When are we going to see the perps prosecuted?

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Never going to happen

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What a shock-a-roo. Even if the FDA did monitor injuries, nothing would have changed. Whatever negative outcomes they saw, big pharma would instruct them to be buried. Government still hates you despite all the fluffy stuff coming from the DC Swamp.

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When is this going to be made sharable? It needs to be flooded in every social media...they can't keep banning and denying

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Failures? More like features. Mistakes were not made.

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how many deaths now from those jabs? Eventhough it was only 10% reported by the VAERS data the deathtoll had reached 40,000 last time I looked at it I think. They would have pulled out peanut butter jars from shelves in a jiffy (pun) if a few people had died from a bad batch. Unbelievable...

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Shocker!! Why would anyone expect the government to monitor data on the mega-crime that *THEY* were executing for their Masters? Wouldn't that be sheer stupidity?

Quite the contrary, they made damn sure that the data were distorted, hidden, and erased. Hey, if you're a criminal committing the largest crime of all time, wouldn't you want to conceal it?

Unless and until we see life sentences, some hangings, and ALL wealth of the perpetrators confiscated, we should be fully expecting "Pandemic 2" - this time it'll be ten times worse.

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For sure. Way, way worse, and I am sure they will be better prepared for our push back to.

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Correct you are - much, much better prepared, since they have years of experience on what'll be coming their way. This time, I'm sure it'll be swift with all exits blocked.

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Oh, for sure. I can see here what they have been doing with the roads etc. making it so you cannot just flee. Made it very difficult to do that.

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Right. They've been busy building the infrastructure - both physical and digital - to make escape *impossible*. I live close to Cape Canaveral in Florida. For the past several years they've been launching satellites non-stop. They now have a surveillance system that would make George Orwell shake in his boots. That system **WILL** be used against us - bet the entire farm on that!

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Center of Disease and Concealment

Nothing to see here, let’s just move along !!!

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They knew …. They looked the other way on purpose.

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Of course they did. It was intentional genocide.


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Take the FDA down to the studs. Clean house and hire the best at decent salaries.

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Big surprise… 🙄

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Your title (within the txt) “What’s next?” has now a sure answer!

More of the same! More vax, death, and disease.

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Will we ever see justice meted out? Will we ever see a rollback in the vaccine schedule? Will anyone in authority call out the Plandemic for what it was? It seems hugely unlikely now that Trump is touting a new mRNA “vaccine” loaded with AI to “cure” cancer!!!?!? What a crock of deception!

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And people will trust and believe it. Honestly does my head in, how dumb and blind some are.

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Hahahaha .... hmmm...How could the Cambodian people not notice, observe, deduce that the Khymer Rouge and your neighbor, who was a card carrying member of them, were bashing in the back of people's heads by the thousands every day with hammers...and that your family was likely next. Shock!? Horror?! How could that happen?....Now I know. Now i know. We are living this scenario right now. "We have one that can SEE!"

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It’s called poisoning the well and the synagogue of Satan expert at it. That’s why pharaoh hires them. https://archive.org/details/the-complete-list-of-the-1030-jewish-expulsions-in-human-history

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They should all be sacked. ALL OF THEN

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