ALL Christians need to repent of all vaccines that violate the Word of God!

Thank you, Lioness!

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The picture of the frightened child being injected fills me with horror. Every single brightly dressed adult surrounding her has a look of pleasure on their face, one is even clasping his hands together in delight. The whole picture symbolises the grotesque nature of what happened to the children during the fake pandemic, they trusted the adults only to be betrayed by them.

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You’re so correct. Satanic forces. . Good wins eventually.

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Any state that refuses to join must be charged with crimes against humanity!

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Fantastic news about Kentucky! Have seen that some states have a higher number of injuries/deaths from the jabs, according to VAERS, Kentucky being one.

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fraid it's too late.

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Too late for Mitch as his health quickly dwindles to find out how the cv-19 boosters have sped up the health deterioration?

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What is he waiting for? to retire 6 ft under?

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YAY! Now the VP's relative with a heart problem can get a transplant at a KY children's hospital! Go to Hell, All Children's of Cincinnati!

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Kentucky’s first move is a strong one - now let's hope they take it all the way and ban every jab and med designed for imaginary ’pathogenic microbes.’

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Yes, viruses do not exist.

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Anyone recommending these injections should be charged with conspiracy to commit manslaughter.

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Such a great move!! Now let’s get the rest of the country on board!!!!

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Damage done the sauce never leaves the body!

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At the very least survivors may not be so quick in the future to blindly follow government and the medical industry.

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check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org...say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..also be aware citizengo arean independent organisation which simply mens that no government can interfere with or censor and suppress this petition FACT...it currently has over 197,000 signatures

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BRICS is a lot of yhings but...Trumps ignorence...buy dead not so much. Growing larger every day actually as folks scramble to escape the dying dollar reserve currency stranglehold. China is using its dollar reserves to buy up anything not nailed down before the dollar becomes confette...

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