Designed like the rest of the mRNA vaccines for genetic manipulation.......better be SERIOUS accountability

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mRNA is likely a red herring in order to convince the victims (sorry, subjects) that upcoming injections will save them. Even not watching TV can save them a bit more...


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Give you cancer with a free jab and offer an expensive solution of another jab to help with cancer we gave you from the previous jab! Pharma plan in action!

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Now you know why I'll never darken a Doctor's doors again if I can by any means avoid it.

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In general, it's a chicken-and-egg problem, but those who don't see a "doctor" tend to live a whole lot longer. Is it because they are healthy or is it because they are not interested in being diagnosed for invented illnesses caused by industrial poisoning or worse, or is it because they are on a relatively-healthy diet (in my book, that means eating very little)?

The "doctors" actually saved me after charging $130k to the taxpayer (emergency Medicaid), and wanted to finish me off only later (of course, I bailed out immediately):


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Your conclusion is becoming less rare, however there are several other Doctor choices, that are not MD's. Choose wisely.

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I have worked with MDs for several years, and they are on a timetable as well as as hiding behind whatever is out there, but they are brainwashed to the point that they cannot even see it...

As bad as it is, it's not absolutely hopeless, but considerations of what makes a person sick are still an option (upgrading this is a short time):


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And I have been in the trenches for over 35 years holding doctorate degree. Whether they are complacent or complicit it does not matter.

It is some Dx procedures that are ill advised, like Mammography. Treatments are often worse than the disease.

People simply do not comprehend where health comes from much less how to attain it

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We are really discussing a world view issue. The subjects you mention have it exactly wrong.

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Don't worry Gary. Sweep it all under the rug, memory-hole it, "Our bad, time to move on"...🙄💩

There won't be any accountability of any kind, other than lynch mobs.

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The accountability or rather the fear of accountability will be seen in the pushback against RFK. His nomination/confirmation hearing snd immediate aftermath will be a Litmus test

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Judging from what happened to his Dad and his uncle I think we can comfortably predict what that pushback will be... 😱

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A form of Public opinion is voting with feet. It is a form of accountability.

There are those like Rand Paul who most definitely are not sweeping the

genocidal elf under the rug, despite the "pardon".

State and civil liability exists and... international. Already in motion.

Big Fed insurers have paid out those who were unjustly terminated for refusal.

Private companies who terminated PureBloods are in the crosshairs.

The military who refused the mRNA toxin have been reinstated with back pay.

Hang on, as your conclusion may also have legs.

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Will never happen!

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You put together some excellent studies! We must make people aware of these vaccines and the reasons /excuses that abound far and wide. First, do no harm. Second, ask who is getting paid? Third, ask about benefits and side effects. Fourth, safe and effective? Fifth, what would the Amish do? Sixth, be faithful to God’s Word!

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Don't worry. After Mr. Operation Warp Speed Deploys his massive data centers for AI and the First Amendment and the dissemination of information with mass censorship will be nothing but a memory of the past.

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the cabinet is fantastic, more has happened in 3-4 days that is beneficial,

than the DemonRats did harm in 4 years. Hang on it will only get better, guaranteed. RFK will be grilled on the 29th, he will pound the libtard banshees into the sand...

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This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.

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Mary, I also hold a science doctorate. Data changed no fools mind.

Fork in the road/ Health one direction, Medical Cartel Vaxs and Quaxs the other.

Some of us knew without education over 40 years ago.

I was asked to speak to Amish "young folk" about vaccines over 35 years ago as the Medical Cartel was targeting them. Provided "data" but apealed to common sense.

That was the way forward. Amish do not want gubmint or medical mandates.

That is why they came out in number having banners on their buggies, for DJT.

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Since May, 2023, it's been legit to "vaccinate" people even through the food supply, but in the last three years, there has been a poetic variety of options:


Just about all news, history, and science people have been told is a lie:


For the bird flu, I'm sure Big Bird as a Secretary of Health would scare it away; otherwise, nothing else would.

Trump's cabinet member can have a few other similar candidates:


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If exposed to the "shedding" from human idiots, your getting dilluted exposure, not the 3 trillion high dosage that the kill shots contain. Your body is 70 trillion cells, so maybe u need Stargate AI to keep you safe! Got to stop the fear porn and just say no to Agenda.

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Tell that to my (4 injections and counting) ex-landlady's cat, "Mischief"... she had to have him put down, the poor creature inexplicably developed an inoperable bloodclot in the artery to his legs...

As for the "dilluted exposure", 98% of the morons around me have had at least one dose = I'm being exposed to their stupidity on a constant basis...

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She had the cat get FOUR injections? Boy, step in line. I have an elixir I’d like to sell you. Poor cat. 🐈

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No, she didn't give Mischief ANY injections. She had four, and shed the spike protein into the cat!


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yes Capt. people are stupid and with good intentions cause great harm

The landlady is very likely to do this again with the next cat...

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She had three cats, down now, far as I know, to 2. And good intentions my fucking ass. Registered nurse, retired after 30 years experience; if anyone had the background to know "Covid" was a fucking scam, it was Lorna. But no! She swallowed that cowflop whole, and in one gulp. We were banned from the house (we lived in her basement); my wife could only use the laundry facilities with a mask on... Again... anyone with any medical background should have instantly known how utterly stupid and counterproductive mask wearing was...

I tried to warn her about all this... She told me in almost as many words to shut up...


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Cognitive dissonance- doesn’t want to believe she’s being lied to by government and media, and the fact that she didn’t accept this factual information, she caused her own cat’s suffering and death. How far people will go not to believe something…

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As they said in the 12-step groups until I got disgusted with that: "Denial is not a river in Egypt."

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Possible death that could be attributed to shedding? This person was fully cognizant of the dangers of the covid JAB, ....never JABBed!


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Same mRNA poisons at the "Covid" Lethal Injections? Of course they shed! But what, precisely, am I supposed to do about it? I avoided the Injections like the plague, paying a stiff price in the process, but if what Ana Mihalcea is saying is true, my blood is already corrupted.

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Probably the same left over sauce with a different label on the vial!

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Pretty much.

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There is plenty you can do. Rogue proteins are easily denatured.

We are at war. Dr. Mihalcea is documenting non biological self replicating things and also how to stop them...

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Hope you're right. But from what I've read, these things are intended and designed to change your DNA at the chromosomal level. Once these proteins are in you, you're literally a genetic chimera and there is nothing that can be done to fix it.

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Yup, get a few fraudster scientists in white lab coats and Mr. Operation Warp Speed (Trump) on a camera parroting to several million hypnotized zombies who can't decide for themselves, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel!! This has become one big pathetic circus with a bunch of clowns!

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There is this thing callee Accurate Assessment, it is a high level quality requiring

Knowledge, Wisdom, and ... Discernment. Keyboard warriors are a K-Mart blue light special.

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These sucker's should depopulate the UN,W.H.O,Klaus Schwab and the whole WEF and all pharmaceutical companies

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DJT called into Davao as follows:

The Derangement Syndrome on full display here on this Sub.

He will get rid of 10 regulations for each new regulation

Tariffs, whose amounts are not yet established, will be imposed on foreign goods

Federal tax breaks will be given for companies that make products within the US: he will lower it from 21% to 15% if products are produced in the USA.

He will reduce interest rates and inflation

The US is becoming a merit-based country

He (of course) talked about the border

There are only 2 genders. Transgender surgeries will be rare. Transgender athletes will not compete with women.

The United States is a sovereign country

We are returning to freedom of speech, no misinformation/disinformation labels to suffocate Americans’ free speech

Asks nations to increase their defense spending to 5% from 2% (this was a US request to NATO nations under Biden last fall)

It is time to end the Ukraine war, it is a carnage. He said millions are dying. He wants to talk to Putin soon about this. Hopefully this is an exaggeration.

There will be no support for electric cars. People can buy whatever car they want.

Prolonged delays for project approvals will end

With AI, we will need twice the energy in the US as we use now. (!). He suggests electricity generating plants be built next to AI plants, avoiding need to use the grid.

President Trump spoke about the use of “clean coal.” Does this mean we will use better scrubbers? RF Kennedy sued coal-burning plants for releasing large amounts of mercury into the air, generally harming low income communities where they were located.

President Trump said “debanking” is wrong and told the big banks to stop doing it.

President Trump said we don’t need Canada for wood, for making our cars, etc. He pointed out that essentially everything Canada has, the US has. This presages some tough negotiations on tariffs.

The President said President Xi called him. We have a 1.1 trillion dollar deficit with China that needs to be corrected. Hopefully China can help stop the Ukraine war. We’d like to see denuclearization of our two countries (Russia and the US) and China could come along. President Putin really liked the idea of reducing our nuclear capability. Xi did too.

The Ukraine war should never ever have been started. A lot of stupidity all around. “Far more people have died than is being reported.”

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No dummy I'll call it no matter who it is. I voted for Trump but doesn't mean I have to agree with everything. Get all the AI vaccines you want

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You have an immune system that nature hasgifted u with, tp prevent the cellular/protein modification. Investigate DMSO and its benefits!

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Any links to share? What is DMSO?

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A Midwestern Doctor has done a series on DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) It is an amazing counter to many illnesses & ailments.

You ought to check them out - here's one, you can find the rest under the substack. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dmso-is-a-miraculous-therapy-for?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=748806&post_id=148982648&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=6niz3&triedRedirect=true

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sort of , best to stay in your lane

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Of course they do— why are we not surprised. 😮

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Natures Healer-Dr Paul Walker is free online

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Ive built a sealed underground bunker for us all to live in 10 feet deep lol.

🩸🩸🩸 SHEDDING STUDY PROJECT SCAN 2000 (blood tests have arrived) for the injection they have out now.

Our Project Scann 2000 test device, including test accessories, has finally arrived. Next Sunday, January 26th, 2025 at 8:00 p.m., I will explain the test procedure in detail (I will play a video of my self-test) so that you can see how uncomplicated it is and how quickly the test result can be retrieved. I will also explain when and how we plan to start and implement it. I will post the link to the livestream next Saturday, January 25th, 2025 in our groups on Telegram and Facebook.






Here is the link to the info video project Scan 2000.


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Wait a sec...if billions of vaccine injections over several decades is saving humanity from sickness, disease and viruses, then why in the face of depopulation efforts would this continue?

Something doesn't jive and could it be the fact (perhaps) that vaccines have been used since the 1950s as types of bioweapons instead of creating healthier populations? Ask your doctor or wait until he is replaced by infallible all-knowing A/i anti-humans.

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A smaller subset of people than before will excercise their free choice,

and offer their arms for Bird Flu Quaxcine.

The consequences will be dire. We will witness this... unfortunately.

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