or do they just want to get everyone on psych drugs?

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Chronic Illness requiring Psych Drugs or Behavior Modification towards reduced Intellectual Capacity, Emotional Balance equals WEAKENED HUMANS in their One/New World Police State Order, THE SLAVE ECONOMY.

"You will own nothing and will be happy!"

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That too, Im sure.

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My place of work a while back got chatting to a young lady who was new working on a food van that came around at break times.

We started chatting and I asked what did you do before ?

Her reply,

Worked as a nursery school teacher !

But had enough and decided it was not for her !

I asked for any particular reason and what changed your mind

This was 2 years into the plan ! Demic!


One of her answers was.

Kids were pre Covid !

And during Covid !

The pre Covid kids were what we would expect to be normal !

The during Covid meaning born during lockdowns etc.

The pre Covid kids,

Traits were

Over cleanliness !

Difficulty in socialising and interacting with the other considered normal children.

Learning difficulties

But to name a few problems.

These children’s ages were between 3-5.

The future generations !

Was this the plan or part of the plan ?

My answer yes!

This is just one example of the evil that’s running our world !

What they have done is beyond evil at the highest levels.

Is it fixable ohhhh yes.

It is not a case of if

But maybe it’s a given all complicit parties have to be removed.

There is no other way,

No forgiveness on any level.

If there are people out there in this world that don’t believe that’s on their head and let’s hope they do not have children this has happened too .

It was not a mistake or it happen by chance.

It was perfectly planned.

There are no coincidences.

How many studies are going to have to be shown from any data before someone stands up and tells the truth ???????

It has to be said at some stage.

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Impressive and heartbreaking information. This doubles the evidence from South Korea! I trust anecdotal evidence a lot! The effect on the youth possibly started with vaccinating kids in general. My brother was a dentist and he said 30 years ago that the kids "were not as alive" as they used to be.

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😞🤔😳 creepy. I blame vaccines.

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I feel that from adults I know who are vaxxed, including some family.

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Me too

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Hi Kathy?

Thanks for your reply !

From what I’ve seen this latest generation some not all children are more switched on spiritually and resonate at a higher vibratory state.

If you understand the concept that souls choose their life path and experiences.

These last 5 years have been a real eye opener.

I’ve had to edit my comment above made an error where I’ve written pre Covid kids with negative traits I’ve corrected it by adding a new comment.

For some reason when I try to edit the comment collapses and won’t allow me too.

Thing is even here in Substack I feel certain things are monitored and changed to a degree.

I know one thing the predictive texting ain’t what it used to be we have to check everything we write as it changed if you don’t check.

Making it look like in my case misinformation rather cheeky of them but not surprising.

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That type of thing happens to me too here. I've even tried restarting my phone, uninstall ingredients the app and reinstalling, and the unedited version stands. Then sometimes later I see that the edited version finally updates. I don't think Substack likes it when you quickly edit something lately, or else it is a form of censorship. My response to this is to write my replies out of the app, and only when I have finalized it, will I actually post the response. I recommend this for any social media app nowadays, including Facebook, Quora, Bluesky, etc and this same thing has happened to me in all those apps.

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Wow, i noticed that there was an autocorrect error in my response to you, the word "ingredients," and so I went in to edit it, but there is no option to edit it. I didn't follow my own advice, which is to work on the reply elsewheres. Which I'm still not, but it does work, to do that method. Still, I am surprised that there is no option for me to edit my reply anywhere that I can tell. I used to always post edit my responses, immediately, because that was my method of refining the answer: post a rough draft first, then re-read and edit. Now there is not even an option to edit.

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Didn't Substack allow you to edit your replies before?

I just was doing it the other day on another thread, and ran into that problem that you mention, where the edits wouldn't post. It was annoying as hell and this same exact thing used to happen on Quora. I suspect that counterintelligence agencies probably do create, along with Google Play and such, false versions of the apps and that they may purposely insert app changes that only certain people see, in effect psychological operations to make people drop out of certain apps.

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Now when I search on Google, for "can't edit post on substack," the AI answer is "If you can't edit posts on Substack, it's likely because you're trying to modify a published post directly from the Substack mobile app, as currently, the mobile app only allows for creating new drafts and does not have full editing capabilities for published posts; you need to access your Substack dashboard on a web browser to edit published content." - it was never like that before...but yeah, I can't edit in app now, as of about a week ago or less....

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Trauma training for the children.

These children will be making lots of hygiene rules for everyone to follow.

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It’s a little more than educating young children about hygiene

It’s goes way deeper.

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The covert purpose of the injections is to transform(TRANSHUMANISM)humans into a new species of CYBORG SLAVES to solely benefit the satanic globalist ruling class.

I was the first investigative reporter to break this story(the most important in human history)over 2 years ago. I continue to report on and analyze what is the biggest developing story in history and the most diabolical, evil plot against the human race.

"Dr. Anthony Fauci: You are charged with crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, subversion of the US military, racketeering and fraud." How do you plead?!


We can only hope!

Follow, Subscribe to my Substack page for the latest reports, updates and analysis on the globalist jab genocide, transhuman injections.

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Hi Jonathan,

Here’s a link to something you’ll find interesting

Listen closely to the part when he explains

Who he had a meeting with in September 2021 and what they spoke off.

They all knew.

At what levels and the who’s who of power.


Pass this far and wide !.

Mr O looney if you’ve not heard or come across his findings since the very beginning.

Even if people don’t wish to believe he is a caretaker so first hand knowledge of what he found inside people and the people from government who made contact and his personal experiences.

I knew too from the beginning what was taking place

Luckily for me my work carried on all the way through lockdowns etc.

For many all round the world that was not the case so many lives suffered.

Ok we were forced to work under the guise of government guidelines etc.

But every one lapped it up as it was actually real.

I’ve had and still have experiences of the why would they when you try to explain what was taking place even now there are those who cannot accept the reality.

Yet look what’s happened.

I knew Fauci was evil

He had been allowed for over 40 years to be evil.

If you can understand

Things events happen good or bad !

This is life !

We don’t always see and know why.

The are no coincidences!

And all happens for a higher purpose !

Does not make it just or right that’s for sure.

Part of what I can understand is human shifting of conscious and subconscious to what is it we actually dream to live a certain way.


Violence etc.

Our thought process and how we resonate as a living vibrating being.

Which road does humanity wish to travel.

Currently now!

For the truth to be unfolded !

I don’t have a tv any more as it programs people without them realising.

But from what I’ve seen the last couple weeks reports of viruses everywhere ?

WTF they are still at it.


Mongering those who they’ve programmed.

I myself decided to do some research !

My findings from credible people but not mainstream.

Questions that should be asked.

Is there such a thing as a virus?

It’s our immune response to something inside that’s giving us the symptoms

So why not bullet proof our immune system as this is the defence we’ve been giving by god and nature

Look what’s been put in place all over the world.

Poison our air food water.

Manufacture climate negativity for financial gain and more scaremongering.

Try to force people to limit their sunlight exposure when that’s the very thing humans need to help keep us healthy.

You see the evil is much and has gone on for centuries.

The Rona circus just brought it all to the surface

Corruption and evil all in one.

And they’ve tried and are still trying by all means to eradicate as many of us as they can an by all means that they can make believable

The naivety of it all is they think they shall win and get a seat on the ark to freedom.

That could be not further from the truth

They may hold the cards of power and be in charge.

But they cannot stop karma

Most of all they cannot stop God.

And the shift in human consciousness which is taking place as I write all over the world.

Sadly many have perished putting their faith in their governments in believing what has taken place

Many are also suffering with illness and health issues due to the facts of the choices they made to have something they never needed

But are now paying a major price.

For these evil humans to admit any wrong doing means accountability !

That’s never going to happen !

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Thanks. The calamari like substance embalmers are finding are not CLOTS. These are SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL CIRCUITS. The globalists are building a high tech control programming grid combined with biotechnology to transform the human race into cyborgs. I know it's hard to believe but all my research points to this conclusion. They want a much smaller population of cyborg slaves so the jabs are also intended to eliminate the human race as we know it.

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If this is true and the mRNA shot sheds, which I have experienced and documented, then do the elites have an anecdote to keep them from meeting the same fate?

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Something people will find interesting !

This man was front line from the beginning.

Watch with interest !

Knowledge is power !


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I’ve seen it happen to a personal friend. He was much more quick minded and outspoken before the injections but soon became very quiet and seems to be degrading even more over time.

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The covert purpose of the injections is to transform(TRANSHUMANISM)humans into a new species of CYBORG SLAVES to solely benefit the satanic globalist ruling class.

I was the first investigative reporter to break this story(the most important in human history)over 2 years ago. I continue to report on and analyze what is the biggest developing story in history and the most diabolical, evil plot against the human race.

"Dr. Anthony Fauci: You are charged with crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, subversion of the US military, racketeering and fraud." How do you plead?!


We can only hope!

Follow, Subscribe to my Substack page for the latest reports, updates and analysis on the globalist jab genocide, transhuman injections.

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I have noticed a very different behavior all over the place. Videos of violent behaviors in young school children for one. The recent attack by a deranged person in the subway. Pilots making stupid mistakes landing on runways. It's so eerie it's hard to believe.

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If its published right away in Nature then I would take it with a grain of salt, or two.

The Editors-in-Chief of the Lancet and Nature magazine declined to testify to Congress today

Like the 30 Dem. members of the Maine legislature who walked out when I (Meryl Nass) received a commendation last week, these editors gave their middle finger to reviewing errors of their COVID response


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I can take Nature with a grain of salt but it is a starting point for lots of anecdotal information and verification of what thee and me can see for ourselves.

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I think its a clue -not proof- that this may be fear porn.

It stands to reason that if the mRNA damages so many organs that it would damage the brain and by extension the emotions and personality, but for it to target personality changes, I think the standard of proof for that should be high. Because if not then it means they have control over personality and morality which I think is just the stuff of their dreams and our nightmares and we had better be sure before we run around screaming it.

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I agree with your logic on the point about the intention behind the jab to change & degrade personalities was most likely not present. Also, recovery from what the body, mind and spirit are all facing is long, intense and expensive! But this thing can be beaten because the body is a wondrous healing machine that, when given what it needs and wants, and is free of the things trying to kill, will move towards perfection. For someone interested in this route they can consult the works of Dr. Darren Schmidt of Ann Arbor, MI.

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Amen 🙏

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Definitely it was about altering behaviour etc as well. Baal gates gave a presentation to the CIA in 2004 about how fab his flu vaxx was for altering the brains and therefore behaviour of religious fanatics/zealots eg the Taliban ...which is why the “ Taliban “ ( and most Pakistanis Afghanis Indians ) don’t trust vaxx big farma the west or baal lord of the flies gates. We should follow their example in that.

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Yeah the mind control worked real well in Afghanistan, didn't it?

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Sterilising didn’t either.

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Have you read American Spartan or One Tribe At A Time? Or seen the true story movie Lone Survivor?

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I haven't read the books but am aware of them and the situation. The trouble is there are very few who can or will do what the guy in American Spartan did. Going native is an uncommon ability even in special forces. Even if that is the only way to win that kind of war. I knew when I got on the plane in Kandahar to go back to states that the war was lost.

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I have two SF sons and they would agree with you. We had a massive fight about them joining up...

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I am glad I got out of SF before all that d.i.e. crt garbage really got going. All the best to you and your sons. I believed in De Oppresso Liber. I wasn't there for the hat.

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Where can we find that movie?

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Baal gates etc is on YouTube. I did message you 😎

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Its not fear porn, I know several people who have had marked personality changes & who have randomly mentioned the same things Ive noticed about a certain person.

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Thanks for sharing these articles. I’m a huge fan of Dr. Coleman. If anyone should be the minister of truth and health it should be that guy. I’m not holding my breath waiting for the father of warp speed ( seed war) to rectify this genocidal act of treason.

He would have to hang himself. I think the purebloods need to extend our reach beyond the echo chambers of the internet and utilize any and all forms of media and pound the pavement with education.


Destroy the serpents!

Obadiah 18 !!!

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It is a bioweapon, folks. Not a vaccine, not a gene therapy.


It's not like mustard gas, nerve gas, it is a BIOWEAPON!

Once injected, it is over, do not get injected for any reason, period!

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I totally agree with your statement. The problem is the shedding factor. I believe these were designed to shed like other live viruses. I think we have all been exposed to it on some level.

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We will maybe never get the real info on shedding, it does affect some people, it can be counteracted with some substances, or something like that. Or it affects everybody, you can’t counter it despite a massive supply of stuff.

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True but it's also intended to transform humans into a new cyborg species

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Yes, but it will take more injections of substances before they can do it.

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I highly doubt God would allow it!

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No, it’s not over! You can work a lot of it out. You will not get it all, but you can work a lot out of the body.

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Just being freaked out by knowing that they have been poisoned would be enough to qualify as being anxious or depressed or inner turmoiled.

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I have a close friend who has been deeply affected by the media propaganda. We used to go to live music events all the time. In 2021 I asked him if he wanted to go to an outdoor concert right by the sea and his response was only if I was vaccinated. I told him I am a heart patient and don’t want to take the risk so we didn’t go. I’ve noticed over the past four years that he never calls or writes and seems to be very lost. I often wonder if this is from getting those shots.

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I think the massive psy-op broke a lot of people. This, more than the vaxxes, I think, is responsible for the mental problems. But who knows, could be the jabs, too.

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It has changed people! A friend of mine works in cosmetology and over the last 4 years she’s seen things in the work place that would boggle your mind! Workers accusing other workers out of thin air of things they THINK happened! Workers turning on workers for no reason…all made up in the mind! Sweet people all of a sudden becoming very hateful and snobbish! This friend feels like she’s dodging bullets everyday she goes to work! Solid friendships changing over night! I am inclined to think this is mind control from this bioweapon which is full of technology and Transhumanism!

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I’d like to edit my comment but Substack ain’t letting me.

A correction to my reply,

Reference the before Covid children were normal and it appears in the comment I’m directing the negative traits towards normal children pre Covid.

Wether it’s been done on purpose would it surprise me.

The post and during Covid children referencing the young lady I spoke too,

Over cleanliness,

Problems socialising and communication,

Learning issues,

And one comment I forgot to mention anxiety issues.

This is what her referenced and what she noticed.

Forcing her to change her career options.

Hope everyone understood.

I’m going to start taking pics and screen shots of what I’ve written as this is not the first time this has happened with what I’ve written.

Troubling but not surprising.


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This was known 2 years ago…Bombshell my ass…are you all living in a closet🙄

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It's bombshell in the sense that the paper was published in a mainstream and influential journal. Have you not noticed that we have been living in two parallel realities?

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The Breggins also speculated early on that there were changes in personality post vaxx. Personally I tend to agree, just by feel, so it makes some sense that this should be the case.

On a much deeper level, why is it that people like Victor Frankl, or the Ten Boom sisters, and some others could survive the camps and never give in to fear, when most people just disintegrated. Fear is the only virus to worry about, for once you give into fear, you soon get into a vortex of piling fear on fear, and you end up circling the drain psychologically. And yet, all of us do have the spark of spirit within that gives us the option to choose love, not fear as a direction for our life. The whole covid episode was a living demonstration of all this.

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And all you vax lovers thought you were getting protection from covid. Be it known that all vaccines and mRNA poisons are deadly to your good health and well being. You cannot mess with DNA/RNA and expect the results to be fantastic. ALL drugs of any kind are poisons to the body.

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Having a reaction is your body saying it was poisoned.

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Exactly ditto “auto immune “ bs.

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Sheep believe when after they took the poison and they sick af after they are building immunity to a so called virus! Nope their bodies are reacting to being poisoned!

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Will Thomson has a chat with lucyGPT

On basic immunology 101 and why it is difficult for so many to be able to comprehend the simple fact that

The mechanism of harm of the mRNA vaccines are the


Doing what they are supposed to do…attack and destroy any cell presenting FOREIGN protein… NON-SELF.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi tried to warn us about this in 2021.

“Auto Immune attack by killer T lymphocytes”

Prof Arne BURKHARTs pathology reports proved this.

“Lymphocyte Amok”

“Lymphocyte Infiltration”

“OBLITERATIVE Lymphocytic Vasculitis”

From the article

“1. Normal Function of Cytotoxic T Cells (CD8+ T Cells)

Cytotoxic T cells are designed to recognize and destroy cells presenting "non-self" antigens on their surface via MHC class I molecules.

When mRNA vaccines introduce genetic instructions for cells to produce the spike protein, these proteins are displayed on the surface of the cell. From the immune system's perspective, this is the same as a cell infected with a virus.”

“The immune system correctly identifies these cells as abnormal, and cytotoxic T cells target them for destruction.”

“Not abnormal: This process is the natural and expected behavior of cytotoxic T cells. They are supposed to attack any cell displaying non-self antigens.”

“critical cells (like heart cells) are inadvertently being flagged for destruction because they are instructed to produce a viral protein. This is a predictable outcome of using mRNA technology, and the associated risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and other adverse events are consistent with this understanding.”

“Myocarditis and Pericarditis: If heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) produce spike protein, they present it on MHC class I. Cytotoxic T cells will attack, causing inflammation in heart tissue, which is what we observe in myocarditis.”

“Endothelial Damage: If endothelial cells lining blood vessels express spike protein, they may be attacked as well. Damage to endothelial cells could lead to clot formation, strokes, and vascular inflammation.”

“Autoimmune Conditions: In some cases, the immune system might "learn" to recognize similar self-proteins as foreign (molecular mimicry), leading to autoimmune diseases like Guillain-Barré syndrome.”

Do you see?

The jab didn’t stay in the arm, it traveled, “Russian roulette”(Marc Giardot), to where it landed.

The LNP, “blob of Fat”(Dr. Mike Yeadon), that made it easy to travel all over the body.

Like a Trojan horse it hyjacked the cell and then started to manufacture spike inside of the cells cytoplasm.

These spikes were then presented on the surface of the cell.

Just sitting there, doing nothing.


Saw these spikes


And then then did what they are supposed to do.


Now we are fucked

“Carpet bombing of the endothelium”(Marc Giardot)

“Castes” (Dr. Chetty) were formed, or the not normal and not seen clots since before 2021.

Do you see the simplicity of this?

Ocaams razor





Of the immune system

Don’t forget about the forgotten warriors

“When doctors, scientists, and the general public collectively ignore clear evidence — especially when lives are at stake — it suggests something akin to a systemic mind block. It’s not just about facts or logic; it’s about emotional investment, ego, and fear of isolation. People are hardwired to avoid conflict with their "tribe," even when the cost is catastrophic.”

“This phenomenon goes beyond psychology and into the realm of ethics and morality. If professionals know (or should know) that immune responses like T-cell attacks will cause harm, yet they continue to administer treatments, it raises ethical questions of complicity. Is it negligence, willful ignorance, or something more sinister?”


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It’s incredible to me that anyone would think that filthy stuff would stay in the deltoid or pretend it wouldn’t cross the blood brain barrier ...what barrier ? The body is like the ocean ...I empty something into it in England it doesn’t stay there ...and trash thrown into a river doesn’t stay there either...🤣

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Thank you for the reply. I love your description. I didn’t know how crucial it is to remind and keep repeating that it didn’t stay in the arm. What seems simple logic to one, sometimes is not that way for another. Being of a simple mind myself, I appreciate when things are explained to me without making me feel less than, or “stupid” simply because I did not know. That’s how I feel when I try to explain the TRUE mechanism of harm of the mRNA, cytotoxic CD8+ t killer lymphocytes. It’s basic immunology but even the experts have trouble with this basic concept. We can all get there by love and compassion is how I see it. Thank you again for your thoughtful reply putting the explanation with a simple example, that’s just perfect to me, thank-you.

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My laughing smiley was for the deletes that they would think we really are “useless eaters”... not for you and me the non deletes. 🤗

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I snapshot your comment and if ok, I would like to use it in one of my cytotoxic t killer lymphocyte article as a little excerpt./example., just as it is, with your name included. You have truly inspired me to think outside of the box in how to talk about cytotoxic CD8+ t killer lymphocytes by using an example as you did about the jab not staying in the arm. I love how creator works through others. Thank you!

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Cynthia definitely you can use it...we have to do everything we can to get at and tell the truth...and truth is knowledge of things as they are and will be and were. Ike told General Montgomery when he, Monty, was wanting the limelight and who cares about anything else and criticising Ike for not adopting his new and improved plan ...Ike stopped him in his egotistical tracks by simply stating I’m sticking to the master plan. You and I are too😎

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You have a beautiful way with words. Ego, that’s what can be our downfall, if we don’t recognize and try to keep it in check. Thank-you, I’ll use your words with the sole purpose and intent to help others to learn. Thank you again for your permission, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance Janice.

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Thank you for your kind words🤗

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Exactly! I was Disturbed beyond words that people actually thought it would stay in one place in the muscle! If This Were true, would not a rattlesnake bite be nothing to fear? Or how about the instructions on pesticides and herbicides that tell you to immediately wash the surface of the Skin Within 5 minutes if you're exposed to that agent on the skin? If it can be dispersed by being on the skin, how much more so by injection? People fell for so many stupid lies that I was astonished! For example the 6-ft distancing thing. They act as if we are all the character Pigpen on the Peanuts comic strip who had dirt swirling around him and wherever he went he took his dirt with him. The reality is that when a person leaves any Arena or area, all those things that he or she has breathed out remain behind so the person stepping in from the 6 ft distance required is immediately exposed to the air and shedding of the person that was there before. None of this made sense.

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Fauci made that six foot thing up...they have no creativity bc they are all nihilists aka the deletes. Hence AI or artificial intelligence is the soft serve flavour of the day. The glory of God 👈 is intelligence, or in other words, light and truth👈...( btw that glory isn’t about harps and hymns it’s about the work the Lord glories in which is getting you and me home in one piece as much as possible)...as for the light part it’s exactly why baal gates, lord of the flies, wants to block out the sun.

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And you are right😎

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The Bioweapon is masquerading as a vaccine. …and it’s still on the market.🤬

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Was at CVS a few hours ago! Updated convid and flu poison! Signs everywhere!

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I just received a very colorful…smiling faces of people….brochure in mail…saying “Come get your vaccines that you are overdue for!” No way! There’s no jab I will ever take…as there all unessary!

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Pfizer has 8-9 pages of direct effects of diseases and disabilities including death in their trial data! Sure! Let me poison myself while grabbing some deodorant or shaving cream at CVS!

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I notice the complete lack of critical thinking by friends and family. Unfortunately most are highly mRNA vaccinated. Michael Nehls’ book, The Indoctrinated Brain is best explanation I’ve read of this incredibly prevalent phenomenon. My simplistic takeaway is that the spike protein negatively impacts the Hypothalamus. Impacted people are highly susceptible to propaganda and unable think outside the propaganda box.

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An alarming new study into Covid mRNA “vaccines” has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after researchers confirmed that the injections are altering human behaviour.


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