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Jan 27
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The j a bs were only one method of harm. Shedding, Geoengineering, fluoride, etc. (chemtrails affect the air you breath, the food you consume, the water you drink). Nobody escapes it unless you have the antidote. Look at your own live blood under a dark field microscope at 200x magnification. You’re likely to see hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self assembling nano tech and/or synthetic biology. Further examination of most everyday products contain that crap.

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Is this Trump warp speed sequel 🤔

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I feel duped by Trump!!! Putting RFK Jr on the stage to capture the votes of those of us who are completely against the MRNA technology is like a slap in the face now. Imo, anything else he does means nothing if he can’t stop the propagation of this harmful technology. My heart aches and I am pissed! In addition, his support of AI technology is in line with the development of 15 minute cities. Could it be that Trump is playing the good cop in the global NWO conspiracy??

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The betrayal worsens. Increasingly it looks like his support of MAHA was just about vote getting.

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It could indeed!

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The powers that be pick your president.

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Hs Trump been captured? Hmm...

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Bidet (sic!) was just another page of the humiliation of the US, which used to be the "indispensable nation" only as long as the globalists consolidated their power; these days, the country is a playground for mass control and mass extermination.

Trump is only one of the court jesters like Rand Paul. A few days ago, I compiled a Cabinet for him!


mRNA and all the other diversions are out there, because "vaccination" is legally available through the food supply and a number of other ways:


The only "fix" would be a new medical paradigm, which I proposed two and a half years ago, but here is the upgraded version:


mRNA is unlikely to be deployed, but once the victims are sequestered, nothing is impossible:


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Horrific 👿🤡 Let’s hope Trump back pedals on this insane agenda—has he willfully locked out the millions of harms and deaths (!?!?!) caused by and linked to these bioweapons — insanity. Will RFK Jr flip this or are they all in on this mad deal?

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For sure...it's the MADA program...Make America Dead Again as mRNA poisons can only provide the means for a painful death. They offer nothing else and never will.

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mRNA platform for delivery of Covid-19 "vaccine" was in the works for 5 years prior to Warp Speed by the DoD. Trump was fooled into thinking he was the master of it all, which gave DoD cover

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I don't think moderna, or any pharma company should be bankrolled for mrna. Or any drug or mrna based item.

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So how exactly are the 2 administrations different? Trump can lie & obfuscate just as Biden does/did. He said he really wanted to cut spending "to the bone". Nope, he gets an F on that. It's been a week & how many if the 400+ Federal agencies have been cancelled, abolished, buried? A big fat zero. Of course. He's doing minimal, very public, puny pathetic cuts while he's ramped up spending hugely for Stargate, AI, Gates' spiffy new killshot venture. Trump is no Milei. He's just another lying p.o.s.

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Stargate funding is private, not government. That being said, anything mRNA is diabolical and the wrong direction. If Trump and Kennedy don’t somehow head that off at the pass, I will admit I was duped. Vaccines are not the answer, to anything. Call your Congressmen and Senators.

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Don’t accept the current state. Calling congressman and senators has helped on a lot of issues recently, so no reason to sit on the sideline when your voice matters.

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Yea right. Trump is NWO. Finally people are seeing his true colors. Glad I didn't vote for him.

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Since you didn’t vote for him, I will just chalk it up to bias that you are sure he is NWO. I will support him until I have proof, in actions and/or deeds, that he is NWO.

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Lol yep you do what works for you

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Thanks for permission. I guess.

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Exactly. I often wonder how many American voters have taken the time to write their reps. I have found very few.

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What could go wrong, WARP SPEED 2.0. Create WARP SPEED Cancer with the 1st injected Bioweapon then spend 500 Billion more in 4 years to track & trace you & Inject you with the same "mRNA" Bioweapon that gave you the Turbo Cancer to begin with if it didn't already Kill you...🤔 Sounds like a great plan to reduce the 8billion people that the Guidestones mention...?

"Hegelian Dialectic"...

no Problemo,

no Reactionado,

nada SolutionCanary H5N1...? 🐦🐣🦆🕊

Matthew 7:15-16

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

Or Snakes...? 🤔

You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 🍇

"2025" year of the Snake...

Sept.11, 2001 year of the Snake...

Revelations 9:11, Angel of the Bottomless Pit "a Satanic Snake"...

Emergencies call 911 huhhh...

Genesis 3:14

So the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.

Sorry I don't remember what book in the Bible that God uncursed the "Snake", told you I'm no scholar... oh yeah he never did, did he...?


Aloha & God Bless, kyle

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Sneak things into the public domain through subliminal messages, example the name of the morning after pill RU486 meaning "Are You For 86" meaning getting rid of a human life, murdering a fetus/developing baby! Sad world we live in, run by satan! Time to get right with Jesus Christ and repent for our sins.

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Yes agree 💯% Medical Truth Podcast, Is that the ICD10 code for murdering a fetus for compensation? I pray their payment will be a millstone around their necks...! Yes we know who was given and allowed dominion in this Physical world but just for a time which must be nearing the end of his Evil reign but that which must take place.

Luke 4:6‭-‬7

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Aloha, God bless sending Love & Hugs to All, kyle

Yesterday was a gift..

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow never promised...

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets..

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A tree is known by its fruit.

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There is more than enough evidence to prove the Mrna technology is dangerous and deadly. The choice to take it or not is either mandated which is a violation of the Nuremburg Code or a choice one freely makes to accept or reject it. There were many forced to take it to enable their making a living but others who decided to get jabbed. These were influenced to take it as a criminal violation of their rights and these are those I feel bad about. Those who mandated it acted out of their power in over reach violations of the law and need to be punished.

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How do we know that the Wuhan lab-leak narrative is a "castle keep" cover story for the "MRI" bioweapon? Because the CIA confirms it as their theory for "most likely" origin.

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It’s dangerous to trust the c 👁️‍🗨️ a; it’s likely one of the most powerful tools the nefarious use against humanity.

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Because it doesn't matter. It's win/win regardless of what narrative. Either way the shots got given.😐

That's how a good con gets done.

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Been said, "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings."

Covid wasn't the last tune on the program. Unless they're stopped and we no longer have to hear the hoary churning of their "mighty Wurlitzer".

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WTF??? We voted in Trump BECAUSE of RFK. Now this? Guess who is going to lose his base soon.

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