It’s perfect for the paranoid hypochondriac They can just get it and self medicate! Perfect

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Anyone dumb enough to fall for this deserves what they get!

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Unfortunately, greater the 90% of the population may be NCP's..

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That's what they want you to think, over 40% of the American public refused this poison and upwards of 90% of American teens did not take it. They want us to believe that we are a smaller number than what we actually are. They did the same thing with England but then the actual numbers were released and it was half and half. The unseen powers that be told the British people that only 5% refused the vax when actually it was closer to 45%

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Chilling! They're all in it...

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I am impressed! We will do their work for them!

Also, nope.

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They can approve inhalable cyanide for all I care. But that at least would be quicker.

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Cut to the chase and achieve the real goal. I agree

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I hope someone puts this crap under a microscope. Just nebulize with H2O2 and Lugols iodine. Dr Brownstein, Dr Levy.

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Or even colloidal silver

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Yay, big pass. I don’t inject or sniff anything big pharma or the fda approve.

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Cocaine is probably better for you

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Sure it just goes too the cerebellum. Poor sheep's who goes along with the slaughter

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Please line up for the (equivalent) MAID programme…I mean Flumist…we are handing it out to everybody except the new replacements (illegal alien criminals)…I mean migrants!!

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Excellent point.

Amazing that the sheep don’t pick up on this. Funny that they don’t demand the illegal alien criminals get vaxed so they won’t die, but they sure do want the anti-vaxers to.

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People will be dropping like flies,Once they administer this poison up the nasal canal

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Thank you for your work

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Flumist was dabbled with for quite a while before it got approved. There was something in 2015/16 about it. It was also trialled in military around then as well and had ridiculous level of failure.

This is garbage product been repackaged and resold to Public regulatory bodies and the public as "new" stuff. Go look into the patents on this one and I'm sure you'll find it is all "Orange is the New black", BS.

Interestingly, has anyone looked at the rules around how much a product has to change to be rereleased as a different product, making money off the same market? 'Cos I'm pretty sure pharma (among other industries) has been playing the "same, same, but different game" with alot of their products over the decades.😐🤔🤨🤦‍♀️

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They spray us with contaminated chemicals trails, they produce deadly “vaccines”, and now they provide us with a self-service death spray. I expected nothing less than more death and mayhem!

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OK, they finally got the point of entry right, by inhalation, not injection. But they still seem to be overlooking a few details, such as that our God-designed bodies have no need for pharma-vaccines of any kind. Instead they have need of real, nutritious food, a rarity in these days of "cheap and convenient", and of being free of industrial poisonings of all kinds, vaccines included.

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Have you read the side effects disclosed in the package insert?

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No, but "side effects" is a euphemism for "symptoms of poisoning". We've been trained to think it's just something normal. "That means it's working."

I sometimes feel quite upset because people I know are becoming seriously ill, and some are dying because of this kind of utter foolishness. I guess the experts would say that means I should be on some medication myself that keeps me from feeling much of anything, sort of like them. But I know three people, two of whom I count as friends, that are on just such meds, and not by choice.

A reckoning is coming.

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If you stroke out a year later it wasn’t the poison you snorted into your brain a year earlier! It was climate change, hot weather, egg salad sandwiches, or a long nap! Not the toxins straight into your nasal cavity leading to the brain!

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There’s no such thing as a side effect! They are direct effects from being poisoned! Pfizer alone has almost 1300 direct effects in their trials. These are going to happen to anyone who takes it. Maybe a day, week, month or years but it’s coming! Boss is dating someone who took 5! Said the other day his gf wasn’t feeling well! Dealing with rheumatoid arthritis! So I look at my phone at the list of direct effects of the convid jab! And there it is! But sheep can’t connect the dots because they trust the science! Jabs create customers for life! That’s the business model of pharma!

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Here’s the kicker! She works for a big company. They paid anyone who took the sauce $1000 per jab and a day off after. So she traded her health for $5000 and a week off work! And now you’re screwed for life! Unbelievable

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A lot of the employees where my wife works did the same. One almost died and had to retire and most of the others seem to be sick most of the time, taking off work and virtue signaling on Fakebook about how they got “covid” for the millionth time.

All those free goodies were a great deal weren’t they???

Unbelievable is right.

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I find all of this very disturbing and difficult to understand. I have fallen for many deceptions across my 74 years, beginning with the ones I was taught and the things that were done to me (such as the "foods" I was fed) as a child. Some of it I know must have caused permanent damage, although not to the degree that we are seeing here. But for me there was a possibility of at least eventually backing out of deception that doesn't seem to be very much in evidence now.

Why aren't more people able to do this? I don't know. I wish they could and I wish they would. Perhaps some of these will, if they manage to live long enough. The younger generations would appear to be at a disadvantage, having been misled and poisoned to an even greater degree.

I know that I am not free of deception now -- it seems to be built in to living in this world. But why wouldn't people at least be seeking to know the truth about things?

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It’s mind control! I’ve studied the history of pharma! I already know what’s going to happen! Don’t watch much tv. I tried to warn everyone! It’s not rocket science! Slogans like vaccines save lives, protect grandma, we are all in this together, 2 weeks to the curve, etc! All bullshit!

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I guess expecting things to make sense is not unreasonable, but expecting people to expect things to make sense is not. At least that's my working rule.

In Hippocrates day the "pharma-" root could refer to medicines or poisons, and could also be associated with spells and such. His oath (to the gods) prohibited the use of "deadly medicines", which sounds like modern medical practice (no problem -- that part was removed from more recent versions). Mind control might fall under "spells".

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Inhaling crap is not as dangerous as having it mainlined straight into your bloodstream.

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and the gullible will fall for it

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