have to be able to do something to fight back against this. People also posting outdoor pictures from all over and all I see are streaks…

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Here in NV they dont even care The sky will be pure blue and they start making the X’s fir hours and hours until there is no blue People think this is normal?? Today a women I was talking too commented about no sun and I said it’s the spraying She was like Oh u mean cloud seeding She has friends who work for the company that does it She was like Well we need it here! I said they are experimenting with our lives Then she didn’t want to talk to me anymore 😢

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And STILL there are people dismissing this as simply “con-trails.” Here in southeast Texas, the dim, overcast days are so standard now that a bright, clear blue empty sky has become quite remarkable. There are so few now.

For at least the last decade, I have felt like I’m the only person looking up and noticing.

The last few storms we’ve had with lightning and thunder — how can I describe it? — the lightning sounds different, more “electrical” sounding? Unnaturally “electrical”? With remarkable and frightening frequency, but with oddly little rain. Anyone else notice that?

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Red, I started noticing the chemtrails in 1999 when we were building the BASF plant in Port Arthur Tx. I was working outside all day watching it happen. I knew then something wasn’t right. I’ve been trying to wake people up to this for 24 years. Nobody wants to listen.

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Been photographing these for at least 10 years. So dangerous in every sense of the word to our health, animals, the environment. Start paying attention to trees-they look so unhealthy-like they have "arthritis " and are not vibrant anymore. I see large swathes of dying/dead trees everywhere. Where are the environmentalists?? We all must stop this. I m continually amazed at the lack of anger and even awareness of most people. It makes me sick to my stomach to see evil people trying to change Mother Nature s beauty. Most annoying is how chemtrails are ABSENT from all "climate change" conversations. Keep educating those around you.

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X’s in the sky non stop!!! How do people just ignore this and go on with their daily life!! Are people becoming aliens everyday?? Maybe that is how it all ends. I think everyone in our govt has been changed into some alien robot. People , we are at the end. Find God and hold on tight. He is our only hope for sure. Pray to Jehovah. Maybe. Just maybe u will be saved. Peace love. Jesus is king!!

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I have so many pictures of this! I’m in NV near Lake Tahoe. It is non stop jets spraying. I’m having eye problems. Skin problems. Lung problems. Sinus problems. This is insane. Is no one else seeing this! I feel like we all just watch it and do nothing!!! Wtf. What is happening. Is everyone just a robot. The vaccines were bad enough. Now the spraying. We are done!! God help us. We are all just frogs in the pot and the temperature is rising everyday but the majority of the world don’t even notice. I NOTICE!! But I’m the crazy one. WTF

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Oh and I forgot to mention. I also suddenly have tinnitus. It’s crazy the number of things going on with my body. I did not even have the shots!! What is happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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