Kill Albert Bourla!!!!

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I am happy to purchase "a different batch of bullets" for their execution.

I am also happy to be the executioner.

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I got a fake vax card as did many others in my town, there were people ready with the cards and they made a lot of money. All the bartenders and waitresses got a fake card.

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Or they were given an exemption not to take the vaccine.

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Congress exempted themselves and postal workers.

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I was referring to Pharmaceutical Companies-- they either didn't take it or they faked it. Pharmaceutical companies didn't mandate that their employees take the💉

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Phizer must pay for all they are doing.

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They will…..in hell.

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So many traitors to be brought to extreme final justice. So little time.

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Re-'vaccinate' Pfizer employees with the original red-state full-dose kill shots. That sounds fair.

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funny how i can't restack this !

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Thank for telling us what’s really happened! WOW so glad I never took it!

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Isn't it strange that we never heard of any Pfizer employees dying suddenly? Why is the US Congress not investing this suspicious detail? If they received the same batch as the general population we should see the same kind of severe injuries and deaths like everywhere else.

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politicians not dying either

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Isn't it strange the US Congress exempted itself from its vaccine mandates?

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It's not strange that freemason Congress exempted themselves from getting sick and dying prematurely. But others didn't know it was deadly because they weren't Informed! Those crooks and criminals, a Congress of sodomites and child molesters, been allowing the poisoning and death of many, many persons since the inception of the U.S.

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how about congress critters and all the other career pols? How about investigating death and injuries statistics in certain states?

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Here is a Pfizer whistleblower who's job it is to check vaccines for consistency talking about how the COVID injection "glows": https://bitchute.com/video/GeiHxmFXn2ok

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That glowing is caused by Luciferase (root Lucifer). It is comprised of an ingredient called luciferin which is created in a lab using 66.6 ml of distilled phosphate: http://tritorch.com/degradation/PhospateLuciferin.png

The psychopathic douchbags that run this world are petulant, attention seeking, scornful, envious children splashing their ludicrous secret-bloodline-only club numbers and symbols all over everything they touch.

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Eloquently put! These WEF'rs gotta go..

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I wonder if the Pfizer employees who received the special batch were *aware* that they were receiving a special batch.

If not then, I wonder if they have caught on now, and what do they think about their special batch?

I wonder if any of them have died suddenly.

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Remember the list of government employees that were exempt from the vx. And illegals could cross at will but some unvxed tennis player could not.

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Nor could I until the US Government lifted the restrictions against unvaccinated foreign visitors in mid-May of 2023.

I did briefly consider flying to Mexico and swimming across the Rio Grande but naah...

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Usps too, presumably the reward for interfering in the election.

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I'll bet their rate of myocardis is low, like very low.

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Like non-existent?

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