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Sep 24, 2023
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STILL 'Run' by 'Mortals' though.

'NO where to run, No where to Hide' - Martha & the Vandellas.


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Is It Just Me

Or Do The Chronically Masked

Look Like They Have Strapped

Their Own Suicide Notes

To Their Faces ?


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From Thomas Lewis,

Clowns To The Left Of Me ...

Jokers To The Right ...

Here I Am:



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Poetic. Well, pathetic too:/

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Bill Gates needs to be dealt with, never to be seen in public without being scared for his life. He should be afraid to hire security in case they turn on him.

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Excuse my language, but when the shit hits the fan and it will. What are these security guys going to do, protect their families or gates of Hell?

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If you watch Netflix... fascinating homes, homes in they proudly show the 'bunkers'...

'Exclusive' living on mountainsides, in mountains, underground, in caves...

Concrete and Rebar...

when my honey was watching these shows... I was fascinated by the excellent planning etc. then one day it was like... WAIT... Concrete, rebar? Towering houses in thd woods with reflective glass so one cannot SEE it with the naked eye... housing for a family of 4 which can hold 20 people comfortably... oh.. these are BUNKERS?

Never understood what they were for... or WHY....

until the shutdown.

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Book of Revelation, last book in the Bible, during the end men will desire the rocks to fall on them and hide them from God's wrath.

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NASB "and they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the sight of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;" to be specific

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They will be basically prisoners in their bunkers. No hiding from upset,hungry and crazed people and certainly not from God’s imminent wrath. Without God’s mark, you are lost.

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If only the “pie throwing guy,” had used something more lethal. A great opportunity missed, could’ve saved humanity.

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Bill gates is a monster...

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Sounds like they are perfecting their business model for killing to make it as efficient and profitable as possible.

Personally, I am not going to be buying anything they are selling.

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This is so, so evil I just can't believe it. Their hubris. Their Satanic Majesties, our elites, are going absolutely wild with their murders.

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The monster creating another hydra head in the quite sophisticated system of KILLING US OFF AND ASSUMING CONTROL OF EVERY NODE OF POWER AND CONTROL OVER THE POPULATION. “Dr. Friedrichs will prioritize enhancing surveillance systems to diligently monitor and detect new biological threats” Gee, I wonder how they are going to do that? I think we all know by now where this is going. The NORMIES better WAKE THE FUCK UP FROM THEIR STUPOR SOON!

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You are correct, this is the methodical capture of those nodes of power. These are the unelected rulers of our societies and countries. Many bureaucrats have said, "presidents come and go, but I have been here for decades and will outlast them all". And that is true.

Unfortunately, all the normies could wake up today and they still wouldn't be able to undo the capture (think ideological and moral) that has happened and that will allow this to be ushered in and normalized. The OPPR is a thing now, no turning it off, unless the next POTUS shuts it down.

Additionally, they are doing this globally, so the move is coordinated and blanketing.

Add to that, that the next 2 generations have already been indoctrinated into this new society of "alternate truth, realities and morals" and the normies of today, are little more than a sand castle wall holding back the future waves of woke tyranny.

I'm not saying we shouldn't fight or resist, but people need to understand the totality and enormity of the capture of all the agencies and systems, that drive our current and future societies.

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I share as often as opportunity arises. Global health means the globe changes and prep for them not its people and bio security means their plan of the planet’s biology overhaul not people, for they hope to preserve the earth for their trial transhuman eternity. They’ll fail on both accounts, foolish as they are. I hope and pray Major Gen Paul discerns this definition soon. The Lord will destroy those who destroy the earth.

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If this wasn't so sad/corrupt/evil it would be like watching a clown show. All the bobble heads are believing (maybe) their own BS. I will NOT comply, ever & I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny ...

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It is a sad commentary on life when you are the richest man in the world. Your wife divorces you supposedly because of your connection to Eppestein and his pedo. life. If you were Melinda so disgusted wouldn,t you demand your name be removed so that you would not always be part of his satanic cult? He and whore, sorry meant to say her. The demons her an Gates of hell had 3 children, but if both of you believe in eugenics why did you not show us by example? Has their grand child arrived yet? Just rember Melinda Ffrench is just as demonic as Billy Gates of Hell.

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He is a bilderberg s-a-t-a-n-i-s-t. Ex high wizard Zachary King testimony.

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Hey billy g, get off my planet...I refuse your tyranny and treachery.

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NASB and they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the sight of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; to be more accurate

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This is insane.

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Hello, Lioness. Great update.

Now a question for all of us: has part of the 'big' psyop been to put into the collective unconscious, as well as collectively into the personal unconscious of each of us, a 'hidden' belief in eugenics? Do we, quietly accept that the 'scientific' teaching of evolution as the improvement by chance of natural systems and structures, especially that of the animal line that includes humans, can be improved by actively supporting it?

Here is a great interview with Alex Story and his discovery of the hidden 'face' of eugenics as a foundational aspect of current western society. Story was shocked that every time someone learned that his son was Downs, they asked him, 'Would you have kept him if you had know before he was born?' He came to realise that everyone who asked that question, which was everyone who learned about his son, was a closet eugenicist.

Story gives a very good concise history of eugenics including that the economist J M Keynes was president of the British Eugenics society and was one of the key members who built the UN as we know it. An interesting and important interview, that asks us to look inside ourselves deeply with the question: do I believe in evolution as a process improvement, and if I do, do I secretly believe that humans can help with the evolutionary process?


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Evolution is a lie. I was told the lie in my government school, in books and magazines and TV programs and movies aimed at children. In text books at my government schools. It is assumed by this ungodly world that all will believe the theory is true. But then I became aware that the theory is a LIE and is used to promote much evil. So all those who tell the lie are promoters of evil, including our beloved school teachers who present the LIE to their students.

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Yes. It is a great rationalisation tool.

“Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom” ——Martin Luther, Works, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142

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This reads like a horror show as well as a script of young children playing house.

How can anyone in their right mind take anything with the terminology seriously?

Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR)? Gimme a break...

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