Bill Gates has urged the Trump administration to reconsider its stance on USAID, calling it "an unbelievable asset" and warning that cuts could risk "millions" of lives.
Bill Gates, it seems, his favourite line it will cost millions of lives. Yeh, those millions he will take because the last time I look that’s how he makes his money and he’s not a MD.
Absolutely horrific. It’s like he attended first day medical school. He showed the faculty his bank account, gave them some and was pronounced M.D. then he was supposed to get his bachelors in science and someone declared forget it, you are rich, we will just give you one of these. Then he was let go on the public, a delusional psychopath. He has murdered, crippled, vaccine aborted, vaccine infertility, over 30,000,000 and was ramping up another DiseaseX or bird flu because the the COVID Project went so well. Like in Hitlers some the masses just let him go where he wants, do what he wants, kill who he wants, torture the benevolent, gentle beasts, cows, joins forces with Fauci and have the eyes eaten out of Beagle Puppies with their larynx’s cut out. Someone tell me, what punishment is commensurate? Take all his money and distribute it to all his victims. Ratio a serial number on his forehead, make him eat bugs, put him in a 5 minute house, surveil him 24/7, inject him literally with every vaccine known to man in the name of science. Broadcast his sorry ass 24/7. Any ideas???
USAID had a noble and idealistic beginning with support for developing countries, their agriculture and food systems. International students, many of whom were government employees, enhanced their roles through graduate work in U.S. universities, returning home to leadership positions. However, today USAID is a vivid example of the failure of public-private partnerships and agency mission fail: the agenda brought into the agency by the privateer Gates is undergirded by programs with massive profit margins and the ultimate disrespect for the needs and welfare of people, cultures, and the land that supports them. GMO seeds (not to mention “dumping” of US GMO crops the American public won’t buy) were alien to farmers who saved or bought seeds for annual crop production (see India’s farmer suicides); vaccines (and other drugs, including birth control) were trialed in other countries before being released to the American public with resulting fatalities, injuries, and female infertility (see Kenya) downplayed when recognized at all. The Big Pharma-Big Ag agenda of Gates through his Big Money influence funneled through USAID resulted in his unconscionable profits, leaving in its wake lives and land ravaged by alien policies that did not synch with the population or food systems of the nations receiving them. Sold as “progress” and “modernization” of agriculture and health, the various arms of the Gates Foundations have promulgated a one-size-fits-all approach (which we see within the U.S. as well) designed to enrich the foundation and stockholders. And be accountable to no one. The damage done is inestimable. And it represents the most callous, crass foreign policy this side of outright war.
Kill Gates the philanthropist. Lol His idea of philanthropy is killing all humans and profiting from it while using tax payer money to do so! Tax cattle pay for their own poison while Kill profits. Tells you years in advance about lowering populations through jabs, but sheep don’t listen. Then throws parties like event 201 to tell the sheep about his plandemic coming up to get those delicious life saving syringes into sheep’s bodies! And when the sheep stroke out, have a clot, are paralyzed etc they are baffled at what has happened even through Kill Gates told them his plan and said it was safe and effective! Your tin foil hat friend tried to warn you but you laughed and listened to Kill and his buddy Fauchi! They giggle when your kid has a heart condition or is paralyzed from the jab like someone I know. Special place in hell for this scumbag and his buddies. Hell must be empty because this POS walks free on earth! Oh and he’s not done yet! Coming after the food supply to starve you and sell some synthetic poison he’ll profit from! But the sheep stay silent again, get more boosters, and clap and cheer for their own destruction! 😎💯🔥
The Marxist Beast’s WHO enforces its “social science-based” eugenics vaccination policies upon the deluded digitally-marked (SS#) chattel that are held captive within the UN Global Village’s inescapable Socialistic Security System. Socially Secured chattel that are unvaccinated will be targeted with threats: No-Jab-No-Mall, No-Jab-No-Church, No-Jab-No-Job, etc, all in the name of “it's for your safety and the safety of others.”
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt) all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport, an airline ticket or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured UN Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
Bad billy has anything to do with it , burn it to the ground.
Good intentions ...
Probably many many of the organisations and systems snd products that are in daily use and daily action had a best of intentions beginning..
It’s not difficult for me to believe that.
So now as I look around the world I see that the western nations managers have become a cancerous growth attempting to destroy humans and replace them with drone like gmo humans.. !
The DJT team are about to challenge the Chemtrail demons.
And I read that since the funding has been cut derived from the American taxpayer the usual suspects have found another piggy bank to raid and they are now using private aircraft without designations so it’s more difficult to identify the flying criminals.
I read that the US military will be used!
And .. that must be the only way to stop this .. yet another ..
Attempt by the usual suspects to wreck life on this planet!
The item went on to say that the aircraft would be confiscated and all involved would I would guess be given a free ticket on Gitmo airlines awaiting military tribunals..!?
As for billy mengele gates
not wanting USAID funding to be stopped ..
How very sad for bill!
He might have to spend a bit of his own billions...
ill gotten gains??
ill gotten .. from illness?
illions of dollars he has....
The American taxpayers that have been mugged assaulted jailed poisoned invaded burnt out of house and home
Injected lied to propagandised sent to bogus wars ...etc etc
All funded by the America taxpayer without their knowledge of consent ..
Need Elon Musk's crew to go through state, county, and city budgets. Our county once again decided we must all be fluoridated, whereas Dr. Joseph Ladapo, our surgeon general, has warned that doing so is a bad idea. Probate courts are reprobate. Criminal courts have human trafficking too, for those profiting from prisons.
Something tells me any situation that appears like the new administration is even giving Gates the time of day is probably manafactured by the left to appear that way. The cabal is grasping at straws right now to hold onto any power that they thought they had. The underground tunnels all over the world are being exposed and with that, they'll be fully vulnerable for their imminent destruction. No false bravado supported by what's left of the corrupt media is going to save them.
Now Kill is making his rounds on the tell lie vision on the view and Fallon. Slap a purple sweater on the eugenics nerd to seem almost human. Tells the sheep in the audience most humans won’t be needed in the near future because of technology and AI. Meaning he wants you, your kids, and grandkids dead. But instead of the sheep getting angry they laugh and clap as usual for the very scumbag that tells them what the plan is. And they will do it by offering medicine to the sheep in the form of endless syringes!
They can't. The sheep got fluoridated which made them docile and stupid. Then they got vaxed which caused more brain damage and poor health. Then they were educated in a dumbed down school. The sheep just go ba, ba, ba.
Bill Gates, it seems, his favourite line it will cost millions of lives. Yeh, those millions he will take because the last time I look that’s how he makes his money and he’s not a MD.
No, not an MD. Just got a high school degree.
Absolutely horrific. It’s like he attended first day medical school. He showed the faculty his bank account, gave them some and was pronounced M.D. then he was supposed to get his bachelors in science and someone declared forget it, you are rich, we will just give you one of these. Then he was let go on the public, a delusional psychopath. He has murdered, crippled, vaccine aborted, vaccine infertility, over 30,000,000 and was ramping up another DiseaseX or bird flu because the the COVID Project went so well. Like in Hitlers some the masses just let him go where he wants, do what he wants, kill who he wants, torture the benevolent, gentle beasts, cows, joins forces with Fauci and have the eyes eaten out of Beagle Puppies with their larynx’s cut out. Someone tell me, what punishment is commensurate? Take all his money and distribute it to all his victims. Ratio a serial number on his forehead, make him eat bugs, put him in a 5 minute house, surveil him 24/7, inject him literally with every vaccine known to man in the name of science. Broadcast his sorry ass 24/7. Any ideas???
Nope, not a Medical Doctor but definitely a Manic Depressant!
If bad billy endorses anything it's best to burn it to the ground.
USAID had a noble and idealistic beginning with support for developing countries, their agriculture and food systems. International students, many of whom were government employees, enhanced their roles through graduate work in U.S. universities, returning home to leadership positions. However, today USAID is a vivid example of the failure of public-private partnerships and agency mission fail: the agenda brought into the agency by the privateer Gates is undergirded by programs with massive profit margins and the ultimate disrespect for the needs and welfare of people, cultures, and the land that supports them. GMO seeds (not to mention “dumping” of US GMO crops the American public won’t buy) were alien to farmers who saved or bought seeds for annual crop production (see India’s farmer suicides); vaccines (and other drugs, including birth control) were trialed in other countries before being released to the American public with resulting fatalities, injuries, and female infertility (see Kenya) downplayed when recognized at all. The Big Pharma-Big Ag agenda of Gates through his Big Money influence funneled through USAID resulted in his unconscionable profits, leaving in its wake lives and land ravaged by alien policies that did not synch with the population or food systems of the nations receiving them. Sold as “progress” and “modernization” of agriculture and health, the various arms of the Gates Foundations have promulgated a one-size-fits-all approach (which we see within the U.S. as well) designed to enrich the foundation and stockholders. And be accountable to no one. The damage done is inestimable. And it represents the most callous, crass foreign policy this side of outright war.
So he should be arrested for crimes against humanity and done away with!
Kill Gates the philanthropist. Lol His idea of philanthropy is killing all humans and profiting from it while using tax payer money to do so! Tax cattle pay for their own poison while Kill profits. Tells you years in advance about lowering populations through jabs, but sheep don’t listen. Then throws parties like event 201 to tell the sheep about his plandemic coming up to get those delicious life saving syringes into sheep’s bodies! And when the sheep stroke out, have a clot, are paralyzed etc they are baffled at what has happened even through Kill Gates told them his plan and said it was safe and effective! Your tin foil hat friend tried to warn you but you laughed and listened to Kill and his buddy Fauchi! They giggle when your kid has a heart condition or is paralyzed from the jab like someone I know. Special place in hell for this scumbag and his buddies. Hell must be empty because this POS walks free on earth! Oh and he’s not done yet! Coming after the food supply to starve you and sell some synthetic poison he’ll profit from! But the sheep stay silent again, get more boosters, and clap and cheer for their own destruction! 😎💯🔥
Kill Bill.
I see through their bs! People close to me injured by the Kill Gates poison! He’s a pathetic scumbag!
Pretty much sums it up. How is it he is allowed to continue operating? Time will tell if Trump is thick as thieves with Willy.
He is
The Marxist Beast’s WHO enforces its “social science-based” eugenics vaccination policies upon the deluded digitally-marked (SS#) chattel that are held captive within the UN Global Village’s inescapable Socialistic Security System. Socially Secured chattel that are unvaccinated will be targeted with threats: No-Jab-No-Mall, No-Jab-No-Church, No-Jab-No-Job, etc, all in the name of “it's for your safety and the safety of others.”
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt) all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport, an airline ticket or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured UN Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
That made me laugh ..
Bad billy has anything to do with it , burn it to the ground.
Good intentions ...
Probably many many of the organisations and systems snd products that are in daily use and daily action had a best of intentions beginning..
It’s not difficult for me to believe that.
So now as I look around the world I see that the western nations managers have become a cancerous growth attempting to destroy humans and replace them with drone like gmo humans.. !
The DJT team are about to challenge the Chemtrail demons.
And I read that since the funding has been cut derived from the American taxpayer the usual suspects have found another piggy bank to raid and they are now using private aircraft without designations so it’s more difficult to identify the flying criminals.
I read that the US military will be used!
And .. that must be the only way to stop this .. yet another ..
Attempt by the usual suspects to wreck life on this planet!
The item went on to say that the aircraft would be confiscated and all involved would I would guess be given a free ticket on Gitmo airlines awaiting military tribunals..!?
As for billy mengele gates
not wanting USAID funding to be stopped ..
How very sad for bill!
He might have to spend a bit of his own billions...
ill gotten gains??
ill gotten .. from illness?
illions of dollars he has....
The American taxpayers that have been mugged assaulted jailed poisoned invaded burnt out of house and home
Injected lied to propagandised sent to bogus wars ...etc etc
All funded by the America taxpayer without their knowledge of consent ..
Billy is upset and whinging...
Arrest this Murderer charge him with crimes against humanity and get rid of him permanently!
Is that a thinly veiled threat??
Thinly? 🙈
Bill Gates Hates Humanity
Why is that bedbugged face Gates still Breathing 😡👉💉⚰️
Need Elon Musk's crew to go through state, county, and city budgets. Our county once again decided we must all be fluoridated, whereas Dr. Joseph Ladapo, our surgeon general, has warned that doing so is a bad idea. Probate courts are reprobate. Criminal courts have human trafficking too, for those profiting from prisons.
The creep could not give a shit about lives
Get off the planet you creep
Pack him a non return journey to Mars.
Something tells me any situation that appears like the new administration is even giving Gates the time of day is probably manafactured by the left to appear that way. The cabal is grasping at straws right now to hold onto any power that they thought they had. The underground tunnels all over the world are being exposed and with that, they'll be fully vulnerable for their imminent destruction. No false bravado supported by what's left of the corrupt media is going to save them.
Now Kill is making his rounds on the tell lie vision on the view and Fallon. Slap a purple sweater on the eugenics nerd to seem almost human. Tells the sheep in the audience most humans won’t be needed in the near future because of technology and AI. Meaning he wants you, your kids, and grandkids dead. But instead of the sheep getting angry they laugh and clap as usual for the very scumbag that tells them what the plan is. And they will do it by offering medicine to the sheep in the form of endless syringes!
Laugh and clap like baby seals!! Disgusting, people need to grow some balls once and for all!!
They can't. The sheep got fluoridated which made them docile and stupid. Then they got vaxed which caused more brain damage and poor health. Then they were educated in a dumbed down school. The sheep just go ba, ba, ba.
Hey guys! Had some comments post coffee this morning! 😂.
Fuck those millions of lives in shithole countries where the people hate US. Fuck them all. Let them evolve at their own rate.
“warning that cuts could risk "millions" of lives.”
Gates really means,
Cuts could risk millions of lives not receiving their millions of dollars !!!