The j a bs were only one method of harm. Shedding, Geoengineering, fluoride, etc. (chemtrails affect the air you breath, the food you consume, the water you drink). Nobody escapes it unless you have the antidote. Look at your own live blood under a dark field microscope at 200x magnification. You’re likely to see hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self assembling nano tech and/or synthetic biology. Further examination of most everyday products contain that crap.
The j a bs were only one method of harm. Shedding, Geoengineering, fluoride, etc. (chemtrails affect the air you breath, the food you consume, the water you drink). Nobody escapes it unless you have the antidote. Look at your own live blood under a dark field microscope at 200x magnification. You’re likely to see hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self assembling nano tech and/or synthetic biology. Further examination of most everyday products contain that crap.