It is a real engineered nasty. They built it to harm and it and the subsequent infectious clones call cumulative immune insults, especially so for those who have taken jabs. I got it after a 2-day stint in hospital for a necessary surgery in May 2020. It was crazy, scary, unlike anything I have ever had, and it "felt" synthetic as the symptoms, pain, . 21 days. There were sequelae typical of the Wuhan, and my immune labs reflected that. My tinnitus worsened substantially. Very survivable, yes. As far as a LIE? YES. It was all done to get the augmented jabs into people, particularly western societies first and follow up with more infectious clones that set off sequences in the jabs that bring further morbidity and mortality.
It has not been done legally or constitutionally. Our God Given Rights require due process to be taken. When it comes to our life, the highest and maximum standards of Due Process apply. The Constitutional Rights eroding processes of administrative law and the administrative state are often not properly authorized, not properly used where they are authorized and are too minimal to be legally sound for mass stripping of freedoms. Emergencies cannot justify suspending the Constitution and Bill of Rights in America.
Posted on a group on Facebook and the fact checkers have thrown a fit over it claiming the CEO didn't say the words we all heard coming out of his mouth.
Cristian showed to the public not long ago (at a romanian tv channel) a paper which was through the documents filed for the authorization of the vaxxes with the data, the years of those experiments made before.
Berenson's getting roasted in the comments. Mainly by these comments - "ok, how do you explain, "we're gonna make a billion dollars next year, there's gonna be a pandemic"?
I see your point. I read him with my eyes wide shut. We can definitely do without Berenson now that we have Paul Alexander PhD, Dr McCullough, Dr Lynn Fynn, Kirsch, etc.
In my view his paying subscribers are not getting value for their money.
We need to give him due credit for being brave and early on lockdowns, c19 itself, masking and vaccines. Only on those subjects he is reliable.
I diss him on the rest.
It is useful to have a credible spectrum of views. Of course, neither he nor any one else is infallible or able to provide a sufficiently complete coverage of the c19 subject matters.
His main selling point is that he is a recognised reporter with a national profile, thanks to his appearances on Tucker Carlsen - whom I generally ignore... OF course, he constantly reminded us that he is a former NYT hack.
As they slowly uncover every piece of the fraud to laugh in all the victims faces, I feel more and more sorry for the people who still believe covid is a real disease and that SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus and that the spike protein is real, and that there was a real epidemic and all the lies about gain of function and Wuhan.
Every single thing is a lie. They have committed all the crimes within the context of a very well scripted global theatre play. There have never been more bribes in the history of mankind, nor more destruction of evidence and fraud of law. Everything is so big that people cannot believe there was no new disease at all.
This is the Biggest Lie in history, at least in terms of the number of victims.
One day they even the good guys will start telling the truth. Truly, we can only have faith in God. It is best to not expect anything from anyone else.
Those who spent a little time before the plandemic, watching documentaries on such scenarios, would know a 'vaccine' being rolled out that quickly is not possible, and at the amounts needed to jab the population it would have already burned itself through civilization.
Yes indeed. I think a timeline of at least 3 years would be needed for OpWarpSp33d, considering contracting, scheduling, teaming arrangements, logistics (refrigeration, distribution), coordination with other governments, trial phase planning/execution overlap, data architecture, etc.
But we know that it was not required to be done properly. It was intended to set a new basis for future injectable gene treatments, to be developed and deployed much more quickly.
"God as my witness: about an hour ago, I was mulling a 'Stack about Moderna and DARPA. More attention MUST be given to this timeline. The past is prologue."
I just read that as a comment on Twitter. Moderna before 2018 was MODeRNA and involved with DARPA since 2013.
PS - Emily, do you know of a way to change the background color on substack? I get migraines minutes into trying to read things with white text on black background. Nothing I've tried changing on my end seems to work.
I literally can't read because of the migraine issue, the white text/black background. Your substack goes to that automatically. All the other substacks are "normal" black text, white background. This issue came up on another forum/format and I never could figure out how to change it and the author couldn't/wasn't willing to try to help, just told me to try different browsers and browser settings and plugins, which never helped. You can change from white background to dark (Nightmode) but not dark background to white with browser plug-ins. I don't use the Substack app because the keyboard pops up over the comment box and it's impossible to type out a comment without seeing it (for me anyway!) The app also has a weird article scrolling issue.
Except the cominarty was not the one that was used.
Didn’t he say they made a total of 100,000 thousand doses of everything for 2019?
So how could they know there was going to be a pandemic and big pharmaceuticals produced the vaccine ahead of time. Something doesn’t add up.
I've been saying this for 3 years..........Covid is a LIE..............ALL OF IT!!!
It is a real engineered nasty. They built it to harm and it and the subsequent infectious clones call cumulative immune insults, especially so for those who have taken jabs. I got it after a 2-day stint in hospital for a necessary surgery in May 2020. It was crazy, scary, unlike anything I have ever had, and it "felt" synthetic as the symptoms, pain, . 21 days. There were sequelae typical of the Wuhan, and my immune labs reflected that. My tinnitus worsened substantially. Very survivable, yes. As far as a LIE? YES. It was all done to get the augmented jabs into people, particularly western societies first and follow up with more infectious clones that set off sequences in the jabs that bring further morbidity and mortality.
It has not been done legally or constitutionally. Our God Given Rights require due process to be taken. When it comes to our life, the highest and maximum standards of Due Process apply. The Constitutional Rights eroding processes of administrative law and the administrative state are often not properly authorized, not properly used where they are authorized and are too minimal to be legally sound for mass stripping of freedoms. Emergencies cannot justify suspending the Constitution and Bill of Rights in America.
That's my roundabout rant.
PLANdemic - SCAMdemic - GOD help us all ...
Nobody would be overjoyed than me if these guys betrayed themselves, but this makes me go hmmm. Deep fake?
Bancel, a regular Nostradamus. Or make that WEF fraud
We, the People are indeed in the midst of an international COUP D'ÉTAT!!!
Posted on a group on Facebook and the fact checkers have thrown a fit over it claiming the CEO didn't say the words we all heard coming out of his mouth.
Cristian showed to the public not long ago (at a romanian tv channel) a paper which was through the documents filed for the authorization of the vaxxes with the data, the years of those experiments made before.
Berenson disagrees:
Berenson's getting roasted in the comments. Mainly by these comments - "ok, how do you explain, "we're gonna make a billion dollars next year, there's gonna be a pandemic"?
At least as far as I am concerned, Berenson has lost all credibility. He can't seem to work around his ego.
Rust , he turned into a tool , maybe he always has been ... hopefully he becomes a has been.
Are we still paying attention to Alex? He seems to be more interested in thumping his own chest and rolling grenades under the door of others.
I see your point. I read him with my eyes wide shut. We can definitely do without Berenson now that we have Paul Alexander PhD, Dr McCullough, Dr Lynn Fynn, Kirsch, etc.
In my view his paying subscribers are not getting value for their money.
We need to give him due credit for being brave and early on lockdowns, c19 itself, masking and vaccines. Only on those subjects he is reliable.
I diss him on the rest.
It is useful to have a credible spectrum of views. Of course, neither he nor any one else is infallible or able to provide a sufficiently complete coverage of the c19 subject matters.
His main selling point is that he is a recognised reporter with a national profile, thanks to his appearances on Tucker Carlsen - whom I generally ignore... OF course, he constantly reminded us that he is a former NYT hack.
That's nothing to brag about...except maybe cuz he's not there anymore.
As they slowly uncover every piece of the fraud to laugh in all the victims faces, I feel more and more sorry for the people who still believe covid is a real disease and that SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus and that the spike protein is real, and that there was a real epidemic and all the lies about gain of function and Wuhan.
Every single thing is a lie. They have committed all the crimes within the context of a very well scripted global theatre play. There have never been more bribes in the history of mankind, nor more destruction of evidence and fraud of law. Everything is so big that people cannot believe there was no new disease at all.
This is the Biggest Lie in history, at least in terms of the number of victims.
One day they even the good guys will start telling the truth. Truly, we can only have faith in God. It is best to not expect anything from anyone else.
100% agree
David Martin found the patents.
Scamdemic instead of pandemic!
Those who spent a little time before the plandemic, watching documentaries on such scenarios, would know a 'vaccine' being rolled out that quickly is not possible, and at the amounts needed to jab the population it would have already burned itself through civilization.
Yes indeed. I think a timeline of at least 3 years would be needed for OpWarpSp33d, considering contracting, scheduling, teaming arrangements, logistics (refrigeration, distribution), coordination with other governments, trial phase planning/execution overlap, data architecture, etc.
I think it would have taken way more than 3 years...more like 10 if done PROPERLY.
But we know that it was not required to be done properly. It was intended to set a new basis for future injectable gene treatments, to be developed and deployed much more quickly.
Cross-posted w/this note
"God as my witness: about an hour ago, I was mulling a 'Stack about Moderna and DARPA. More attention MUST be given to this timeline. The past is prologue."
Thank you for your amazing pieces!
I just read that as a comment on Twitter. Moderna before 2018 was MODeRNA and involved with DARPA since 2013.
PS - Emily, do you know of a way to change the background color on substack? I get migraines minutes into trying to read things with white text on black background. Nothing I've tried changing on my end seems to work.
Do you subscribe to some that use while on black and black on white? I wonder if the reader is able to change the settings...
I literally can't read because of the migraine issue, the white text/black background. Your substack goes to that automatically. All the other substacks are "normal" black text, white background. This issue came up on another forum/format and I never could figure out how to change it and the author couldn't/wasn't willing to try to help, just told me to try different browsers and browser settings and plugins, which never helped. You can change from white background to dark (Nightmode) but not dark background to white with browser plug-ins. I don't use the Substack app because the keyboard pops up over the comment box and it's impossible to type out a comment without seeing it (for me anyway!) The app also has a weird article scrolling issue.
I'll switch to black on white. If I get a lot of complaints, might have to go back. But for you, my friend -- let's give it a shot.
Aww, that's sweet. I appreciate it!