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"Complete resolution"... mmmm hmmmm.

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People don't believe me when I tell them this.

It truly is pitiful

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These are the sheep that are fine after their jabs! They will line right up for the bird flu sauce and get wrecked!!

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Good post. Neurological injury is unfortunately only one of the toxic effects of the mRNA vaccines.

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What next?!

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I had to look up ganglioside. It's "any of a group of complex lipids which are found in the gray matter of the human brain."

So this poor person with ganglioside antibodies has an autoimmune condition attacking *their own brain and nervous system cells.*


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If it takes only 2 weeks to start why is it only 3.5yrs later that we "find out" about it

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It was just published, of course with the codicil of praising the wonderful effects of the miracle vax.

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it's worth having droop eye to have a higher chance of suddenly

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Weird how tin foil hat peeps knew what would happen even before the rollout!

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Andrew Moulden was right on so many levels.

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"A follow-up appointment 14 days after discharge confirmed the complete resolution of all his symptoms,” the study said in the ‘Case Presentation.’ section." I just love the bright and breezy conclusion, the man's eye was turned in the wrong direction and could have been permanent but the medics are saying that regardless all was fine in the end. The medics and scientists have lost the plot, they no longer know right from wrong.

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the "breezy conclusion" is horrifying. What any decent individual should have said: "this injury can't be excused and the injections should be halted immediately."

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An updated story indicated that "the patient had a relapse and doctors and researchers were baffled. However, they reported that the patient found a better job in a traveling circus and concluded his ocular dysfunction is a differentiator from other circus applicants."


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After reading this article and Slays News version of the story, It appears there have been a few cases, one which was documented over others in the study and they talk about finding a few more cases as well. Hardly, what I would call sky rocketing, but yet it could be, if more research comes to light.

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We need a slide show in every specialty, to show people the truth . The clots by Laura Kasner substack were horrifying .

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⬆️⬆️⬆️truth! 💞🙏

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Jabs are the gift to humanity that keep on giving! Vaccines or jabs are the biggest fraud in history! Injecting lethal toxins through your skin is the dumbest shit I ever heard! Used to maim, kill, and create customers! The fact that one human was duped to take this poison is nuts. Nope billions of morons including most friends and family! Don’t listen to me! Healthy af and barely take a Advil! Listen to the scumbags that make $ off your stupidity! This isn’t rocket science! Not one pathetic jab has ever saved a life or prevented jack shit! It’s very frustrating how weak sheep are mentally!

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The list of side effects just keeps growing with no end in sight.

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How many mRNA/spike protein vaxed people are silently suffering from brain damage that goes unnoticed? What would the fallout be from mass numbers of people getting dementia?

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"While the researchers led off by praising the Covid vaccine, calling it a “critical tool” in the fight against the pandemic, they present a case of serious harm caused by the shots."

"critical tool"!?!

These freaks of sociopathy aren't going to let go until they are smashed.

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That's right. There was no "pandemic" - another silly misnomer of a word. Localized epidemics of something or other may exist, but pandemic gets thrown around far too thoughtlessly. Well, it is a propaganda term used by the mind control specialists to invoke fear. Evil bustards - every single 'crat and "doctor" who went along with the whole charade, which was 99% of them.

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Since not one person on earth needed any "Covid" jab, these injuries are entirely malicious.

Inverted commas around "COVID" because this fake "disease" is a made up name for an artificially concocted malady.

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