Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has gloated that “we” will soon have little use for human beings thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
Agree. Mr. Gates lived off Canadians and Americans' tax money (USAID) to pay for our own demise through poisonous vaccines. I cannot believe that this man will not face justice, someday soon.
Yes and publisized themselves as philantropes, after they fund their daugter companies. 2019 onward, they hail these 2 freaks as if they were the next canonized holy saints telling the stupid gullable world how much money they give away for us poor sods. Real funders don't tell the world. They are preying on the world. Parasites at best. I have never seen parasites hailed this much. Thanks to media, their own private minions.
Who is going to arrest him? Trump just met with him for 3 hours a few weeks ago. Gates isn’t troubled at all. He has a mandate to continue on with his dastardly deeds.
And his father, as was boris johnson's, were eugenesists. All dreaming like prince philip that a virus will kill the whole world, but 500 mill. I think it was inbreeding that created these madness in the few elites that wants to play baphomet. .
Cowards don't fight physically. After he got the pie in his face with his microsoft crime courtcases, he went mad. He is gone, long gone. You get diffent types of mengelism. He is the gates type.
Don’t worry…a day is coming for the likes of Gates! It’s called judgment day! May not be too far off! It’s also called payday! We think things are bad…our day… pales in comparison of that day!
Bill gates is the unsacrosanct.high priest of depopulation..bioethics herd management...satanic technocratic elitism.. false scientific materialism.and 30 pieces of silver...--crony state -capitalism..he is not at all..just a messenger of Satan...he is in very deep with preternatural false light...HANG HIM NOW*
Nobody has perfect protection 100% of the time. If someone really wanted him they could get him. I wonder why no one wants him? Surely the mafia, cartels don't want everyone to die, they would lose all of their clients. They must not realize they're killing them, I would think they would fight back.
There can be...ways create a successful inside job...*something to think about carefully.*.in our view Bill Gates is a walking dead man..globally hated..he... like his ilk..will be destroyed ultimately..from within*He knows he is deeply and correctly condemned and hated.*
Yes…he knows!! But he’s so delusional…he doesn’t care! A day is coming when all his dastardly deeds and thoughts will be broadcast for the world to see…nothing will be hidden…all on display! It’s called the “Great White Throne Judgment!” Rev. 20:11-15 That’s bad…but nothing compares to the “Lake of Fire!” Verse 15! No one has ever gotten by with anything…it’s all coming out on judgment day!
So as AI rolls in excess deaths from jabs go up! Weird how that works! Tin foil hat getting warm! The jab is so safe it paralyzed someone I know! Kill Bill giggles on Fallon!
Bosses son is paralyzed waist down as well as organ failure after Pfizer. In his 20s and also handicapped which makes it 1000 times worse. Can’t use his walker anymore and only a wheelchair! Weird phenomenon that the only humans that speak up and care about the jabbed injured and dying are the healthy un jabbed! But we get the blame because that’s how jabs work. Everyone has to take the stroke sauce for it to work properly!
Yes, he’s one of several that would benefit mankind, all of God’s creatures & the planet if they would recuse themselves from the realm of the living ☺️
We've never needed Bill Gates and we all would have been better off had he never been born. Maybe he can be the first one to volunteer to outsource himself.
Remember God is in control! He’s the Potter… we’re the clay! He makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor! The vessels of dishonor will be destroyed! Let us be vessels of honor! Romans 9:20-21!
Speaking of millions of deaths, something that Devil Bill Gates loves to gloat about, according to Dr. James Thorpe, the DEVIL'S CLOT SHOT (TM) caused massive increase in fetal deaths, abortions, and miscarriages, and was responsible for 17 million deaths worldwide and 585 million injuries worldwide, extrapolated from Pfizer documents indicating a 33.4 to 1 injury to kill ratio.
None of the vaccine employees took any of the vaccines and none of them have died. Vaccine free and still alive. The only people who have died because of Bill Gates are those who took the Bill Gates' "vaccines" and died. There are millions of them yet the murdering demon still walks free.
This genocidal looser is trying his best to stay relevant, he has lost not only the skirmish' but the war. When he appears in public he is heckled by VERY angry people so must have serious security detail. He is not alone as ChinaDa's prime minister Justy has it even worse...
The fake news echo chambers are insolvent as viewership has tanked.
People that watch it are lost in space dare I add, taking up valuable oxygen?
Agreed Citizen. It should be a crime to lie and mislead the viewing audience.
The principals of those MSM organizations should be executed and their assets seized. Lieng to the public is making war against them/us.
Richard E. Sprague, 'The Taking of America 1-2-3', reveals all MSM is controlled opposition.
This guy needs to be dropped off in Ukraine, behind Russian lines, in a Ukrainian military uniform.
Agree. Mr. Gates lived off Canadians and Americans' tax money (USAID) to pay for our own demise through poisonous vaccines. I cannot believe that this man will not face justice, someday soon.
Him and Soros werent even using their own money. They were using ours
Yes and publisized themselves as philantropes, after they fund their daugter companies. 2019 onward, they hail these 2 freaks as if they were the next canonized holy saints telling the stupid gullable world how much money they give away for us poor sods. Real funders don't tell the world. They are preying on the world. Parasites at best. I have never seen parasites hailed this much. Thanks to media, their own private minions.
Like so many others. They are protecting their club and will always do.
Who is going to arrest him? Trump just met with him for 3 hours a few weeks ago. Gates isn’t troubled at all. He has a mandate to continue on with his dastardly deeds.
He believes he is God like and can change the world for his personal benefit! If we follow this
pied piper we will eradicate humanity on earth
And his father, as was boris johnson's, were eugenesists. All dreaming like prince philip that a virus will kill the whole world, but 500 mill. I think it was inbreeding that created these madness in the few elites that wants to play baphomet. .
Cowards don't fight physically. After he got the pie in his face with his microsoft crime courtcases, he went mad. He is gone, long gone. You get diffent types of mengelism. He is the gates type.
Don’t worry…a day is coming for the likes of Gates! It’s called judgment day! May not be too far off! It’s also called payday! We think things are bad…our day… pales in comparison of that day!
The sooner the earth sheds itself of the Gates of Hell, the better.
I agree. But he’s just the messenger.
The Psychopathic Pedo Gates is more than a messenger, he is a menace to society!
Bill gates is the unsacrosanct.high priest of depopulation..bioethics herd management...satanic technocratic elitism.. false scientific materialism.and 30 pieces of silver...--crony state -capitalism..he is not at all..just a messenger of Satan...he is in very deep with preternatural false light...HANG HIM NOW*
Yah but he still deserves to rot in hell
Oh he will unless he repents…and that’s highly unlikely! Believe me his future is beyond horrendous!!! It’s horrific!!!😨
Why hasn't Devil Bill been knocked off yet? That's the six million dollar question.
Good security because he knows he needs it.
Nobody has perfect protection 100% of the time. If someone really wanted him they could get him. I wonder why no one wants him? Surely the mafia, cartels don't want everyone to die, they would lose all of their clients. They must not realize they're killing them, I would think they would fight back.
The security around Gates was overhauled after that incident almost 30 years ago when a bystander smashed a pie into his face.
Best believe his security is presidential level at this point
I remember the pie incident.
Gates has wanted his revenge ever since.
Pie also stands for Pedophile Information Exchange.
Some British mps have been involved with that.
I saw that pie incident at the time. Classic. I wish it was acid so the bastard Devil Gates would have been blinded.
There can be...ways create a successful inside job...*something to think about carefully.*.in our view Bill Gates is a walking dead man..globally hated..he... like his ilk..will be destroyed ultimately..from within*He knows he is deeply and correctly condemned and hated.*
Yes…he knows!! But he’s so delusional…he doesn’t care! A day is coming when all his dastardly deeds and thoughts will be broadcast for the world to see…nothing will be hidden…all on display! It’s called the “Great White Throne Judgment!” Rev. 20:11-15 That’s bad…but nothing compares to the “Lake of Fire!” Verse 15! No one has ever gotten by with anything…it’s all coming out on judgment day!
Stentorian incisive fabulous comment Lorraine..God Bless You..please be so kind as to keep us in your miracle faith prayers**Thank you again...**
So as AI rolls in excess deaths from jabs go up! Weird how that works! Tin foil hat getting warm! The jab is so safe it paralyzed someone I know! Kill Bill giggles on Fallon!
Eric I personally know of nine people who died from the Jab in the past 3.5 years! Youngest was 30 Y.O.!
Bastards. Somebody shold be lined up against a wall and shot with no trial.
Bosses son is paralyzed waist down as well as organ failure after Pfizer. In his 20s and also handicapped which makes it 1000 times worse. Can’t use his walker anymore and only a wheelchair! Weird phenomenon that the only humans that speak up and care about the jabbed injured and dying are the healthy un jabbed! But we get the blame because that’s how jabs work. Everyone has to take the stroke sauce for it to work properly!
I know of many also…personal friends!
20miion dead
Profoundly evil. If there is a worse description of evil, gates is the poster child.
Tell you what! Let’s put that another way shall we? We already do not need fking gates for ANYTHING.
Yes, he’s one of several that would benefit mankind, all of God’s creatures & the planet if they would recuse themselves from the realm of the living ☺️
We've never needed Bill Gates and we all would have been better off had he never been born. Maybe he can be the first one to volunteer to outsource himself.
Not a chance. Narcissists never do.
Remember God is in control! He’s the Potter… we’re the clay! He makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor! The vessels of dishonor will be destroyed! Let us be vessels of honor! Romans 9:20-21!
Speaking of millions of deaths, something that Devil Bill Gates loves to gloat about, according to Dr. James Thorpe, the DEVIL'S CLOT SHOT (TM) caused massive increase in fetal deaths, abortions, and miscarriages, and was responsible for 17 million deaths worldwide and 585 million injuries worldwide, extrapolated from Pfizer documents indicating a 33.4 to 1 injury to kill ratio.
and there is a severe reduction in birth rate.... as they've been sterilized.
None of the vaccine employees took any of the vaccines and none of them have died. Vaccine free and still alive. The only people who have died because of Bill Gates are those who took the Bill Gates' "vaccines" and died. There are millions of them yet the murdering demon still walks free.
ukmps exempt
The jokes write themselves.
This guy is a cancer that needs to be extirpated.
Nice word, extirpated. Exterminated, extirpated, you say tomato, I say tomato.
This idiot is brain dead but dangerous
Who are this "we" of whom he speaks?!
Sounds like they are not human, doesn't it?!
Gates is a spoiled nut, rotted to the core. No rat would touch it.
This genocidal looser is trying his best to stay relevant, he has lost not only the skirmish' but the war. When he appears in public he is heckled by VERY angry people so must have serious security detail. He is not alone as ChinaDa's prime minister Justy has it even worse...
It’s billy the psycho megalomaniac ....
As usual he has got it the wrong way round...
Upside down ...etc etc
He does not understand that it is him ... he is the problem ...
The world would be a much better place if he were not here on this planet !!!
More people would be healthier .. more healthy and happy and there would be more people ..
No thanks bill ...
You are the problem